• Published 9th Apr 2020
  • 1,033 Views, 11 Comments

Maybe Someday - CousinBraeburn00

Twilight meets Sunset Shimmer, and is thrown head first into the wildest ride of her young life.

  • ...

Chapter 2

The next several days passed slowly and uneventfully for Twilight. Sure, she was able to breeze through the biology exam, and receive top grade on her history essay (10, 812 words, thank you very much), but her mind had been elsewhere during it all.

Was it true what Rarity had said about Sunset? Twilight, though she wouldn’t call herself a perfect judge of character, hadn’t sensed even a hint of deception from the redhead. In fact, all of her actions had seemed genuine. Dealing with Flash, the escape from the police, lending over her jacket.

Her jacket.

Twilight allowed herself a small smile. She had been surprised, after stepping out of Rarity’s car that night, to find herself still wearing Sunset’s citrusy jacket. Her fashionista friend had heartily suggested she throw it away, or better yet, burn it, but Twilight had fibbed and said maybe she’d give it to Shining Armor because, after all, it was a nice jacket. Rarity hadn’t commented on how the jacket was obviously too small for the man in question.

As the nerd collected her thoughts and looked up, the front lawn of Canterlot High came into focus. It was swarming with students mingling while waiting on first period to begin. Twilight, however, was not known for mingling. She was sure that even if she tried, she would be ignored, or, maybe worse, told to go away. It was a particularly common trend for her. Usually, she would make her way to the large equine statue in the middle of the lawn, whip out some homework to triple-check, and attempt to become as invisible as possible while she waited for any of her friends to show up.

Now, however, Twilight’s mind was preoccupied. She was at war with herself over Rarity’s words and Sunset’s contradictory actions. She knew she should believe her best friend without a shadow of a doubt, and felt guilty that she didn’t. Indeed, the redhead had her under her spell, just like the fashionista had said. But Twilight was just thrilled that she had been noticed - and spoken to - by a pretty girl for once. A freaking gorgeous girl. A girl that she could picture now, in fact. The smooth outline of a collarbone, a nice expanse of beautiful tan skin, that lovely bit of cleavage.

“Yo Sparkle, my eyes are up here.”

The nerd jumped back at the voice, startled, and cracked the crown of her head against the side of the statue. She slapped her hand to the injury, which only shot another wave of pain through her skull.

Son of a…! Now I’m hallucinating?!

Except she wasn’t.

Sunset Shimmer hurriedly leaned down and lifted her own hand to Twilight’s head, checking for any bleeding. When it came away clean, the redhead grinned at her in bewilderment.

“Holy shit, are you okay? Did I scare you?”

Twilight shoved her glasses back up her nose and looked up to Sunset.

“Uh, yeah, I’m fine. Y-you surprised me, yeah.”

“Not sure how,” Her smile turned teasing. “You were checking out my chest.”

“…I thought I was imagining that.” She mumbled.

Sunset laughed quietly and gently brought the other girl to her feet. She swayed momentarily but Sunset steadied her with a hand to her side. Twilight’s heart jumped dangerously at the proximity and the pain in her head seemed to quickly dissipate. Finally, with some effort, she was able to break the intense eye contact with Sunset and back away to a more respectable space.

“So, what… I mean, what are you doing here?”

Sunset wasted no time stepping forward to close the distance between them again. She angled her head towards Twilight, coming close enough that her warm breath played across the girl’s cheeks. Her eyes roamed slowly over Twilight’s face.

“I wanted to see you again.”

Twilight attempted to swallow but found that her mouth had become suddenly dry. Her mind seemed to have dried up, as well.

Sunset wanted to see her again. And she had found her on her own initiative.

It seemed that maybe the world wasn’t entirely out to get her, after all. All she could discern from her fluctuating emotions was astonishment and overwhelming embarrassment. What if someone was seeing this? Were people looking? She cast her eyes down and to the side to see that, yes, indeed, a number of people were looking curiously at the two.

This is too much attention for one morning.

Sunset backed away then, though not because she was bothered by anyone staring. She placed cool fingers to Twilight’s neck, feeling the pounding pulse there.

“You don’t have asthma, do you? Your breathing is really ragged, I wouldn’t want to throw you into an attack.”

Finally, the nerd was able to find her voice. “Oh, no, I’m fine. J-just nervous.”

She raised a hand to encircle Sunset’s own that was still at her neck. It was funny how comfortable she was with touching, and being touched by, this girl. She wasn’t particularly a touchy-feely type, but with Sunset she found it exhilarating.

Sunset grinned almost sheepishly and gave the girl’s hand a squeeze.

“Sometimes I have that effect on people.”

She turned then, attempting to pull Twilight along with her. “C’mon, let’s get out of here. What do you say?”

Twilight froze. Get out of here? As in, leave school grounds when class would be starting in a few minutes? As in, bail on her teachers? As in, dare she say it, play hooky?

“Uh.” She started lamely.

Sunset looked over her shoulder expectantly. She raised a brow, prompting Twilight to continue.

“I-I can’t. I have class starting, like, now. And my homework is due and I have a presentation today in English and I have to meet with the student council and I -“

“Whoa. Slow down there.” The redhead lifted her hands to silence the rambling. “What I’m hearing is that you’re afraid to skip a day of school. Am I wrong?”

“Well, I’m not sick, so I don’t have any excuse -“

“Okay, I’m not wrong.” Sunset interrupted with a small smile.

She reached for Twilight’s hands, who, instinctively, reached for Sunset’s. Tangling their fingers together and pulling the other girl to her, Sunset allowed herself a moment to take in the flushed face before her. Inwardly, she smirked; this was exactly what was expected. She had little doubt this next play would do the trick.

“Haven’t you ever been a little rebellious in your life?”

Sunset leaned in close enough that the two girls’ noses were touching. Her next words were considerably lower in volume.

“Won’t you do it,” She brushed her lips over Twilight’s. Not a kiss, just the lightest of touches that hardly registered for herself, but that she felt pull a sharp, shaky exhale from her target.

“For me?”

Her turquoise eyes snapped up to bore into shining violet ones.

She had her.

“Yes.” Twilight breathed.


Rarity was hurriedly making her way across the school lawn to the statue, the usual meeting spot among her friends. She was looking down at her phone, finishing up her morning post for her blog. When she had finished and finally looked up, she found herself not far from the statue, but immediately did a double-take and stumbled to a halt at the sight before her.

Sunset Shimmer pulling away from Twilight Sparkle with a satisfied smirk crossing her lips.

Rarity blinked; once from shock, again from disbelief. Had there been a kiss between these two that she had not quite seen? More urgently, was Twilight an idiot?

Rarity mentally smacked herself for thinking that way about her friend. Perhaps she was just reading the whole thing wrong.

She watched them, as the two made their way off of campus, hand in hand. Worry caused her brow to furrow, and she resisted biting her lip so as not to smudge her lipstick. She couldn’t stop Twilight, as it wasn’t her decision to make. She could only hope that her friend could see that she was being played for a fool before she found herself in too deep.


A little chorus of cheers went up as Sunset and Twilight entered the backyard of one Flash Sentry. Twilight clung awkwardly to the redhead’s arm as she took in the scene. Flash was sprawled out in a huge pink inner tube, floating lazily along in the sparkling water of the pool encompassing the majority of the yard space. Three strangers sat together on the pool steps at the shallow end, passing around a blown glass pipe resembling a unicorn. Yes, despite being - what Twilight herself considered - a master when it came to the fine art of being a nerdy goody-two-shoes, she could recognize a pipe. She had an older brother who enjoyed experimenting, after all. She also noted a number of empty beer cans strewn along the grass and even floating next to Flash in the water.

She hadn’t been particularly thrilled to learn this was the place Sunset had wanted to bring her to. Twilight was still sore towards Flash.

“Sunset! We missed you!” The blue-haired boy yelled.

“I just saw you a few hours ago. How messed up are you? It’s ten a.m.” Sunset drawled.

“Is it…? I guess we lost track of time.”

Then, doing a double-take, as if noticing Twilight’s presence for the first time, Flash lifted his sunglasses to the top of his head and raised a brow.

“Oh, who is this lovely specimen? C’mere baby, have a seat.” He patted his lap, alarmingly close to his crotch.

The nerd sputtered and attempted to hide herself further behind Sunset. Did this idiot really have the audacity…?

“Fuck off, Sentry. You’ve already assaulted her once.”

At her words, he drew his head back and scowled in confusion. A faraway look came over him, as he began to search his brain for any such memory. Slowly, that look turned more and more horrified, until he looked again at Twilight and bowed his head.

“I am so fucking sorry. That was really stupid of me. Shit, I’m embarrassed. You can like, slap me or punch me or something if you want.”

“Please do.” Sunset said under her breath.

That caused Twilight to giggle lightly and slightly relax her shoulders, though she stayed tucked behind Sunset’s arm. Flash smiled in as friendly a manner as possible, but his embarrassment still shone through.

“So… what brings you to my lovely abode?”

“Not you.” Sunset answered.

Flash scoffed and rolled his eyes. Sunset, grinning unapolegetically at her blue-haired friend, tugged Twilight along by the hand to the farther corner of the pool and promptly started kicking off her boots. She sat down, leaned back easily on her elbows, and plopped her feet into the water. When the redhead saw that Twilight was still standing awkwardly off to the side, Sunset raised an eyebrow at her teasingly.

“C’mon, sit with me. Put your feet in. Let’s get pruny toes together.”

“My toes are super pruny!” Flash said.

“Dude, go away.” Sunset deadpanned.

Flash rolled his eyes again, drawing out the motion so that his eyelids fluttered. But he turned in his tube and paddled his hands clumsily through the water, making his way to the opposite end of the pool and his three other guests.

Twilight finally cracked a small smile and dropped down next to Sunset, slipping her shoes and socks off and setting them neatly to the side. She saw Sunset trying to hold back a smile.

“What?” The nerd asked almost defensively.

“Nothing. Your orderliness is cute, that’s all.”

Twilight felt a blush cross her cheeks. Her penchant for being neat and tidy had never been called cute before. It was annoying, according to her brother. She could name a few things about him that were equally bothersome.

Putting thoughts of her irritating yet doting brother aside, the nerd sat next to Sunset and dunked her own feet into the cool water. It was late August, the time of the year where the weather was a bit crispy in the mornings and evenings but almost hot by afternoon, so the water was just chill enough to make her feet tingle.

The two girls sat in silence for a time, swirling their feet through the water. Sunset’s head had dropped back and she closed her eyes against the sunshine. Twilight, her mouth suddenly dry, swallowed at the sight and tried not to stare, but she failed miserably. Her eyes dropped down to Sunset’s hand and she couldn’t help thinking it was just sitting there for the taking. She turned away though; she was too self-conscious to actually make a move.

A shout followed by a peal of snarky laughter rang out from Flash’s side of the pool. From the looks of it, a small argument was starting.

“There’s no way that’s true! No way!” Flash was saying.

“It is! I saw it on ClipClop!” A girl shouted back, indignant.

“Like that’s supposed to make it any more believable.”

Twilight tilted her head, studying the girl who had spoken. She looked very familiar, and it took the nerd awhile to realize where she knew her from. With a gasp of recognition, she turned again to Sunset.

“Is that Trixie Lulamoon?”

Sunset lifted her head to peer across the pool. She nodded.

“Yeah, that’s her. She’s a total idiot, but we hang out sometimes,” Sunset frowned then. “You know her?”

“She goes to CHS. I don’t really know her know her, but we’ve talked a couple of times. Figures she would be some delinquent who skips school.”

Twilight stopped then and looked at Sunset in embarrassment. The redhead simply raised an eyebrow.

“Not that - I mean - if somebody wants to skip school, then they should, I mean, personally I would never - you know, I’m not one who tells people -“


Sunset reached over to grab her hand with a smile, effectively shutting her up.

“Calm down. I’m not offended, if that’s what you’re getting at. In all honesty, I dropped out last year, so skipping doesn’t really apply to me.”

Twilight looked down.


Maybe Sunset really was bad news? Her whole life, her parents had drilled it into her that education was everything. High school dropouts were troubled people with no future and would only serve to bring down the people around them. Twilight wasn’t so sure she believed that. There wasn’t just a one-size-fits-all reason for dropping out of school. The nerd would choose to see the good qualities in everyone.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Can I… ask why?”

The redhead shrugged. “I don’t know. It wasn’t really my thing? I wasn’t doing good in any subject and I was just tired of trying. …Wow, that probably makes me sound like an idiot, huh?”

“No, no it doesn’t.”

Twilight grabbed for Sunset’s other hand and held it tight.

“Being bad at school doesn’t mean you’re an idiot, Sunset. I mean, Albert Einstein dropped out of high school at fifteen.”

Sunset looked down at Twilight’s hands holding hers for a long moment before glancing back up with a quirked eyebrow.

“Sure, but he went back not long after, right?”

Twilight’s cheeks flushed lightly, and Sunset’s grin only grew at the sight.

“Oh. Right.”

“I’m messing with you. Your sentiments are sweet.”

They looked at one another for a moment; Twilight unable to keep her eyes from continually dropping down to Sunset’s smiling lips. The redhead seemed to notice, for she rolled her tongue along her bottom lip in a drawn out movement, making the nerd blush furiously and immediately look away. She heard Sunset snicker softly.

“Hey, I have a cool party trick to show you. Wanna see?”

Twilight nodded, still too flustered to look Sunset in the face again. She felt as Sunset flipped her captive hand over and began to gently trace the lines of her palm with a finger.

“I’ll give you a quick palm reading.”

Twilight was immediately intrigued. From the corner of her eye, she watched as Sunset slowly followed each line carefully, sometimes allowing her fingers to linger before easily moving on to the next. The act felt extremely intimate, which only made the nerd’s heart beat erratically.

Twilight had never been for a palm reading, once again courtesy of her parents. They were adamant that such a thing led to trouble, along with tarot cards and Ouija boards. There was an interesting looking shop on the boardwalk by the beach, nestled in among a secondhand bookstore and a cafe that Starlight Glimmer loved, that offered palm readings and fortune telling. Rarity had once tried to drag her inside just for fun, but ultimately Twilight had chickened out, her mother’s warning voice at the back of her mind.

With a jolt, Twilight realized that some time had passed and Sunset was looking at her, head tilted and a lopsided smile on her lips. It took the nerd a moment to orient herself.

“Well, I have good news and bad news.” The redhead breathed, her eyebrows dipping.

Twilight nodded, urging her to go ahead.

“Bad news first.” She threaded her fingers with Twilight’s. “I can’t read palms.”

The nerd blinked stupidly. She dropped her eyes again to Sunset’s mouth, where she had pulled her lip between her teeth in order to bite back a wider smile.

“However,” Sunset leaned closer to whisper. “The good news is that I got to hold your hand for a few minutes.”

Twilight blinked again as a bashful smile began to overtake her own lips. Sunset grinned openly then, obviously proud of herself.

“You’ve been bamboozled, Sparkle.”

She lifted her shoulders and ducked her head, hoping Sunset didn’t see the blush she felt billowing across her cheeks. Bamboozled, indeed.

“Clever.” She muttered, making the redhead laugh.

And still, Sunset hadn’t released her hand, not that Twilight wanted her to.

“Do you use that trick on all the other girls?” Twilight asked before she could stop herself. She didn’t want Sunset to think she thought her to be some kind of player.

Don’t be jealous.

But Sunset wasn’t perturbed. She raised an eyebrow and eyed the nerd up and down slowly, running her tongue along her teeth before answering lowly.

“What other girls?”

Twilight sputtered out a nervous giggle, which only served to further embolden the redhead. She tugged Twilight closer by their entwined hands, til their sides were flush and their feet were brushing in the water.

“You’re adorable.” She said quietly.

Twilight watched as it was Sunset’s turn to drop her eyes to her lips. Her heart stuttered nervously when she realized just how close their faces were. All she need do was lift her chin an inch and she could be kissing the beautiful girl before her. If that briefest of touches earlier was anything to go by, she knew Sunset’s lips were invitingly soft.

An outrageously loud splash pulled their attention, and Twilight breathed a quiet sigh of relief. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to lock lips with Sunset yet - not without utterly embarassing herself somehow.

Flash had been unceremoniously flipped out of his inner tube and was now flailing about in the water as the other three laughed way too hard for the situation. Twilight grinned as well; she figured they were high as kites, but she couldn’t begrudge them a good time. Besides, it was nice to see Flash get a little comeuppance.

“My hair! You assholes ruined my hair!” He yelled, throwing his soaking blue locks out of his eyes.

“Want to get out of here?” Sunset whispered in her ear, still alarmingly close.

Twilight shuddered as the redhead’s breath tickled her neck. She turned to meet her eyes.

“Where to?”

“Away from these losers.” She rolled her eyes, though with a note of humor. “Have anywhere in mind?”

Twilight shook her head, still mesmerized by Sunset. She blinked hard, trying to get a grip on herself. A part of her still wasn’t sure that all of this wasn’t just a dream.

“Well, skipping school isn’t really my thing, so I don’t know what to do.” She grimaced apologetically. “I don’t really know how to rebel.”

Sunset smiled wickedly, her nose crinkling, once again causing Twilight’s breath to catch.

“Then I’ve got plenty to show you.”


As it turned out, being rebellious included swiping Flash’s car keys and wallet from his discarded jeans while he was still verbally attacking his other guests for ruining his hair. It also included hitting the local Mexican food joint drive-thru and ordering an outrageous amount of food, which Sunset paid for using Flash’s credit card. When Twilight quietly voiced her unease over that, Sunset assured her the boy was insanely spoiled and got such a large allowance from his parents that he wouldn’t even notice a mere thirty dollars missing.

Twilight wasn’t sure if parking in an empty lot and sharing tacos while she and Sunset talked about whatever subject came to mind was also a part of being a rebel, but it was nice anyway. She got lost in the way that Sunset seemed to hang on her every word, despite her talking about the most mundane of topics. The redhead never rolled her eyes, or giggled inappropriately, or even lost interest, as Twilight found most people doing when she rambled on. She definitely tripped over her words more than once under Sunset’s heavy gaze.

Before she knew it, the day was all but gone. Twilight wondered if she had been under a trance or something similar - but then immediately trashed that thought; Rarity’s warning about Sunset putting people under a “spell” was just lodged in her subconscious. The fact of the matter was simply that she meshed with Sunset, maybe perfectly. The only other person Twilight had ever hit it off with right from the beginning was Rarity, though no romantic intentions were involved, and they were children at the time.

Sunset… she was no child. She was like something out of a dream. She was tall, and tan, and freaking hot. She made less than decent thoughts invade Twilight’s brain every time she flashed a charming smile. So yes, maybe Twilight was under a spell in a manner of speaking. But a much easier term would be infatuated.

As Sunset pulled the car up to the curb in front of the nerd’s house, Twilight was relieved to see her parent’s car missing from the driveway. Her thoughts had been so consumed with the redhead that she hadn’t stopped to think what her parents would say should they see Sunset.

Sunset was not exactly the sort of friend her parents would approve of.

That’s putting it lightly, Sparkle.


Sunset drew out the word as she lifted a hand to softly mess with the hair at Twilight’s temple.

“So…?” Twilight attempted to do the same, though she didn’t come off nearly as smooth.

“Am I allowed to see you again?”

“Wh-why wouldn’t you be?” The nerd bit her tongue. Even after a whole day’s worth of conversation and closeness, she still found herself stuttering nervously.

Sunset shrugged, trailing her eyes slowly over the bespectacled girl’s face. She swiped a tan thumb along the deep blush on her cheek and smiled smally.

“Thought you might be sick of me by now.”

Twilight watched, enraptured, as a tiny pout crossed the girl’s lips and her eyebrows dipped cutely.

“No way.” She whispered.

Sunset scooted closer, leaning over the center console a little to enter Twilight’s space. The nerd sucked in a shaky breath when Sunset’s hand slipped down the side of her neck.

“Okay, cool. I’m not sick of you either, just so you know.” She laughed.

I can’t imagine why not.

Sunset sobered then, staring deeply into the violet eyes before her. Twilight stared back, holding her breath in anticipation. The redhead frowned, just slightly, as she brushed Twilight’s long ponytail back over her shoulder.

“Are you feeling this?” She asked, voice low and rather husky.

Twilight blinked. “Feeling what?”

“Whatever is going on between us. Because whatever it is, it’s fucking intense.”

The nerd swallowed. She wholeheartedly agreed with that statement. But her voice seemed to have escaped her, so she just nodded her head lamely, still hopelessly lost in the girl in front of her.

Her gaze dropped - once again - to Sunset’s lips, the ends up which were gently curved up into an irresistible smile. Looking back at her eyes, she saw that Sunset was watching her expectantly, her eyes slightly narrowed.

Twilight wanted to kiss her, of course. She wanted to maybe even do more than that, and immediately blushed that such a notion would even come to her. But at the same time, she didn’t think it was a good idea. The logical, sensible part of her brain was telling her to back away, that things were moving too fast, that kissing Sunset now would be a terrible idea. The much less sensible and - dare she say it - horny part of her brain told her to get it while the getting is good. Kiss Sunset Shimmer with all her being and maybe even cop a feel.

Twilight snorted in embarassment. She would be mortified if Sunset knew what scenarios were playing out in her mind. But the redhead was still in front of her, now wearing a questioning look, no doubt wondering just what Twilight was thinking.

“Um, I better get inside.” She said softly, unable to bring much more volume to her voice.

Sunset’s expression changed, only slightly and only for a fraction of a second, to what Twilight believed was annoyance. But she thought perhaps it had been a trick of the light, because when Sunset pulled back to settle once again into her own seat, she looked unbothered.

“Okay. I won’t keep you anymore.”

Although Sunset’s tone was light, Twilight still felt a pang of guilt. She immediately leaned forward into Sunset’s space to place a kiss against her cheek.

“Let’s get together tomorrow. I mean, if you can, you know, if you’re not busy.” She giggled quietly. “Call me. O-or text me, whatever works for you.”

Sunset nodded, a wide, amused smile now on her lips. “I definitely will.”

Twilight once again found herself caught up in the redhead’s eyes. Sunset ducked her head, staring back hard, and it startled Twilight out of her fixation.

“Okay, awesome. Um, bye then.”

Sunset, still extremely amused, waggled her fingers in a wave. “Bye.”

The nerd reached for the door handle then without looking, and fumbled for a moment before she was eventually forced to tear her eyes away and watch what she was doing. She heard Sunset’s small snicker as she finally got the door opened and stepped out. She turned to toss her own wave back at Sunset, cringing a bit at her own awkwardness. The redhead merely winked before pulling away from the curb, leaving Twilight breathless as well as speechless.

As she made her way up the porch steps and in through the front door, Twilight began to breath easier, even though her nerves were still sky-rocketing. As soon as the door was closed, she had to lean against it in order to steady her heartbeat. It was worrisome, the things Sunset did to her.

“Hey! Where have you been?”

The nerd jumped in surprise and looked up to see Shining Armor standing across the way, staring at her through the kitchen’s cutout window. It was a humorous sight - at least to Twilight and her giddy, near delirious brain - the man standing with a pair of tongs raised in one hand and his eyebrows lifted high, framed by the window. Twilight looked away before she began laughing, because she feared such laughter now would be hysterical in nature.

“Um, student council meeting ran late.”

She didn’t lie. It was something she didn’t like to do, and she never did anything that even warranted needing to lie. But she didn’t want anyone finding out about her blowing off school or what she had been doing all day.

It should have been who you were doing all day.

Twilight gaped at her own lewd thoughts. She had been in a state ever since she watched the dirty dancing at the Apples’ party.

But her lie now didn’t matter, because from the skeptical scowl crossing Shining’s face, he didn’t believe her anyway.

“Okay.” He said doubtfully. “And is the person who dropped you off a fellow student council member?”

“Yes.” More lies.

“Okay.” Shining said again, just as doubtfully.

But then he smiled in a knowing manner, and Twilight hoped he kept his mouth shut about whatever ideas he had.

“Where are mom and dad?” She asked quickly in order to change the subject.

“It’s Tuesday.” Shining drawled, now watching her strangely.

Of course. Tuesday was their parent’s designated date night. It had been that way for years now, since Twilight was twelve and deemed old enough to stay home alone without someone to watch her. She vividly recalled Shining Armor never being appointed babysitting duties.

“Well, I made dinner if you’re hungry. You know, unless you and your student council friend already ate.”

Twilight ignored the man’s grin and attempt to draw information from her. “Knowing you, it’s probably corndogs.”

“Good guess!” He said brightly.

“It’s an easy guess, Shining. You make corndogs whenever you get the chance.”

Shining placed his free hand over his chest in mock offense, gasping with much flair.

“I love them, Twily. My soulmate is a corndog.”

The nerd rolled her eyes. If that were true, he would be calling Cadance a corndog. She smirked at the thought; Shining probably did call her corndog as a term of endearment. And Cadance probably loved it. She couldn’t help but wonder what terms of endearment Sunset might use for her. She felt her cheeks heat as she recalled the name “princess” used once or twice. Her father used to call her that as a child, but when it came from Sunset’s lips, she felt that the redhead meant it more as a title. Like she would grovel on her knees before Twilight.

Stop! God, I’m out of control.

Yes, she was in Sunset’s grasp hook, line, and freaking sinker. All thoughts of her promise to Rarity to be careful had flown out the window. She wasn’t sure how to be careful anymore. And truthfully, she didn’t really want to be.

Her phone buzzed then, and she felt ashamed at how quickly she was to look down at it.

[Sunset 6:31pm] Hey. I know it’s not tomorrow yet but I couldn’t wait to talk to you.

She barely resisted kicking her feet in glee.

Author's Note:

I'm back, bishes. And I want to immediately apologize for ClipClop. But that came barging into my head and I laughed til I cried. Also, Friendship is Witchcraft lives in my mind rent free.

Yeah Twilight. Not only did Rarity warn you but now Sunset has too. You've been bamboozled and you're STILL being bamboozled.

Is this fandom dead? Or this ship? I feel that way sometimes. Typical me, writing for a dead fandom. But if you're out there, thanks for reading!