• Published 17th Mar 2020
  • 4,808 Views, 85 Comments

Emotional Support Changeling - Twinkletail

A school assignment leads to Ocellus starting a Crush Confessional.

  • ...


“Our final presenter for the day is...Ocellus. Please come to the front of the classroom, Ocellus.”

The changeling bit her lip as she stood from her desk. Studying and putting together essays were her specialty; public speaking was not. A quick look to the side treated her with a reassuring smile from Smolder. That was enough to spur her onward. She made her way to the front of the class, giving a little nod to Rarity as she turned to face her classmates. She cleared her throat, lifting her paper up to begin reading.

”The definition of generosity is the quality of being kind and generous. The definition of generous is a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected. One of the most important aspects of displaying friendship is a willingness to be generous, to show generosity, often with little to no concern about what you may gain from it in return. For the true reward of generosity is the happiness that comes from those to whom you are generous.

Our class was given a simple assignment: provide a service for your friends, utilizing your own unique abilities. Based on this given task, and with inspiration from a certain pair of friends, my solution to this assignment was obvious. I would offer my services and abilities as a changeling to my friends who had difficulty admitting their feelings to somecreature whom they admired, accomplishing this task by transforming into that somecreature and allowing them to take their confessions on a test run.

It started off perfectly. The first few confessions went without a hitch. Not to say that the later ones didn’t; I like to believe that I helped every single creature who came to me, and if their thanks were any indication, they were satisfied. But as the day went on, it started to take a toll on me, one that I never expected.

I ended up learning a valuable lesson about generosity by choosing this particular route for my assignment. It is important to be generous, and sometimes that means giving of yourself beyond what is strictly necessary. But at the same time, it is important to pay attention to your own mental health. It is important to give, but not so much that you have nothing left.

In the end, however, I think my idea worked out well. It had its low points for sure, but it had more than its fair share of positives...”

Ocellus looked up from her paper to her closest friends in the class. Yona and Sandbar were sitting next to each other, shooting little smiles in each other’s directions. Silverstream had surreptitiously snuck her talon into Gallus’s, and he seemed quite okay with the whole situation. And finally, she looked to Smolder, who gave her a wink and a thumbs up. The changeling sighed happily, returned the wink, and looked back to her paper.

”...And a final resolution far greater than any I could have asked for.”

Comments ( 49 )

Fantastic little story! Very well-written, everyone was in character and the dialogue was believable, as were the interactions. And as an added bonus, you used all my favorite ships for the Young Six... mostly. RIP GallBar...

So, yeah! I really enjoy this story! Great job!

Hah, I blame my iPad for that. Every once in a while it corrects on to in, or vice versa. This one must have just evaded my notice.

Pure adorable and oblivious changeling all of the way through. I love the way she's written in this.

And that last appointment was just amazing. Perfection. Feelings. All of it awesome.

This was a great read!

And this is going on my list of reference fics for how to write the Young-6.


Maybe it WAS knee!

...It wasn't knee.

Thank you :twilightsmile:

I'll have to keep this one in mind too. This was really great!

“You’re exactly who I need you to be.”

Ohhhhhhhhhhh fuck yeah this hits the spot

I literally went to sleep last night wishing for more Smolcellus and what do you know, I wake up to find this!

Really, really cute. The emotional conflict in this is great—I like the whole 'keeping track of your own mental health' moral.

This is some tasty slice of life, my dude.


It's not often something romantic and fuzzy makes me emotionally moved. I enjoy my romance, just one glance at my body of work shows that! But, my man, this hit me right in the vacuole in my chest cavity. My teeth might develop cavities from this sweetness, and I might even have to suffer a life of diabetes at a young age!

Seriously good writing, man. Very show like, and the moral of the story was well done. I am so stoked to see Ocellus and Smolder getting some much deserved love lately. I hope the Student Six get even more soon! I lurve them to bits!

Hehe, that line was in my head from the second I came up with the story and I was really looking forward to reactions to it. I was considering writing a tiny bit more in that chapter after that line, including a line about how the love Ocellus felt from that moment tasted so much better than the love from the other appointments since it was actually meant for her, but I really liked the simplicity of just ending the chapter on that line :twilightsmile:

It's beautiful :heart:

Personally, I ship them because their scene in What Lies Beneath is just PACKED with romantic tension.

I think that’s the episode that did it for me too. Either that or the one with the scavenger hunt.

I mean, they all live in a ridiculous world of magic and cartoon science, so I rather doubt that.

Plus while Ocellus probably can't maintain a female dragon shapeshift for long enough to gestate an embryo or eggs (e.g., weeks or months of time), she can probably maintain a male dragon one for long enough (just a few minutes...well, hopefully a lot longer than just a few minutes, if you know what I mean...) to impregnate Smolder.

👏magic 👏changeling 👏pussy

Ah shipping. And mostly the canon pairings that we're able to see or guess about...still curious if they can indeed do it, as we do see Changelings are able to do quite interesting things in their altered forms.

Wait, would the sperm even be able to fertilize an egg? Considering that Ocellus is a female changeling she may be able to just make it seem like real sperm but it could be sterile or just her own female ejaculate coming out instead. And even if it was fertile, would the sperm be specifically hers or that of whom she is disguised as? Meaning that Smolder would have the child of some random drake Ocellus changed into just so they could have a kid together. There are a lot of unexplored avenues with this train of thought, such as if something like this was common occurrence back when changelings stole love and if there are any foals who have a changeling as a biological father because of this.

Oh my, this was such a cute and lovely little story:twilightsmile: I've always loved the idea of Ocellus being that friend that helps her friends with their crushes...and also being completely oblivious of her feelings for somecreature else (and the feelings somecreature else might have for her:pinkiesmile:)
And Smolder's confession? MY GOD IT WAS GOOD, I'm not the biggest fan of that ship but man, I loved them here, this is so good and you did and excellent job!:heart:
(and thanks for using my drawing as the cover, I'm honored:raritywink:)

I think it would be potentially fun to explore, though. For my part, I think that when a changeling turns into a thing, they are that thing, inside and out. So Ocellus would while a male dragon produce real male dragon sperm, though come to think of it she’s probably need to hold the form for at least a few days to give her body a chance to produce lil’ swimmers. I’m sure there’s a magical solution to the problem.

Likewise while changelings obviously can become actual creatures they can also become no particular creature, not a copy of anyone existing.

This is all headcanon, of course.

Oh, that picture is yours? Heh, I probably should have asked for permission first :twilightblush:

I was searching for a good picture of her for the cover and that one immediately jumped out at me. It was too adorable!

Short, sweet and truly a lovely read. Love all these ships and these characters, and there’s a reason this story was one 1 on the feature box all of a sudden

Yup, and that was a good way to end it. The whole story has a very well designed light hearted quality to it that makes the style flow with the subject matter perfectly. I think, for that line at the end at least, it has to get a fav. Great job.

Wow, at the top of the feature box, AND 0 downvotes! that's impressive!

She got that many couples together in one day. My word, Cadence will be impressed, she’ll probably want to mark this occasion. I can see it now, come speech day, the “Ocellus Award for Services to Shipping” annually presented to the student who hooks up the most couples in a year.

There's a lot to appreciate about this story. My favorite aspect, to be honest, is its pacing. The chapters were all shorter than what I'm used to, but everything was so crisp, the dialogue used beautifully, the descriptions plentiful enough without being overbearing, and (to get odd) the rhythm of the sentences and story made it a pleasure to go through. I think this may be a story I come back to in terms of prose, as I attempt to rekindle my own voice.

And then it hit her. The solution was so obvious once she stepped back and took a look at it. Not only had she come up with an idea to help Sandbar and Yona, but she had come up with an idea to complete her generosity assignment for the week as well. And the more and more she thought about it, the more and more she liked it. This was the best idea ever.

“That is the worst idea ever.

This, in particular, made me chuckle with the pacing.

The characterization is brilliant.

“No, Professor!” Ocellus responded. The moment the words left her mouth, she blushed lightly. She could feel the eyes of some of her friends on her in response to her enthusiasm. She noted the narrowed eyes from Gallus, then the raised brow from Smolder, and then the eager smile and wave from Silverstream when she noticed that Ocellus had looked in her direction too. That last one was probably unrelated. (:twilightsmile:)

Ocellus sat on the edge of her bed, eyes constantly darting between the clock and the door. It was 10:02. Sandbar was supposed to be here two minutes ago. Some ponies just didn’t pay attention to being on time, and she couldn’t understand why.

“Come on, Sandbar...” Ocellus spoke, just above a whisper. “Any minute now...”

“I don’t get why you’re so excited about this,” Smolder stated as she walked in, toothbrush still hanging out of her mouth. “Actually, I take it back. It’s for a class assignment. I’d be more concerned if you weren't excited.”

“Heh...” Sandbar began, already off to a stellar start. “Well...you see...”

“Yona see,” Ocellus responded. “Yaks best at seeing!” She giggled, already having too much fun with this. Sandbar laughed as well, and she could see just in his posture that he’d relaxed a bit.

“It’s not all that bad!” Silverstream said. “But...uh...I kinda had something else on my mind.”

“Oh yeah?” Ocellus asked. “What’s that?”

“Well...” Silverstream began.

Suddenly, Ocellus felt her talon in Silverstream’s clutches. She blinked in surprise, not having expected her to make contact.

“I need to be honest with you,” Silverstream said, staring into the disguised Ocellus’s eyes. Her usual silly nature seemed to have nearly fallen to the wayside with that sentence alone. “There’s a reason I’m always so happy when we get paired up in class, and why I like to tease you all the time, and why I brought you on this picnic. It’s just...I mean, you’re so brave and cool, and I really admire that. I really admire you. And as goofy as that sounds, I really, really mean it.” (I think this is a great example of a drastic change in characterization.)

“You?” Ocellus asked, shocked. “I thought you thought this was a bad idea?”

“Well, I’m here now!” Smolder answered, even though that didn’t really answer Ocellus’s question.

“Okay...” the changeling said. “Well...just tell me who-“

Before Ocellus could finish her sentence, she was cut off by an energized Smolder.

“I’ve been wanting to say this for...I don’t even know how long,” Smolder began. Ocellus raised a brow, startled by the sudden beginning.

“Smolder, you haven’t-“ Ocellus tried again, but she was cut off once more.

“And do you know how hard this kind of thing is?” Smolder practically shouted. “Us dragons don’t share our feelings much. It’s not like us! It’s not tough or cool or anything like that!”

Smolder...” Ocellus tried one last time. Once again, she was steamrolled. (:pinkiehappy:)

So many gems, I'm surprised Smolder was able to focus on her feelings without giving in to hunger. And that wasn't as good as your metaphors and descriptions, which I feel were very special. And although it may be lost in everything else, I thought you had Rarity as a pony and as a teacher spot-on.

And then the plot development, along with the pacing, was very nice. It developed well, and Ocellus's own development throughout was wonderful. Comforting-Ocellus scenes are a guilty pleasure of mine; I love watching friends stick up for her when need be. And the epilogue was an excellent wrap-up to it all.

I'm gushing over this story. Everything was just so well done, and leaves me feeling happy. Well done to you! I have a few criticisms, but since I've been away from the craft for so long, I don't think it would do well for me to offer them to such a beautiful story.

Highly enjoyable and certainly a fun read

I wrote a quick little review for this story.

You can find it over here.

This was super cute and a good read after a crap day. You made smile friend. For that, I thank you.


I kinda want to see Rarity's reaction.

10136828 And you jinxed it...

Remember in the early days of Season 8 where Smollus and Sancellus were a thing? Now we can't do that anymore unless we want to make a pair of...Love Triangles.

Fantastic short story.

Cute story! That line about Spike making three appointments was pretty amusing.

I don't read many shipfics, but I found the premise intriguing enough to take a look. The writing and characterization are both wonderful!

This was a fine fic indeed.

Eh, while I'm not exactly a fan of all the ships in this story, the story alone was entertaining enough to keep me hooked.

Messy and rushed but fun.

This might be one of my favorite Ocellus fanfics now. I love how you portrayed her thought process throughout the whole thing.

Huh... Your right... lol. Talk about a continuity error... I just remember this scene from 2 4 6 greaaat.pbs.twimg.com/media/EU5a0qbWsAUNdPj.jpg

This story from beginning to end was so cute.

I was wracking my brain at the beginning trying to figure out how Smolder thought this was a terrible idea. Was she afraid some other student would admit feelings for Ocellus? Was she worried about being left out, or even about some random pony having a crush on her? Was she projecting because she herself was too scared to confess? All possibilities.

Then I started considering the other ramifications of such a service. What if, for example, Appointments 2 and 3 both had a crush on Appointment 1? How could that be resolved? And say that Appointment 1 had a crush on Appointment 4. How could you help 2 and 3 without breaking your confidentiality agreement? If you performed your service anyway, that would be giving them false hope and setting them up for heartbreak. Heartbreak has destroyed many a friendship as well, it’s a real danger. How would you react if they later blamed you for things not working out? What about the loneliness that it turns out the story would focus on? And the thought that personally made me cringe and gag: what are you going to do when somepony inevitable assumes that you’re offering an exotic prostitution service? Not something I’d want poor sweet Ocellus to go through.

I absolutely love that this story made me think critically like that, and that was just the first two chapters! I was smiling throughout; and absolutely floored and delighted when not only did Silverstream want to confess to Gallus, but gave such a serious and romantic speech, and even tried to KISS the fake Gallus!:pinkiegasp: And my heart broke for my darling little bookbug feeling so much pain.

Smolder being frustrated and angry I think fits much better with her character than the usual gentle and understanding lots of people write her as. It’s also very fitting that she lets out all of her bottled up emotions in a single massive tidal wave strong enough to bury the town. That last line was everything. But now that they’re both roommates and a couple, does that mean they’ll be sharing a single bunk bed for snuggles?! :pinkiegasp:

This story had a moral without it feeling forced, with I feel the show itself failed to do at certain times. Ocellus squeeing about pairing up her friends with each other mirrored my own emotions. The happiness and joyful contentment that was present in the epilogue was so palpable, I could feel it from here. I am so happy to have read this story, it was an absolute pleasure from start to finish.

I may have posted this picture as part of my comment for the previous chapter, but I think it also fits here because of Ocellus bringing up the need to take care of your own mental health.


I really enjoyed this fic.

Don't know if this is what you're asking. But "dating", to me, means an unhealthy approach to romance. You shouldn't have to get your datebook out, and arrange in advance every time you want to be romantic with the man or woman you love.

Yes, "dating" doesn't always work that way. Despite the terminology: When some people say "we're dating", they don't mean they revolve their romance around pre-arranged dates. Some people use that term, and yet have healthy romances that are about more then just dates.

But using "dating" to mean "in a romantic relationship" is, at best, a misnomer. And at worst, a very unromantic unhealthy way to think of romance. It's a term and a mindset, that I think should be thrown out. A true loving romantic friendship takes more then just some dates, and shouldn't be boiled down to that.

A lovely, fluffy story about best changeling.:heart:

This was lovely! I've been having a hard time finding good Smolcellus stories on the site, so I'm glad I found this one. Your characterization of the Young Six was great. Ocellus's revelation about the love tasting off was both a nice bit of worldbuilding and a great way to insert internal conflict into the story without forcing it. Smolder's confession was incredibly sweet; that last line was a stroke of genius. The pacing was pretty much spot-on here as well. I feel like this could easily be an episode of the show.

Thanks for writing this gem! :heart:

Gosh, I really want to accuse you of nearly killing me with this excessive amount of cuteness. IT'S TOO CUTE FOR ME TO HANDLE. So I come up with an idea: How about I translate this story into Chinese so that more people will have a chance to read this sugary fic? And I'll keep all the relevant information as well as a link leading back here.
May I have your permission?:heart:

OH YEAH, I've finished it! Here is the link! Judging from their reaction, it seems like they really like your work! :pinkiehappy: I mean, who doesn't like shipping after all?
Btw, I'd like to mention that when Ocellus transforms , the fire around her is actually blue in the show, not green. So I fixed it in my translation. I hope you're okay with this?:twilightblush:
Thanks for your support, and have a nice day! :heart:

Very sweet


Re-reading this again. Kind of predictable ending, but so adorable.

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