• Member Since 13th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Fullmetal Prime

A fan of WAAAAY too many things to list.


And there came a day unlike any other, when two remarkable people met.
Both have done things they regret.
Both framed for crimes they didn't commit.
Both forced to run from people they thought they could trust.
Starting over for a second time, a girl from another world takes up a new name and a familiar tool as she finds the world she's being calling home for the last three years is not as simple as many thought.
It's a world of The Mighty.
A world of The Fantastic.
A world of The Uncanny.
A world of The Amazing.
A world.....of Marvels.

Copyright goes to Hasbro and Marvel Comics.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 45 )

So which continuity of Avengers is this based on? My initial guess is the Earth's Mightiest Heroes show.

Going to wait another chapter or two before I favorite this. Can't wait to see where you take this

Here’s hoping because the premise sounds really good


Interesting start, intrigued for more.

You have my interest.

Honestly I thought Sunset was gonna meet Bruce Banner or Hulk

Ummmm... What did the photo show?
Or will that be explained later?

He took another sip then made his way to the kitchen area and opened the fridge to see what his hostess had. Briefly, glancing at a DVD case on the table as he passed. Well, if I had any doubt about her being a kid, it's gone now.

What did she intend to bring to their movie night?
Was it an instructional video on horisontalt tango.... Bow chika wow wow.

So is this based more off the comics or the movies?

Based on one animated series with influence from the comics but im planning on having some MCU elements

Well I think things are going to go south on Sunset. I wonder if Clint will figure out Sunset is being framed. It also makes me wonder what she will do to convince him to bring her along? On a side note this story was not listed as having a new chapter in my tracking but was listed in my feed. You may want to do a quick blog post with this story tagged so people know it could be up.


I wonder if Clint will figure out Sunset is being framed.

I'm going to go with "yes". He IS one of the 2 superspies on the Avengers.

I do wonder what will happen next.
But from what I can gather from the first chapter this is definitely either before the first avengers, or after civil war or something.

Flash uses Box!
It's not very effective..

When are you going to update this story?

I write as a hobby I don’t have a schedule. I wanted to update before the end of last month but between work, the muse being finicky and loosing track of time didn't happen

Is this gonna get updated cause I think it’s a really great story and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Probably something that’s a combination of sad, awesome and comedy

Alright, really interesting setup so far, hoping it gets continued at some point.

on these show or on a comic book?

Based on a show but i plan to use stuff from the comics

Well it looks like the CMC are going to look like fools once the truth gets out because Clint will be able to be Sunset’s alibi.

These days I don’t think it’s possible to do Marvel stuff without some influence from the MCU 😆

Agreed, one of my stories + it's sequel are influenced by the MCU and have the characters from the film in it.

My stories that include those are:

Anon A Miss: The Son Of Wolverine
One Last Mission

Please read and like them. And maybe also comment?

Sweet, update.

I never actually figured it out. What universe is this in? TV Show, Comics, or the Movies?

Guessing based off season one of Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes after Black Widow Framed Hawkeye? Series was so good always disappointed Disney decided to change it to the "Ever Changeling Subtitled" Avengers cartoon that tried to be MCU Lite after just 2 seasons. EMH adapted comic story lines and used the OG Avengers Team as abase line, also the theme song kicked ass and the team shot at the end always reflected the current team line up even when it was Spiderman, Powerman, Iron fist, and Wolverine for one episode not to mention they ackowlageing the X-Men and has the Fantastic Four show up a few times. Sorry maybe other chapters clarify or future ones will.

Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon continuity

Ooooh, nice to see this back!

Will Pei and/or Gabrielle Kinney appear in this story?

Good choice tats the best Avengers Cartoon by far I wish it had continued past season 2 and adapted the MCU plotlines to fit it's universe than being replaced by the version that came after which changed it's title like 7 times and had like 5 plot Arch's based on the infinity stones (there villians other than Thanos and Ultron guys) United They Stand is the Worst(designs way too Toyetic, cast made up of second stringers only).
You seem to be leaning into making Sunset a Kate Bishop substitute but I hope you go a diffrent route, she could aquire much more intresting powers than just copying Hawkeye. Something just needs to unlock he magic, like a villian maybe? Setting it during Anon-a-miss seems rather cliche by MLP fanfic standards, but I guess it gives Sunset a reason to run away but I just hope you don't make the humane 6 super crappy to her, that angle has been done to death.

Hey an update awesome

As much as a love Gabby, No or at least not yet, waaay too early for her generation to appear yet though i have an idea or two about how im handling her

Pei meanwhile while i know she exists I haven’t read anything that even name drops her sorry 😅

First of all I fully agree on AA there were a few easter eggs, character appearances and mythology gags I liked but its no secret it was just there to cash in on the MCU's smash success.

As for the Kate Bishop, I'm aware of potential similarities, I can't deny there might be a few both intentional and not but I'm trying to avoid it if I can. Honestly, I think YJ's Artemis was were the idea for this came from but I can't really remember.

The Anon-A-Miss setting is mostly because I got the idea of what would become Avenging Sun while I had a huge addiction to Anon-A-Miss fics which has lessened to an extent. Like you're first criticism I'm trying to avoid as many tropes of those stories as I can but we'll just have to see how it turns out.

The cartoons? Never watched them

You should a lot of the older ones are how alot of fans myself included got into the comics

I hope it will continue

ummmm you're the author soo XD

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