• Published 27th Mar 2020
  • 3,199 Views, 172 Comments

Product of Friendship - AzuraKeres

With the defeat of Chrysalis and her allies, peace was finally achieved amongst many creatures. All creatures were given the choice of happiness, except for one creature that was stolen of her mother.

  • ...

07: School Disturbance

Luster’s eyes fluttered open at the brisk of the morning light. After a groan, she pulled her sheets over her head to protect herself from the Princess’s encroaching light. It had taken her hours to finally find solace in her slumber after enduring her apparent new roommate's incessant curiosity about her belongings. Thank Twilight that she finally relented and understood the rudeness in her invasion of privacy.

“Hmm,” Luster’s ears perked to the hum of a voice. No doubt it was the voice of that intrusive changeling, but what was that sound of flipping pages? Luster did not recall her having anything of the sort with her when she arrived here last night...

Luster immediately threw her sheets aside and sat up as she witnessed the changeling fumbling through her books again. Sitting on her bed, Wist was merrily flipping through the contents of Luster’s books!

“I thought I told you not to do that!” Luster shouted. She jumped out of her bed and immediately attempted to snatch her book from the changeling's hooves. However, much to her annoyance, Wist fluttered her wings and floated out of Luster’s reach. “Wist!”

“Guess you’re awake now,” Wist said without removing her sight from Luster’s notebook. “And I was enjoying myself so well as you lost yourself in your lofty dreams. Would’ve been more pleasant for me if you weren’t speaking your princess’s name every five minutes though.”

“I did no such thing!” Luster defensively voiced with a blush. “Wait, don’t go and try to change the subject. Give me back my notebook.” Luster’s horn harnessed a yellow light that enveloped the notebook in Wist’s hooves. She tried to tug the notebook out of the changeling’s grasp, but a green aura enshrouded her notebook, thwarting Luster’s attempt.

“Give it back already,” Luster demanded, struggling to overcome Wist’s herculean grasp of her notebook. Just how much magic did this changeling have in her reserve?

“Strange,” Wist said without a struggle in her voice. “I could have sworn that sharing was an important aspect of friendship. You’ve written here in this very notebook...”

“It’s not sharing if you didn’t get my permission,” Luster argued. “Now quit it already and give it back!” Luster heaved her head back to increase the pulling force of her magic. But suddenly, she lost the feeling of Wist’s opposing force and inadvertently lunged face first into her bed.

Pulling herself away from her bed, Luster looked back to where she once saw Wist but the changeling had disappeared. Flailing her sights about, she located the changeling before the open door of their dorm room.

A devilish smile crept upon the changeling as a rush of fury enveloped the mare’s face. “Then let’s say that I’m borrowing this. I'm nearly finished with it anyways.”

With a wink, Wist flew off through the hall of the dormitory. Luster quickly chased the changeling, hoping to exact her justice for the creature’s infringement on her privacy.

Rushing through the halls, the two passed through waking creatures that were surprised at their lively energy. Luster apologized to the creatures she bumped into and kept pace with the changeling that flew above them.

“Wist,” Luster shouted. “Will you stop this already!? We have classes to get ready for.”

Wist gingerly flipped through the pages of Luster’s notebook, seemingly ignoring Luster’s voice. This riled the mare even more. The changeling then let out a sigh, “Seriously, how many times are you going to mention the princess in your notes? You’re like a frantic stalker. It’s actually starting to get creepy.”

Luster’s eyes gaped at the changeling’s insinuation. She then gritted her teeth and lit her horn as she shot a short beam at the changeling.

Wist effortlessly leaned out of the path of the beam as it bounced from the ceiling and struck a passerby that was exiting their room. The beam encapsulated the creature in a yellow aura, holding its body still.

“Nice aim—Not,” Wist laughed as she picked up some speed to distance herself from the raging mare.

“Just wait till I get my hooves on you,” Luster seethed as she shot another beam at the changeling. Again, Wist dodged it and yet again it immobilized another innocent bystander. But even so, Luster persisted as she shot more and more beams at the changeling, hell-bent on capturing the disrespectful bug she was forced to call her roommate.

The two rushed through the halls and stairs, descending down the building while leaving behind shackled bystanders through their morning chaos. The two had descended to the foyer of the building when Luster began to show her fatigue, breathing hoarsely for air.

Wist grinned at the mare’s failing strength as she finally decided to stop fleeing and look down upon the mare from the air. “Running out of steam,” Wist mocked. “And just when I was starting to have fun.”

“What is it that Starlight sees in you?” Luster berated in between her huffs. “How can you just float right there and find amusement in bullying me like this?”

“You’re the one that brought this upon yourself by not letting me read your notes,” Wist argued. “It was almost a waste, to be honest. All these frivolous notes about friendship don’t mean anything compared to the magic and ingredient I managed to find.”

“Friendship is the cornerstone to the teaching of this school,” Luster reminded. “It’s in its name! And you’re doing a terrible job of learning it.”

“Am I now?” Wist wondered matter-of-factly. “Well then, how would you remedy this situation with your vast knowledge of friendship?”

“Oh, I’ll tell you,” Luster leered at Wist. “I’m going to—” and before Luster could finish, the two glimmered with blue light. Confused by their sudden glow, the two again were caught by surprise when it pulled them together. Their faces mushed upon each other as Wist dropped the notebook to the ground.

“Hey,” Wist irritably voiced. “What gives?”

“You two are a real doozy duo,” the two perked to the voice of a Kirin that appeared before them. “But I can't have you two getting too caught up in the fun. You don’t want to be an inconvenience to every creature, do you?”

“Ms. Autumn,” Luster voiced in shock. “Oh no. I’m so sorry about this. It’s just that my roommate stole my notebook and wouldn’t give it back.”

“You mean borrowed, right?” Wist corrected, earning a leer from her roommate.

“You must be the new student I heard about,” the Kirin gawked her face before Wist’s. “Wisteria, right?”

“Just call me Wist,” the changeling nonchalantly said.

“Well, Wist,” the Kirin said. “My name is Autumn Blaze. But you can just call me Autumn. Or maybe you prefer Ms. Fall. A lot of the students like to call me that. But if you can come up with something special yourself, I don’t mind you calling me that either.”

“You like to make tangents, do you?” Wist wondered.

“It’s a force of habit,” Autumn admitted. “But enough about me. We should really talk about the loud noises I heard upstairs. The students seem to be talking up a storm up there right now.”

“Oh, right…” Luster cringed, remembering the frantic use of her magic in her path down to the foyer.

“Just a little game my roommate and I were playing,” Wist answered. “Though, my roommate got it a bit too passionate about winning.”

“That is a lie and you know it,” Luster angrily voiced.

“Well, regardless of what it was,” Autumn said. “I think you two owe a lot of creatures an apology. I’ll also have to pass this on to the headmare.”

“But, but—” Luster tried to make an argument, but was halted when Autumn raised a hoof.

“No time to dilly-dally,” Autumn stated as she floated the two around her. “We got some chaos to undo.”

At that, Autumn began her way up the stairs with the two floating behind under the whims of her magic. Wist however managed to shimmer her green light upon her horn as she hovered Luster’s notebook into her roommate’s grasp.

“You can have it back,” Wist said. “I’ve already finished the last page on the way here.”

Luster gripped hard on her notebook. Her eyes were beaming hot as flames at the changeling that had now utterly ruined her entire morning.

“Why?” Luster thought. “Why of all creatures in this school did it have to be her?”

“Because I believe you’re the perfect friend for her,” Starlight answered. The headmare sat before the desk in her office as she gently smiled at her troubled student.

“Yes, you’ve said that before” Luster started, trying her best to quell the frustration that still lurked in her body. “But what about me suggests that I’m the perfect fit?”

“You have to understand,” Starlight responded. “Wist is…well, she is a changeling with a rather colorful personality. Some might find it hard to approach her because of this.”

“That’s a light way to put it,” Luster mumbled, but then gaped when she noted the headmare’s disapproving gaze. “I’m sorry,” Luster apologized. “It’s just that she keeps provoking me and it’s already working my nerves.”

“I understand,” Starlight sighed. “But I am holding onto hope that the two of you can turn things around. The main reason I selected you, is because you two are fairly new to friendship. As such, I wish for the two of you to grow closer as you learn more about friendship together.”

The confidence that her headmare had in Luster was flattering, but this task seemed beyond anything she had ever had the displeasure of dealing with. Why would her princess allow some creature so dangerous, so rude, so annoying to run freely after all the chaos she had caused?

“Wait,” Luster thought. “Is this perhaps a test that the princess is giving me? Why else would she allow Wist to be admitted into this school and have the headmare select me of all creatures to endure this torment?”

“I know that I’m asking a lot from you,” Starlight continued. “But I believe there is potential for a genuine friendship between the two of you.”

“I understand, Headmare Starlight,” Luster nodded. “I promise that I won’t let you down. But, what should I do about her? She constantly goes around and does as she pleases.”

“I would suggest finding something where the two of you share a similar interest,” Starlight advised. “Try to talk and find out what you two have in common. If that doesn’t work, why not try activities in and out of the school that catches your eyes?”

“I guess that makes sense,” Luster tapped her chin. “And I think I already know one thing we have in common.”

“That’s perfect,” Starlight clapped her hooves. “Then the two of you should find time to engage in it.”

“I don’t think I can trust her around potions anymore,” Luster said. “Not after what she did to Ms. Smolder.”

“Oh,” Starlight perked at the realization of what Luster meant. “Right…Well, there are still loads of other things the two of you can try out.”

Though Starlight wanted to imbue her student with some confidence, Luster was not oblivious to the hefty duty that was thrust upon her. Enduring an association with a creature so crude would certainly push her to her limits. However, Luster was given the hope of both her headmare and the princess. Because they held so much belief in her, there was no way she was going to let them down.

With a heavy sigh, Luster entered her homeroom class. As she expected, her classmates welcomed her with glaring eyes before returning to their conversations.

“You heard how she froze like a dozen students at the dorm house this morning?” Luster’s ear perked to the gossip of one of her classmates as she quietly made her way to her desk. She couldn’t trace where the voice came from due to the countless others that cloaked it.

Many of them voiced her name as if she couldn’t clearly hear them. She lowered her face to her desk, wanting to shut out their voices. The last thing she wanted was to be reminded of her embarrassing lapse of judgment this morning.

She had already endured more than enough of it when Ms. Autumn had Wist and her undo her spell upon the innocent victims of their misdeeds. Luster had profusely apologized to each and every one of them, but Wist’s disinterest made her intentions seem insulting. Does that changeling know nothing about civility!?

“Alright class,” Luster and her class paused when their teacher, Ocellus, entered the class. “Take your seat. We have a new student I’d like to introduce.” An immediate echo of voices mumbled throughout the class. “Now class,” Ocellus raised her voice. “I know that you might have felt some unease over the last few days, but I want you all to give her a chance as we do with every creature. So please, be kind and respectful.”

The echo of mumbles continued again, straining the smile that Ocellus displayed. She was hoping for a wholesome morning where she would introduce Wist in the best light after the gossip had finally died down from Wist’s incident. But to think that her student would waste no time to cause another array of disharmony had soured the fruitfulness of a fresh start.

Regardless, Ocellus welcomed Wist into the class, earning rigid stares from the students. Even so, Ocellus persisted with as much resolve as she could retain, “This is our new student who will be joining us for the year, Wisteria.”

Luster raised a brow at the changeling’s indifferent face. How was it that this creature could hold her composure so well when she played a key part in wronging these students this morning?

“Psst,” Luster perked to the sound of a black female griffon whispering next to her.

“Yes?” Luster responded in a low voice.

“Heard you went on a rampage this morning,” the griffon whispered. “What was that all about?”

“You see that changeling there,” Luster nodded to Wist standing before the class. “She’s my roommate.”

“Seriously,” the griffon said in amazement. “How’d you get stuck with Ms. Witch of Lust over there.”

“Witch of Lust?”

“C’mon,” griffon sighed. “You haven’t heard what creatures have been saying about her after what she did to the P.E. coach?”

“I don’t do well with gossip,” Luster argued and then placed her attention back to the front of the class.

“Wisteria,” Ocellus voiced. “Would you like to introduce yourself to your classmates?”

“Why?” Wist wondered. “You’ve already told them everything. My name and my position.”

Ocellus’s brow jerked but persisted to retain the caring smile on her face. “Come now Wist, there’s more to you than just your names and titles. Why not share something about yourself to the class?”

“Is this another rhetorical question?” Wist asked. The echo of the voices of the class circulated through the room again.

With a sigh, Ocellus relented, “No, I don’t want to force you to do anything if you’re against it.”

“Golly, you’re so kind,” Wist gave a youthful smile to her teacher. Ocellus was stunned by how innocent it was. However, knowing this changeling’s deceptive ways, Wist was likely trying to take a jab at her. “Maybe I should return it in kind.”

“Thank you,” Ocellus said, but now she felt a course of uncertainty from her student. "Please," Ocellus hoped in her thoughts. "For the love of Equestria, don’t do anything that'll make things worse than they already are.

Her hope proved hollow when Wist began her introduction with an unnervingly cute voice, “Hi you guys. You may know me as Wisteria, but you can all call me Wist if you like. That is only for my close friends since we’re going to be spending an oh so lot of time with each other. I know how to make all sorts of kooky potions and curses that can do the most unimaginable of things, so I know we’re going to have the best time together. Isn’t that just wonderful?”

Her pert smile earned the silence of her classmates, appalled by the dark undertones this changeling displayed behind her overbearing voice. It was the sort of paradox that should belong to a maniac. Heck, from their perspective, that’s exactly what they were looking at.

“I think that’s enough for introductions,” Ocellus concluded with a defeated sigh. “There’s an empty seat beside Luster Dawn, please take your spot there.”

With a triumphant nod, Wist strode through the seats of her classmates, averting their gaze as not to meet hers. However, when she took her seat next to Luster, she was welcomed by a glare from her roommate.

“What was that?” Luster hissed. “You just scared the entire class. Are you trying to make it impossible for you to make friends?”

“What makes you say that?” Wist leisurely placed her chin on her desk. “It looks to me like every creature has already made their judgment about me. At least now they’ll think twice about trying anything funny.”

Trixie frequently fumbled through her papers and utensils on her desk. Every time she heard footsteps outside of her door, she immediately stared at the doorwith a drop of sweat.

If Trixie was honest with herself, she didn’t want to be in her office right now. She felt like a feeble animal being used as bait for a much bigger, more ferocious, more sadistic one.

“Why must Starlight do this to Trixie?” Trixie contemplated. “Trixie would much rather go out for rock tea with Maud then deal with this.”

The decision from Starlight to lock her humbled and magnificent counselor with an unstable force of chaos that had the temper to be the incarnation of Discord was downright the most horrid thing she could do to Trixie. Does Starlight honestly believe that creature won’t try anything against Trixie, after what she did to Smolder? Goodness, Trixie could only fear the humiliation and pain that changeling will exact upon Trixie. She’ll definitely savor it too after those potshots Trixie made at her.

“For Celestia’s sake, why couldn't Trixie have just shut her mouth,” Trixie scolded herself after slamming her hooves to her desk. A series of breaths followed from her before she took a deep breath and exhaled. “No, it’s okay. As long as Trixie is calm and collected, Trixie can get through this. Trixie just needs to think happy thoughts.”

Trixie closed her eyes and repeated, “happy thoughts,” to herself like a mantra. Diving steadily into her thoughts, a memory of her famous seminar from last year appeared in her mind. It was one of Trixie’s few favorite moments where Trixie had the chance to dazzle Trixie’s students with Trixie’s awe-inspiring greatness. It was a shame however, that Trixie couldn’t have Starlight as Trixie’s assistant. Starlight would’ve looked so nice in a bunny suit. Thankfully, Trixie had Silverstream in Trixie’s pocket to be Trixe’s jubilant assistant.

“Aw, good times,” Trixie said, reclining fondly in her nostalgia. “What Trixie would give to do it all over again.”

“Maybe this session can be a fair trade?” Trixie heard the suggestion from a voice. Her eyes bolted open and then flinched appalled by seeing Wisteria sitting before her on a star-patterned couch placed before her desk.

Trixie flinched so far back that she inevitably pushed her chair over and fell to the blue carpet. She quickly picked herself up, pulling up her body with her hooves heaving upon her desk.

“If you're done playing the clown,” Wist said as she impatiently tapped her hind hoof on the couch. “Can we hurry up and get this over with?”

“Why didn’t you announce yourself!?” Trixie voiced loudly. “You can’t sneak up on Trixie like that! You’ll give Trixie a heart attack!”

“You’re the one that was lost in your thoughts,” Wist argued. “You only have yourself to blame for slacking off while on the clock. Maybe I should report this to your employer.”

“Don’t you go making threats against Trixie,” Trixie sneered at her. But then she closed her eyes, inhaled, and then exhaled. “You know what, it’s not important.”

A pink light harnessed from Trixie’s horn as it latched a larger collection around her chair to lift it back up. After taking her seat and clearing her throat, Trixie spoke again with a more welcoming tone, “Let’s discuss the matter of our sessions.”

“Like what?” Wist asked but displayed no interest as she began to scratch her hoof upon Trixie’s couch.

“For starters,” Trixie continued after relenting to a raised brow. She also whisked a pen above the notebook she opened before her. “We should establish some clarity about our contract and our boundaries. As you may recall, Headmare Starlight would like our sessions to be done weekly as a means to review your growth and mental state. You won’t be meeting Trixie on the first day of the school week like this, however. No, it shall be done at the end of the week. Which means Trixie will have to do this again later on this week…joy.”

“You don’t sound so happy about it,” Wist pointed out, still focused on the couch she was scratching her hooves on. “Not a very inspiring thing to see in a counsellor, don’t you think?”

“You’ll have to excuse Trixie,” Trixie said. “It’s not often that Trixie is given a student with such an extreme pension for anarchy.” After scribbling notes into her book, Trixie continued, “Now, moving on to our sets of boundaries. Trixie’s goal is to help you find inner peace with yourself as you continue your enrollment in this school. This means that we will engage in personal topics about yourself, so Trixie would like to know what you are comfortable about sharing with Trixie. Do know that whatever is discussed here will not leave this room.”

“Why would I tell you anything?” Wist argued. “I barely even know you.”

“Then would you like for Trixie to introduce herself?” Trixie slipped in a fervent smile. Trixie lived for the moments where she can freely gloat about her greatness. “As you may already know, Trixie works as the counsellor at the School of Friendship. Many of the students have found much clarity with themselves thanks to Trixie’s guidance. But beyond Trixie’s role at this school, Trixie garners a grand status as Equestria’s most coveted magician. Trixie’s shows have dazzled the eyes of a thousand ponies and other creatures alike.”

“I don’t see it,” Wist shrugged after finally looking her way, but with skepticism. “Can’t see how some creature that shakes their hooves before a fair creature can be considered desirable.”

“Trixie thinks it has been established long ago that you are by no means a fair maiden,” Trixie retorted.

“Really?” Wist grinned. “Then can one that snobbishly likes to exult about herself be considered a maiden then? It’s rather a trait one would like to see the downfall of, wouldn’t you agree?”

“That tendency of yours to provoke others will come back to bite you should you keep it up,” Trixie warned. Seeing that her warning earned nothing but a toothy grin from the changeling, Trixie sighed and continued, “Let’s just move on to the first topic of discussion.”

“Oh wow,” Wist feigned a fascinated voice that Trixie immediately took exception to. “You already have one in mind? Please enlighten me oh coveted magician/ counsellor.”

“Why do you believe none of your classmates will befriend you?” Trixie asked, melting away the fake astonishment from Wist. Her face was now replaced with such a daunting smirk that Trixie would have taken solace in making a flawless comeback if said creature did not have sets of hexes and curses in her arsenal.

Wist paused her leer upon the mare before finally speaking, “And where might I ask did you get that idea?”

“Just an intuition Trixie had,” Trixie lied. “And it would seem Trixie guessed right. So then, mind sharing your thoughts?”

“I don’t see the point in answering something as trivial as that,” Wist declined. “I figured you would ask about things like my origins and whatnot.”

“Trixie could,” Trixie said. “But then how is Trixie to know if you are telling lies?”

“And how do you know that I won’t simply feed you lies to your pointless question?”

“Because it is a thought that is weighing heavy on your mind right now,” Trixie argued. “You might find it refreshing to simply talk about it with somepony. Trixie won't interrupt if that’s what you wish. Trixie will listen to everything you have to say.”

“I don’t need to tell you anything!” Wist raised her voice. “Everyone has already made their ideas about me, so what’s the point in changing it? Besides, it’s always the nice ones you have to be the most careful of. Always trying to deceive you with their smile and kindness.”

“Trixie sees,” Trixie said. “So, there was a creature that you once trusted that betrayed it.”

“…” Wist briefly gaped at the mare’s words. With a smack of her teeth, Wist hopped off the couch and began her exit of the room.

“Where are you going?” Trixie asked. “We still have half an hour left till this session ends.”

“I see now that there’s more to you than meets the eye,” Wist spoke when she opened the door. Her eyes then met Trixie with a sharp glint. “You’re quite clever with emotions. I’ll have to keep an eye out for you if this little play of ours does not work out.”

With that, Wist exited the room and shut the door. Trixie’s hooves shivered at Wist’s claim. And those eyes that could only belong to a ferocious predator…

“Maybe Trixie should move the next session to next week instead,” Trixie stammered.

Wist exhaled slowly as she made her way into the open field of the school grounds, where her next class was scheduled to take place. To put it honestly, seeing creatures flocking through the track field did not arouse any amusement from her. Working up a sweat for essentially nothing proved to have no interest for the changeling, however, given who was the apparent instructor, she was better off not avoiding any more than she already had.

“There you are,” Wist had readied for the ringing snarl of an orange dragoness that took notice of her walking down the field. The dragoness wasted no time in waiting for Wist, ascending to the air and bolting in fast to stand before her. “You got a lot of nerve coming to class late! Don’t think Ocellus could keep you away from me!”

“I’m sensing a lot of rage within you,” Wist pointed out. “Are you certain that I am owed this much malice?”

“Owed!?” Smolder raised her voice. “You’re darn right you are and loads more than that! Do you realize how irritating this have been for me after you pulled that dumb trick on me!?”

“From what I heard, you had a moment of passion with my homeroom teacher,” Wist answered. “I must say, you are a rather bold dragon. I would think most creatures would do such things in private.”

“Don’t act like you didn’t have any part in it!” A whiff of flames snorted out of Smolder. “You drugged me into doing that. And now because of that, I’ve been hearing my students calling me a succubi dragon!”

Smolder’s frequent hollering earned the attention of her students that were jogging through the field track. They had all stopped and gathered from the distance to witness the drama.

Among them was Luster, who grabbed a towel with her magic to brush off her sweat. However, once she realized who was getting the scolding from her P.E. coach, Luster dropped her towel and sighed, “Oh no. Not her again.”

Luster rushed over to the two as more flames flared from Smolder’s nostrils. If the changeling continued her snide provocation, their coach might launch herself to the air with a trail of flame.

Doubling her steps, Luster stepped before her angered coach and voiced, “Wait, please. You have to forgive her, she’s just really bad at being sociable.”

“Luster,” Smolder reigned in her flame. “What are you doing? You and the rest of class still have laps to run.”

“I know,” Luster nodded. “And I will. I just don’t want things to escalate between the two of you. Isn’t there any way we can work this out?”

“I have an idea,” Wist raised a hoof, earning a raised brow from Luster and Smolder.

“You do?” Luster questioned.

“You bet your pink flank I do,” Wist confirmed with a smile. “I propose we settle our difference with a contest.”

“You mean like a friendly competition?” Smolder wondered. “Alright, I’m game. But how about we add in a bet to spice things up. That is unless you're afraid of losing?”

“I like that confidence of yours,” Wist grinned. “I guess it’s really true that dragons are prideful creatures. What are your terms?”

“If I win, then you’re going to spend the entire week being my assistant to make up for what you did. From cleaning the sporting teams’ uniforms to whatever I deem necessary for you to do.” A cocky grin fell upon Smolder as she crossed her arms. “I hope that doesn’t give you any cold hooves?”

“You already so certain you will win,” Wist snickered. “I haven’t even told you what the contest will be.”

“A simple trek across the field can do,” Smolder suggested. “I’m sure that’s not too difficult for you, is it?”

“I actually have a far more interesting idea in mind,” Wist effused. “One that is convenient for a dragon such as yourself.”

“I’m listening,” Smolder nodded.

“I propose a competition in fire breathing,” Wist patted her pectoral. “We shall see who can spew the largest flame to name the winner.”

“How is that a fair competition?” Luster argued. “Can’t you transform into a giant dragon?”

“If you’re going to throw a hissy fit over that then I won’t transform,” Wist said. “My base form is all I will need to best the illustrious succubi dragon.”

“You’re going to be eating those words in a few minutes,” Smolder swore and then distanced herself from the two. “I’ll start first.”

Smolder ascended a few feet above the air before she took in a deep breath. When she exhaled, a large mass of flames soared to the sky, inching high above the roof of the school. The surrounding students awed at their coach’s massive flames and then clapped and cheered for her.

The proud dragoness then descended before Luster and Wist with a grin. “See if you can beat that.”

“My, those were some nice baby flames you have there,” Wist voiced in a complementary voice. “I’m sure the little ones must have boasted how grand those were.”

Wist was the one that now distanced herself from the group and floated above the field. She inhaled a large pack of air and then all at once released a massive emerald flame that briefly gleamed the land around them in green. The fire extended wide and far into the sky, eclipsing Smolder’s flame.

The surrounding students went silent as Wist descended before Smolder with a wicked grin. “I hope you’re not getting cold feet; I’ve heard how troublesome that is for your kind.”

“Heh,” Smolder grinned back at the changeling. “Don’t get too sure of yourself. We’ve only just started.”

And as Smolder stated, the two continued their contest of flames, spewing giant masses up into the sky. At each round, Luster became more and more amazed that creatures of such small size could naturally breathe such ridiculous sizes of fire.

The activity the students were previously doing was completely ignored as the students gathered with Luster to watch the performance closely as they cheered for their coach’s victory. However, at the end of their 9th round, the two competitors fell to the ground with ragged breath.

“You…” Smolder breathed. “You’re way better…at this than I thought.”

“Does that mean…” Wist breathed. “That I…win?”

“Not by a long shot,” Smolder snapped. “But…maybe we should…call it draw. If we get anymore bigger…I might end up burning down the school.”

“…fine,” Wist said. “But that means neither of us gets an assistant.”

“I can live with that,” Smolder said as she picked herself back up. She then extended her claw to Wist for her grab and pulled the changeling back up. “I’d actually like to see what other surprises you have. There’s no way I can let a creature this talented slip from my claws.”

“Thanks,” Wist huffed. “But if it’s all fair, I’d like to go to the restroom for a moment.”

“Almost tuckered you out near the end,” Smolder held a proud smile. “Didn’t I?”

“Too bad for you we have settled for a draw,” Wist countered as she strode around her classmates and entered the school.

Luster keenly kept her eyes on Wist through her walk back into the school. Through the midst of their contest, Luster had taken notice of a peculiar phenomenon in Wist’s breath. Despite her breathing green flames, Luster had seen small residues of red gas dissipating out her mouth.

At first, Luster thought she was imagining things, but the more she watched Wist after her shots of flames, the more her concern was validated. With a frown, Luster excused herself from the field and followed Wist into the school.

Wist spat erratically into the restroom sink as she tried to remove the spicy taste still lurking on her tongue. She washed her tongue with the faucet water, but the burning and prickling sensation wouldn’t budge off of her.

“If I knew it was going to be this spicy,” Wist complained as she looked at her tongue through the reflection of the mirror. “I would’ve mixed in something to tone it down. No, that probably would’ve ruined it.”

As Wist was contemplating in her mind, it was all disrupted when she heard a loud burst of the restroom door opening. Observing through the mirror, she saw her roommate barging in with an evident lividness in her eyes.

“Explain to me what this is?” Luster demanded as she walked beside Wist and presented a vial. Within it lay a miniscule volume of an orange liquid, that immediately stung Wist’s nose.

“You’re the one showing it to me,” Wist argued as she averted her nose from the stinging aroma. “You tell me.”

“Don’t try to feign ignorance,” Luster retorted. “You know good and well what this is. This was in one of my notebooks for Apple Bloom’s class on how to produce a fire breathing potion. You used this to cheat in the competition with coach Smolder, didn’t you?”

“Aren’t you the perceptive one,” Wist grinned, but then immediately dunked her tongue back into the running water. After tapping her tongue upon the top of her gums, she continued, “But I don’t recall there ever being rules in my match.”

“You had that fire breathing contest planned from the start just so you could get coach Smolder off your back, didn't you?” Luster realized. “Don’t you feel the least bit guilty for deceiving her like that?”

“On the contrary, I think this has been a productive use of my time,” Wist argued. “I have never concocted something like that before, and it was rather convenient that all the ingredients I needed were already stored at the lab.”

“You mean the ingredients you used without the permission of the staff,” Luster pointed out.

“What does it matter?” Wist said after dunking another stream of water upon her tongue. “It all worked out in the end. I should be getting praised for this. I did solve a friendship problem after all.”

“You can’t solve friendship problems with lies,” Luster voiced. “All it will do is exacerbate the problem. Just what do you think is going to happen when Smolder finds out about this?”

“Oh,” Wist eyed at Luster. “So, you’re going to snitch on me? You would rather hurt Smolder’s feelings by unraveling my little white lie then let her be happy?”

“What I want,” Luster voiced. “Is for you to go back on that field and apologize to her. Take responsibility for your actions for once in your life.”

“And what will you do if I say ‘no’?” Wist prodded her eyes close to Luster, causing the mare to retreat a few steps. “Will you go flee to the grownups like a little coward, or would you rather make me?”

“I…” Luster started but then paused before the changeling. The nerve of this creature to be so uncaring, so selfish about her actions made Luster want nothing more than to put her in her place. However, this same creature was able to have a standstill with her princess. And more importantly than that, she had Luster create disharmony this morning. “I don’t want to cause another feud in the school,” Luster said. “I really want to be your friend, but this nonchalant attitude about others makes it really difficult for me. Can’t you just try to be a good changeling?”

“So, you choose to do nothing then?” Wist held a wicked grin upon Luster. After turning off the faucet, the changeling proudly strode past the mare. “I figured as much. You creatures that are so avid for peace and decorum are always such pushovers.”

Luster stood aghast at the changeling’s words. Luster tried to be reasonable with her, but again, she continued to flaunt her uncaring demeanor. Upon every creature that she wronged.

Luster’s blood riled as she shot out of the restroom. Outside, she saw the apathetic bug walking down the hall. Luster wasted no time stretching a yellow light from her horn that enshrouded around the changeling.

“Hm?” Wist voiced as she turned to see the determined mare.

Luster lifted Wist above the floor as she said, “I won’t let you go around and do as you please. Whether you like it or not, you’re going to learn to be considerate of others’ feelings. And that’s why I’m taking you straight to Starlight.”

“So, it’s a half-measure then,” Wist said. “But, if you plan to drag me around, you’ll have to try harder than this.”

A green glow discharged from Wist’s horn, shattering Luster’s magic. Wist took her spot on the floor as she charged a hazy glow of wisp from her horn that glided towards Luster.

Luster blasted the wisp with a magic beam, but her spell simply went through it and exploded upon the ceiling far behind Wist that fell down to the floor. Luster lacked the time to regret her action as she dived out of the way of the incoming wisp.

With her back against the wall, Luster gaped at the looming wisp that changed course and went straight for her again. Luster teleported behind the wisp before it could touch her as it phased through the wall.

After a huff of air, Luster voiced, “What kind of spell is this?”

“I hope you’re not expecting me to give you an answer,” Wist scoffed. “You still have another to worry about.” Wist shot out another wisp that Luster instinctively shot at again before diving out of its path again.

Luster’s eyes trailed back to the wall she was previously at, when the first wisp returned and came straight for her. And with the second and even a third that Wist had shot out gunning for her, Luster fluttered in panic as her horn shone bright and discharged bright light that blinded the hall in complete white.

When the light had cleared, Luster gaped at the destruction she made. The walls and locker rooms had been crushed back from the sheer force of the magic she unleashed. The long windows that revealed the empty classrooms shattered into pieces and scattered inside.

The only silver lining to this was that the wisp that Wist had released had now disappeared. However, Luster frowned and voiced, “What have I done?”

“You countered my hex?” Wist approached the crouched mare. “I didn’t think that was possible. What kind of spell did you use?”

“I—” Before Luster could continue, a large blue light shot over the two, wrapping the two in a thick bubble that their body bounced briefly as it hurled them to the air. “—huh?”

“What do you two think you’re doing!?” the voice came from their very angry headmare as she reeled the two bubbles before her.

“Headmare Starlight,” Luster gaped with distress. “I’m so sorry about this. Don’t worry though, I can fix this.”

“The only thing you two will be doing is coming into my office,” Starlight snapped.

Author's Note:

This chapter was proofread by the following: