• Member Since 21st Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Monday


Every Day is a Brand New Chapter in our Lives.


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*This story is an AU piece taking place after the events of "Dragon Quest"*

Spike always thought that Twilight and the other Elements of Harmony were the best friends he could ever ask for. However, after overhearing a usually kind pegasus's refusal to be near any dragons, Spike begins to realize he never really hangs out with Fluttershy like he does with the others.

After this realization among some other findings, Spike grows upset as he concludes that he and Fluttershy were never really friends to begin with - causing a noticeable rift between the two. Can things ever be mended between the dragon and the pony? And how does Fluttershy feel about this?

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 18 )

This was a beautiful read

The story could’ve used another round of editing, but I think this is one of the more unique takes on any of these characters I’ve seen in a long while. This is a very beautifully done story.

Good story here, pretty nice take on what could've happened during/after the events of *Dragon Quest* :moustache:

Sqqqwwweee~~ i Love it so much love:rainbowkiss:


Hey everybody! I finally figured out how to make horizontal line breaks, so I updated all chapters to make the scene transitions look much cleaner. Please let me know if you notice any other errors or suggestions. Thank you! :)

This was a good read. One I'll defiantly come back to.

Spike, your not a monster.

So now the truth comes out.

A monster. Spike was a monster.

Oh spike come on buddy you're not

Oh dang that is pretty sad to be honest with you I mean I did see he always hang out with some of the main six but I guess looking back at the episodes Fluttershy never really hang out with him like one and one and that kind of hurt I'm sure she never wanted to hurt you but I guess some words really hurt you so much I wonder how they're going to work this out

"What have I done?! I was always worried about being too close to him, but I ended up being too distant. I thought I was being a good friend, but... I'm the real monster!" .

Ohh again that really hurts so much

Sigh figures that's going to happen apparently Spike really didn't trust Fluttershy too much ever since what she said the other day and he tried to keep his emotions intact but it gets worse and it looks like the truth is finally came out and both of them are really hurts but Fluttershy felt even worse knowing that's how spike felt about her oh boy

Aww that was really sweet and everything I really do like how Fluttershy really was sincere about this whole situation yes she was something even though she never meant to say but it was there but no matter what she will always be Spike's friend and no matter who you are this was a pretty nice chapter

Well this was a pretty nice story and teaching everybody about communication with each other this was pretty good keep up the good work

un interesante inicio... pobre spike, se dio cuenta que el solo es una herramienta para sus "supuesta" amiga...
an interesting beginning... poor spike, he realized that he is just a tool for his "supposed" friend

y el pobre dragón exploto... y como de costumbre, sus "amigas" se dieron cuenta un poco tarde...
and the poor dragon exploded... and as usual, her "friends" found out a little late...

lo perdió fácilmente su amistad con el pequeño dragón, pero lo recuperó rápido...
His friendship with the little dragon lost him easily, but he quickly regained it...

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