• Published 29th Dec 2019
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Phoenix-born Rising - The Ascension of Sunset Shimmer - The Voice in the Water

The day of ascension has come. After 300 years, a new phoenix shall hatch, and with that, one child with great potential shall be chosen to be reborn in its flames. But, when a young orphan is chosen, it throws everything into chaos.

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Interlude 4 - The Trials - Raven's Resolve

“… and so, wi bilieve that should our proposal bi acciptid, the funding from the crown has thi potintial to vastly improve our rigion, which will in turn provide griatir access to the miniral risourcis of the Glintspire and surrounding mountains.”

There was a long pause as Raven pretended to consider Baroness Silver Vein’s proposal, giving the sharply dressed, gray skinned, silver haired, golden eyed earth-weaver woman a flat stare. She knew about the Baroness’s project, having read the documents describing her plans well over a month before their departure.

But that was information she had kept to herself. For a woman like Silver Vein, it was better to make her think she had the upper hand in the conversation and that Raven herself was ignorant of exactly what she wanted. Raven had to admit, the baroness’s plan was ambitious. Audacious even. And if the reports she’d submitted about the quality of the deposits in the region she was intending to mine were true, could indeed enrich those living in her region, and provide Solaria with a new source of tin, tungsten and tantalum.

She’d asked Roseluck about the baroness, and her assessment wasn’t a flattering one. Which had prompted Raven to dig deeper, including dispatching covert agents to investigate Silver Vein. Yet the auditors she’d sent came back with glowing reports on the baroness’s lands and operations. And, given the way that baroness was acting, she was aware of some of Raven’s, or at least the Crown’s, agents had been investigating her, and knew the sort of glowing reports they’d provided.

Which was exactly what Raven wanted, because it meant that her other, deeper cover agents had been able to dig into her with impunity, and insert themselves into her operation. And their reports were far less pleasing.

At the most basic, the baroness was clearly quite adept at maintaining the bare minimum level of acceptable standards of living for her serfs, while also hiding that was what she was doing from any pesky investigators. And all the while funneling as much money into her own coffers as possible. Her agents had even discovered that the baroness had been under-reporting her income to the crown and Roseluck, sending only 95% of the required tax on her operations to Rose’s Blossom and Heliopolis.

The woman was clever. Far too clever. She was also greedy, yet could keep it in check well enough to avoid most suspicion. Which was not a combination that Raven cared for in the least.

There was also the question of the region that the baroness wanted to develop. Raven had examined the maps, and the mines would be skirting dangerously close to a known cragadile nesting ground. If the baroness’s personality was any indication, she might easily provoke the volatile predators into attacking the operation by dumping waste sludge into the waterways they occupied without proper decontamination. Worse still, where there were a large number of cragadiles, there was a good chance there would also be a hydra or fen linnorm preying on them. Which was concerning, since no mention of the nesting ground, or any sort of survey of the region for the presence of either draconic predator, were found in the proposal.

There was also the ever present danger of digging too deeply and breaching into Skellweb. The region wasn’t known to have any entrances to the deep underground, but the undead were constantly expanding. Giving the Cult of Endless Decay easy access to hundreds of miners to serve as fresh materials for new undead, and an easy access route to the surface, was not a prospect Raven cared for.

Raven knew could easily deny the proposal with little consequence. It was a very large request, which she suspected would only partially go to improving and expanding her mines and rock-farm infrastructure like she claimed.

If the mines were operated with fire-caller purifiers to clean the waste properly and earth-weaver geomancers in place to ensure mine safety and prevent them from getting too close to any unknown branches of Skellweb, the mine could be operated safely and profitably. And the metal resources would be worth the investment from the crown, provided they were given their proper share in addition to the tax revenue.

There was also the potential for crown oversight that could come as a stipulation with the grant. The baroness could maintain the illusion of her operations being honest and well run when Raven’s attention was elsewhere, but by accepting the funding, she’d have to accept Heliopolan involvement. That would mean regular reports and accounting of where the money was spent, and regular inspections by Raven’s agents. Inspections that could ensure that the baroness wasn’t treating her citizens poorly, or making them work under unsafe conditions.

And if there were disparities found between her audits and what the baroness reported? Well, she’d learn just how poor an idea it was to defraud the crown, and abuse Queen Celestia’s generosity. Which in turn could help steer her operations into a better place, for her subjects, and for Solaria as a whole.

“I will admit, your proposal just now was an intriguing one,” Raven said with a slight nod after what would appear as a polite length of pause. She’d have to draft the counter proposal very carefully, and ensure that there were multiple layers of language to give the crown the leverage to hold the baroness accountable if she tried to embezzle the queen’s money, or skimp on the safety measures. “However, I will need to fully review your official documents when I return to Chromos and prepare the Crown’s response. The last few months have been rather busy, you understand.”

“Of course Lady Inkwill, I undirstand,” Baroness Silver Vein said with a friendly smile. Or at least, the smile of someone who had all but mastered the act of putting on the facsimile of a friendly smile when unhappy with an outcome. “If you’ll ixcuse mi, I’ll bi on my way.”

“Queen’s light upon you, baroness. I hope you enjoy the rest of the festival,” Raven said as the baroness politely bowed and took her leave.

Opportunistic blight hag, Dylis sent as he glared at the departing baroness.

Raven sent a feeling of gratitude towards her bondmate along with, I think if we do decide to fund her project, there are going to be a few extra strings attached to keep her more honest. And a more thorough report about the swamps to the north. No sense in provoking a linnorm if one’s in the area.

And put a few more agents and auditors in place.

Regretfully, I have to agree.

Raven took a slow drink of her frostcherry brandy, inspecting the assembled Eastern and Heliopolan nobles around her through Dylis’s ever watchful eyes. She could see the wheels turning in their heads whether they should take the baroness’s departure as their opportunity to approach her to make their own attempts at earning her favor or to make pleas regarding proposals they’d submitted to Chromos for funding.

A sudden spike of awareness came from Dylis as his attention turned towards something he sensed towards the other side of the plaza.

Amara’s coming, Dylis sent, sharing with Raven the feeling of his sister’s flame approaching.

Raven didn’t need to reply, instead simply held her arm up above her head. With a gust of wind and the sound of flapping wings, Amara landed on the upheld appendage.

“[What’s happened?]” Raven asked in the phoenix tongue as she lowered her arm to bring the phoenix to her and Dylis’s eye level. If Roseluck was sending Amara instead of coming herself, it was serious.

[It’s Sunset],” Amara said frantically, turning on Raven’s forearm. “[There’s something wrong with her. She’s been acting odd all evening, and now, she can barely stand on her own. Roseluck’s going to take her ba…]”

Amara didn’t get to finish her sentence as a blood curdling shriek of terror filled the air.

One made with Sunset’s voice.

Raven, Amara and Dylis were in the air and speeding towards the sound without another word.

[Amara, find General Sentry and have him prepare to deploy the sun-blades and lock the city down,]” Raven said, while simultaneously sending to Dylis, Find Spitfire.

Both phoenixes diverted course to find the other phoenix-born.

“NO!” she heard Sunset shout.

I’ve found Spitfire, Dylis sent, sharing with Raven the sight of the commander at the bar with a few of her sky-strikers, each of them on their feet and looking in the direction of Sunset’s terrified screams with surprise.

Tell her that we may need the sky-strikers in the air ASAP. I’ll confirm once I know what’s happening with Sunset.

“Stay back!”

The terror in Sunset’s voice spurred her on. Yet, she forced down her own fear for Sunset and her worry over why her student was screaming like she was being attacked. Instead, she focused on drawing up a memory of a peaceful evening with Dylis in her estate, the two of them enjoying tea while she read some of their favorite poetry to him, letting the feelings of relaxation and peace flow into her flame.

She could see Sunset now, the young girl’s eyes wild and her hair violently lashing out at Roseluck, who was keeping a safe distance back. Stopping in the air, Raven began to perform a full-body spell dance, letting the flame she’d fed with the feelings of peace ignite. As she danced, the flame rebelled, and rebelled hard, resisting the spell she was attempting to form it into.

Even for someone as adept at spell-craft as she was, shaping the flame into what she was attempting was difficult. More difficult than even her paralysis spell. But with how Sunset was acting, paralysis would only make things worse.

“GET AWAY!” Sunset screamed, before turning and attempting to flee.

Holding out her hand, Raven unleashed her spell, focusing it directly onto Sunset. Raven felt the spell wrap around Sunset, who briefly fought against its effect. Then, the spell burrowed through her defenses and took hold on her body, forcing her into a state of artificial slumber.

The moment Sunset collapsed to the ground, Roseluck was at her side, holding the sleeping girl to her body. Philomena landed on her bondmate’s chest, worried trills coming from her throat as she desperately nuzzled against Sunset’s face.

“What happened?” Raven asked as she approached, passing through the line of prominence knights.

“I don’t know,” Roseluck said in a pained, worried voice. “She said she was feeling lightheaded and needed to vomit, then just started screaming and attacked me.”

‘Not good,’ Raven thought.

“Philomena, did this come on suddenly?” Raven asked.

The young phoenix turned towards Raven and glared angrily, before shaking her head no.

‘That rules out most hexes and curses.’/ “Do you know why she was attacking Roseluck?”

A nod.

“Was she seeing things?”

A nod.

“Was she hearing things?”


“Nod for seeing things first, shake for hearing things first.”


“Did the light headedness come first?”

Another shake of her head.

‘So nausea first.’ / “Did the nausea build up over time.”

A nod.

“Did it begin when we were outside?”

A shake.

“After dinner before we got outside?’

A nod.

“Was it mild at first, then got stronger over time?”

A nod.

“And the hallucinations? Did those come on slowly?”

Philomena quirked her head.

“When she started hearing and seeing things. Did they begin to happen slowly like her nausea?”

A shake.

‘Hallucinations came on rapidly then. I was afraid of that,’ Raven thought, the said, “Roseluck, put the city under class-7 lockdown, and have Amara tell General Sentry to deploy the sun-blades. I suspect Sunset’s been poisoned.” Dylis, tell Spitfire we need the sky-strikers above the city as quickly as she can manage. I don’t want anyone getting out by air if we can help it.

Nodding, Roseluck began to get to her feet.

“Captain,” Raven said to the prominence knight leader, “take Sunset back to Roseluck’s estate. She is to be guarded at all times. Do not let anyone other than Philomena, Roseluck or myself and our bondmates near her. If her friends Lily Valley or Flower Wishes try to enter, warn them that they cannot see her, and gently remove them from the premises. Inform the staff of the estate that nobody is to approach her other than the people I’ve designated. Anyone else attempting to reach her is to be killed on sight, no questions asked.”

“Yes, Lady Inkwell,” the captain’s three members said in unison.

Roseluck gently handed Sunset over to one of the sky-runner knights, who took to the air along with every colaurata and plumed serpent, Philomena opting to remain on Sunset’s chest instead of flying under her own power. The remaining sun-gazer portions of the knights began to make their way out of the plaza and towards Roselucks’ mesa.

As soon as Sunset was safely away, Roseluck began to perform a full-body spelldance.

Spitfire’s on her way to the barracks, as is Steel, Dylis sent. Vestian, Akari and Amara are with me. We’re heading to the Hidden Grove south of Roseluck’s manor. I’ll tell you when we arrive.

Good, Raven sent.

“Roseluck, when you’re done, I want you to watch over Sunset. Inform me when she wakes up. I will send a messenger to the kirintal and inform them that there has been an incident, that we’re locking down the city, and that for their safety, they aren’t to leave the plateau until we give them the all clear.”

“Understood,” Roseluck said as she completed her spell-dance, a sphere of blue light having formed in her right hand. Lifting the sphere into the air, the flare launched itself high into the sky, then detonated in a brilliant blue flash that could be seen throughout the city. As the light poured down, three things happened simultaneously: every flower in Rose’s Blossom changed color to match the blue of the flare, the night air was filled with a strange, wooden howling sound coming from across the city, and the nobles at the gathering began to shout in confusion, demanding to know what was happening.

“Everyone!” Raven called, her authoritative presence extending outward in a wave that cowed the sun-gazers present. “The city is now under crown authority, and a strict curfew is in effect. Return to your accommodations in an orderly manner and wait for further instructions from myself or the other phoenix-born. Roselucks’ timberwolves and rangers will escort you.”

Raven could see on the faces of most of the Heliopolans and Easterners not from the city that they wanted to protest, but couldn’t muster the will to do so under the crushing pressure of her aura. The locals were far calmer, simply nodding and beginning to exit the plaza.

“I’m heading back,” Roseluck said, floating into the air and preparing to fly off. “Once Sunset is secure, I’ll go through the standard anti-toxin spells I know. Maybe one of them will help.”

“Good. If I find anything, I’ll have Dylis inform Amara,” Raven said, turning towards the banquet hall and striding off purposefully, the sound of Rosleuck’s rapid ascent coming from behind. Despite her haste, she calmly opened the doors and entered the building, closing the doors behind her and locking them.

“Eyes, attend me,” Raven said to the open air of the corridor.

As soon as the words left her throat, seven figures appeared as though passing through a heat mirage. All of them were dressed in white, form-fitting suits and sun-touched masks that hid all of their features, save for four who had glowing, radiant wings. Of the seven, the one at the forefront stood out for the glowing eye emblazoned on their mask.

“I suspect Sunset was poisoned during dinner. You are to find whoever is responsible. If you can apprehend them, do so. If not, inform either myself, General Sentry or Commander Spitfire,” Raven said in a clipped tone as she folded her arms behind her back. “Make haste. The perpetrator has a significant head start.”

“As you command, Lady Inkwell,” the lead Eye said, making a series of hand gestures. The other Eyes nodded and faded from sight. Yet, the lead eye remained, their posture tight and angry.

“Is there something you want to add, Dawn Wings?” Raven asked the last remaining Eye.

Dawn Wings was quiet for a few seconds. Even through the spy-mistress’s uniform, Raven could tell that the sky-runner was trying to control her breathing to remain calm.

“I… I’m sorry, Raven,” Dawn Wings said, her fury clear through the distortion of her mask. “I will make this up to you, I swear.”

“Dawn Wings, don’t let your anger make this personal,” Raven said, her expression softening as she approached her friend. “How many attempts did you help Steel stop in just the last day?”

Dawn Wings shook her head, then looked down at her balled fists.

“Doesn’t matter. One got past us.”

“And the ones responsible will pay. We will see to that. If you want to make it up to me, find out who they are, and which of our enemies they’re working for.”

Dawn Wings unclenched her fists and took a deep breath, before straightening up and giving Raven a curt nod, then turning away and vanishing like her Eyes.


Raven found herself in two places at once. One was in her temporary office in the Rose’s Blossom inner-city barracks, reports coming in at a steady pace from the local authorities and the Eyes. The other was a small, secure cove on Roseluck’s mesa, the dozen perathet trees in its center surrounded on all sides by awoken razor-thorn vines. At the heart of the grove was a single, rune-covered lightstone pushing back the dark of the night with its radiance. And in the branches of the lethally toxic trees were Dylis, Vestian, Amara and Akari. Any other living creature would have succumbed to the tree’s lethal vapors and toxic bodies, yet the phoenixes were unaffected by the lethal poison the trees were exuding.

She could feel Dylis’s agitation coming through their bond, but didn’t close herself off the sensation. She knew that he was feeling her own frustration just as fiercely. It was one of the few true comforts she had left in her life, knowing that no matter what she was feeling, she could share it honestly and openly with her bondmate, and that he knew she would do the same for him.

“[Steel, Spitfire, report,]” Dylis said, conveying Raven’s words to the other phoenixes, and their bondmates.

“[Curfew is in full effect, Raven,]” Vestian said. “[Roselucks’ timberwolves and my sun-blades have the streets secured. We’ve made a few arrests. Mostly non-residents trying to sneak out to see what’s going on. I’ve had them detained and sent to the local jail.]”

“[Any casualties?]” Amara asked.

“[A few. Some of them resisted, but we let your wolves handle them,]” Vestian said matter of factly, before his tone of voice shifted slightly. “[None of the idiots are dead, by the way. Just a little roughed up.]”

“[Thank you, Vestian,]” Dylis said irritably, before letting Raven’s words come through again. “[Spitfire, what about on your end?]”

“[There haven’t been any attempts to escape the city from the sky,]” Akari added, “[but we’re spread pretty thin. We’re doing our best, but there’s only so much air we can cover with how few of us were allowed to attend.]”

“[Do what you can, commander,]” Dylis said. “[Roseluck, any updates on Sunset’s condition?]”

There was a pause as Amara shifted in the branches of the tree.

“[She’s awake,]” Amara said, “[at first, she was hysterical, screaming and crying constantly. But now… now she’s just sitting there. I don’t think she’s aware of what’s going on around her anymore. But from the look on her face, whatever she’s seeing is torture.]”

Raven and Dylis saw Amara look towards the manor, her expression becoming forlorn.

“[Roseluck tried every anti-toxin spell she knows, but none of them are doing a thing,]” Amara said, the cadence of her voice shifting. “[We can feel Nitor’s heart being drawn in, as if Sunset is trying to use it to fight off the poison, but it keeps withdrawing. And if her mind is under attack too, there’s nothing we can do to help unless we figure out what they gave her.]”

“[Has Philomena been able to give you any insight into what Sunset’s seeing?]”

“[Only a little,]” Amara admitted with a sad shake of her head. “[She can’t speak enough of our tongue to really explain anything. All that we’ve been able to discern is that it has something to do with Golden Tree and the people there.]”

That’s not good, Dylis sent. That means whatever’s attacking her is using her memories and feelings as a weapon.

That doesn’t narrow it down much. There are any number of poisons or drugs that could do that, especially if they’re magically augmented, Raven sent. And that’s just assuming harmony magic. If there’s chaos magic involved…

“[We might have some good news on our end,]” Dylis said. “[Three of the servers and one of the chefs have gone missing. Of them, the two servers and chef have been found. Or rather, their bodies have been found. The Eyes are tracking the final server down as we speak.]”

“[Who?]” Amara asked.

“[A young sky-runner woman by the name Windy Skies. According to her records, she’s been in your employ for at least eight years,]” Dylis said.

“[I remember her. She was the one who was attending our table,]” Amara said. “[I never interacted with her much, but from the few we’ve had, she didn’t strike me as someone who’d be capable of something like this.]”

“[Then I hope for her sake that she’s innocent,]” Dylis said, then addressed Vestian. “[Steel, once the Eyes track her down, we may need your help to apprehend her. Involved or not, her disappearance and the deaths of the other three is too much of a coincidence to ignore.]”

“[Weren’t your precious prominence knights checking everything she ate?]” Vestian asked.

Both Raven and Dylis bristled at the question, knowing that it was an accusation.

“[Yes. But if it got past them, it’s something that we’ve never encountered before,]” Dylis responded for Raven, before adding his own thoughts. “[Even you have been caught off guard by the unexpected. Of have you forgotten what happened when you first faced Reeka and Draggle?]”

There was a tense silence as Vestian narrowed his eyes angrily.

“[Point taken,]” Vestian hissed.

“[Not to interrupt, but we’re forgetting something,]” Akari cut in, drawing everyone’s attention. “[This whole thing is unfortunately very well planned out if they actually managed to get to Sunset. And if I was in their shoes, and was trying to get out, I’d have accounted for both the air and streets not being an option. Which means they may have tried to go underground. Flower girl, have there been a breach in the rootshield?]”

“[No, there haven’t,]” Amara said. “[Nor has there been any substantial contact with its life-burn field since the shield finished growing. Getting out that way is impossible.]”

“[No barrier is completely impassable, Roseluck,]” Vestian said. “[But at least it's good to know that there haven’t been any attempted breaches.]”

“[That’ve been detected at least,]” Akari added.

“[That’s enough,]” Dylis said forcefully, before addressing Vestian. “[In your assessment, who do you think is responsible out of the groups that have made attempts on Sunset so far?]”

“[It’s only been the Gold-sun Syndicate that's made any organized attempts on her. Everyone else has been freelance hired blades. Of the latter that we managed to take alive, we couldn’t determine who hired them, since they were cagey enough not to directly meet with their hired assassins. And we couldn’t interrogate the Gold-sun members. They took their own lives before we could capture them,]” Vestian said. “[But, given that they actually got past both the Eyes and my agents, there are only three groups that I can think of that have the resources and patiences to pull something like this off: the changelings, the Cult of Endless Decay and the shadow-stalkers.]”

Raven found herself frowning.

“[That was my assessment too,]” Dylis said. “[Who do you think is the most likely among those three?]”

Vestian paused to allow Steel to gather his thoughts.

“[Of the three, the changelings have the capacity, but not an obvious motive. Mad as she is, Chrysalis wouldn’t risk a war with us. The Bitch Queen is cunning though, and could easily cover her tracks if she was involved. Or implicate another group,]” Vestian said gravely. “[The problem is this doesn’t feel like her style. Aside from potentially starting a changeling hunt, it’d be a waste of an invaluable resource. She’d be more likely to try kidnapping and replacing Sunset to convert her into a changeling princess.]”

“[Thankfully, we haven’t given her any sort of opening to do something like that. And even if she could replace Sunset, Philomena would know immediately that the impostor wasn’t the real one. And if Philomena wasn’t around, we’d know something was wrong,]” Dylis siad. “[So the changelings are unlikely to be involved. At least by themselves. What about the others?]”

“[If it’s the Endless Decay, I’d say that means Nightcrawler’s risen again,]” Vestian hissed, the thought of D’compose’s creation causing licks of flame to flow over his body. “[It has been over a century since Steel and I last killed him, so he’s overdue to return. And, he not only has the skill needed to make the kinds of poison that could affect a young phoenix-born, he’s got the patience to set up such a plan. If it is him, we wouldn’t be surprised if he hired some of the assassins that’ve made attempts on Sunset to distract us from the real poisoned needle in his other hand.]”

“[And if Windy Skies is in league with him and the Cult, it means that he’s been planting members of the Cult behind our lines without our noticing for years,]” Akari added gravely.

“[Nightcrawler wouldn’t think twice about engaging in such a long term gambit, nor would his followers object to a suicide mission if it meant killing one or all of us. I’d say that makes the Cult a very likely suspect,]” Dylis said, before asking,“[And the shadow-stalkers?]”

“[Honestly, they’re the least and most likely at the same time,]” Vestian admitted. “[They have the skills and toxicological knowledge needed to execute a plan like this. But, at the same time, everyone who enters the city and serves on Roseluck’s staff is regularly given color-blotch testing, so it's unlikely a true shadow-stalker could have come in the front door.]”

“[Doesn’t mean that one couldn’t sneak in another way,]” Amara added solemnly. “[And it's not impossible that a spectre could enthrall someone and use them as a sleeper agent to do their dirty work. And it would mean they wouldn’t even have to put themselves in danger to do so.]”

“[The question would be ‘why?’]” Dylis asked. “[The Umbrum know better than to provoke us so blatantly. So unless The King of Shadows feels that she’s a threat that makes her removal worth risking our reprisal, we can’t imagine them making the attempt.]”

“[That’s the problem,]” Vestian said with a shake of his head. “[Of the Three, The Shadow King has always been the most inexplicable, even prior to his fall. Whenever I’ve spoken with Queen Celestia about her brother’s tactics, she has admitted that he was an odious mystery whose mind was an impenetrable thicket. Even to herself and the Traitor.]”

Out of the corner of his eye, Dylis and Raven saw Amara beginning to look uncomfortable, as though Roseluck were asking her to say something she didn’t like.

“[Roseluck wants me to say that there’s… another group that might have done it,]” Amara finally admitted. “[Spoiled and her allies tried to provoke Sunset into a fight earlier today. And Ruby Prism, Amethyst Mirage and Vladamir Blueblood have enough reason to want Sunset dead. Many of the nobles in Heliopolis already hate her for being an outsider and a foundling. And they have the money and resources they’d need to make it happen, including either buying off of blackmailing Windy into poisoning Sunset.]”

“[That is a serious accusation, Roseluck,]” Vestian said, his tone shifting dangerously as he glared at his sister. “[You’re suggesting that members of the nobility would be willing to attempt the murder of a phoenix-born.]”

“[We know,]” Amara said, looking Vestian in the eyes. “[But fourteen of them, including the head of the Council of Light, were willing to blaspheme to such a degree that Queen Celestia felt it appropriate to use mourning glories on them. It's not impossible to imagine that others would be capable of something like this. At the very least the attempts not made by the Gold-sun Syndicate seem like something a baron or higher could fund.]”

Dylis and Raven remained silent, their attention shifting between the other phoenixes as what Roseluck had just said sank in. Vestian was all but unreadable, though they could tell that he was displeased with the thought, though exactly why she could only venture a guess. Amara, by contrast, looked unhappy about having to voice such an accusation. And finally, there was Akari, who looked distracted in the way Amara had just moments before, likely because she and Spitfire were having their own silent conversation.

“[Spitfire wants me to add that it’s possible it was the kirintal,]” Akari said forcefully, drawing the attention of the others. “[Their isolationists have been pushing them to withdraw from the alliance and re-seal their borders with increasing frequency, according to their own diplomats. What better way to prove to the Arbiters that we’re weak and unworthy allies than having one of our newest ascendants die within the first year of her ascension under our watch. And they have the herbalistic knowledge needed to make some new poison that Raven’s knights couldn’t detect.]”

“[Spitfire, how dare you accuse the kiritnal of such treachery?]” Amara hissed as she shot a hot glare at Akari. “[You have no proof that they’d do anything like that. And lest we forget, they’ve made a promise to honor our alliance…]”

“[…so long as the Arbiters believe that it is beneficial to both of our people,]” Akari interrupted, shooting Amara an equally searing hot glare, “[or have you forgotten the terms of the treaty that Queen Celestia and the Arbiters penned?]”

“[And you think the Council of Light is more trustworthy? At least the kirintal honor their agreements. Unlike certain members of the Council, who’d sell their own children if it got them more power.]”

“[That’s enough! Both of you!]” Dylis screeched, silencing both Amara/Roseluck and Akari/Spitfire. “[As much as I hate to admit it, you both bring up a logical argument. But fighting amongst ourselves won’t help us find the culprit. Or save Sunset.

“[For now, we need to focus on capturing the assassin or at least figuring out what they used on Sunset. Roseluck, I want you to stay with her and do everything you can to keep her stable and alive. Steel, I’ll send you a list of known Gold-sun Syndicate members and sympathizers within Rose’s Blossom. Have a few of your soldiers bring them in for questioning.]”

“[Understood, Raven.]”

“[Spitfire, do what you can to keep the sky covered. We can deploy some sun-blade and ranger sky-runners to assist when you need to rotate out your sky-strikers. I’m also going to send Nefrathel and his mates assist you.]”

Akari didn’t immediately respond, but from the look in her eyes, she and Spitfire were discussing the idea.

“[Normally I don’t like working with amateurs, or wyverns, but I can make an exception under these circumstances,” Akari finally said. “[Are they going to listen to me?]”

“[You shouldn’t have any problems with our rangers,]” Amara said. “[They know how to follow orders.]”

“[I’ll hold you to that, Flower girl,]” Akari said tersely, then addressed Dylis, asking, “[And the wyverns? Are they going to obey my commands, or do I need their handlers too?]”

“[I’d suggest including their handlers. Saetha and the other drakianas are tame enough to listen to you, but Nefrathel tends to be unruly with people he doesn’t know.]”

Once again, Akari paused as if in discussion with Spitfire, before finally saying, “[We can work with that, so long as their handler understands that we’re in charge.]”

“[They’re sun-touched. That should tell you all you need to know,]” Dylis said. “[Vestian, Akari, you can go to aid your bondmates if you want. Amara and I will remain here. We’ll reconvene here in an hour, unless something comes up.]”

Both Vestian and Akari gave Dylis a quick nod, then spread their wings and took to the air, presumably to rejoin their bondmates. Leaving only Amara and Dylis in the grove.

“[She’ll make it through this, Roseluck,]” Dylis said. “[I believe in you. And her.]”

“[Roseluck says she should get back to Sunset,]” Amara said, before looking away guiltily. “[I’m… going to go too, if you don’t mind. I want to be with Philomena.]”

Dylis nodded, then simply said, “[Go.]”

Amara gave Dylis a grateful trill, then took to the air.

Leaving the two of them alone in the grove.

Reaching out, Raven felt a silent signal from Dylis that they were alone, and that it was safe. The moment he did, Raven let her mental defenses drop. A wave of white-hot anger and grief erupted in her mind, as did painful feelings of defeat and exhaustion. She could feel Dylis accepting the tide of negative emotions through their link, allowing Raven to vent her frustrations and inner turmoil while still maintaining her outer mask of calm indifference. It was something he’d done thousands of times over their millenia of life, just as she had for him.

Slowly, the feelings burnt themselves out, dimming to a low burn instead of the raging inferno that they’d been moments before. As they died down, she sent feelings of gratitude through their link. Dylis in turn opened his link to her more fully, letting his love for her flow outward and into his bondmate. The inflow of this positive emotion helped to quench the last of her inner turmoil.

We’ll find who’s responsible, Dylis sent, his own righteous indignation sparking up.

I know, Raven sent, her own anger starting to ignite again. But this shouldn’t have happened in the first place. Sunset wasn’t ready to leave Mt. Liakeed. The fact that poison even worked on her at all is proof enough of that.

We didn’t have a choice, Dylis sent sympathetically. We could never have foreseen this sort of circumstance when the treaty was penned.

That doesn’t make it any easier. Raven took a deep breath, centering herself and letting the anger smolder and die down. We’ll just need to trust Sunset and Philomena are strong enough to hold on until we can figure out what she’s been given.

I’m sure she can. Kid’s too stubborn not to.

Let’s just hope that stubbornness isn’t what’s going to end up killing her.

We’ll figure this out, Raven. And once we do, we’ll make an example out of whoever did this, Dylis sent, fraternal instincts flaring to life at the thought of incinerating whoever dared to hurt his little sister and her bondmate. Through the link, Raven sent feelings of reassurance that she shared the sentiment. The only question is what condition will Sunset be in when we do?

Author's Note:

So, little break before we go back to Sunset's very calming and placid head-trip. Sorry, couldn't keep from rippling when I wrote that.

Regarding Baroness Silver Vein, yes, she's talking with a heavy accent. I haven't decided exactly where she's from, but there be a strong regional accent associated with it. Given how strong it is compared to the "standard" sun-gazer language, she's from pretty far away.

Anyhow, got this banged out pretty quickly. Now to get back to Sunset and her happy place. (Nope, still couldn't keep from rippling)

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