• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 minutes ago

Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


This story is a sequel to TCB: 'Not Just Ponies' Dragon Librarian

Princess Luna choose to accept an short little interview as the strange alien radiation known as 'magic' spreads across Earth forcing humans to undergo a species change to survive it, and Luna proceeds to just chat about this and that.

Pretty much the definition of option canon in every shape and form, such as it is. Don't like it, ignore it.

Part of the Not Just Ponies setting. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheConversionBureauNotJustPonies

Vector by istilllikegamecubes

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

Humm mentioning Hasbroverse Earth are we?

Heh, Discord tossing the Grogar idea? Good, though now maybe we have to worry about the real Grogar showing up.

I also like your older idea about Chrysalis going to Earth and using her poor 'Lings to run a brothel. Unless she's taken a small country over. If she's finally learned caution she could easily do so, and it could get very nasty.

I'll leave that up to whoever decides to write it decide. Either might be possible.

Personally I've always loved the idea of Chrysalis taking her fight with Celestia to unorthodox arenas. Instead of invading and conquering, dominate some aspect of society in a legal way, like in the Changeling Space Program stories.

One thing that bothers me though that I don't understand is why the Kitten from the pre ious story was forced to live as a pony when she coukd have been turned back. Seemed uncharacteristically dark for this series to me.


Personally I've always loved the idea of Chrysalis taking her fight with Celestia to unorthodox arenas. Instead of invading and conquering, dominate some aspect of society in a legal way, like in the Changeling Space Program stories.

That could make for fun stories, though it'd be pretty subtle for Chrysalis given her usual bull in a China shop mentality.

Double potion use in this TCB universe is incredibly risky, more likely to cause extreme disfigurement in the form of a half-finished transformation that is very costly and time consuming to fix, if it can be fixed at all. Nevermind the potential health issues. The kitten was lucky to get through her second transformation without physical damage (her parents weren't so lucky) and so the doctors decided not to risk the child's health by going for a third potion.

That's the thing, she had only just then had her first exposure to the potion, she was born a kitten by all accounts. It really doesn't maje sense to me that she woukd be forced ti live as a pony, at least for this universe. It seems too dark and at odds with the rest of the setting fir them to just apparently not care.

keroko #9 · Jul 1st, 2020 · · 5 ·

If so, then trying to go for a second potion would still be an incredibly dangerous move. The potion works safely once, but every attempt after that is a Russian Roulette where every chamber is filled with some degree of permanent consequence.

It's not so much a case of forcing her to live as a pony, but more a choice not to take a very real risk with her life to try the potion again.

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