• Published 3rd Apr 2020
  • 2,209 Views, 111 Comments

The Most Chaotic Life Ever!!! - Azure129

Discord, Celestia, and Luna have lived in peace for years. But when Twilight's student-Luster Dawn -'reforms' Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow, the chaos master and pony sisters end up involved just like the old days (as do many others). Chaos, ho!

  • ...

Chapter 11: Something New

Discord had high hopes for a raucous evening for the guys, and there were indeed a couple good hours of laughter and snacks and jokes and card games. But gradually the chaos master saw his companions drift off one by one by midnight. After a long day’s journey traveling, he wasn’t surprised. In fact he was quite amused when Sombra started snoring and Shining Armor passed out with his forelegs wrapped around a sleeping Argos. Finally Tirek was the only one left at the table barely managing to stay awake. Discord yawned and stretched himself into a loop then unwound his body. “Let’s call it a night. The ponies are passed out, and I’ve been getting tired just looking at the three of you. Don’t worry about Sombra’s nasal serenade - I’ll put him in a magic bubble so he does’t keep the rest of us up with the snoring.”

Tirek sighed and glanced over at Sombra. “Maybe you should put him in a bubble for other reasons too.”

Discord raised an eyebrow.

Tirek turned back to him. “I’m sure it’s nothing but… Cozy mentioned that she’s been writing to him. She never told Chrysalis and I about it.” He shrugged. “And well…we all know how it turned out when she used to write to me back in Tartarus."

Discord waved him off. “Oh, but everything’s changed now for you guys. There’s a good chance there’s a good reason for her writing to him. Maybe she felt bad that he didn’t get a big group of former villain friends to work with him during his reform.”

“You’re probably right. I’d just like to be extra cautious considering how many creatures are here that we…you know…care about.” He frowned, glancing away.

Discord’s smile picked up on one side and his eyes hazed. “Rain Shine really means a lot to you, doesn’t she?” Tirek’s eyes popped open wide and he blushed. Now Discord smirked. “It’s painfully obvious. You went and fell in love, didn’t you, Tirek?”

Tirek’s blush deepened and he huffed. “Fine, yes, okay? I love her! I now understand your obsessive devotion to Celestia. And there is…another complication too.” He cleared his throat. “I just want her to be safe. I don’t even like being apart tonight - Sombra or no Sombra.”

Discord tilted his head. Then he flew over and patted Tirek on the shoulder. “Look, I was gonna go for a little stroll through the castle before bed anyway — check on the egg, make sure none of my booby traps have gone off, put away Argos’s toys. I can always swing by the hallway to the library and sense the magic from the girls to make sure they’re all doing okay. You just get some rest and watch over Sombra and Shining and Argos, and and I’ll report back later to let you know that everything’s fine.” He smiled.

Tirek’s look went dry. “You just want an excuse to say hi to Celestia, don’t you?”

“Eternally, but me doing this will still help you.”

Tirek’s finally smiled in return. “I’d…appreciate that, thanks.”

Discord nodded. He snapped his fingers a few times - Shining Armor and Sombra floated away from the table and into two makeshift beds that appeared, and Discord put a bubble around Sombra to silence the snoring. Argos drifted into his own soft bed on the floor. Then he snapped up a larger bed for Tirek. “Be back soon!” He winked and then disappeared.

Tirek went over to his bed and settled in. He watched Sombra until his eyes grew heavy - the former unicorn king really was passed out completely. And…maybe nothing bad was going on between him and Cozy Glow. That little pegasus had always been able to handle herself. And he trusted her. And he trusted Luster Dawn’s confidence in Sombra. Tirek sighed and finally dozed off as well, thinking about Rain Shine and seeing her in the morning.

In the library, the ladies had managed to party and enjoy themselves for a bit longer than the boys, but even still after such a long day they each began to pass out one by one. By a little after midnight, they were asleep in various locations: Twilight and Luna were cuddled together, Chrysalis and Novo were huddled close, Luster and Breezy were settled in side by side, and Cozy Glow and Flurry Heart were flanking Cadance on either side.

Celestia was awake though. She stood up and quietly headed to the door. The flash of teleporting out of here might wake up someone — and, besides, sneaking around was more fun. She managed to slip out into the hall with ease and a proud smile.

The library was quiet and dark for a moment. Then Cozy Glow’s voice whispered to Chrysalis. “Psst…Chrysalis, you up?”

“Now I am. That sun princess has no stealth.”

“Tell me about it. Where do you think she’s going?”

“Honestly…probably to throw herself at Discord.”

“Ew. But seriously, what if something’s wrong? I should go check on the egg…”

“Go to bed, Cozy.”

“Oh, you go to bed… I’m a soldier, I’ve got a job to do!” She flew up and over to the door.

Chrysalis hissed a little through her nose but flew up silently too. “Wait, you’re not going alone. Come on.” They exited the room together. “But whatever we do, let’s avoid all the booby traps I’m sure Discord and Celestia still have set up in this place.”

Cozy Glow nodded…but then bumped into a sconce as they headed around a corner: the two of them suddenly disappeared behind a false wall with groans of annoyance.

In another hallway, Discord appeared after falling out of a chute in the wall and Celestia appeared after climbing out of a trap door in the floor. They laid eyes on each other and laughed.

Discord stood up and brushed himself off. “Perfect timing - and nice location choice for us! No one can get here unless they know how to navigate all the secret passageways, after all.”

“And it was fun too!” Celestia smiled brightly. “I got to make a daring escape from the library, and after going through all the traps to get here, I'm wide awake.” She gave him a coy smile, her eyes hazed.

Discord sighed and his eyes hazed too. “Do you know how much I wanted to run off with you during that first sleepover all those years ago?”

“Not nearly as much as I wanted you to kiss me when our horns got locked together outside the ballroom and I fell on top of you.” She blushed. “I was so curious, but the others were watching, and I couldn’t…”

Discord cupped her cheek in his hand. “No one’s watching now, beautiful.”

She moved closer. “We should really be able to spend a single evening without being all over each other.”

He shrugged. “Call it a vice of retirement. Now then, speaking of being all over each other, sounds like a fun idea.” The chaos master laughed…and then he jumped on her and started tickling her mercilessly. She laughed freely and shifted her mane to surround him so he was laughing heartily too. They shared some quick kisses for as long as they could manage and then Discord pulled back for a moment, breathless. “Wait, one quick thing before I forget - I promised Tirek I’d make sure all you girls were fine and safe. You know, because he’s head over heels for Rain Shine apparently.”

Celestia giggled. "Everyone was fine and happy and safe asleep when I left. You’re very thoughtful, checking in on his behalf. I really do like when you’re so sweet and nurturing.” She touched his chest with her hoof, and Discord growled a little with a grin and tiptoed his fingertips down her side to her cutie mark. Their mouths and tickles found each other again for kisses and laughter.

But then Discord felt something - a distinct twitch down his spine that made him fidget. He pulled back from Celestia all the way, eyes wide.

“Discord?” Celestia blinked, frowning in concern. “What is it?”

“There’s…” He furrowed his brow and felt the twitch again. “It’s hard to explain. There’s a definite disturbance of magic somewhere nearby though. Something new…”

Celestia hesitated. “Sombra?”

He shook his head. “No. I really don’t think he’s up to anything. And I just know those three aren’t. It doesn’t feel like any of their magic anyway. Something else. Something new. I…” His eyes widened and so did hers.

“The dragon egg!” they said at once.

Discord teleported them away.

In the dining room, Tirek tossed and turned in his sleep then finally his eyes popped open and he shot up. Some time had passed. Sombra and Shining Armor and Argos were still fast asleep. But Discord was still nowhere in sight. Tirek didn't like that fact. He frowned and stood up and headed out the door. Something wasn't right, and he would check on Rain Shine himself.

He would just have to be very careful and avoid all those blasted booby traps Discord and Celestia were so fond of.

Unfortunately, the first turn he made around a corner led him to fall directly through a trap door with a yelp.

Discord and Celestia appeared in the catacomb that held their underground carnival. The rides were all dormant except for the bounce house, which was lit up and full of cold ice cream surrounding the egg. They flew over to see the egg glowing and shaking.

Discord raised an eyebrow. “Okay, that definitely looks new but not evil.”

Celestia’s eyes widened. “I think it’s hatching!”

Discord beamed. “Really?”

Celestia hesitated. “There’s no time to get Spike or any other dragon. Maybe we should get Cadance. She’s very well versed in things related to birth. Or even Twilight - she hatched Spike!”

“Oh, I am not leaving this thing for a second!” Discord announced, eyes bright as he floated directly over to the egg. “What if it comes into the world alone?” He frowned glancing down at the egg. “I came into the world alone, you know.”

Celestia titled her head then flew up and created a cloud to rest on beside him. “You never told me that.”

The chaos master blushed a little and scratched his head. “I mean, being that little…I’m not sure what’s a real memory and what’s just stuff I imagined to fill in the gaps. When I was growing up I definitely never had anyone around who liked me - you know that. But I…also don’t remember having anyone from the start.” He raised an eyebrow with a pensive look. “But…I think maybe I remember…hatching”

“From an egg?” Celestia’s eyes widened.

He shrugged sheepishly. “I think so. It’s fuzzy. But something about this seems familiar.”

Celestia smiled gently. She touched her hoof to his paw. “We’ll both stay to make sure the dragon’s not alone. I’m sure we have enough magic to between us to give it whatever aid it needs.” Discord smiled and squeezed her hoof. She swallowed laughed a little to herself as she watched the struggling egg. “It’s funny - I’m very good with young ponies and creatures. But something about birth makes me nervous. I really don’t know how Cadance handled it.”

“It’s okay. If you’re nervous, I’m here to help.” Discord smiled a little more and winked.

Celestia smiled more and made some clean blankets appear and a basin of water. “Does this seem like a good start?”

“Perfect. Just one more thing.” He snapped and a banner appeared overhead reading ‘Welcome to the World!’. He nodded at his handiwork. “There. For the brand new little citizen of Equestria.”

They looked on at the shaking egg, excited to meet their new little guest.

Naturally, after a few more crashes and missteps and booby traps, Tirek ended up in a random wing of the castle just as Chrysalis and Cozy Glow appeared in the same place after their own set of harrowing experiences.

He blinked at the sight of them. “What are you two doing here?”

“Plotting nefarious evil!” Chrysalis rolled her eyes and stood up. “What do you think we’re doing here? We got caught in these stupid death traps!”

Cozy Glow flew up and glanced around. “Actually all of this is reminding me of some of the basic training I did with Tempest. She liked labyrinths and puzzles. I think I could find us a way back to the main part of the castle. Then I need to go check on the egg.” Suddenly though she couldn’t hold back a yawn.

“You’re tired,” Tirek observed. “We all are. Let’s rest a little bit before we try.”

Cozy Glow shook her head. “If something’s going on that’s bad, I have to be at the ready to—“

“It’s all right, Cozy!” Chrysalis glared at her. “You do not have to save everyone. They’ll be okay.” She settled onto the floor. “Besides the only potential threat here is Sombra — and he’s vouched for, according to you…”

Cozy Glow pouted and landed. “Is this about me writing to him?”

“Well, you never mentioned it before.” Tirek settled down too. “Were you just…trying to make friends…or something?”

“Sort of.” She looked away. “I don’t even know why I mentioned it to you guys.”

Chrysalis’s normal scowl eased. “Probably because you recall that the three of us are ‘best friends’ even if we’ve been apart for so long.”

Cozy Glow’s look softened. “I wanted to apologize to him for using him last year to attack you guys. And…I wanted to let him know he wasn’t alone. Then he helped me with some stuff.” She blushed a little. “And since I know you’re both gonna worry unless I give you details, just promise you won’t tell anyone if I tell you? Okay?”

Tirek and Chrysalis nodded.

Cozy Glow gestured to her cutie mark. “I’m actually really good at chess. Like amazing at chess. That’s where I get a lot of my strategizing skills form. It seems nerdy though, so I don’t like to talk about it. Anyway, Sombra’s good at chess too - I read in one of the archives that he was the best player in the Crystal Empire a thousand years ago. So…we play chess by mail. I’ve learned a lot. I’d kind of like to start competing maybe. I like being a soldier, but chess is fun too.” She shrugged.

Chrysalis nudged her with a scowl. When Cozy Glow glared at the changeling, Chrysalis explained. “That’s for making us worry and holding out on us. We’re happy you apologized and made a friend and like chess. You’re not nerdy - you're actually managing to live a productive life. Neither of us managed that at your age.”

“What she said.” Tirek smiled a little. “And for the record, I didn’t really think Sombra was up to anything either. Last I left him, he was passed out snoring. Nice guy but a little dramatic.”

“Explains why Cozy gets along with him.” Chrysalis smirked.

Cozy Glow smirked back. “Speaking of getting along with new friends, Chrysalis, why don’t you tell Tirek about Novo? And Tirek, you can tell Chrysalis about Rain Shine!”

They both blushed.

Chrysalis swallowed. “I am romantically involved with Novo.”

Tirek cleared his throat. “Um…same for me, about Rain Shine.”

Chrysalis met his eyes, her own narrowed meaningfully. “Oh, I’d already surmised that fact. But if there’s anything else on your mind about Rain Shine that you want to share with the group?”

His eyes widened.

Cozy Glow raised an eyebrow. “Something else?”

Tirek let out a breath and rubbed the back of his neck. “I told her I wanted to tell the two of you first before we told anyone else here. I just wasn’t sure when would be a good time but…”

Chrysalis held her head high. “Hmm, well, no one had to tell me. I had an advantage - I can sense the presence of different potential sources of love. Speaking of which, Cadance probably knows too. But go on, say it out loud for Cozy before she gets mad at us for holding out on her.”

Tirek clasped his hands together. “Well…Rain Shine and I are…erm…going to have a foal.”

Cozy Glow’s jaw fell.

Chrysalis smirked. “You utter tramp.”

Tirek huffed through his nose but couldn’t help smiling. “I love her very much. It…wasn’t exactly planned, but we’re both very excited. She’s not too far along yet. By the time the baby comes we’re hoping to be settled in the Kirin Valley. I can still visit my brother and his family from there easily. But I think the valley will be a nice quiet place to raise a child, and the kirin need their queen.”

“You…are going to be…a dad?” Cozy Glow finally sputtered.

Tirek shrugged.

She blinked a few times. “Hmm…well, you were always pretty good with me…and you survived a lot of pranks I pulled on you back when we lived in those caves with ‘Grogar’.” She nodded. “Yeah, if you can handle me then you can handle any kid. Congrats!” She gave him an affirming punch in the shoulder.

Tirek laughed. “Oh, uh, thanks. And yes, a dad…I, uh… So, erm, right now I’m a bit protective of Rain Shine. That’s why I left the guys to wander through the castle - I wanted to check on her. I can’t help it.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Well, she’s fine - we all are! This castle is probably the safest place in Equestria, after all. And as though I would every let anything harm your mate or the mother of your brood.”

Cozy Glow winced. “Please never use the word ‘brood’ again.”

Tirek blushed a lot. “Yes. What she said. Also can we talk about anything else now? Er…tell me about Novo!”

Chrysalis hesitated. Then she bit her lip, her eyes down in thought.

Tirek raised an eyebrow. “Chrysalis?”

She sighed and looked back and forth between the two of them. “If I share an issue somewhat similar in nature to Tirek’s with the both of you, will you swear not to speak of it to anyone just like with Cozy’s new chess obsession?”

Cozy Glow nodded. “I’m not obsessed, but sure I promise.”

“Same!” Tirek added.

Chrysalis swallowed. “Novo and I aren’t just…dating. We…she…I…”

“If one of you got the other pregnant I’ll be very impressed.” Tirek smirked.

Chrysalis hissed but almost grinned. “Not quite.” She sighed. “I’m afraid she asked me to marry her.”

Tirek’s jaw fell. “And you didn’t tell us in one of your letters?”

“Yeah, seriously?” Cozy Glow flung out her arms.

Chrysalis shook her head. “Of course not! I-I couldn’t write it down, that would make it even more real! And I have no idea what to… I didn’t say no, I didn’t say yes, I just asked for time to decide because I…” Her eyes widened. “I don’t know if I’d be good for her as a wife. And then there’s Sky Star to consider - of course she's grown, but I’d still be almost like her second mother! And I don’t, I can’t…Oh, but I love Novo SO MUCH!” Her eyes glowed and her wings sparkled until she willed both reactions away, blushing furiously.

Tirek and Cozy Glow watched her with wide eyes. Then Tirek came closer. “You know…all things considered…it’s understandable if you’re a bit skittish about that kind of love-based commitment. But I’m sure you’re good for her. And she’s good for you, right?”

Chrysalis nodded. “She’s…I feel at ease around her. No one ever made me feel at ease all the time like she does.”

Cozy Glow spoke up. “I saw you two together. She likes you a lot. I bet she’d be okay if you just stayed dating but…I think you’d be a really good wife and mom. You were kind of a mom to me like how Tirek was a dad, and that wasn’t so bad.”

Chrysalis’ eyes widened and she hid in her hair almost shyly.

Tirek continued gently. “Do you want to say yes?”

She nodded.

“Then we say go for it.” Cozy Glow winked and Tirek gave a thumbs up.

Chrysalis pouted a little. “Would you both come to the wedding? It would be small and private…but still royal of course!”

“Duh!” Cozy smirked. “We’re your friends!”

“And if it’s after the baby’s born I’ll bring them!” Tirek added.

A rare gentle smile came to Chrysalis. “Thank you.”

Cozy Glow swallowed. “You know…maybe instead of heading out right away to get back to the others, we could just stay here together a bit? I’m technically not in charge of the egg now that I’ve handed it over to Discord and Celestia. And I’ve missed being alone with you guys.” She moved a little to get between them and they nodded and came a little closer to her, almost in the gesture of a group hug.

Tirek looked down at her. “You’re definitely happy in the Crystal Empire right?”

Cozy Glow nodded. “Flurry and her parents are really nice. Flurry and I are actually really close too. She jokes and calls me her sister a lot… Sometimes I really think she means it. And Shining Armor has cookies at night with me, and Cadance helps me with my hair each day.”

“Good.” Chrysalis nodded. “You deserve all of that and more.”

Tirek let out a tired sigh. “Cozy…since you’re the one whose been talking to him, where do you think Sombra wants to end up if he’s truly reformed?”

She considered. “Weirdly… I think he’s happy with Twilight and Luna in the castle in Canterlot. He talks about them like they’re all best friends.” She sighed. “Honestly, he’s a great chess player but a totally unproductive adult. I’ve been trying to help him figure something out for his life. But I almost think he’s just happy being where he is for now. He’ll need smaller steps.”

“Well, perhaps we can all help him figure out things together when he’s ready, and with Luster’s help as well of course,” Chrysalis suggested. “And we’ll write to him too.”

“Absolutely!” Tirek added. “And we’re going to start visiting each other a lot more often now that we’re all settled into our new lives.

A small smile came to Cozy Glow’s face. “I’d really like that.” She nestled a little more in between them. “I missed you guys.”

“We missed you too.” The moved a little closer to her in return.

They spent some time reminiscing together and just enjoying being reunited.

“So close, come on!” Discord rooted as the egg kept moving - there was a distinct break in the surface now.

Celestia looked on with wonder. Then she blinked as a thought came to her in the middle of the tense moment. “Wait…if you came from an egg…is there ANY chance I would have had to LAY an egg if we had ever…”

“Huh…” Discord raised an eyebrow. “Maybe?” He grinned sheepishly.

She sighed, trying not to smile. “You are endlessly full of surprises, Discord.”

“Par for the course with chaos, Celestia.”

A crack sounded and they looked down.

The first piece of shell had popped away.

Celestia brought a blanket around the egg. Discord hovered overhead, damp and dry towels over his arm.

A little pink claw reached out through the hole.

Discord took a breath. “Are you sure we’re supposed to keep it this cold in here even when it’s hatching?”

Celestia nodded. “Dragons of the north were born into ice. I think it’s for the best.”

Discord bit his lip, his eyes never leaving the shell. “Come on, baby, push - just a little more.”

The egg rocked back and forth and them tumbled forward in the ice cream and cracked in half. There was more pushing, then the top of the egg popped off.

There sat a little pink dragon with ice blue horns and eyes. She blinked and her gaze met Discord’s.

He was beaming with tears in his eyes. “Welcome to the world, little lady. You’re really gonna like it here. I promise.”

Hesitantly Celestia came forward and set the blanket down beside the egg. “I promise too. Also, hello!” She waved.

The little dragon’s eyes widened and it reached out to touch her ethereal hair but fell forward and out of the egg completely. Her tail was lined with ice blue spikes, and her belly was pure white. She touched the ice cream and smiled then plopped her face into it and ate a bit.

Celestia whispered to Discord, “What do you think we should do now?”

He shrugged. “She’s a dragon. Maybe we should build her a nest.”

He wiped some of the ice cream off of her then used his magic to gather the blankets together into a nice circle and set the dragon carefully in the center with a dish of the ice cream to eat.”

Discord crossed his arms and nodded at his handiwork. “And…now at some point we probably should find a dragon. Or at least let the others know.” He bit his lip and his tail swished, his eyes never leaving her. “I really don’t want to leave her though, or to move her much. She’s so little…”

Celestia kissed his cheek. “I’ll go back to the others and let them know everything that happened. You stay here, keep her safe.”

Discord smiled a lot and hugged her. “Thank you.” He flew over and circled the little nest with his body. He raised the tuft of this tail and let the little dragon play with it.

Celestia watched with a warm smile and then teleported away.

She returned to the ladies first to awaken Cadance and Twilight and inform them of what had happened, but she was surprised to notice Chrysalis and Cozy Glow gone. Luna was already up though, stargazing with Breezy. And quickly the others awoke too. Celestia filled them in about the egg and then promised to locate the two missing members of the slumber party.

She went to the dining room. Interestingly, Tirek was gone from there. She did find Sombra though, awake and pouting and trying to get out of Discord’s magic bubble. She freed him, which woke up Shining Armor and Argos, then explained everything to them. She smiled to herself now, fairly sure that the reformed villain trio must be together somewhere. And if they’d wandered off and inevitably triggered some of the traps and surprises in the castle, there were a few places she could check for them. She pulled a wall sconce and went through a painting into the castle’s network of booby traps.

It wasn’t long before she indeed found the three of them dozing in a random corridor.

She gently nudged them awake. They blinked open their eyes and looked to her.

“Oh salvation!” Chrysalis called out. “Please get us out of your stupid labyrinth!”

“Celestia? Why are you awake?” Tirek blinked. “Is something happening?”

Celestia smiled gently. “The egg Cadance brought…it hatched. Discord and I attended to it, everything’s fine. But I thought you three might be lost. Would you like me to teleport you back to where you were?”

Cozy Glow flew up. "Could you teleport us somewhere to spend the night together instead?”

Tirek and Chrysalis nodded.

“Maybe with Luster, if she’s up.” Tirek added.

“And her little friend Breezy if she’s inclined,” Chrysalis added.

Celestia nodded. “Of course. Everyone’s awake again now anyway - switching things up might be fun. Do you think Sombra would like to join you?”

“Actually,” Cozy Glow flew to her, “I think he’d really like to be with Twilight and Luna at the slumber party. He really likes them and he complained way too much to me about not getting invited - he definitely wants to be there and included by them.”

Celestia laughed. “I’ll let Luna know. ‘No Boys Allowed’ is probably getting a little too old-fashioned these days anyway. The throne room is big enough - I think we could all stay together easily. And everyone's there now anyway discussing the baby.” She powered her horn and teleported them away to the throne room with the others.
Celestia found her sister and had some brief words with her. Luna smiled and nodded at the idea, then she cleared her throat and addressed the others. “Attention, everyone! Since we are already here and awake together, reveling in the news of the dragon birth in our castle, why don't we combine both of our parties and all spend the rest of the evening together?”

Everyone agreed, of course - the trio joined Luster Dawn and Breezy and Novo and Rain Shine, Shining Armor and Argos joined Cadance and Flurry Heart, and Sombra…stood off awkwardly to the side, looking away and acting like he didn’t mind not being part of a group.

Twilight observed him carefully. Then she shared a look with Luna and a few words. They approached him finally and Twilight addressed the shadow king. “Would you like to sleep near Luna and I, Sombra? We’d love to have you. We would have invited you to our slumber party in the library too. We just…thought you wouldn’t have fun.”

“Indeed,” Luna added. “You seem most annoyed by us most days.”

“Annoyed?” Sombra tilted his head. “What are you talking about? I thought the three of us were best friends!”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Uh…huh?”

He shrugged. “We play games and make catty remarks and witty retorts and are bluntly honest with each other. That’s the way I’m friends with creatures, at least. Come on, we’re like the three musketeers - or the three ponies of darkness, I always figured. I’m shadows, Twilight is twilight, and Luna is nighttime.”

Luna blinked several times. “I…Pardon me, I don’t think I’ve experienced this form of friendship before…except for…” Her eyes widened and she smiled more. “Ah! You display friendship the way Discord displayed friendship in his earliest days of reform! I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. I suppose it’s been so long.”

Twilight smiled more. “Sombra, I’m really honored you think of us that way. And I’m happy to be your friend.”

He grinned. “I really assumed it was obvious. Didn’t you notice I stopped asking to leave the castle some time ago? I like our arrangement.”

Twilight took a deep breath. “Well…maybe we could keep our arrangement but move you to an actual room if you feel ready for that much freedom.”

“Yes.” Luna nodded. “And perhaps the three of us could even go out together some nights if you’d like.” She smiled more. “Who knows? Maybe we shall even find you a suitable potential companion as Twilight and I have found in each other.”

“Now you’re talking!” Sombra grinned. “I am all for being set up, ladies. But for now, let’s rest - I’m beat!” He made a bunch of silk pillows appear and flopped down on them, using his cape as a blanket. Twilight and Luna laughed and created a space to sleep beside him.

With everyone settled in, Celestia had teleported back to the bounce house in the catacomb. She found the baby dragon snoozing, clutching the end of Discord’s tail. And Discord was snoozing, still wrapped around her nest.

Celestia made some more blankets appear and settled in near him. Discord’s eyes barely opened. “Tia?”

“Shh…” Celestia whispered, “the baby’s sleeping. And everyone’s settled in upstairs - they all know about the hatching and they’re thrilled. You rest now - I’ll take the watch for now.”

He snuggled his head against hers with a smile. She snuggled him back. Soon Discord dozed off with the baby. Celestia rested peacefully, watching them breathe.

The next morning was full of discussions and laughter and happy energy. Everyone wanted to see the baby - and Discord let them as long as he could stay close to her too, which was necessary since the one time he did try to leave her just for a moment to help snap up breakfast, she cried and reached out for him. Celestia managed to sneak away from her to take care of breakfast without much issue, though the baby did seem much more peaceful when she was nearby - mesmerized by her hair and smile and presence.

They all ate together at a large table in the throne room, the baby in a bassinet between Discord and Celestia, and happily drinking from a bottle of chocolate milk the chaos master had provided. She giggled and smiled every time Discord paid her attention. But every time Celestia did the same, the baby would just look at her with her ice blue eyes so wide, her head titled in wonder. Eventually Celestia let Discord take over for the most part, though she stole curious glances at the baby sometimes. Children had always responded well to her. She couldn’t figure out why this one was behaving like it revered her in some strange way. Only adult ponies had ever done that. Still, the little one was just a day old and Discord had spent the most time with her - perhaps that was why she only showed affection to him.

Breakfast was nearly over when Tirek stood up and cleared his throat. “Excuse me - everyone! I - we…” He gestured to Rain Shine who stood up with a serene smile - he smiled too. “We have an announcement we wanted to make, as long as everyone’s gathered here. And since some others were already told…” He blushed, looking sheepish. “Well, er… It probably comes as no surprise to know that Rain Shine and I are enamored of each other.”

Discord smirked and whispered to Celestia. “Aw, he’s shy about it - reminds me of you when you first asked me out.”

Celestia giggled and nudged him.

Tirek went on. “But we would like to share a further development related to that situation.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “You are being insanely formal.”

“Get to the good part!” Cozy Glow grinned.

Tirek sighed. Then Rain Shine put a hoof on his shoulder and looked to the table. “Just as there was a new birth in this castle tonight, we are expecting a birth of our own.”

Celestia’s eyes widened and Discord’s jaw fell.

“Okay, that one I didn’t know, Tia…”

“That makes two of us, Discord…”

Cadance jumped up and clapped her hooves. “I knew it! There’s also such a special kind of love around babies.”

“Indeed.” Chrysalis smirked a bit at Tirek. “See, I told you she probably knew too.”

Luster Dawn teleported right over to Tirek, tears in her eyes and a big smile on her face. “Tirek! You’re gonna be a dad!” She jumped on him in a big hug.

He caught her with a sheepish laugh. “Yes, well…surprise!”

Luster Dawn laughed and pulled Chrysalis and Cozy Glow in to join in a not-so-forced group hug.

“A royal baby!” Sombra came over. “Okay, I’ll fully admit, Discord and Celestia and Luna, you three know how to throw an amusing party. Games, intrigue, a dragon hatching, a birth announcement, the entire castle ambiance!” He looked to Twilight and Luna. “Ladies, I am very grateful you took me along on this escapade.”

Luna and Twilight laughed. “Any time, Sombra,” Twilight assured.

“Any other surprises I won’t see coming?” He glanced out at the group.

Chrysalis bit her lip and looked away. Novo looked down with a faint smile and blush.

Cozy Glow and Tirek noticed. Cozy Glow flew up. “Hey, uh…why don’t we all head outside and see the lake and take a walk - we’ll get some fresh air dragon baby! It’ll be fun!”

“Right, let’s go!” Tirek took Raine Shine’s foreleg in his arm. “Come on, dear.”

They headed off and the others followed. Discord snapped up a stroller and pushed the baby while Celestia walked by his side, blushing when the baby looked at her again in awe.

Luna whispered something to Twilight, who nodded. Twilight went with the others while Luna stopped Breezy and Luster Dawn. “Breezy? May I have a word in private?” she asked.

Breezy blinked. Luster Dawn smiled and nodded. “Breezy, I’ll see you when you’re done.” She hugged her friend and then trotted off. Luna teleported them to the observatory upstairs.

Breezy smiled up at Luna. “Can I help you with something, Luna? I mean, before I leave the castle, and before I leave…Ponyville.” She glanced down.

Luna’s look grew warm. “Tis about you leaving, actually.” She sat down. “I want you to know that it has been my honor to teach you as my pupil. Matters of the night are very dear to me, and to pass my understanding on to another creature has been a great joy for me in this part of my life. You are bright and caring and capable. And even though we will not have our regular lessons together, I hope you shall visit whenever you are in Ponyville. And I hope you shall write to me. And please know this -" she leaned in closer, “though Twilight is in charge of my dream duties these days regarding Equestria, I am always available to you in the dream realm should you ever need to speak to me.” She pulled back with a big smile. “And also, Argos and I made a present for you! Argos!” Luna called out. The dog bounded up the stairs to the observatory and entered with a rolled up scroll in one of his mouths. Luna took it and patted him then turned to Breezy and unfurled the scroll. It had writing and then the seal of the moon at the bottom and also a paw print. “This is a diploma, signed by me and witnessed by Argos, stating you have completed a thorough education in lunar magic, astrology, and dream interpretation. Congratulations, Breezy!”

Breezy just looked up at her with such wide eyes. Then big tears fell.

Luna blinked. “Breezy?”

Argos dashed over and licked Breezy’s face with his heads. Breezy patted the dog and tried to wipe the tears away. “I’m sorry, Luna - this is so nice of you. I just…I don’t want to disappoint anyone and especially if you already consider our work together done. But I…I don’t think I want to go!” Luna came closer and put a hoof on her shoulder, comforting her. Breezy went on. “I don’t want my dad to think I don’t like being with him. But I love my time here - I like learning with you at night, and I like helping at the animal sanctuary during the day, and I love you and Uncle Discord and Auntie Celestia and Auntie Fluttershy so much. And Luster Dawn is my best friend! And all the wonderful things that happened here yesterday and last night and this morning - I was so grateful to be here for them! I want to keep growing here and learning. I’m really happy with all of you.” She hugged Luna tightly.

Luna returned the gesture then pulled back. “We are happy as long as you are making the choice that makes you happy, Breezy. And I’m sure your father will feel the same. He loves you, as do all of us. Whichever decision you finally make, just know we are all here to support you.”

Breezy smiled a little and wiped off her glasses and the rest of her tears. “May I still keep the diploma. I love it.”

“Of course!” Luna placed it in her hooves as Argos kissed her face and made her laugh. “Now come, let us rejoin the others for a nice stroll around the grounds before you head back to Fluttershy’s cottage.” Breezy nodded, and Luna teleported them and Argos outside.

When the afternoon came, everyone prepared to head out to visit others nearby and make plans for heading home eventually. Twilight lingered until the last guests had left. Then it was her turn to whisper something to Luna. Luna took Argos out of the throne room to provide some privacy.

Twilight approached Celestia and Discord who had brought the baby back to the throne room. She was still in her bassinet, drinking another chocolate milk bottle. Twilight smiled down at her then looked to the alicorn and draconequus. “You know, I…was actually going to ask if you two and Luna could watch the egg for a while. Spike has so many duties and so do I, and I know it needs special care. And, well…Celestia, you gave me Spike as an egg, so I figured if anyone knew what was best for it, it would be you.” She shrugged. “But now that it’s hatched, everything’s different. I can’t ask you to look after a baby. I’ll keep an eye on her in Canterlot as best I can and ask Ember to find a dragon willing to help with her as soon as possible.” She looked from Celestia to Discord sincerely. “You two are so amazing for making sure her hatching went well. Thank you.”

Celestia smiled a little. And Discord managed to smile as well. But then he frowned, looking down at the baby. Celestia noticed. She leaned in closer and looked up at him.

He turned to her. His eyes widened as she smiled more. Understanding her meaning, he glanced at the baby then back to her and bit his lip. “Not unless you’re completely comfortable, Tia. And it would be temporary, I promise. I know you don’t want…”

She leaned up and kissed him. “I never said I didn’t ever ‘want’, just that it hadn’t felt right yet. Besides, like you said, it’s temporary. And I like her too.” She glanced at that baby dragon then turned to Twilight. “We’d really like to look after her, Twilight.”

Twilight blinked. “Are you sure? That’s so much to ask, Celestia.”

“I promise we’re sure!” Discord beamed. “And Luna will help, and Argos! And I’ve had a lot of experience raising baby animals with Fluttershy. And I’m part dragon!” He pointed to his leg. “We’ll do a stupendous job together!”

Twilight smiled warmly. “I know you will. Thank you both.” She came forward and hugged each of them. Then she turned and called out behind her. “Luna, they said yes!”


Luna raced into the room with Argos at her heels. They both gazed at the little creature. “A new playmate! It will be nice to have someone to entertain regularly in the castle. Hello, little one! Your brother Argos shall keep you safe and amused at all times! And your Auntie Luna will personally make sure you have good dreams!” She blew the baby a kiss then moved to stand alongside Twilight. “Argos and I shall return for more fun with our new little friend as soon as Twilight and I are done getting Sombra settled into his new quarters in the Canterlot Castle.”

Discord grinned. "Have fun - your decorating budget is going to go through the roof with that guy. Crystals and drapes and dramatic capes everywhere, I’m guessing.”

Twilight sighed. “He’s already requested his own indoor swimming pool connected to his room. We’ll find a compromise, I’m sure.”

“Then we’ll take him out to a nice dinner, and everything will be well.” Luna nodded in certainty.

The two mares waved and Argos barked, and then they all teleported away.

Discord and Celestia sighed and looked to the dragon again. Discord chuckled then snapped away her empty bottle, wrapped her in a blanket, and picked her up. “She’s going to be a handful: a baby dragon. But if filly Twilight can raise one, I’m sure we can manage. I really do know a lot about dragons. I doubt she can surprise me.”

The baby hiccuped and blew a little bast of fire into Discord’s face, singeing his beard. He coughed and waved away the smoke. “See, I knew that was coming eventually from her.”

Celestia came closer and bit her lip. “Do you think we should name her? That it’s okay to? I mean, she’ll need one. We can’t just call her ‘the baby’…”

Discord glanced down at the burnt part of his beard then snapped it back to normal. He looked at her bright eyes. “How about Firefly?”

Celestia’s smile grew. “Firefly… I like that.”

“Really?” He smiled more and glanced at her. She nodded. He turned back to the baby. “Okay then… Hi, Firefly! Happy to have you. But please give me some warning next time you decide to breathe fire, okay?”

She looked up at him. Then she sneezed - and this time a blast of ice came out of her mouth and froze Discord’s beard solid.

His eyes widened. “Huh…well I stand corrected - that’s new to me from a dragon!”

“Hmm, it must be a special feature of northern dragons,” Celestia mused. “We really will have our hands and hooves full. But, together, we’ll make it work out.” She touched his paw with her hoof.

Discord snapped away the ice and squeezed her hoof back. “I’m game to try if you are.”

Celestia lifted the bassinet with her magic, and Discord carried Firefly - they took the baby into the parlor of their bedroom to play.

Luster Dawn was with Breezy at Fluttershy’s cottage now, waiting for Zephyr Breeze who would escort Breezy home. Luster frowned - Breezy still hadn’t said anything about changing her mind about leaving. The little blue pony was just looking down, deep in thought. Luster Dawn kept trying to find something to say to convince her to stay, but no words felt right.

And then Zephyr appeared in the sky and flew down. He smiled at his daughter. “Breezy Bear!” He hugged her then went to his sister. “Flutters!” They separated and he turned to Luster Dawn. “And you must be Luster Dawn! Breezy always writes so much about you! Almost more than Luna!”

“Luster’s my best friend, Daddy.” Breezy smiled. “And Luna’s the best teacher. And Fluttershy is the best Aunt.” She blinked - her eyes widened as she realized tears were there again.

Zephyr’s eyes widened. “Breezy Bear…are you okay?”

“I…um…” She wiped them away. “I just…”

He smiled gently. “Shh…Breathe it out, just like we always talked about, right?”

She nodded and took a deep breath in and out. Then she found her voice. “Daddy…I love you and miss living with you so much. And I know we only planned for me to stay here a year but…I’m really happy here. I don’t want to leave. I’m sorry.”

Zephyr shook his head. “Breezy… Honey, you don’t have to apologize. You should have told me. I thought you wanted to come home - you were so nervous about coming to live here in the first place. If you want to stay, I’m happy for you! You found a good place for yourself.”

Breezy came forward and hugged him then pulled back with a bright smile.

Luster Dawn smiled and had to wipe some tears from her eyes too. “Breezy, why didn’t you tell me you were going to stay?”

“I wasn’t sure what to do yet.” She shrugged. “And I didn’t want to disappoint you and I didn’t want to disappoint Daddy. But seeing everyone last night and these amazing lives they created for themselves by taking risks and following their dreams and making new friends — it makes me want to keep moving forward too.” She laughed a little. “Also I’d miss you too much, Luster.”

Luster Dawn laughed too and hugged her.

Fluttershy approached her brother. “I’m happy to have her here, Zephyr. And if you want to visit more and for longer, you know I’m happy to have you too.”

“I didn’t want to crowd her this last year but…thanks, sis. I’d like that.” He nodded.

Fluttershy approached the two girls. “As long as Zephyr’s here, why don’t we show him some of the progress we’ve made in the sanctuary. And he can see your tree house too. Oh, and maybe he can meet Luna later.”

The girls nodded and led the way out to the sanctuary.

Sombra was settled into his new (exceptionally regal) quarters quickly - no pool, but he did manage to get a promise for a hot tub out of the deal. Twilight assured him he could stay as a guest with full access to the staff and castle (as long as he didn’t impose too many demands) and that he could decorate any way he pleased within reason of a budget. And the former king graciously agreed to her terms.

Luna lingered for a moment after Twilight left. She made a scroll appear and presented it to Sombra who raised an eyebrow.

She explained. “I think your desire for companionship is understandable and noble. I have taken the liberty of noting a few potential eligible bachelors for you to contact should you show further interest.” She turned, heading to the door, and looked over her shoulder as she added, “I’d highly recommend the name at the top of the list. He’s a former villain too. He used to go by the title “The Pony of Shadows’. Think of him as a potential fourth musketeer of darkness.” She winked at him then leaded out in to the hall.

Sombra looked at the list with a great deal of interest, especially the name at the top: Stygian. Very interesting indeed.

Seated in their caravan heading home, Tirek gazed at Rain Shine with a warm smile.

She smiled a little back at him. “What?”

“You’re glowing.”

“I look the same as always.”

“There was a birth in that castle. I can’t help looking at you differently.”

She smiled more.

He sighed. “I told all of my friends. I’m ready to tell Scorpan now and his family.”

She nodded. “I’d like to tell the Kirin as well.”

“And…you know…I know this one was a surprise, but in the future if you’d like to have more…I think I’d like that too.”

Her smile grew very much. “I would be very interested in such an offer, Lord Tirek.”

He blushed a lot, especially when Rain Shine came forward to kiss him on the mouth. He kissed her back and held her close. They spent the rest of their trip home side by side.

Chrysalis and Novo had no sooner gotten underwater in their chariot when Chrysalis asked for Novo to stop for a moment. She turned to her as they pulled over on a sand dune. “I want you to know something, Novo.”

Novo smiled and tilted her head.

Chrysalis took a deep breath. “I love you more than I have ever loved another creature. I feel so much love from you that sometimes I’m shocked I don’t really turn into some brightly colored changeling mess.”

Novo giggled.

Chrysalis smiled a little. “What I’m trying to say is…will you still marry me, Novo? Because my answer is yes.”

Novo dove on her in a hug and kissed her quite passionately than pulled back with hazed eyes. “Any day, Chrissy.” She giggled again then went back to kissing her changeling on the mouth and face and fins.

Chrysalis cleared her throat and it almost came out as a squeak. “Novo! We’re out in open water!”

“And far from any known settlement, my buggy little fiancé!”

Chrysalis blushed immensely then her eyes glowed and bright sparkles came to her hair and fins as she gave Novo kisses in return and felt the warm, safe, beautiful love being shared between them.

On the chariot ride home, Cozy Glow had intended to be at ease but still on duty. The egg was discharged but she still had a royal family to protect after all.

However, Cadance and Shining Armor suddenly insisted on sitting her between them while Flurry looked on gleefully.

Cozy Glow sighed and glanced back and forth between the two adult pony royals. “Am I in trouble for playing chess with Sombra by mail?”

“You were doing what?” Shining Armor raised an eyebrow.

Cadance laughed. "We didn't know that, but thank you for sharing. If you like chess, there are some great tournaments you could enter. We could help you get started.”

“I don’t just like chess, I’m a master at it!” Cozy Glow held up her head and smiled proudly. “So… yeah, I’d like that, I think. Thanks.” Then she raised an eyebrow. “So…what’s up then? Why does Flurry look like she’s gonna explode?”

Flurry Heart rolled her eyes. “Please tell her before I actually do!”

Cadance sighed and looked to Cozy Glow. “Cozy Glow…when I was a filly, Princess Celestia adopted me as her niece. She loved me and wanted us to be more like family.”

“Oookay…” Cozy Glow replied, still lost.

Shining Armor grinned. “And, well… you’ve been with us for a year and we really like you, Cozy Glow. We love you. You’re part of our family now.”

“And we’d like to make it more official,” Cadance added gently.

Cozy Glow blinked a few times. She looked to Flurry Heart who was beaming with tears in her eyes.

“Cozy Glow,” Cadance held her head high, “would you like be my niece the way I was Celestia’s? Because if so, we’d love to have you and officially adopt you into the family.”

Cozy Glow just sat there with wide eyes until she realized there were tears there.

Flurry Heart came over to sit on the floor right in front of Cozy Glow, their gazes level. “We’ll be even more like sisters! I know it’s a big thing, but I hope you’ll say yes!”

“You…” she glanced around, “you all want me?”

They nodded.

She blinked. “I…yes! I mean, that would be…okay…or whatever.”

Flurry Heart held out her forelegs. Cozy Glow went forward and rested her head against Flurry’s chest. Flurry Heart knew how Cozy felt about crying around other people (nights when Cozy Glow had nightmares, Flurry would hold her close until the tears were gone). She let the smaller pony rest her face against her as they hugged and both shed some tears.

Cadance and Shining Armor shared a tender smile.

The chariot came in sight of the Crystal Empire: their home.

Back at the Everfree Castle that evening, Luna appeared before her sister’s quarters with Argos and opened the parlor door, ready to ask after the baby.

She peeked inside and saw Discord and Celestia nestled close and watching the little creature play with Discord’s tail and Celestia’s mane. Luna smiled tenderly at the sight.

Then Argos bounded merrily into the room and revealed their presence. They entered and Luna supervised as Argos and the baby - who she discovered was now named Firefly - got acquainted.

The family spent some good time together with their new little charge and all the extra love she brought into their lives.

Author's Note:

Hi everyone!

I hope you're doing well and having nice summers! I've been managing a lot of things so thank you all for your patience and for sticking with me, and I really hope you enjoyed this chapter :heart: I've been waiting for a while to introduce you guys to Firefly, and I hope you like her :333 The next chapter will be the final one in this story/series, and she'll play an important role for Celestia and Discord as they move forward together. Also you get to see Chrysalis's wedding! :yay:

Thank you all so much for your time and support :) I'll try to have the final chapter posted as soon as I can next month.

Take care!
