• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


"A world without friendship is a lonely world indeed."


A famous crime boss once had this to say about mafia life: “This life of ours, this is a wonderful life. If you can get through life like this and get away with it, hey, that’s great. But it's very, very unpredictable. There’s so many ways you can screw it up.”

Back when I was a young assistant, I never thought I'd end up a mobster. But now that I am, I can't help but feel this quote describes my life to a t. I bet you're wondering what I'm talking about, and why this story's called Mr. Smokes instead of Spike. Well, it's a long story, but it all started on the day Rarity broke my heart...

Pre-read by EquestrianTwist

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 71 )

Looking forward to how this goes.



I'm actually watching Breaking Bad right now lol. I'm on "Crawlspace."

I am looking forward to see more of this.

What a hypocrite...

I had thought being a good friend was enough. That being kind, loyal, generous, honest, making her laugh, and believing in the magic of friendship was all I needed. But it wasn’t.

And so when Gabby asked me to be her boyfriend, I did the brave thing and rejected her.

Um yeah -- Gabby thought and felt exactly like you did with Rarity.

What he wants now is abundance eh... Remember what Smolder told you about Greed Induced Bigness.

The problem here is the obsession. If Spike would think for a moment all of those things are enough for the right person. Rarity wasn't the right person. But Gabby cared, Gabby was there and wanted something. Psychologists sometimes recommend rebound relationships with people you already know in case of infidelity, a terrible breakup, or a bad rejection.

Towards Spike.

Now listen to me Spike all you needed to do is let Gabby help you forget about Rarity. Rarity for all her generosity is still materialistic and vain, she just isn't so selfish as to hoard all the things for herself and has learned to share. You have evidence that not all females are like Rarity. Your problem Spike is that you hold Rarity in too high of a regard, you are a Dragon, you may not understand what I am going to say but there is a reason why your kind is in the flag of Wales! Christ get a Royal Suite some room service and a ton of water and get Gabby in there and let nature take its course!

You can have more than that!

Become Dragon Lord and be KING!

A king of Dragons is beyond any millionaire, songs will be sung about you! For the love of everything, no one remembers the aristocrats that associated with them, but everyone remembers King Arthur, Odysseus, and Charlemagne!

You don't need money! Your current deeds as it is can inspire followers and place you among legends!

Deep, this is your story and do what you want with it, I'm gonna keep an eye on this. Though there are two things I personally would love to see in this story sometime in the works:

1/ Spike has to run into Rarity again and really verbally go into her with how she rejected him; and

2/ Reconciliation with Gabby--She will hate his guts at first, but i could see her as Mr Smoke's future wife. Spike realizing how huge a fuck-up it was when he dumped her for Rarity would take a long way toward the two getting back together, but Spike needs to realize what he lost and needs to hold on to that like the most valuable fire ruby in a dragon's hoard.

Looks like a new person was born there is no more spike the number one assistant

Well doe here once again. But is it really a good idea to have Spike work with his enemy?

Did not see that coming

Interesting premise, I will be following this!

I just thought of this... isn't this just another angry pissy Spike? I mean once again Spike feels Rarity HAS to love him, that she SHOULD love him and how dare she not love him. I will run away and show her up. Rarity didn't disrespect him, she didn't call him name, she didn't do anything but turn him down. You don't see Gabby trying to get revenge on Spike for turning her down. She doesn't have feelings for him, he is the one who tried to make this into a big thing instead of talking to her about it in private. His embarrassment is his fault not hers. He honestly is just coming off as a girl hater who got rejected and now that girl is the bitch. It is a bad look for Spike.

Spike makes for a more dangerous villain than Chrysalis or Tirek.

Spike is kinda dumb. I mean I guess the better way to put it is that he is green. He is someone who is just getting a taste of having some power after feeling like he has been a punching bag his whole life and now he is wanting more. He wants to be big, he wants to fly close to the sun. But he is still.... well green lol. He has been at this what a few months a year at most. He thinks he knows it all, he thinks he can pump the CAPITAL with this shit and not draw unwanted attention. There is the royal guard, the night guard, the unicorn school, the princess, and many MANY other who could cause issue for the organization if this is found out. IF he was smart he wouldn't try to pollute the area that has the most heat there, but start out in the places more outside of the laws attention. Get those places hooked all at once so it is hard to track the root location and then have all of that cause it to naturally flood into the city. Sure starting in the major city will net more gain quickly but triple the amount of heat you will get on you. Spike is going to get people killed and it will be his own arrogance that makes it happen.

On the contrary, starting in the capital (perhaps by poisonning the water?) Is the smartest action he can take. If he attacks lower bastions first, the capital will knows that something is amiss and take precautions, you don't want that happening.

Getting all the authorities hooked to your drug all at once makes sure that those who enforce the law cannot do it anymore.

Heh to each its own. Because what you are saying is that this drug is SOOOOO powerful that once someone gets a taste of it once that is it, they are hooked for good with no way of coming down or never getting over it. And you think poisoning the whole capital is something that can easily be done where it can just do it and it will effect everyone seems a bit of a stretch. Which I think the biggest issue with this is... This is a world of magic. We have to take this into account. This isn't like this world where chemistry is the be all end all. Magic breaks those rules fully. So something like a drug magic would then come into play. I guess to me it is just the different of I just view the idea of some big plan to poison a whole population with a drug isn't 'crime lord' that is Batman Joker levels of camp and wackiness/evil. I mean he is literally going to poison child, infants, the elderly, and countless others because the girl he liked didn't want to date him.

Here's the other thing. Fancy Pants is 100% in Canterlot. Doing something like this in Canterlot is more likely to get in the way of Fancy Pants than it is to get Spike into trouble. When the heat starts rising, Fancy Pants is the one most likely to be rooted out. It would certainly make his operations far more at risk. Any of his dirty cops could squeal if push came to shove.


Soon (hopefully within a week). I'm actually considering publishing all the remaining chapters at once.



Publishing the next chapter right now. Expect a new chapter everyday.

Their world works far differently from ours if they don't have some "for royal use only" antidote.

And I fear for Fancypants. There are fates worse than death. Spike will find one for him.

Or maybe send him to Celestia via dragon fire with a placard saying "I killed Twilight Sparkle" tied around his neck.

Whoa. You actually went there.:rainbowderp:
This story is horrific, like watching a catastrophic train-wreck. It's horrible, but at the same time, I can't look away.


And it's not even halfway done chapter-wise haha.

Ooo this is getting Intresting i love how you made spike a quick thinker and used something to his advantage

Spike is clever, but where to go from here now?

This...is horrifying. Ow.

I assume Rarity knew Spike was the one responsible for everything because Fancypants told her?

Also, where is Discord in all this? I mean, Spike is kind of stealing his gig as the Lord of Chaos.

Bring in the phantom thievies!

Why make a movie if you can relax and watch someone else's?

The new ruler of Equestria grabbed their mask and took it off. When everypony saw who it was, they froze, replacing the commotion with dead silence. “You shall now address me as Emperor Spike .”

What a legend.

I like him more as a behind the scenes crime Boss, but okay. Here we go.

Now I feel you're pulling shit out of your ass now with the sugar cubes being airborne, and it conveniently being placed within the mansion without equipment pumping it in.

Comment posted by Orchid77th deleted Feb 28th, 2021

very interesting

Didn't act fast enough Spike. If you were going to lock them away in a gilded cage, you shouldn't have given them that day to decide.

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