• Member Since 5th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )


It's been six months since Rarity and Rainbow Dash were married. It's been six months since Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents passed away. 

It's been six months since Rarity and Rainbow Dash took in Sweetie Belle. 

Will Hearth's Warming make or break their fragile new family?

Winner of the Holiday Contest!

Now, this story deserved the Grand Prize. Everything good that could be in a story, is in this story. There’s hurt, there’s comfort, there’s awwww-moments, there’s ouch,ouch,ouch-moments, an ending that will leave you in tears for a good hour… And the unexpected little twists that, as a Rainbow fan, I absolutely loved. A fall? Addiction? Her fears of another; her fears of somepony else following in her hoofsteps? Beautiful.

Cover art: https://raridashdoodles.tumblr.com/post/181035514979/hearths-warming, by the incomparable RariDashDoodles.

Not related to any of my other stories. Published on my one-year anniversary here at Fimfiction!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 50 )

i highly disapprove of this ship i'm a huge rarispike fan however i enjoy most of your work so i'll get back after i skim the water a bit

This was pretty good. There are a lot of things that could be expanded on, and many readers would want you to expand on (Such as how Rarity and Rainbow even got into a relationship, but I digress), but the short little story you did give us was quite nice. Good mixture of real issues people deal with, and loving slice of life during Hearth's Warming.

Signing out, VShuffler42

I'm not a fan of RariDash, or shipping in general.

But you, dear author, have made this story work.

Added to my Favourites and my extra shelf of good stories for when I'm awake at night and need a good read.


Thank you! Much appreciated.

That scene with the calendar... damn.

which Rarity called mulberry but looked like wool to me

How dare you slip something this funny into a funeral procession.

Had a Twilight experiment blow a bazillion tons of salty seawater into the sky again?

That "again" raises a number of questions.

They were already calling me Mom.

Hey, given Windy's example, that's a compliment in disguise.

Inter-tribe marriage is complicated. I had only dated pegasi before Rares, so I had no idea.

I know it's not the focus of the story, but I do love seeing this idea explored.

Some excellent stuff, especially a very believable outburst from Sweetie and equally feasible dark moment in Dash's past. The fervent denials got obnoxious at times, especially when they broke the mood, but overall this was a great read. Thank you for it.

Thanks! I always appreciate when you take the time.

This is such a wonderful mix of sweet and bitter. It swings between adorable and angsty so damn fast but it still feels natural. There's some great stuff in here, but this line?

"I had my nightmare," she said. "The bad one. The one about that night. Princess Luna suggested I that I could use some Loyalty and Generosity."

That just gets me right in the chest. Wonderfully done.

One of best written Rainbow Dash's I've read in a while. And the story was a bitter/sweet goodness too.

Thank you! I discovered Dash is quite difficult to write; I worked on this fic for about three months, mostly trying to get her voice.

You definitely succeeded. Her narration was a delight to read, on top of everything else.

And that is what "bittersweet" means.

Lost a family member last year, so that first Christmas was tough. I processed it for a year into this fic.

Excellent writing, could really feel the emotion as rainbow dash had her "allergies" so did I. Love the ship, love the concept, love the writing. Very very well done.

Powerful ego on Dash. I like the concessions she makes to Rarity given that.

Loved Rainbow's characterization here.

You made me endure salty rain! Naughty weather pegasus. Putting a salty rain cloud right over my face... why I oughtta... :raritycry:



Powerful ego on Dash. I like the concessions she makes to Rarity given that.

Thank you! My feeling was, she's grown up and matured... but doesn't want to admit that. This is how she threads that needle.


I'd love to see more set in this universe you've began setting up.

I don't have any plans at present, but if I get an idea, I will totally write it up!

In just how many ways can you emotionally punch someone in the gut, because that was a lot. Very well written and I think your characterization was perfect the whole way through. Smallest thing I noticed, right near the end: "... What she had seen, what she heard heard..."
Amazing story.

Many thanks! Also, I fixed the typo!

If you want emotional gut punches, you might consider my "Luna's Daughters."

I appreciate you taking the time!

Shameless self promotion:trixieshiftright:... I dig it:rainbowwild: your stories do look good though, so I might be checking out more.

My only real issue is that they seem to treat Sweetie Belle much younger than she is.

Thank you! I appreciate it.

Could you give an example of what you mean?


Insisting that she needs an adult with her at all times. I get that she's in a delicate situation, but planning for a year later should mean a teenager can be left alone for a few days. Also, just her being grossed out by kissing.

I see, thank you!

I need more of this. The idea of these three as a family is so great to me, you made my day with this story. Thank you.

Not a RariDash fan but was intrigued. Celestia almighty that was a tearjerker, Sweetie went through hell. And I can just imagine that teasing scene with the Wonderbolts before Dash drops that almighty bombshell on them, awkward.

Thanks! If I think of a plot I'll write it.

Thank you! I appreciate the words.

Utter pure unadulterated uninhibited awesomeness! I am amazed! You captured Rainbow Dash quite well while illustrating how she handles helping loved ones in pain, and, you gave her a gritty bit of backstory that makes sense! Amazing!

Big thanks, I appreciate the comments!

Spitfire has two foals


" Wait! " I called, and grabbed with my teeth to pull some blankets over myself. I tucked my wings in and pulled the blanket up to my neck. Rarity used a flash of magic to turn her bedside lantern on to its dimmest setting.

But... you're already naked...?

This was beautiful. This victory was well earned as this really brought tears, laughs and feelings galore. Take your fave, freely given :twilightsmile:

Thank you very much!

Second read, still good.

Random kisses. For no reason at all. Have I ever mentioned how radical being married is?!?

Dawww. This little moment perfectly encapsulates Rainbow Dash indeed :twilightsmile:.

(I once asked Princess Cadance if Rarity and I had the strongest love in Equestria, and she said "Yes, of course it is, Dash." Of course! From the Princess of Love!)

I'm fairly sure she did that just to get you to stop bothering you, Dash :derpytongue2:

It was a good plan, a great plan—natch, we came up with it—and since we're both mares, it's not like we were going to accidentally have foals and foul up the plan, right? I was legit worried that we would both end up getting second cutie marks in brilliant planning and I didn't know what that would even look like, or if it would match my flight suits. That's how good a plan that was.

And then, two days after our wedding, while we're on our honeymoon, up in the Crystal Empire, Derpy crashes through the window into our suite, smashes into us on the bed while we're engaged in...uh, marital relations... Derpy's crying her eyes out, and she tells us the news and gives us the official letter from the mayor. Hondo and Cookie are dead, and Starlight has teleported Sweetie Belle from Ponyville to the ginormous foal's hospital in Canterlot for emergency surgery.

Oh, that whiplash :fluttershysad:.

"Guys?" Sweetie Belle called, limping around the corner into the living room. "Hey, guys, my leg hurts really bad and—oh!"

I hopped off Rarity and struggled to pull my wings back in. Rarity rolled over onto her belly and looked up at Sweetie.

My allergic reaction went away and then I blushed. All three of us blushed.

And we're back :rainbowlaugh:. The (light-hearted) mood shifts are, shall I say, quite endearing.

"I had my nightmare," she said. "The bad one. The one about that night. Princess Luna suggested that I could use some Loyalty and Generosity."

Princess Luna may be the protector of dreams, but she knows that not every answer should be hers.

Overall, this was a sweet little tale :twilightsmile:. Bittersweet, aye. The loss of both parents, that's something that'll stick with Sweetie and Rarity for the rest of their lives. But Rainbow Dash there, and Loyalty's everything they need. Love it!


Thanks! Much appreciated!

Wow this is good. I know I told you that last night, but I needed to say it again. This very clearly comes from a very real emotional place; it shines through in the writing and really elevates this to greatness.

Your characterization and voicing for Rainbow Dash is fantastic. You've blended profound emotional maturity, pride/ego, and stubbornness so damn well. I really have some stuff to think about with regards to my own characterization of her. Sweetie Belle and Rarity are both fantastic as well, of course.

The romance here is also wonderful and so real. (I know I keep saying stuff is real but like, it's such an apt word to describe this story.) It's steamy and intoxicating at times, gentle and supportive at others, and always it is beautifully mundane. I loved the moment under the tree, of course, but I think the calendar scene was the most striking and moving for me. What is love if not a series of obligations and compromises that, regardless of how frustrating they can be, you gladly and willingly take on?

Anyways I could talk your ear off praising every single inch of this story, so I'm going to cut myself off with a bit of a personal thing. The stuff with the pills really hit me hard because I very nearly became addicted myself. After some oral surgery back in high school, they prescribed me some opiate--don't remember which one anymore. I doubt it was a super strong one, but it was still definitely overkill, and I'm fairly certain they gave me way too many pills (and some refills, because why not?). Anyways, after a couple weeks I had some moment of self-control somehow and I flushed the rest of the pills and threw away the bottle. And yet... For two years afterwards, I would still get hit with cravings for them, and if I'd known where to acquire them, I probably would have. Opiates are scary, man.

So yeah, great story! Really enjoyed it.

Thank you very much, I really appreciate the words and I'm glad you enjoyed!

Damn thats a tear jerker and a half.
Poor SB.
RD makes a great mum.


The stuff with the pills really hit me hard because I very nearly became addicted myself. After some oral surgery back in high school, they prescribed me some opiate--don't remember which one anymore. I doubt it was a super strong one, but it was still definitely overkill, and I'm fairly certain they gave me way too many pills (and some refills, because why not?). Anyways, after a couple weeks I had some moment of self-control somehow and I flushed the rest of the pills and threw away the bottle. And yet... For two years afterwards, I would still get hit with cravings for them, and if I'd known where to acquire them, I probably would have. Opiates are scary, man.

Really nasty wisdom teeth surgery for me when I was younger. I do not remember if I got opiates, but whatever pills they gave me felt good. Really good. Too good even.

I remember sitting on a couch one evening, head lolling back, all Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb style after popping one of the pills. At this point they were hardly needed, but they felt just too darn good, and besides it was part of my legitimate prescription, and surely it was fine, right? Yeah...

I had a moment similar to what you mentioned. I can only describe it as a combination of a lightning bolt of cold, crystalline clarity with a panic attack. I just knew at that point I was in a very bad way. No toilet in my case, I washed the remaining pills down the kitchen sink. This would have been well before Lord of the Rings film, but when I saw Fellowship, I immediately could relate to the scene where Bilbo struggles to give up the Ring

" Wait! " I called, and grabbed with my teeth to pull some blankets over myself. I tucked my wings in and pulled the blanket up to my neck. Rarity used a flash of magic to turn her bedside lantern on to its dimmest setting.

But you’re naked all the time, Rainbow…

Read the author’s note. Based on the quality of your writing, I had already assumed the mistakes were deliberate. Dash would say “dissipation” or something, wouldn’t she?

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