• Published 11th Apr 2020
  • 3,826 Views, 677 Comments

A Band of Misfit Losers Hunt the Undead - Rune Soldier Dan

Ongoing adventures of college kids and public educators fighting horrors beyond human ken.

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The Menacing Assault of Their Greatest Foe Yet (gore, character deaths, false advertising)

The creature stood before Sunset – a freakish mix of scales and short brown hair, topped with a crooked horn. It drew near on cloven hooves, with a lion-like tail swishing in anticipation. It walked up to where she sat, no taller than her knee, and bumped her shin with its nose.

Sunset reached down and began scratching its ears. A small rumble within its chest signified approval, though the creature’s neutral frown did not change.

“Applejack?” Sunset stretched her legs out from the camp seat, toying with a freshly-picked apple in her free hand.


“Why didn’t you tell me there were Kirin living in your orchard?”

“Never really thought much about it,” Applejack said. One Kirin lounged across her lap, rumbling and frowning as she scratched its belly. “You run an orchard, you might get Kirin. That’s just how it is. They’re good at keeping down pests, you know.”

Sunset gave a contented sigh and reclined in her chair. Honestly, she didn’t much look forward to sleeping in a tent. The other girls were probably even less inclined, but no one quite had the heart to say ‘no’ when Applejack invited them to a campout.

So far, so good. Better than she expected. Hiking, swimming, and the novelty of cooking over an open fire.

And apparently, Kirin. A dozen-odd of them had descended on the campsite, diminutive and serious as they pressed the girls for attention. All utterly silent except for a tan-haired one jabbering nearly as excitedly as Twilight.

“…Oh-my-gosh this is so amazing! A chance to study living paranormal beings up close – raised your hoof, please.”

The grinning Kirin complied, and Twilight set-to with measurements and notes. “…And I’m so happy our leader let us come! Normally she’s ‘no, Autumn Blaze, we must remain secret,’ except she doesn’t say it like that because Kirin can’t speak and instead communicate telepathically. Except me, of course, I fell into the Stream of Speech way up in Canada and I was like ‘yay! I can translate now!’ But they were still ‘no, bad Autumn!’ Except we’ve been here long enough that she trusts the Apple family and…”

“…So fascinating! According to Princess Twilight’s book, they match the Kirin of Equestria in every detail except for their small size. This devastates my theory of the links between our worlds, and now I get to start from scratch all over again! This will be the best week ever! I get to sift through my old theories, contemplate the nature of the universe, experiment with…”

Perhaps jealous of its companions, the Kirin Sunset had been petting jumped onto her lap. She scratched at its tailbone and belly, earning more rumbles as it kneaded her jeans and settled to a comfortable perch.

The Kirin’s nose twitched and began sniffing her apple. Sunset shifted her hand down from the chair. “Nope. This is my dessert.”

A Kirin on the ground bit it out of her grasp and trotted away. Another bumped its nose against her leg. Sunset chuckled, awkwardly trying to scratch both her guests at once. “You doing okay, Wallflower?”

No answer came. Wallflower was sprawled on the ground and buried beneath a small pile of frowning, rumbling Kirin, with little visible save her grin.

Sunset looked to the side, briefly catching eyes with Adagio. The siren huffed and returned to her phone – the only thing she enjoyed about this trip was Applejack’s swimsuit.

Though Adagio’s lips quirked out at the contents of her own text. ‘You, me, dirty campout sex, tonight.’

She sent it, then groaned – Applejack had proudly switched off her phone that morning.

A Kirin nuzzled her leg. Adagio pushed it away with her foot. “Beat it.”

The Kirin walked right back and bumped her with its nose. Adagio pushed it away again. It sat down, sending its frowning gaze right at her.

“Too bad, so sad, I’m not into animals,” she said airily.

The Kirin continued to stare.

“I’m not petting you,” Adagio snapped. “I’ll get gristle under my nails and I’m already a mess.”

The Kirin pawed gently at the ground, never looking away.

Adagio rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Find someone else to manipulate. I’m immune.”

The Kirin yawned, flicked its ears, and resumed staring.

Undergrowth rustled as a final Kirin emerged into the campsite, this one the size of a full-grown horse. It approached Applejack with the same studious frown as the rest, and bowed its head.

“Good evening, Miz Rain Shine,” Applejack said, as easily as she would to any neighbor. “Just making a night of it with some friends, don’t mind us. I’ll be setting up the tent as soon as… you know…”

She gestured helplessly to the Kirin in her lap, who was now snoozing contentedly. The large Kirin watched it carefully for a second, with no hint of emotion before turning smoothly to Sunset.

It found her gaze, and she grinned weakly. Expression or no, there was age and wisdom in those eyes – deep red pools with the weight of a mother’s love. She was reminded of Celestia for no reason she could discern, and silently promised to give her a call before bedding down for the night.

Rain Shine walked over, and knocked the Kirin on Sunset’s lap to the ground with a sweep of her head. She then began turning around while giving her backside a little wiggle.

“Whoa, hey! No!” Sunset tried to wave her off. “You are too big for lap privileges.”

Rain Shine finished the turn, and slowly began descending to Sunset’s knees.

“No! Bad Kirin! Little help, Adagio?”

“Hm?” Adagio mumbled distractedly as she scratched a Kirin’s ears. “Sorry, I’m busy.”

Pressure turned to pain as Rain Shine began resting her rump on Sunset’s lap. She scrambled helplessly, but escape only came when the cheap camp chair fell apart under the weight. Sunset collapsed to the grass, and Rain Shine gave her a look of vague disappointment before wandering back and away, carefully stepping over Wallflower and her pile.

Author's Note:

Just a little thang because I'll likely be dark for a bit because the next chapter is pretty good-sized.

Submission thread here. Life is rough, gimmee some fun ideas to read, pls.

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