• Member Since 17th Aug, 2014
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I write a variety of stories in different styles.My Patreon Page


This story is a sequel to Pandemic: Monsters We Make

Hi, I'm Jess, or you can call me Doctor Middleton (not a medical doctor, but a doctor of math and physics). When I was a newborn baby, I was changed from a human to a pony, which likely saved my life. When I was six years old, I was changed back to a human, which also likely saved my life. I'm nothing but grateful for both of those changes.

However, when they changed me back to human, it wasn't completely thorough, and now people stare at my ears, furry legs, and tail, and it's all they can talk about. They whisper behind my back about 'The Partial'. I'm literally one of the most intelligent people on the planet, but instead of talking about my accomplishments, they want to know things like do I eat hay, do I have a human period or a pony period, and if I'm attracted to ponies or humans. I could probably cure cancer, end world hunger, or invent light-speed travel, and they'd still be asking about my biology before anything else (no, I've done none of those things yet, but I have high hopes I'll accomplish something!).

So, yeah, here is my life as an anthropomorphic whatever. Where I can spend time detailing the effect of dark energy on gravitational forces, and people will still be more concerned that I ate oatmeal for breakfast instead of bacon.

Now, life is getting even more complicated, as I'm trying to balance dealing with dream gods, ancient alien civilizations, strange artifacts haunted dolls, and, worst of all, relationships.

Rated teen for mild language, discussion of child neglect, mention of narcotic use, and sexually suggestive language.

Part of the Pandemic Universe.

Tags: Profanity for cussing, sex for sexually suggestive content and situations but there are no sex scenes. Narcotics for smoking and alcohol.

Cover art by CrimsonRose97

Chapters (48)
Comments ( 96 )

ok this is a interesting start to what looks to be a good story.
i see a power struggle with the government and the alphabet soup branches and a dean the needs to understand just who Jessica is connected to and the reason she is there to teach.

I’ve got mixed feelings about Jess in MWM, but this seems like a great start so far.

What on Earth/Equestria happened all those years ago?!

And now we have Reapers coming in. Great.
Better get Commander Pinkie Pie...

Looking forward for more!

Glad to see a new story back in the 'canon' timeline! Plus personal growth for Jessica. Enjoying it so far,

Miss Blessing is such an interesting character, would be interesting to see more of her : )

But back to the main story, so far pretty interesting! Please keep it up : )

While she will mentioned going forward, this should be all that we actually see of her. Miss Blessing is relocating

D'aww, that was pretty cute.


Dont do that
I am not wanting to reveal myself right now
Also my ears are quite sensitive

Quiet the dog, main character with extra sensitive ears.

What order did you do the four main Stage quests in? (Rito, Zora, Goron, Gerudo)

I did Rito, Goron, Gerudo, then Zora, mainly because I have a strong dislike of water temples and wanted to put it off till last. (If I had known about the fifth sage earlier I would have even done that before going to Zora.)

Oh Jessica
You dont need to worry about the Devourers
They will come when they come
Stories will end when they are ready to end (usually)

Josie smiled.."You've heard that Sunset Blessing had a temporary transformation spell, right? In the depths of her vaults is a necklace, and whoever wears the necklace will be impacted by the spell. I've seen the necklace in action; it works. Get the necklace."


awesome chapter.

and yes i know Carmen Sandiego rather well as i have watched it a few times grin.

Thanks for another great chapter : ) this story is going to interesting places.

Her eyes widened. "Dusk! Don't say things like that. There's nothing wrong with being human. No species is superior to another."

Because humanity has Imagination's grace and ponies have friendship magic
So we are on the same (or maybe slightly stronger) level!

"Wish I was a pony. Humans suck," Dusk muttered.

Also dusk
I know someone In a alternative timeline who feels Your pain
Shimmerist Ari

well crap the war is getting close now.

awesome chapter.

"If you try to get along with everyone, you'll get trampled by everyone, filly," Freedom sneered.

Eh not really
See my people!

Andrea slowly shook her head. "Sunset will be disappointed when she hears that I will remain an unbeliever."

I heard word she really doesn't care much

"They didn't, but it survived the Devourers, the Big Bang, and presumably the Big Crunch. If studying anything can give us clues on how to survive a Devourer assault, it can," the Administrator replied. "You don't seem excited by this. You're a scientist. You should be as excited as we are at this discovery if we finally found it."

This reminds me of the Eye Of The Universe from OuterWilds
As it existed before the big bang

i am really hopping this nurse loses her license over this.

so unset left clues, wonder who will try and fail to brake them?

awesome chapter.

That was a tough one... Much feels : )

Thanks for another great chapter! It's a pleasure to read this story.

silent rage
Can someone Excuse me for a second i got a nurse to go transform against their will

Ayy, Oasis ponies : ) Great chapter!

Tyler stood up and waved Scarlet over. “The data is showing incredibly high amounts of Thaumic Energy. We’re talking off the charts. Bigger than anything we’ve ever seen before.”

Its giving me eye of the universe vibes
Something that was before all existence

Scarlet’s head snapped to the side, noticing the strange ethereal form of The Marshmallow , who was floating in space with an enormously large grin on her face.

probably to read that story some more

I love how Robbie calls Jessie out on her stuff. Great big brother moments demonstrating how her actions would affect Mark. He as an expeirnced parat can speak to that.

I also love that Jessie and Robbie have the kind if relation that he can show her the hard truth and she maybe annoyed by it, but pays attention to it.

Jessie has become my favorite in this universe, and really getting into her story. Kudos!

Just got caught up. Excellent as always. :twilightsmile:

Always enjoy seeing these chapters when they come out. Congrats on new job!

things seam to be moving along with this huge world ending problem.

"How many terms for sex do you know?" Jessica asked.

Well then
That's a LOT

Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen

Thats a quote i love

"Wait- it was a type G star ten billion years ago. What are the chances this star even still exists in that state?" Adam asked in confusion. "And if this thing was orbiting that close, it seems there is no chance it could have survived the expansion and collapse. Even if there was still a type G star there, unlikely as that is, that's closer to its star than Mercury is to the sun. The temperatures would be extreme. How are you supposed to visit this thing?"

Oh wait till you see that one WASP planet that is so close ITS BEING DRAGGED INTO ITS STAR!

I am not one to allow this veil to last
The dream wardens underestimate how humanity will fight to stop the devourers

Patches almost sound's like something from Fallout.

awesome chapter.

"Well, I thought about naming it the S'more, but I don't want to be a melted Marshmallow and didn't want to give fate any ideas. Then I considered naming it The Voyager, but that had bad omens about getting trapped in the wrong galaxy. Then I considered The Magic Seeker, but you know what else is a magic seeker–Devourers, so that was all kinds of bad juju. I considered Sugar Star and Cotton Candy, but then I thought those would make me hungry. Then I thought about the Eternal Spring because that sounded nice, but then I realized that it rhymed with eternal dream, and I was not taking that chance. After that, I considered Millennium Enterprise, combining Millenium Falcon and Enterprise, but after I mentioned in passing that I might name something that, my best friend said I was poaching from her fanfiction and wanted financial compensation for that. The OMMR wouldn't approve the payout."

mine wasnt that bad!
i would rather see those dreamwardens see their mistakes

Dammit, just realized i missed the voting window.

ShippyMcShipFace will live on in my dreams atleast

Maybe if they ever need to make another one.

I don't care if the ship dies 3 seconds later

That'd be even funnier lmao

The Millennium Enterprise, was mine Score for me !

"YOU SOLD ME BAD COPPER!" Rosetta yelled in English, adding to the general confusion.

Ea-Nasir? Is that you?

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