• Member Since 15th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


A guy who loves movies, comic books, video games, as well as stories with colorful talking ponies in them.


One night, Pinkie Pie stays up late to watch a couple of old horror movies. It should be fun, right? How can a black-and-white feature like "Night of the Changelings" be at all terrifying?

...Very, very terrifying, as a matter of fact. So much so, that the next day at school Pinkie is grappling with the aftermath of horrible nightmares, and the creeping fear that any of her classmates could be a slime-dripping alien bug monster in disguise. Now her friends have to find a way to calm her down, and hopefully do so *before* she goes completely off the deep end.

Shamelessly inspired by the SpongeBob episodes "Krab Borg" and "Fear of a Krabby Patty".

Rated T just for the sake of caution.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 60 )

Hi, S-C -- great job on your debut story! :twilightsmile:

Nice work on your characterization of Pinkie and her sisters, especially Maud -- you nailed her deadpan reaction perfectly. Plus Pinkie's reaction after that: it was exactly how Pinkie would respond. The nightmare scene is well-done, too, though it's almost a little too normal for Pinkie Pie's dreamscape -- there weren't enough streamers and strobe lights! Maybe you could work that in as a clue to Pinkie that these dreams aren't "normal" for her. Also, just a thought: if these are Changelings, it would have been even creepier if they'd unexpectedly started consuming Pinkie's laughter and happiness, rather than trying to eat her, with Pinkie wondering what the hay is going on, since that wasn't in the movie...

Side note: when you mentioned a movie from the 50's and 70's, I did immediately think of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" -- the 70's version is one of my favorite sci-fi/horror films, and I still think it's the best remake hands down. I wonder how Pinkie would react to the Aliens series... she'd likely go full-bore Ripley and create all kinds of havok -- that'd be fun to see!

Again, nice job! Looking forward to seeing what happens in the next chapter! :twilightsmile:

Pinkie blinked, surprised. “Yeah, I’m gonna watch both of them!” she answered, "Why?"

I will never get tired of Pinkie being able to tell what her sisters are really feeling and are trying to say. I also like that all the Pie Sisters have, not necessarily communication issues, but, something like that. Pinkie's bouncing around all the time, talking a mile a minute, Marble's cripplingly shy, Maud is more monotone than a Cyberman and Limestone's generally very aggressive.

“What if Sunset Shimmer’s really a bug monster?” Pinkie said to herself. She squeezed Gummy tighter as another thought occurred to her.

Pinkie, she's a horse. Though Twilight DOES know bug monsters, I don't think Ocellus would enjoy being called a bug monster. Or Thorax. Pharynx might find it funny though.

Maud blinked placidly. If she was surprised by the question in any way, it was impossible to tell.

I get the feeling she's LONG since gotten used to the utterly bizarre places her sister's mind goes to. She is the undisputed expert of "It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it".

Sunset Shimmer smiled fondly at her. “We just wanted to, Pinkie. What better way to say thanks to someone so sweet?” She licked her lips at that last word, but Pinkie didn’t notice, as she’d already dragged Twilight to the dance floor.

Aw, that's nice.

Pinkie’s friends all chuckled like she’d just said something very funny. Rainbow Dash shook her head fondly, before looking up at Pinkie with a sharp smile. “Oh, Pinkie… you’re the snack!”

Well, there's more than a few who think she's attractive, so, I suppose, yes.

“Aww, quit yer thrashin’ Pinkie Pie,” Applejack said, eerily chipper as she took the top off a jar of honey and began to pour its contents over the trapped girl, “You’re gonna be delicious!”

Oh THAT kind of snack. Nightmare, gotcha.

Limestone Pie looked at the time on her alarm clock, and growled, “I am going to murder her.”

You couldn't if you tried, her Plot Armor is as thick as that head of hair of hers.

Pinkie's nightmare was also strongly influenced by the Calvin and Hobbes Sunday comic where Calvin dreams his parents are aliens who want to make him into "Earth boy waffles". Hence the honey jar in my take. :rainbowlaugh:

No wonder it felt familiar.

Hehe. Great start bud!

I am settin' this on track to keep an eye out for more :raritywink:

Remarkably capturing :) keep up the good work!

I'll be damned, ya done wrote a story! Pretty good so far!

Thank you for the praise, and for the in-depth comment! :yay: I'm especially pleased you liked my writing for Maud, I've really grown fond of writing her in the short amount of time I've had to do scenes with her.
You make a good point about the nightmare scene - I suppose I got a bit lost in trying to avoid making it too scary or off-putting I forgot just who was having it. You also make an interesting point about the Changelings in the dream eating Pinkie's laughter or happiness, that would have a great twist; I'd just designed the ones in the movie off of real world horror monsters. XD

Glad to see you caught the Body Snatchers reference there! Fun fact, originally Pinkie's "Changeling" movie was gonna be based majorly on Alien - but then I remembered changelings replacing people and decided the Body-Snatchers idea worked even better. I might be slipping in some references to Ripley and her foes though in a subsequent chapter though, hehe...

Again, thanks for saying so! I hope to deliver reasonably soon on the next installment. :pinkiesmile:

I'm loving this so far. I like how it's inspired by SpongeBob but not blatantly copying the script word for word like soooo many other "inspired by this SpongeBob episode" stories I've seen on this site.

I had way too much fun writing Pinkie and her sisters in this chapter. I really love the various extremes among all their personalities and find that they practically write themselves when I set down to make a scene with them. Definitely one of my favorite parts of this chapter to make! XD

You couldn't if you tried, her Plot Armor is as thick as that head of hair of hers.

I kinda imagine that in the Pie house, Limestone ineffectually threatens to kill Pinkie, if not ALL the time, then a whole of it. The tsun part of tsundere with her and all.

No wonder it felt familiar.

If you gotta steal, might as well be from the best.

Thanks for the comment! :yay:

Why thank you! Yeah, I know that there's a number of these "redo X with Y characters" out there, and while the idea of it can be fun, it has to be done with a lot more than just copy-pasting Pinkie Pie into SpongeBob's role or whatever.

I'm really glad you're enjoying this so much right out the gate! And thanks for the fav too! :pinkiehappy:

I knew those were references to George Romero. Nice tribute to the Father of Zombies.:ajsmug:

Also, nice chapter!:pinkiesmile:

I'd say this is off to a fantastic start. Also, poor Pinkie...

Thank you!
And yes, I agree. Poor girl, she's in for a rough night.

Ponkers must sleeeeeeep. This is definitely not gonna be her day.

Oh, poor Pinkie. She doesn't deserve any of this. Though now I'm afraid of what'll happen when Sunset tells her about the changelings back in Equestria...


Best line in the whole episode. :rainbowlaugh:

Another, even more horrible thought came to her mind, and she sat bolt-upright in bed with a gasp of fright. “What if Maud’s a bug monster?” Pinkie Pie leapt out of bed and darted out into the hall, down to her big sister’s room, calling Maud’s name almost every step of the way.

Gary, if you were a robot, you would tell me, right?

Agreed. I do feel bad about putting her through such torment, even if I do kinda find stuff like the documentary scene hilarious. :twilightsheepish:

Ohh no. Sunset telling her about the real Changelings, that would be a real disaster. :rainbowlaugh:

Limestone Pie looked at the time on her alarm clock, and growled, “I am going to murder her.”

Theory: Limestone is Mr. Krabs.

You toned it down? Can you send the original to me so that I'll be creeped out like the time I read Cupcakes?

Not the Navy!

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

I never even wrote out the original idea! But heck, maybe I will, just for giggles, if you're *really* interested.

“Of course, there are many predatory species of insect. Some of them even use their prey as a tool to assist in reproduction. The tarantula hawk wasp, for example, is so named because it uses live tarantulas as both food and shelter for its larvae. Paralyzing the spider with its sting, the tarantula hawk then drags it back to its nest, where it deposits its egg; upon hatching, the larva burrows into the host, and carefully devours it from the inside out.”

Oh, that's creepy.

Creepy, most definitely. And also, true to life too. Link.

That teacher probably knows a lot about wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff.

A tiny voice is telling me, "This is a bad idea," but I can barely hear that little voice because and even louder little voice is saying, "Read the super creepy fic!"

Anyone who gets that reference is awesome.

Well as long as she doesn't tie up her friends and interrogate them by smashing their household appliances, it'll be fine.

Her eyes were wide and staring, reddened as though she had barely gotten any sleep. Her smile was also wide, clearly forced, not reaching her eyes. And her hair was a frankly spectacular mess of curls and tangles, more like a mass of pink razor wire than anything else.

... She didn't get any sleep.

“Whoopsie. Pretend I didn’t say anything, okay? Don’t want anyone to get—suspicious…”

Pinkie's mind goes to weird places when she's well rested, so when she's on 12 cups of coffee, no sleep and paranoia? Oh boy.

“Uhh, did *any* of that make sense to you?”

I feel the need to point out that it's PINKIE PIE.

Time Turner looked searchingly at her for a moment, clearly trying to think of the best way to phrase what he had to say. “…If you’d like to put your head down, that’s fine,” he told her gently. “Had a rough night, eh?”

I like you.

“These fascinating creatures are known as insects, and they have been around since before even the dinosaurs. They are some of the most varied species known to man. For every one of us, there are roughly two hundred million of them…”

Ah, so this is what we're doing.

Lyra Heartstrings frowned sympathetically as she noticed her classmate’s obvious distress. She leaned in slightly, whispering softly, “Everything okay, Pinkie?”

Not by any stretch of the imagination.

Bulk Biceps nearly burst into tears as the wasp was shown in the act of stinging a tarantula and dragging it away.

Wasps are evil.

“Oh, my tum-tum…” Pinkie clutched her midsection with a groan. “Why didn’t Maud tell me to eat something?!”

She did.

The party planner yipped in surprise, before her brain caught up with her ears. She shut her eyes, counted to three, and opened them, and gave a guilty smile to the person she now saw before her. “Ohhh. Hi Rarity!”

WOW you are sleep deprived.

“Sunset and I went shopping on Saturday, and well, she talked me into buying this,”

Sounds about right. Twilight Sparkle is not a pony/person with much of a sense of aesthetic.

“I could just eat you up right now!”

Uh... boy is that the wrong thing to say within earshot of Pinkie.

“Really, Pinkie Pie. What in the world has gotten into you this morning?”

Coffee and 1 donut.

This feels like a particularly mean-spirited Disney/Looney Toons cartoon. Like in vein of the one where Donald reads a scary book while listening to a horror podcast type thing. But in a good way.

:rainbowlaugh: Good reference.
Nah, don't worry. The only way I'd have someone's stuff get trashed would have been if it were to happen to someone *really* odious - like if this story had Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest interrogating Cinch or something. I have a dark sense of humor but I'm not a total sadist.


I like you.

I relish the chance to give teacher characters a chance to be reasonable authority figures. And really, like I'm gonna have the human counterpart of Time Turner / Dr. Whooves be a jerk.

Ah, so this is what we're doing.

Yeah. Not subtle at all, but hey, it can be funny if done right.

This feels like a particularly mean-spirited Disney/Looney Toons cartoon. Like in vein of the one where Donald reads a scary book while listening to a horror podcast type thing. But in a good way.

Well, that last bit is good at any rate. I have a rather dark sense of humor at times and I often worry about putting characters through *too* much hell. Glad to know I'm hitting the sweet spot between cruel and fun, I suppose.


Yeah. Not subtle at all, but hey, it can be funny if done right.

It's not subtle, no, but, it's Pinkie Pie's paranoia centered comedy. I feel like on the nose works better.

Being a fan of 50's horror and SF I love the films Pinkie chose. I guess Queen Chrysalis and her Changelings are a long-running series in the EqG world?

I really like how well you nailed the personalities of Pinkie, Maud, Limestone and Marble. You got them perfectly.

It'll be interesting to see where this story goes.

Thanks! I'm glad that you like it so far. I hope to do more with it real soon...

It seemed appropriate that the Changelings and Chrysalis would be horror-movie monsters in the EG world. I mean if Tirek is a video-game character, it kinda stands to reason (at least in my view) that some of the other more monstrous characters from Equestria might only exist in fictionalized form in a world where the ponies are humans. XD

I had a lot of fun writing the Pie sisters, so I'm really happy that you think I got their voices right here. Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

Congratulations on your first story!

This first chapter certainly packs a punch, especially with that nightmare scene. You write Pinkie very well - I can just imagine Andrea Libman screeching these lines:

“But I don’t WANNA be delicious!”

I'm eager to see how this all plays out.

Thank you! :yay:

I'm very proud of this first chapter, and I'm glad it works out well. (I actually had to tone down some bits of Pinkie's nightmare from what originally percolated in my thoughts for it - I wanted it to be genuinely upsetting and scary to Pinkie, but not *too* grotesque or disgusting either.) I'm unduly proud of those two lines you highlighted and I'm glad that they work well!

Thanks again! I hope to get more done this week, so hopefully it'll be worthwhile. And thanks for the fav too! :scootangel:

Glad to help. Looking 4ward 2 more. Love this.

if this doesn't establish that I have a very sick sense of humor, then I don't know what will.

You can say that again. At this point the story's gone past dark comedy and entered straight sadism territory. Downvoted and unfollowed.

Oh well. Can't win 'em all, that's my view of the matter. Frankly I'm just surprised to have found out that you were even following or reading this to begin with. My first ever downvote! I shall treasure it. XD

For what it's worth, I did mean it when I said I had plans to bring this to a happy ending. And for whatever else it's worth, my earliest draft of this story was one that *I* found too sadistic in humor, so I dialed it back. So yeah.


Frankly I'm just surprised to have found out that you were even following or reading this to begin with.

Until today I had thought you the voice of reason among EchoWing's readers, so when I had noticed you published something I thought it worth giving a chance. Clearly I was wrong.

For what it's worth, I did mean it when I said I had plans to bring this to a happy ending.

Pinkie's so far gone she's hallucinating everyone as changelings, the other girls are literally having to hunt her down, and she's about to attack and tie up Flash Sentry for being unfortunate enough to be in the room she chose to hide in. And given that the others don't even know where she is, and she's locked the door to the room, either the attack will succeed, or Flash will have to literally fight his way out. A happy ending is impossible at this point.

Ponkers, ya gotta get some sleep! And dang it Sunset, ya shouldn't have told her that

In al seriousness though, I enjoyed this! Glad to see it updated, can't wait to see more.

Thanks, and I agree, Sunset did make a mistake there. But well, we all do, and she was kinda put on the spot. Oh well. XD

Glad to hear that you like the update, at least. Like I said, two more chapters to go! :yay:


Until today I had thought you the voice of reason among EchoWing's readers

Jeez... all I did was write a story that was never meant to be taken at all seriously. Are you telling me that one incomplete story that doesn't land for you is seriously enough to, uh, wreck your opinion of me as a person? Because that's kind of the attitude I'm getting here.

A happy ending is impossible at this point.

I think you are underestimating, and I can't state this enough here, that this is not something at all meant to be taken seriously. It's a dumb dark comedy fic I trotted off for fun, based on some of my favorite episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants, retooled somewhat to fit in the context of Equestria Girls. Nothing more, nothing less.

I don't mind if you think that this isn't funny. That doesn't really bother me. What bothers me more is the sense I get that you think I'm a true sadist for writing this. This was just for fun. That is it. Again, I'm sorry that it didn't work for you. But I'd like to hope, at least, that you won't think I'm some kind of psychopath all over one story. :twilightoops:

When I picture Pinkie with bloodshot eyes, Secrets and Pies comes to mind.

The escalation in this chapter works very well. I'm eager to see how this is ultimately resolved.

I love that episode. :rainbowlaugh: One of my favorites of Season Seven, I'd say.

I'm glad that you thought it worked! And believe me, I hope to do my best to deliver a satisfactory conclusion.

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