• Member Since 30th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Hi, my name is Chris. I love the MLP universe, and I just wanted to share my ideas and read some new ones. Thanks!


In this sequel to Raison Detre and Star Crossed School Days, Spark Storm returns to Ponyville after a terrible falling out with Princess Celestia concerning the Fighters. Meanwhile, Queen Chrysalis plans her revenge on Spark Storm and sets her sights on destroying all that he loves - including Ponyville. Unbeknownst to her, though, Discord has sent a different agent to handle the situation, an old enemy of Spark Storm's, from the far east...
<--awesome fan art by deviantartist scythegirl <3

Chapters (30)
Comments ( 99 )

1110402 Doing it in another language is still against the rules.
YAY MORE SPARK STORM!!:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::yay:

Hey, thanks for the comment and review! Be sure to read the stories before this if you haven't already :3

I certainly hope some people understand the concept of 'sequel'. Please don't read and review this story if you haven't read through my previous stories, guys. Read the description.

1110956 I'll have a look through, and offer my own opinion for you! :pinkiesmile:

Edit: That was beautiful! It even made me 'D'awwwww', and that is a damn rare occurrence because I am a cynical bastard. This may not be everyone's cuppa tea, but it is certainly a good read. Grammatically clean, aside from a few cases of colon/semi-colon over usage. Definitely no major grammatical problems here! You should be proud! Easily gets a thumb from me, and plenty of my feels. Well done!

1112124 Ahah...Thanks. I had my doubts. And I'd appreciate more feedback :D

Edit: Thank you! I hope it merits a read of my earlier stories, which are much less refined than this story! <3

1112150 I will have a look in a moment good sir, but I am trying to reassure every other author that was given this appalling advice that there isn't anything to worry about. :twilightangry2: If you need any help or advice, either mail me or join my group :rainbowkiss: I'll try and help you as much as possible!

:D Sweet.
Talk about damage control. Why would anyone do that to so many aspiring writers? :rainbowhuh:

Why mechafone, you have outdone yourself, my good sir. :D

The third arc started right off the second, and that gave a real sense of continuity instead of the usual "X Y later" stuff.

I'm looking forward to see this arc develop. :)

And if you need any help, any help at all, be it proof reading or inspiration (but not drawing) I'd be happy to offer my services to you. :)

Looking forward to another :rainbowkiss: arc. :D


1114995 Why thank you, good sir ^__^ I'll keep your offer in mind. :twilightsmile:

Woo, new Spark Storm story! Instant like and fav. I finished reading Raison last night and am excited for this. It was very shocking! Totally didn't expect that ending to that arc. Talk about being blindsided! And now, on to this one! :D

1119002 Huzzah! Thanks for sticking with me through this.
New chapter tonight, comin' soon :3

In the words of Good ol' Jim Ross...Business....is about to pick up!

1147016 Indeed! I'm not totally sure what I'm going to do with Ampelus. These next few chapters will either reveal her as a great ally, or a great enemy :3

I think Sparky needs a rough-and-tumble Stallion friend who he is totally clueless about being gay until the guy kisses him. But I'm horrible like that. >_> What's one more thing to complicate Sparky's lovelife after all? :x

Bwahahah. No worries, complications abound in the future concerning Russet. He wasn't in the original plans, but making things up on the spot is my speciality, and Russet's gonna have an important role in the story, even if it is just to complicate matters :3

Oh jeez, she's in trouble!

Bahaha!! :rainbowlaugh: Rainbow's all too famous crash landing can make for great laughter material. :twilightsmile:

So, Spark and Chrome finally meet for the first time since so long ago, Chrome has a natural reaction to Sohl, and Lemon left the Fighters. I'm surprised you didn't give much of an introduction between Orea and Chrome... i feel that that could have produced several different results, all of them worth reading. :trixieshiftright:

D: Yeah, I've been letting myself slip. There's so many characters to write in a single chapter, I might go back and rewrite a few chapters, make them bigger, change some things, and my new chapters might be coming out later with college and stuff coming around. However, they will be longer, with more content, and more substance. That's how it should be, anyway.

I always did wonder what happened to her. But, considering just how she is, i'm not sure if she's an ally, enemy, or what. One thing for sure though, there'll be a lot less ponies in the population count if she isn't dealt with soon. And, considering the fact that the action and suspense is always what hooks me for stories, i wouldn't really care whether she's ally or opponent. My action protection goggles are fine tuned, and ready for action! :rainbowdetermined2: (P.S. Your accepting OC's? :rainbowhuh:)

1171203 Ampelus, friend or foe? I'd have to say that she may end up being both :D
And yes a thousand times yes, I am -always- accepting OC's

I feel sad for Reflex. Of all the ponies who could've had the foul luck the was cast upon him, it was him. poor guy. And at last! ACTION! :rainbowdetermined2:

1171218 Well then, first of all, i understand the entire school thing. after all, i'm only in 8th grade and find myself loaded with work. And as for the OC's... WHERE DO I SIGN UP!? I always have OC's that can fit in with the story! And after my experience with the deviant art pony maker and a run through with paint, theres no telling what the appearance'll be! :pinkiecrazy:

Ah so you've been to DA? That makes things easier if you have an account. Just send your OC and ideas to me there by note and we'll talk business :3

1171902 Well... I don't necasarily have an account... I just go to the pony creator there. :twilightblush: But i can try figuring out how to make an account after school. :)

1174183 Oh, lol. Well if you don't want to bother with that, then send me your notes here. It's just I'm almost always on deviantart and I only check out stuff here a couple times a day. Whatever is best for you, here or deviantart ^_^

Chapter 8 is a nice one. Also... how do i get a pic from my computer to you? (No doubt a minute after my asking you i'll find out, but still, how?)

1176347 Photobucket is a nice way to do things, but if you don't have one of those already, you can simply e-mail it to me via attachment. You can contact me a m3chafone@hotmail.com.

1176368 Well, the OC has been sent! (Please inform me if you didn't get it, i don't want to end up finding out i sent an email to a comlete stranger FROM the stranger. (Oh god, i can't even BEGIN to imagine THAT! :applejackconfused:) Suddenly i'm thinking i should've cropped it. :applejackunsure:)

I got him! He sounds like a very interesting character, and his power could actually lend itself to him being a prominent character. I don't think I've seen a character in any stories that utilizes the abilities that he does.

1176706 And that right there is my biggest flaw, repeating the same word over and over again in the same paragraph ie. character character character ><

1176706 Really? That's interesting. Suddenly i'm wondering what his cutie mark would be. :applejackunsure:

1176717 I suddenly remembered Kitty from the X-Men. Thank you nerd life for amazing thoughts!

1176717 Perhaps a half a transparent pony to illustrate that he can phase through things? Just an idea ¯\(°_o)/¯

1176794 Suddenly I realized i never specified whether or not his talent was connected to his magic, and it isn't! Sorry if there was confusion bout it!

1177084 I'm not so sure you gave him a name, either :D

1177095 That's one thing that i honestly SUUUUCK at. I can try thinking of a name over the next couple days though. (Just watch i'll end up thinking of one ten minutes later. :ajbemused:)

It seems to me, like Anorax had a vision. Is this normal for halflings, or is it just a him thing? :trixieshiftright: And if Discord's their... 'boss(?)', then how's he communicate with them? :rainbowhuh: As for the rest, i have to agree with Lotus, cause i was looking forward to a fight. Oh well! It's still a great chapter! :pinkiecrazy:

1194642 Anorax is connected to the Changelings, something that he's very dimly aware of. It doesn't really affect him unless it's something big, like with what happened in this chapter. As for how Discord is even able to speak to his minions in the physical realm, well..that's a secret for now, but it will be revealed later ^_~
And thanks :D

" The next few hours were a blur. After casting an glamour spell to disguise themselves as a pegasus and a unicorn, the two escaped prisoners traveled to the city of the Golden Lord, "
should say "a"

1197657 D: Darn grammatical mistakes. *goes to fix*

I've got to wonder just what Chrysalis was thinking when she sent changlings with Fire Lotus. I can understand if she had them a distance away, but too close then, like Lotus said, they'll be realized. meh, i always have trouble understanding things like that. :derpytongue2:

1212718 Mostly just plotholes that I dig for myself XD

I feel amazing right now! Great chapter for several reasons my friend! for SEVERAL reasons! :yay: YAY!! I cannot tell you how excited i am right now! And i like how you had his first appearance in the middle of an argument between the siblings over his activities! if you want me to delete this comment then let me know. I'm just so EXCITED! THANK YOU!

1238173 lol no worries, no need to delete this comment! I'm glad I was able to make you feel this way :3 He'll have much more screen time as I figure out his role in all this ^_^

1238188 Now that the excitement high has mostly left, i can go more into detail about this chapter. a couple things that are honestly bugging me now that it's gone is the spelling in the final piece. "she shouted, thought she was standing not five feet from the big work pony." I believe you meant 'though' and not 'thought'. Aside from that... honestly all i can remember is the final part! :rainbowlaugh: I apolagize, i was just so excited to see one of my OC's made by me get featured in a story. I'll reread the story and edit the comment, so i can give my thoughts on the rest of it.

Edit: Ok, 1st of all, I have no idea what the first couple of parts are like, so i'll just stay with the comment of them being rather... dramatical. 2nd, it's just not right what Bon Bon's been doing to Lyra. my closest thought of what it's like to be in Lyra's position is honestly reminding me of the darkness in my past, and Bon Bon's... I just don't understand that. Guess it's cause i've never really had a girlfriend. 3rd, Derpy and Dinky. What in the world has Derpy been teaching her?! is that normal? although i think it's adorable how one (?) they are, it's creepy that Dinky knows that Derpy wanted her to use that gesture! All honesty, like i said, it's a great chapter, but i personally don't know what half of the positions are like.

1238416 Hah, I noticed that on deviantart. I'll have to change that on fanfiction, too >.<

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