• Published 11th Feb 2020
  • 3,978 Views, 342 Comments

The Phantom Filly - Lucar

Scootaloo finds a mysterious ruby with the power to manipulate reality. She will have to learn to use its power to save Equestria from a mad scientist from another dimension.

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Chapter 5: Revealing her Powers

Author's Note:

I did some edit in the previous chapters. After rereading the wiki of Infinite and the Phantom Ruby, I saw that I forgot an important aspect of the ruby's power: the power to project the newly created, fake reality into the real one. This explains how the monstrous Infinite clones in Capital City were able to destroy parts of the city despite only being illusions.

The building of Eggman's HQ under Manehattan was going well. Very well. More robots were built each second by his factories, and tunnels were dig and built so his troops could exit outside of the city to gather more resources and even transport them so they could go build secretly his new, real HQ in a place called the Badlands that Tirek informed him of. Once this new HQ will be advanced enough, Eggman and Tirek will move to there, and this place will become a simple outpost for the conquest of Equestria.

"It's really impressive to see how fast you advance knowing that you started from nothing just a few weeks ago," said Tirek.

Eggman cackled. "And again, you saw nothing! Wait until my HQ in the Badlands is finished!"

That was when some robots came, dragging a small group of tied ponies. The unicorns among them were unconscious, the robots not knowing how to stop them from using their magic. The others were looking around in panic, and when they saw Eggman, they started stepping back, only to be pushed by the robots.

"Ohohohoh! Here's your dinner, Lord Tirek."

The centaur rubbed his hands before he approached the ponies. Then, he opened his mouth, and one by one, the ponies were drained of their magic, their fur becoming pale and their Cutie Marks disappearing. Tirek, him, became a little taller, a little more muscled, and his fur became less pale, turning to red. "Yes! I can feel my power grow!" He turned back to Eggman. "I will need much more, but a deal is a deal. I will let you study some of my magic so you can find a way to use it for your robots."

Eggman smirked. "Perfect!" He then turned to the ponies. "They can't get out of here. Badniks! Send them to work! They should be a nice bonus workforce."

"Are you still sure Scootaloo?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah," answered Scootaloo with a sigh. "I have no real reason to hide my identity from them. Well, Rarity may ask me to use my transformation power for her clothes, Applejack will certainly not be happy about me going to fight robots, and Pinkie will probably need a Pinkie Promise to not blabber my secret to the whole town, but I know that they will not be invasive."

"And why not tell your aunts too?" asked the mare.

"I'm already revealing my identity to five mares and this will be hard enough with how some of them will react. I can't deal with my aunts at the same time. The moment I reveal to them that I've got reality bending powers and that I'm planning to use them to risk my life, they will probably want to ground me for life, and it will take a lot to convince them not to! But with your help and the help of Princess Celestia..."

"Oh, I see. You want us to back you up against your aunts."


"Normally, I would say that we wouldn't intervene in such family matter, but this is about saving lives so I suppose that this is for the best."

Scootaloo sighed. "The only problem is that if they accept, they will be really worried, and I don't like the idea of making them worry so much. This is also why they aren't here, I'm still hesitating to tell them because of that."

"Aww. That's sweet of you Scootaloo. But they need to know. It wouldn't be fair for them."

"I know. And I have to hurry, because Auntie Lofty will soon leave back to her town, leaving only Aunt Holiday to watch me."

Twilight nodded. "Understood."

That's when the door opened, letting enter the five mares that were Twilight's friends: Rainbow Dash, Applejack (slowly limping because of her still injured leg), Fluttershy (helping Applejack), Rarity, and Pinkie Pie.

"Hey Twilight! You said you wanted to see us?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"News about Eggman?" asked Applejack.

"Unless this is about the news I got about ponies starting to disappear in Manehattan," said Rarity.

"Wait, really?" asked Rainbow.

"Ponies are disappearing?" asked Twilight.

"Yes. A customer from Manehattan told me this morning. The poor dear was so scared that she decided to remain in Ponyville for a few days."

"Eggman's last seen in Manehattan, so he probably's something to do with this," said Applejack.

"Eggman is foalnapping ponies? Why?" wondered Scootaloo.

Probably to use them as slave labor or as lab rats, said Infinite.

Twilight frowned. "I will have to talk to Celestia about this. But no, I didn't ask you to come here to talk about this." She smiled at them. "I found Zero. He's here."

"Really?! Where?!" shouted Pinkie as she looked around. "Oh! Hi Scootaloo!" the mare quickly said upon spotting the filly before she continued to search. But then, she stopped, putting two and two together as the others did the same.

"SCOOTALOO?!" yelled the five mares (or half yelled in Fluttershy's case).

Scootaloo slowly raised her hoof to wave at them, giving a sheepish smile. "Hey! Surprise?"

"Oh, my gosh! Scootaloo is Zero!" shouted Pinkie excitedly.

"Scootaloo is Zero?" asked Rainbow Dash and Rarity in disbelief.

Applejack looked at the filly in doubt. "Are ya really?"

Well... Here we go... thought the filly before she transformed herself into Zero. "Yes, I am Zero."

"Oh, my gosh!" shouted Pinkie before she jumped beside Scootaloo to look at her. "So you're a superhero now? It's so cool! And I love your new transformation! So dark and cool! So how did you get those powers? Were you bitten by a mutant spider? Wait, no. Were you given a serum that turned you into a supersoldier? No, this can't be that. So was it-"

"I ate a ruby that gave me those powers," said Scootaloo.

"A ruby?" Pinkie Pie took a ruby from Spike's stash of gems.

"Hey!" shouted the drake.

"So if I eat this ruby, I will get powers?"

"What? No! This was a special ruby that possessed those powers! I ate it, it merged with me, and now, here I am!"

"Aww... But I wanted superpowers too..."

"Don't you already have some sort of superpower with your Pinkie Sense?" asked Spike as he took back his ruby.

"Silly! My Pinkie Sense isn't a superpower! It's just my Pinkie Sense!"

"But you can practically predict the future with it! And nopony else has it!"

What are they talking about? asked Infinite.

"I don't think you're ready to know."

While Spike and Pinkie were arguing about whether or not the Pinkie Sense was a superpower, the other mares approached Scootaloo.

"So... Sorry for not telling you," said Scootaloo. "I swear I was planning to tell you, Rainbow Dash! I just needed some time to learn to control those powers." She turned to the others. "And Twilight convinced me to tell you too after she discovered." She approached her face to whisper to them. "The truth is that I was scared that she would lock me in her basement to experiment on me."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack burst into laughter at this. "I totally understand what you mean!" said Rainbow. "Don't worry, I'm not mad at you for hiding this. I least, you told us. I'm just curious."

"And we must thank you for helping us against those robots," said Rarity before she frowned. "But I'm not sure I can approve of you risking your life, even to save others. You are just a filly."

"Rare's right," said Applejack. "It's nice of ya to help us, sugarcube, but fillies shouldn't go fighting."

Scootaloo crossed her arms. "Maybe, but when that filly has powers and can save lives, it's better for her to do something rather than remain behind and leave ponies get killed." She frowned. "Dare to contradict me."

"Wow... Uh... You know that you're very intimidating when you frown like that in that form?" said Rainbow Dash.

"Oh! Sorry!" Scootaloo said sheepishly before she returned to her filly form. "But yeah, I can do this!" Suddenly, after a wave of energy, gravity was reversed, and everypony was walking on the ceiling. "And this!" She created twenty replicas of herself as Zero. "And this!" Suddenly, the inside of the library was ten times bigger. "And also this!" She turned herself into an alicorn, and she used her new horn to levitate a book. "And so much more!" Everything returned to normal. "It wouldn't be fair for me to have so much powers and not use them to help others against that mad egg guy!"

Everypony, even Twilight, stared at her in awe after this display of power. For Twilight, it was one thing to be told about these powers; it was another to see them in action and doing such feats as to change gravity and change space. Feats that only archmages, alicorns, and Discord could do!

"Dude..." said Spike.

"Also, I heard that Princess Celestia herself wants me to help her fight Eggman. So, filly or not, I'm going," finished Scootaloo.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Does the princess even know that ya're Zero?"

"Uh... Not yet. She's the next in the list. Twilight will send a letter to her explaining everything."

"So what says she'll accept to send a filly to fight a dangerous guy?"

Scootaloo gave her an 'are you serious?' stare. "The lives of her ponies and the future of this world and many others."

This closed Applejack's muzzle.

"Also, Eggman wants my powers, and he knows about me, so I'm his target, so I'm already in danger. Going to fight Eggman and his robots will change nothing. Either way, I will have to defend myself. At least, in the second case, I'm doing something in return."

Applejack sighed. "Okay... Ya convinced me..."

"Me too," said Rarity.

"If it is for the best, then I suppose this is ok," said Fluttershy. "But I don't like it..."

"Me too," said Applejack.

Scootaloo just shrugged in reply.

"But seriously! What are those powers?!" asked Rainbow Dash. "What you did was awesome!"

"Augmented reality manipulation. Thanks to illusions, I can change your reality and project it to the real one if I want. It's what I did with my body. I changed my reality to become Zero, and I made it real. And so..." Suddenly, she looked like Rainbow Dash. "I can change my reality so I can be like you, both in appearance and skill!"

"Wait, so you mean that you can be as fast as me?" asked excitedly the rainbow maned mare.

"Yeah!" shouted excitedly the filly before calming down, returning to normal. "But this is a little cheating because I could make it so I am faster than you. I pretty much have no limit."

"So, no race?" asked Rainbow, disappointed.

Scootaloo shook her head. "No race. But I can make it so I have normal wings, then train to fly the normal way. It will just take a little longer."

Rainbow smiled. "Eh. I can wait. I will even train you myself."

"Really?!" asked Scootaloo, looking at the mare with stars in her eyes.

"I promise," said Rainbow, rubbing the filly's mane.

Pinkie then approached. "I have a question!" She then looked seriously at Scootaloo. "Can you turn all the houses into gingerbread house?"

"I could," answered Scootaloo with a laugh.


Celestia read Twilight's letter telling her about Scootaloo being Zero and her powers. She frowned at the revelation that Zero was a filly, not liking it at all, because it meant that she would have to send a child risking her life. But Scootaloo's powers, rivaling the ones of Discord himself, were needed. Ponies started disappearing in Manehattan, and she could only imagine what Eggman was doing to them.

At least, Scootaloo was ok with this. That filly was very courageous.

And they were also able to convince Scootaloo's aunts to let her go. That was nice to know. But what about her parents? Wherever they are, she would have to go talk to them so they know about this.

Twilight studied the power of that Phantom Ruby too. If she could replicate them somehow, they won't have to send a filly risk her life anymore. So Celestia hoped that her research would be a success. Meanwhile, the study of the remains of the robots were advancing well. The main problem was that building their own robots would take a while. One at a time. Eggman must have a way to build them rapidly, probably a factory (already).


If Eggman built a factory, then where did he build it? He was last sighted in Manehattan, and ponies started disappearing in Manehattan, so he was probably somewhere in the city, or close to it. But they searched everywhere, and found not a trace from him.

This meant only one thing: he was underground.

If that's the case, then this would leave them no choice but to probe the entire island in search of a 'hole' under the ground big enough for at least one factory, and it may take a while because there were many basements. But Eggman probably hid the entrance to his base, so if they find a building with a basement, but with no known way to reach this basement, it would be the jackpot.

This may still take some time. Meanwhile, she would send more of her guards to Manehattan and try to build their first robots.