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Super Trampoline

"Of all the terrible batponies in the world, you're the least terrible."~PresentPerfect🐴Ponk & GlimGlam are best ponies🐴Text 714-496-3119 with the name of an MLP character to get a cute picture!


Starlight Glimmer is the best thing to ever happen to me. She's by my side through thick and thin, and whatever hardships we face, we always face them together. She's an amazing mare and an amazing friend, one who inspires me to be the best Trixie I can be. And in turn, I push her to believe in herself as much as she believes in me. Twilight will never hear me say this, but she's right, friendship absolutely can be magic.

But I want more than just friendship, than being besties. I know it's crazy—she's leagues above me! But I don't care. Tonight, I tell her the truth. Tonight, I'm going to say the three most terrifying words in the Equish language.

Stars help me, I am not drunk enough for this!

Takes place several months after S8E19 "Road to Friendship".


  • nightly impressive alcohol consumption
  • lightly suggestive dialogue
  • slightly progressive tonal shift from drama to comedy.
  • And what might be excessive expletives for younger readers

Inspired by the oft-covered song "Killing Me Softly". If you're a Millennial or Gen X, you probably know the Fugees' version. If you're a boomer, you probably know Roberta Flacks' cover. But Lori Lieberman is the OG singer and co-writer.

This is my first serious(ish) story in several years, and I'd like to thank Ice Star for helping with the cover; my Google Docs prereaders who I no longer remember the fandom names of because I procrastinated on editing this for almost two years: Rep Hex, –P, Min, Jeremy, yay force, Lightning Flash, and anonymous; and also Aragon for letting me bounce ideas off of him. I sat on this for almost two years, so he probably doesn't remember it lol. The fantastic cover art of best ship is by Imalou.

Thank you so much for reading my first new story in exactly a year, please leave any feedback good or bad, drink plenty of water, and have a blessed day!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 42 )
Comment posted by yay force deleted May 18th, 2020

Thank you all for reading my second story about best ship StarTrix! Leave your favorite StarTrix pics in the comments, as well as anything you liked or disliked about this story!
Starlight eventual got nasal surgery that greatly reduced her sleep apnea.

yay force somehow found this story long before publishing, commented on it, and then deleted that comment. I don't remember what it said.

She stares at me for a moment, before leaning in and pecking me on the cheek. "Your mutual hatred is so adorable.

if you had not just confessed to me, i would have sworn you two are hot for each other but too tsundere to ever admit it . .

And why the hell does this not have more comments?

Date says 2020 for me . . 2 years . .

That's when the chapters were written, but the story itself was published when I said it was. FimFiction is weird like that.

I am always in favor of more Starlight and Trixie, they're just so adorable!

Ah, i see . .
never noticed that before.

Oh there's definitely another story to be written about the time they accidentally hate fucked each other :rainbowlaugh:

Yep! I wrote 2/3 of this about 2 years ago. Finally got it out today so that it wouldn't be more than a year since my last published story. Glad you've enjoyed!

Agreed! I highly recommend

EResting Witch Face
Trixie and Starlight discover witchcraft is real, and do the obvious thing about it.
Aragon · 32k words  ·  392  11 · 3.8k views


And now that I finally finished this story, I can finish my raunchier purely comedy story about Trixie tagging Twilight's tree Castle thingy with graffiti!

Perhaps the other readers were simply overwhelmed with how Great and Powerful the shipping was?

I suspect this to be the case, not unlike ancient souls rendered mute by the awesome terror of witnessing an angel. 90 degrees!

Two ships I adore in one fic? and so enjoyable too.

Honestly I hadn't thought about writing this before this comment, but I can promise I already have like 2/3 written another story which is basically 6,000 words of Trixie fucking with Twilight sparkle with Starlight stuck in the Middle

I'm thrilled you enjoyed it! If the second ship you're talking about is tempest light, then do I have a treat for you!

TGee, Tempest, Why Are You So Tall?
Twilight's been meaning to ask.
Super Trampoline · 3.4k words  ·  556  65 · 9.1k views

Oh hey, I remember doing that! I’ll give it a read when I can. :twilightsmile:

Fantastic work. The narration has an almost Skirtsian quality as it embraces purple prose and pushes it to an enjoyable extreme. Beyond that, Trixie's emotional arc is engaging and heartfelt, and Starlight's reassurance is very well done indeed. Even reality intruding on the warm fuzzies only adds to the comedy. Lovely stuff throughout. Thank you for it and congrats on an outstanding story.

Oh, right, there was an epilogue. I was wondering why the story only had three comments. (Look, I've been gradually reading the story all day when I can take a break from work.)

In any case, everything I said before applies, and Twilight and Tempest made for a delightful coda. Thanks again. :twilightsmile:

Updated link to the original

Was going to ponify the entire lyrics but then I got tired and took a nap. Anyway, more glory to Trixilight—wait no, uhh... Staxie, Glixie... hold on.

GlimGlam and Trixie. TrixiGlam. There. Now they're an 80s power ballad band.

How did you get those sidebar hoofnotes to work properly?

Did you mean to post a blank comment, or did you type the hoofnote syntax and it got stripped by the renderer?

Okay now that I'm properly logged in again:

I originally had a great your mom and Rick Ashley and you just lost the game joke baked into my explanation, but alas, I'll keep it simple this time:

[right_insert]unfortunately this doesn’t work on mobile (just shows up as regular full width quote box unless you set the site to desktop view)[/right_insert] [left_insert]shows up like this[/left_insert]

unfortunately this doesn’t work on mobile (just shows up as regular full width quote box unless you set the site to desktop view))

shows up like this

This is just a test

No, really: there is no meaning here

Another sentence of testing

But it does introduce new wrinkles to use1 in my build pipeline

Final thing?

Ok, that was kind of weird2, but now I know how they interact with hoofnotes.

  1. Does this dude show up
  2. Hello, there

The other thing is usually you want to put it pretty high up relative to other texts just because of how text wrapping works

This is... slightly different from what you've been publishing recently.

I like it.

Thanks! But you must be mistaken about recent publishings, since it was exactly a year prior I actually last published anything! :rainbowlaugh:

Holy shit this was an absolute riot! These two are perfect for romantic comedies, and you really went all-out here -- and I haven't even touched on the formatting yet! The formatting tricks, art inserts, and footnotes honestly read smoothly and made me chuckle more than once. They really helped highlight what it was like to be in Trixie's head.

Really glad to have helped out with this one.

:heart: this comment made my day. Glad you enjoyed, and glad the formatting worked for you. Did you read it on mobile or desktop mode?

upon rereading this, i am struck by and adore how dense this story is. fantastic fic!

man, that's awesome; the thought that I wrote something good enough to be sought out and read a second time is just filling me with dopamine right now, thank you so much I've got this glowing grin on my face right now!

Can you elaborate on what you mean when you say it's dense?

Thanks and have a great day!

It's unreasonable how utterly amazing that was.

:heart: I read your comment aloud and my girlfriend high-fived me. Thank you so much. All the positive feedback on this story has made me so happy. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Long live StarTrix!

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