• Member Since 20th May, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Monday



A new life starts in a new world. Join Fox as he makes new friends and finds family when he's alone. After waking up to find the only family he had is gone and in a new world filled with magic and ponies. How will he make it through the times ahead. Many new thing will happen. Just to let y'all know only my OC if antro
And all chapters have been edited so I hope you guys and gals like it

Chapters (35)
Comments ( 108 )

This is beautiful. The only advice I have is to run it through a grammar checker like the one built into Word or Google Docs.

Love the story already. Keep the good work

Awe omg my heart its adorable. Keep going plz

Ok i knew he was going to adopt her i know i would

Hah a Durian. Smells like hell tastes like heaven. Legends has it that those who dislike them were not fit for heaven. ( JK I know some people just don't like it but man is it delicious and something that I would religiously promote)

“Remind me never to give her coffee.” I said to Rosy.

Me: *thinks about energy drinks and how she would react to them* i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/027/917/Screen_Shot_2018-12-20_at_12.59.02_PM.jpg

I'm killed by the fight scene. My long neglected inner chuuni was throbbing. I'm not sure if that's good.

I noticed all the stairs we were getting but paid no mind to them.

With a happy humming filly on my shoulders we got a lot of stairs from the city ponies.

Wow, Fox seems to really be going up in the world.

Love it! Also jackfruit is not spiky.

Now that you have put in Durian and jackfruit into the story it's time to complete the trifecta. I beseech thee add the cempedak into the mix. Its like a mix between Durian and jackfruit with a sickly sweet smell like jackfruit and creamy pulpy flesh like Durian.

"Magic Shampoo from a zebra."

Thought so. And shes had you all fooled for years.

Confusing but once I got it it was good

Read this... Please. I can't stand when stories are like this. I want to read it, but the grammar is so infuriating. God, it's just so infuriating. I want to read this because it seems like a good story but It so infuriating.

You have the right Idea. In fact, I did that before and it helped. I only have three steps to help this story.

Step one, read the link I left. If you don't want to read it all, please at the very least read the dialogue section.

Step two, get the Grammarly extension for whatever browsers your using (chrome, firefox, etc) and use it. It will unlined things while you write and you can go back to your chapters and with Grammarly, it will check the entire chapter.

Step three, do what Efadd said. Go into google docs copy and paste in to there and use the grammar checking tool. You can spam the correct tool, but I recommend reading the sentence before you decided to ignore or correct something.

Step four, the most annoying part of editing. Read the chapter before posting. I'd say to use the auto read function the fimfiction has to catch any run-on sentence. But I wouldn't recommend only doing that. Remembering step one, you need to read along as Gdoc's and Grammarly aren't going to check every quotation marks to see if the first letter is capitalized, nor do they check to see if the quotations are even written correctly.

Step five, sit down, take a deep breath, and relax in peace knowing you did all that work and you're finally done. Then despair when you realize that was only one chapter.

I know editing and proofreading are boring and agonizing making you feel like it was faster to create a chapter than to proof-read it, but everyone needs to do it.

Or you can get someone to proofread your story for you. Check out this link, trust me, you'll want to find a proofreader in one fo those groups or you can go the agonizing way of doing it your self, which is what I do.

Now I'm going to go back to reading the story.

Edit: Grammar is free, but the paid version is probably better that you wouldn't need google docs I would think. I have the free version so I don't know.

went face first in a patch of blue flowers.

“(gulp) blah. Oh that tasted nasty. I hope that was poisonous

. Wonder what's going to happen to Fox Lilly Poison Joke is no joke Good story interesting concept.

Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. They did not fall on blind eyes and currently in the process of editing. As of right now chapter 1 to 3 have been fixed and swapped out. I hope you enjoy the new chapters more. Again thank you and im sorry for my bad grammer skill and im working to improve them so my editor doesn't have to work as hard.:twilightoops:

“Fox there is much I must tell you. I told you yesterday that I would tell you about our family. I’ll start with what we are. We are an ancient race called Mystic Foxes. We protected the harmony of this world but there was one among us that was not content on just protecting this world but control it. He sought out a way to increase his power and found it. What he found was dark magic, a way to collect souls and magic from his own kind. We wore few in number but powerful in the natural magic of this world. In the middle of the night he said his plan in motion sucking out the souls and magic of all people of this village. I was able to stop him by taking the jewel before it was complete and sealing him in a crystal prison but it would not last forever. I had to find a way to hide the Jewel so he could not take it and use it’s power. It took most of my powers but I was able to take the jewel with me to another world, earth. I’m sorry Fox I thought I would have enough time to teach you everything about our people but time was not on my side. Two days ago I felt him break free and I knew he would find me. So I used the rest of my magic to leave this message for you and set up a spell around the house that if my life ended it would send you here. I hoped to keep you safe but I couldn’t. I’m so sorry Fox but if you're listening to this recording then I have died. I wish I could be there to help you but all I can do is give you the knowledge of this world and it’s magic in hopes that you learn and live a happy life. This world will be strange to you but it’s a nice world and though I might not be around you still have some family well sort of. They may not be foxes but they are my sister’s in my heart. You will meet them soon I hope. Please don’t mourn for me. Live a happy life, learn and make friends and find those you wish to keep close and protect. I love you so much my Fox Lilly. Goodbye.” Mom said as the light faded from the opal. I couldn’t move. Tears rolled off my cheeks. I didn’t want to believe it but I knew it was true. My mom was gone. 18 years and gone in a night. I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. I held the violin close to me as I cried. I stayed like this for what felt like hours. Finally the tears dried but it was still hard to process. I was alone in a world I didn’t know but felt like I belonged here.

You forgot the meaning of the word paragraph there.

So only got through the description so far so havent dug into the story yet but... one point of criticism (hopefully constructive) the spelling in the description:

hes - he's or he is
Woth - with
If - is
i - I

Just as this is the first interaction you have with the reader it may do to go back and make some corrections. Agian this is intended to be constructive.
(My own spelling/grammer isn't the greatest so trust me I get it)

Thank you everbody and I fixed stuff

"We timberwolvels do not hurt and eat prey like the ponies believe.

Just a small typo.

Story is realy good. Cant wait to see how this is going further.

I’m kind of sad now there’s not another chapter please continue making good stories

Ooh snap, a kidnapping. And the part with blueblood, and celestia's response to that, was hilarious! Hope fox can get rosy back.

I noticed quite a few spelling errors here and there. It's not horrendous but it is numerous. These are the few I've found.

The sus was just peeking over the trees when I was woken up by something wet slapping my face.


"Rosy did you forget. After school you can just take the door and be right there with us. Plus it's going to be a long train ride to Boltimare anyways so you won't be missing much." I said as I ruffled her mane.


"Whoa is that a timberwolf?" Applebloon asked.

This one is obvious just making sure you noticed

"Two tickets for Boltimare please." I said, the dark gray earth pony running the stand.

Again, Baltimare

"Alright back to what I was saying. Once we get to Boltimare we're taking a ship to Sheer lanca to investigate. It will take us about two day to making it there by ship and a week to figure out what's goin on." I said before I heard the train whistle.

And again

"Um excuse me sir but pets aren't aloud to roam freely in the train car and needs to be put in a pet carrier." The train usher said unsurely.


"Hmm I don't know. It's possible but the only one that would know for sure would be this Thorn or this S.W. and by how old this looks I say it would be the former. I'll start looking into possibilities later but for now I think it's time for a snack." I said as I closed the display and pulled out a few strawberry cream sandwiches and passed some to her.

Torch perhaps

"We will be arriving in Baltimore in five minutes. Please have all your luggage and family ready to exit the train. Thank you for riding the Equestrian Express." The announcement said.

One more for good measure

"Oh there was plenty in my world but I never left my home. Me and mom would either gather and grow food or mom would take the truck to a town that was a few hours but I never really wanted to leave until I came here." I said as we stepped off the train and marvelled at the tail skyscrapers sparkling in the afternoon sun. Ponies constantly on the move and every so often I could see griffins fly by.


"Sure thing. I got time for another run before my coffee break. Hope in pale at tell me where you need to get to." He said before tightening up his cart harness.

Hop in pal

"Well I can't turn down coffee that smells this good. Thanks pale ." He said before putting it in a bag on the cart and pulled away.


"What do you mean my room was booked. Me or my Aunts are the only ponies aloud to book it." He said slamming his hoof on the floor.

I'm beginning to see a pattern here

"In all honesty Celestia was the one how took the liberty of reserve the room not me but if it means so much to you then go ahead and take just take your pompous attitudes with you and leave this mare to her job." I said as I looked him in the eyes.

Add an it at the end of take

"Oh I'm sorry that was rude of me not to introduce myself. I am Sir Fox Lilly night of Equestria and king of the Everfree. It's nice to meet you." I said with a bow.


"Yes sir. Please sor right this way." Glory said as she walked out from behind the counter and led us to an elevator. Once the door closed she let out a heavy sigh.


(Huc, huc, belch.) Alya burped up some blur flames that turn into a scroll before sticking out her tongue and hiss at it.


"That's not just any stick that's sugar cane. Most sugar is processed from its joices and you can also chew it as a sweet treat." I said before Bramble jumped up and took mine and started to naw on it.


"I was wondering if there might be an open stop to set up my food cart." I asked with a smile.


"Once everything is browned we slid in on to the plate from the wok and top it off with chopped spring onions." I said as I chopped the onion straight onto the plate as I set them on the counter before a large amount of cheers sounded. I was so focused on cooking I never noticed a crowd had grown in front of the cart.


"Oh no was that the school Bell. I'm sorry to cut this meeting short Mr. Lilly .

small problem twillight never introduce Fox or told either Fluttershy or Rarity his name

Sorry guys thought I found all the mistakes. I'll reread it and fix what I find. Thanks guys for the comments...and I can't believe I miss spelled Baltimare so much:facehoof:

"Think so. The first time I met him he pushed Rosy down a set of stares and very rudely insulted my mom so I punched him in his muzzle...then wet himself." I said with a bit of anger just thinking about that.

Umm, I think you meant to put the word stairs here.

"Hold on I might be able to do that. Rost can you stay by Merrin for a sec?" I asked as pulled her off my head and saw Jax rolling up some access rope.

Somehow I think you meant Rosy instead of Rost here. There were some more spelling errors but I'm too lazy to go hunting them right now.

Otherwise, this was a nice bonding chapter.

"Mmmm Rosy can you move off my chest?" I asked when I started to wake up and felt a wait on my chest and stomach.


"Five more minutes." Shae said before snuggling up next to me. I opened my eyes and couldn't help but smile until I looked up and saw what the wait on my chest was.

She, weight

"Ones a letter from Tia and an order from there kitchen." I said as I set them to the side.

Their or the? Both works

"I'm pretty sure that won't happen. Just because you got your mark doesn't mean you can't help them find theres and protect them along the way." I said before brushing my teeth.


"Alright so today we sail out to sea in a few hours so we need to go pick up my cart and meet the captain at the docks and we'll take the cart door back home when it's time for the party." I said as I looked over my to-do list on my display and pulled a few creates from my bag.


"Alright first we joice the lime and orange." I said as I picked them up in my magic and cut them in half before squeezing them.


"Great. Now I'm my world there have been numerous researches down on dreams and the subconscious mind and one of the looked into lost or forgotten memories. Is it possible to bring out a memory in one's dream?" I asked with some hope.


"I think you lost me on that. We're out at sea miles away from land. How in tartaros do you plan to get back there?" He said with a raised brow.

Tartarus i assume

"I never finished this box because I did know what I wanted to do with it but now it's perfect for what I need. Now I just got some carving to do. Here bud you can have this sugar cane as a treat." I said to Bramble as I pulled a piece of cane out which he happily snached up. I chuckled as I put the box on the table and started carving. By the time I was done forty five minutes had passed but to me it was five hours .

Didnt. Wait, if 5 min is 1 hour then shouldn't that be nine hours

"Alright Bramble there's one more thing I need to do before this is completely done and for that we need to head into town." I said as I put the box in my bag before stretching out my back and realized a wait had been lifted.


Great chapter. Love the not so subtle nod of blooming romance with Merrion. Can't wait for the next chapter with them dealing with the mysterious ship pursuers

Im sorry everyone i thought i found everything and it would be 9 hours. My editor kinda...stopped so i have to reread it and try to fix it myself

Sweeeeeet! I love this series and I think it could be good as an animation as well. Can't wait for the next chapter!! UwU

The song wasn't available. Though from the thumbnail, it's Caravan Palace. I approve of your tastes.

Well dayum brudder. This story is getting more exciting by the chapter. Love how you are doing it so keep going!

Believe me, I know that feeling of 'getting into the zone' where the words and events flow like a river. More than once it's happened to me on Discord damn their '2000 character' limit.

Well I can give a few suggestions about the poison jokes. There are several ways you can go about. One of it is incorporating it into the main chapter if you feel that the particular jokes has any impact to the current plot. You can also make a side chapter if you want to write a joke and the premise being how the characters in Ponyville or Canterlot would react to it. These are filler chapters. However I would give a warning. Some people don't like it when a filler chapter is added to a story that puts its main focus on the plot. Maybe write as an intermission would work. That's all I can say for now.

... wasn't he supposed to go to Canterlot?

Sorry Mr. Popo but I'm turning my shop into a time chamber.

Someone needs to be reminded of the pecking order.

Don't do the permanent arm loss thing, or even the prosthetic replacement. They're both clichès.

Something that isn't used often is the regrown limb being ENTIRELY new. Fresh, sensitive skin with no blemishes, scars, sun-bleaching (because fur) or even the natural pigmentation that has to develop with age, leaving it look mismatched to the opposite limb for a time.

Hey man just sent my 1st story in for moderation if you ever wanna collab some day tell me my story is kinda like yours foxes are my favorite animal so I was kind of drawn to story anyway, but your stories great so far can't wait for the next chapter.

It seemed like the whole town was singing in a choir as the song began to slow and die off. Ponies slowly started to fall out until it was just me and Twilight. The glow from my mark faded as the song ended and then I snapped back to my senses and found Twilight with a huge smile.

Every main characters first concern besides survival.
Figure out how to stop the natural brainwashing/mind control magic of equestria.

Nice. Especially the ending of this chapter. I can only sum up this with one thing....

Why did you make your OC the only anthro character? I'm not complaining, mind you, it just seems weird to only have one anthro pony.

He's not an anthro pony. He's a kitsune, a shapeshifting human with fox features. Or more accurately a "Mystic Fox" as they are called in this fic. Hence the title.

What he said lol plus all of the other mystics are anthro as well like his mother and so on. Also the abyssians (problem spelt that wrong lol) are bipedal cats so yeah.

Dayum! Does this mean that twink is fox's grandmother or something? Cause it looks like it to me.

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