• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 2,302 Views, 192 Comments

The Light of a Candle - Scarheart

A little girl wants her father to be happy. In the land of Equestria, anything is possible, even for a grouch.

  • ...



Father was happy. He was smiling. That smile of his was not disappearing. There were old friends and they were enjoying his company. They had taken a trip to a restaurant near the edge of the disk. It offered a spectacular view. June did not know the name of the place, other than it was on the fancy side. She would not have cared if lunch was going to be had at a street vendor. The girl was happy for her father, so very glad to see him wear something other than a frown.

He had given her a reassuring squeeze of her shoulder with his hand. June was happy with her clothes. Rarity wanted the girl to have variety and choice, and after mulling it over with Jakob, had presented several options for June to choose from. Father deferred to Rarity for the more formal ensembles. They would be delivered before the return trip home. The sly girl had other ideas swimming in her head. Not only did she see a couple of Father’s friends in Rarity Belle and Rainbow Dash, but June was seeing potential help in finding her hopeless lump of a father a lady to catch his heart. However, she knew he was aware of her antics and frowned upon her efforts. Then again, he frowned on everything. Or at least he wore a soft scowl.

Misty followed along, staying close to the girl. As Father was catching up with Rainbow and Rarity, the younger unicorn focused her attention on June. Misty was nice to June and the girl liked how helpful the mare was. Their personalities were very different; Misty was a reserved sort who did not talk much while June bubbled over with curiosity and was a chatterbox (which was either surprising or not surprising, considering her father and whom one asked). Talking about Canterlot and all the tourist hot spots seemed to be the only thing the unicorn could do. Beyond that, she was rather awkward and seemed uncomfortable.

The restaurant offered private outdoor seating. Rarity, considering the attention Jakob and June were garnering, requested this. The outdoor booth offered a spectacular view of the Equestrian countryside from halfway up the side of the Canterhorn. They were high enough that a few fluffy clouds were beneath them. Pegasi weather teams appeared to be manipulating a cloud or two, little colorful dots in the air darting about the large, white cotton ball clouds.

Having never seen pegasi doing pegasi things, June looked at Rainbow Dash after they had been seated and asked. Grinning, the rainbow maned mare was only too happy to talk about manipulating the weather.

“You see, Equestria needs weather teams to make sure the weather is balanced to get the most production out of farms so there’s enough food for everypony,” Rainbow began as she fitted Daring into a booster seat to her left. Rarity was helping fit Danger into another one to her mother’s right side. “You guys don’t have any pegasi in your neck of the woods, do you?”

“No,” June admitted, “just earth ponies. We’ve got a couple of survivalists that live out in the woods, but they don’t bother anyone. Cassandra keeps an eye on them in case they do something weird. I think they’re called...mustangs?” She scrunched her nose as she mentioned the word.

“Sounds about right,” Rainbow prompted. “We got a few weirdos out there that really don’t conform to society needs, but that’s okay. So long as they don’t hurt anypony, they can live however they want.” She was grinning at Jakob.

“Dashie, rude!” Rarity giggled behind a hoof. “Now, feel free to order whatever you like! Lunch is on me and don’t be shy! This is a time for friends to become reacquainted with one another and it would be a pity if we squabbled over the trifles of who is hoofing the bill!”

“Rarity, I—” Jakob began, but was shushed by a flinty-eyed marshmallow unicorn mare.

“I will end you if you push the matter, darling.”

Jakob wisely let it pass.

Rarity gave him a sweet smile, “Good boy. Now, there is plenty to choose from on the menu. There is a rather nice selection for omnivores and I do hear the steaks are divine. Mind you, I’ve never had one, nor do I have any interest, but please, indulge yourself, Jakob.”

“Meat?” Misty blinked owlishly at the menu. “Oh, my Celestia, they serve meat here!”

“Does that bother you?” Rainbow asked, interrupting her explanation of weather wrangling to June.

“Well, I, ah,” the mare stammered, “have never seen anypony eat meat.”

“Yeah, I’ll bet you haven’t,” leered the pegasus.

“Rainbow!” Rarity hissed, “foals present!”

“Chillax, Rares, just having fun with Misty.”

“Meat?” Danger asked, blinking at her mother.

“Yes, kiddo, meat,” Rainbow told her daughter sagely. “Let’s find something for you to eat, okay? I’ll bet you and Daring are hungry.” She skimmed over the menu, “Let’s see, how about...oh! Fried mozzarella sticks! You want mozzarella sticks, Danger? We’ll get you that and some fish sticks. They have those, too. You like fish sticks, don’t you?”

“Fish sticks!” Daring crowed with excitement.

“Mozzer jelly!” cried Danger.

“For someone so young, June,” Rarity spoke up, smiling at the excited foals, “you are very well-spoken and learned. I think that alone is a testament to your father’s dedication to your education. Homeschooled, if I remember correctly?”

“Father hired tutors,” June explained, glancing from her menu to Rarity. “They send me lessons and I fill them out and return them to be graded. What I can’t do with them, I go to the local school teacher, but I’m already way ahead of the lessons she is capable of.”

“She is very intelligent,” Jakob stated, “much like her mother. There are times I think I am speaking to Kaga when we speak. It is often unsettling. I want June to learn. She wants to learn. I think she will be soon old enough to be sent here for furthering her education. I can only do so much. My upbringing was… not as fortunate.”

“Is this what you want?” Rarity asked, tilting her head to one side. “Furthermore, is this something June wants? To be separated from each other, I mean?”

“It’s scary to think about,” June replied, then smiled at her father. “We do talk about it. I’ll be ten next year and I think... Father, was it spring of next year you wanted me to go?”

“After Winter Wrap-Up,” he answered with a grunt. “June is going to be tested for magic in a day or so. Depending on the results, it will narrow down the search.”

“June can do magic?” Rainbow Dash rasped with excitement. “That is so cool!”

“Maybe she can,” Jakob hummed, giving June a thoughtful look. “She is to be tested by one Starlight Glimmer.”

June noted Misty was paying attention to the conversation, but elected not to participate. She seemed too nervous. Leaning towards the mare, she whispered, “Are you okay?”

“Oh! I’m fine, really,” the mare whispered back. “I never knew I’d get to see two of Equestria’s heroes in the flesh, much less have lunch with them!”

“They’re just ponies,” June said with a shrug. “They’re friendly and I like them. It’ll be okay.” She gave the mare a smile and did something she had seen Father do. Reaching out with a hand, she booped Misty on the snout with her index finger. “I promise!”

“Glim-glam?” the pegasus made a contemplative face, “Yeah, she’s legit. Not as crazy as Twilight, that’s for sure.”

“Twilight is not like that anymore,” Rarity objected with a titter. “She has come a long way in dealing with her obsessive-compulsive disorder, in large part thanks to her friends.”

“Will I meet Twilight? Isn’t she one of the princesses?” June went back to her menu. There was a grilled cheese sandwich promising three different cheeses that appealed to her. It came with crinkle cut fried potatoes. “I’d like to meet her.”

“At some point, you will,” Jakob promised. He had already decided on a steak, medium rare. It had been too long since his last one. A fully loaded baked potato would go nicely with it, along with some fresh bread rolls.

The waiter came and took their orders. He was an older unicorn stallion sporting a small mustache and wearing formal attire for his position. His eyes lingered on the human pair, having been told who his customers were. The stallion was very polite and patient and seemed used to having patrons order meat. “Our guests come from all over the world,” he told an inquisitive June with pride, “it would be rude if we were to turn away a potential customer based on what foods they eat or how they look.” With that said, he went to put in their orders and fetch drinks.

“This is why I like coming here,” Rarity said. “The staff is friendly and knowledgeable of the needs of other species. They have a very stringent hiring process to ensure any who work here are not a racist or a speciest. The owner is a retired guard. Jakob, I think you might know him.”

“I do?” Jakob peered over his menu.

“You used his spear during the changeling invasion,” Rainbow told him. She looked over at Rarity, noting the pout. “What?”

“Sergeant First Class Tender Melon, retired,” Rarity said to the human while giving Rainbow a faux death glare. “Twenty years in the Royal Guard, then decided to open a restaurant here in Canterlot, calling it The Last Stand. I am surprised he is not here to greet you personally, Jakob. I understand he is very grateful for the second chance at life you gave him.”

“I remember him,” Jakob grunted thoughtfully. “Big stallion. Earth pony. Stood his ground and would not abandon his post.”

A deep voice interrupted, “You saved my life, my lord baron. Your waiter realized who you were and completely forgot what it was your table ordered. He was too excited.”

The group turned their attention to the entrance to their booth. There stood a large earth pony stallion with a yellow coat and two toned green mane and tail. He wore a white chef’s coat and a pair of glasses were perched on the tip of his muzzle. There was a bit of gray touching his chin and a welcoming smile washed over the party. Tender Melon still carried himself like a proud soldier and his uniform was pressed and clean.

Jakob stood, having been sitting on a short legged chair meant for minotaurs, and offered a fist. Tender Melon reached out a hoof and the pair bumped. “You seem to be doing well,” the human offered with a curt nod. “Call me Jakob. Titles bore me.”

“Been a dream of mine,” the stallion replied, maintaining his huge smile. “I’m just glad I was able to live long enough to see it come true. Thank you. Have you ordered your food yet?”

“We were about to, Mr. Melon,” Rarity spoke. “Just a couple of ponies at the table who haven’t decided yet.”

“Two foal meals of fish sticks and fried mozzarella sticks for my girls,” Rainbow announced, “and I’ll have the grilled tilapia with homemade mashed potatoes with extra butter and the steamed carrots. Apple juice for the girls, cider for me.” She grinned, her tail wagging in her seat.

“The large medium rare steak with a loaded baked potato,” Jakob said, giving Rainbow a sidelong glance. “I will also have a cider. June?”

“Oh! The same, please, Mr. Melon and thank you!”

Rarity cleared her throat, “No cider for you, young lady. You are far too young.”

There was a low growl. Jakob was staring at her, his face a neutral mask.

“Of course, her father has the final say.”

“A very small cider,” he allowed, using his thumb and forefinger to show how much. “For her first drink.”

“Really?” June blinked.

“There is no harm, and I am present.”

The girl squealed with glee, “Yes!” Her first drink!

“Ahem, well,” Rarity gave a wan smile, “I suppose there is no harm if there is proper supervision. Mr. Melon, I’ll have the garden salad with the dandelion petals and the light house dressing. Also, a glass of your honeysuckle wine, please. Miss Snowflake, do order anything you like, dear.” Her attention had fallen upon the quiet mare.

“I suppose I’ll have what you’re having, Miss Belle,” the mare replied. “Thank you.”

Tender Melon nodded, “I’ll get those going right away! Enjoy the view. Lunch should not take more than fifteen minutes! Until then, I’ll have your waitress bring you your drinks.” The retired guard-turned-restaurant owner trotted off.

The party chatted for several minutes, catching up on life over the past eight years. Rarity had a few suitors over time, but nothing serious. Nothing seemed to click for her when it came to finding the perfect romance, so she stayed busy with her love for fashion and spent her free time on her various charities for varying causes. Rainbow rolled her eyes as her friend regaled the hardships of finding a stable relationship these days. Good stallions, Rarity declared, were hard to find.

June could have sworn the unicorn was giving her father an odd look. No, must be my imagination. Father wouldn’t like Rarity. She’s nice, but...needy? Is that the word? The girl did not want to be ungrateful to the fashionista. She was very nice, very prim and proper. Rarity, however, did not strike June as the rough and tumble type. Father did a lot of work in the garden and would spend days out visiting ponies who lived far from Berryville. There were dozens of farms he would visit. Father took his duties seriously and would spend hours at his desk when not out and about. Then there was the occasional monster that would show up, frighten the locals, and Father would have to go out and ‘do something about it’.

Rarity couldn’t handle something like that, June was certain. She seemed too soft. The girl shook her head, suddenly feeling guilty of her thoughts. Father had always said to never judge the ponies by their appearances. They were pretty tough. June had seen it for herself how resilient ponies could be. The earth ponies back home worked hard, complained little, and helped each other out with smiles.

Still, maybe Rarity could help find Father a nice mare to settle down with. How hard could it be? Would it hurt to ask the marshmallow mare if she could help? What about Rainbow Dash? She seems like a good friend to Father. His mood had improved considerably since reacquainting with the pegasus.

It was the first time the girl had seen Father with someone he considered a friend. In this case, it was two someponies. Her thoughts constantly went to finding her father love. He deserved to be happy. Everything he did was either for her or the ponies living in his barony. Jakob did little for himself. June wanted to change that, and she intended to do something about it.

The drinks arrived. The waitress, an earth pony, carried a serving tray on her back. Upon it were the beverages which she doled out with a chipper smile. A very small glass of golden cider was placed in front of the girl. June stared at it, putting her thoughts aside for the moment. Picking up her glass, she sniffed at it. The drink smelled of apples and something else.

“Oh, wow! It smells really nice!” she proclaimed.

June waited until everyone had their drinks. All eyes had fallen upon her, with varying looks of amusement. Misty seemed a bit worried and the foals were oblivious to what was going on. Rainbow swapped her attention from between her twins to June.

“Go ahead,” Jakob prompted, “drink.”

Rarity cleared her throat, “A toast, first?”

“Yeah!” Rainbow cheered. “A toast for friends reunited!” She held up her glass firm in the grip of her hoof.

Jakob gave a shrug and a smile. “Why not?” he asked, raising his glass to Rainbow’s. It was joined by Rarity’s wine glass. June had to stand on her seat to reach with her glass, her tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth with the effort. Misty just raised hers briefly, not looking comfortable.

After sipping from her glass, Rarity noticed this, “Misty, are you all right, dear?”

A weak smile followed, “Oh, I’m...just not feeling well. I would like to use the filly’s room, if you don’t mind.”

“Would you like for me to go with you?” the fashionista asked with genuine concern.

“I’ll go with her,” June offered, standing up. “I have to go, anyways.”

“The food will be here soon,” Rainbow warned, “don’t be too long or there might not be anything for you when you get back!”

“You’re going to eat steak?” Jakob asked with mild surprise.

“I like meat.”

“Rainbow Dash! Foals present!”

“It’s okay, Rares. We’re all friends here.”

“Honestly, one would think motherhood would have curbed where your mind goes!”

“Nah, probably made it worse,” the rainbow maned pegasus replied with a shameless grin.

Jakob just chuckled and shook his head at the pair. “June, hurry back. Misty, you too.”

“This way, June,” Misty told the girl. “Stay close. Some ponies might get curious about you and I don’t know how many of the undercover guards made it into the restaurant.”

“Why so cautious?” Jakob asked, narrowing his eyes.

She shook her head, “It’s my first time as a chaperone for VIPs. I’m very nervous and I don’t want to do a bad job, sir.”

“Do not worry,” he stroked his short beard, “you are doing fine. Bring my daughter back.”

“Yeah, just relax,” Rainbow said to her. “We’re all friends here!”

“You’ve been a marvelous example of politeness, Misty,” Rarity assured the mare. “I can understand the nerves of a first big job, but you’re doing very well for yourself! Just keep doing what you are doing and it will get easier for you, I promise!”

Misty gave them a small smile. “Thanks. Come on, June, the restrooms are this way.”

June had taken care of her needs and was washing her hands at one of the sinks in the restroom. Pony toilets were a bit of a challenge to navigate, but she had managed and it had not been too awkward. Misty was waiting for her on a bench next to the door and seemed to be holding something in her hoof.

“Are you okay?” June asked as she dried off her hands with paper towels from a dispenser. “You seem really quiet for a pony. The ones I’ve known are pretty open and friendly. Is something wrong?”

Misty glanced up at her, ears flattening against her skull. “I have a sick brother. I worry about him a lot.”

“Sick?” June sat next to her. “What does he have?”

“Horn rot,” Misty told her with a shudder. “It’s a debilitating disease. He’s about your age. Very smart, too. He loves reading books and loves pestering me with questions.”

The girl made a face, “I’m so sorry to hear that. Is he going to be okay?”

“The treatment is expensive, but my family does have a benefactor who has offered to pay for my brother’s treatment. It will save his life.” Misty was rubbing the object in her grasp with both hooves.

“What’s that?” June asked, “A good luck charm?”

Misty shook her head. “Teleportation stone,” she replied, looking at the girl with sad eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“Everything.” Misty tapped the stone.

There was a flash of light, then darkness and a strong smell of mold, oil, and rust. June, disoriented, cried out and found her rump hitting a hard floor. “Misty!”

“I’m sorry!”

A snarling, deep voice rumbled, “Get the girl! Move it, boys, we’re on the clock! Thirty seconds! Get her to the ship! Move! Move!”

June was grabbed roughly, crying out again, this time in pain and surprise. Panic filled her thoughts, and she struggled, swinging wildly and kicking for all she was worth. Something struck the side of her face and she screamed.

“Shut up!”

She was struck again and began bawling.

“Don’t damage her, you idiot! If she dies, or is damaged, we don’t get paid!”

“She kicked me!”

“So, a child hurts you, you moron? Precious cargo! Buck up, shut up, and do what I’m paying you to do and nothing else!” The owner of the voice sounded annoyed more than anything. “Bind her arms and legs, muzzle that mouth of hers! She’s got a piercing voice. And be gentle about it! Hit her again and I’ll slit your throat, you idiot!”

It was too gloomy to see anything, but June could hear what was going on around her. She was bound and gagged. A cloth sack was put over her head, so she couldn’t even have the gloom to make out shapes. June tried to struggle, but there were too many, and they were all far stronger than her.

Through it all, the girl could hear Misty in the background, sobbing over and over, “I’m sorry!”

Author's Note:

This took longer than I had expected, mostly because of how I wanted to approach this chapter. Apologies for the delay, but now the adventure begins!

Edit: Apparently everyone ordered twice in this chapter...I hope I fixed it. Please let me know if it reads better or if you notice anything that feels off with the flow. Again, my apologies. I am tired and was not paying attention.