• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen June 1st


Brony since 2012. Autistic. Christian. 38/m, call me Andy.


The Cutie Mark Chronicles told us a little about the pivotal moments in the lives of the Mane 6, but sometimes there's more to a story than what a pony shares. And sometimes they don't remember everything that really happened.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 8 )

This is a commemorating moment for your stories, for this is the first comment to be posted on them. May they be the first of many.

As of this moment, I read up to Rarity, starting from Fluttershy. Based on the names of the chapters, it wasn't difficult to realize whom each one was focusing on, and I quickly adapted to the fact that it was the day they got their cutie marks. The parts that confused me, and anyone who hasn't read the story yet should avoid the rest of this paragraph if they wish to avoid spoilers, is this: Are the Main 6 talking to their future selves? It took until reading the end of Rarity to realize that time was also paused during the conversation. I tried to visualize what their other selves look like, and I'm still struggling on that point. They seem to possess future knowledge, as if to suggest it is their adult selves we're all most familiar with in the show, yet it said in Fluttershy's story, "Her Clone". In this context, it imply's their other selves look like their younger selves, because that is the appearance that would be identical at that age.

A couple of theories comes to mind about this scenario. One; they are talking to themselves and their own higher ego, albeit in paused time. I'm not sure if they remember this conversation after time resumes, though, or two; they are talking to their future selves . . . somehow. In a world filled with magical talking horses, probably not worth questioning the logic too much. Three; they are talking to the Tree of Harmony in this case. I wouldn't put it past such a force to be able to communicate to them in paused time, and likely the point is to get them to realize they have a special destiny in Equestia, and that moment was to help them sort through it.

In any case, I think the point of the author, in this case, is to express internal dialog for each of the characters during a pivotal moment for them which extends beyond the cannon of the show. This is a paused moment of self reflection where the writer can explore the idea, "What was going through their heads at that very moment?" By getting into their mindset, the writer is trying to show a deeper psychological perspective of each member of the Mane 6.

This next paragraph is spoiler free.

Just an observation that somewhat relates to this chapter. Have you ever noticed that Rarity was the only filly literally forced to be where she was meant to be in order to help her discover her cutie mark destiny? She didn't know where she was going which indicates she wasn't doing it on purpose. I have never seen another pony forced into a situation like this in order to help them discover their cutie mark destiny, which indicates to me that this situation is a Rarity in Equestira. She wasn't too shocked or confused, thus indicating such things have happened before. She wasn't freaking out during the journey, she seemed merely annoyed and, perhaps deep down, curious and excited. Also, one has to wonder if she was dragged out so far that she might have trouble making her way back home during that time. Plenty of opportunities for stranger danger for a young filly at that age. For the moment I'll assume that, even if she was dragged very far, she still knew her way home with no problem. That didn't seem the point of the story, but still . . . one has to wonder if the situation was examined more closely. I suspect that she was dragged out near the Pie family rock farm, which I always suspected was near Ponyville. Far enough to need to take a train there, but adjacent to Ponyville nonetheless.

On a related note, what if Holders Boulder also has a bunch of geode gems inside? Or perhaps it really is a petrified dragon egg. Nopony knows!

Okay. You're thinking on the same level as I do on this one, and I suspect it is the head-cannon of many fans who examined this situation closely. You reaffirmed what I have been thinking, that Apple Jack moved to Manehatten to get away from the painful memories of her parents passing. That should mean Apple Bloom has already been born as well, but very young. Young enough to likely not know her parents that well. Yet another family member Apple Jack trotted away from.

I also recall Apple Jack once saying that she was the last in her class to get her cutie mark, but Rarity is the only other filly of the Mane 6 who is a true native of Ponyville, and she appears to be of comparable age to her friends so she might be included as a member of Apple Jack's class. It does appear that Rarity got hers a little sooner than Apple Jack, but likely not by much. Rarity came home after being inspired, improved her costumes then gained her cutie mark in the play that night. If Apple Jack's statement is also correct, it took her longer to return from Manehatten and get her cutie mark upon her return to her family.

By the way, you do appear better at writing county accents than I am. If you came up with a unique country slang or comparison as well, like, "That looks more cozy than a warm cider on a rainy day," then I would have really been impressed. A took a stab at it once in my story, and it feels like a D- grade to me. Kind of pitiful. If I had to do Zecora's speech, there's another mare who'd give me quite the pause there for a while to come up with something appropriate.

This time you added a detail that had not occurred to me, but I can't reject it. Pinkamena was suicidal? Well, I guess that's possible. If so, then the motivation is boredom and depression. Actually, intense psychosis seems commonplace for anypony raised on that farm except for maybe Pinkamena Diane Pie's parents. They've adapted to that life long enough to adjust to it, but absolutely all of Pinkie's sisters seem to have intense emotional problems or are mentally unhinged. Pinkie definitely hates being abandoned or being surrounded by depression, a phenomenon she acknowledged herself, and something she actively tries to fight, most likely because it's a problem even in her only life. As Pinkie said herself, and I quote, "Some days are dark and lonely, and maybe you feel sad . . . but Pinkie will be there to show you that it isn't that bad."

Something else I consider when it comes to Pinkie Pie and her cutie mark, and that is the fact that getting her cutie mark really did seem to change her destiny. She moved from the rock farm and moved to Ponyville. Seems to me Mr and Miss Cake adopted her. Pinkie left her family in order to be herself more, exactly the opposite story as Apple Jack. Seems to me she kept in touch with letters to Maud Pie the most, since Pinkies relationship with her other two sisters seem more, shall we say, "rocky"? But it's true. She does spend some time with each of them, at least once a year in a new place, but Pinkie seems undoubtedly closer to Maud more than any other Pie sister. LImestone seems too bitter for close relationships, and Marble is too shy. Anyway, what happened to Pinkie seems to confirm Starlight Glimmers worst fear, that somepony can loose another when they get their cutie mark because they fit in with a different environment better. She kept in touch with her family, but it was more distant ever since. What if that happened with Cheese Sandwich as well?

It's future selves, certainly. However, the past selves that their speaking to... aren't canon. I'm having a rough time with this one, because I had a direction I was going in and now I feel I've written myself into a corner and so I need to rethink things and flesh some stuff out. As for what magic is causing this phenominon? Not revealed, not yet. It might not a what either.

I lived in Florida for quite awhile, and while that isn't pure country so much as down-home redneck there is still a great deal of southern hospitality there, but I've also driven through the Carolinas and Georgia, and been through Oklahoma, so I've had some exposure that has helped with this. Plus I've loved AJ more than any other pony forever, so she's near and dear to my heart and I feel that I can relate her quite well. It translates pretty good for AB and Mac and Granny too.

All possibilities, good theories, and while Starlight's fear (and for time her, her reality) are true I don't see that things must be that way. Pinkie retained contact with her sister, Maud. Marble makes Fluttershy look like an extrovert by comparison, while Limestone is rather angry at the world and absolutely determined to pave her own path. On some level, I wonder if that isn't her feeling a bit envious of Pinkie for getting away and finding her destiny the way that she did? Limestone clearly takes the farm seriously, probably intends to inherit it from Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz one day, but that sort of hostility would seem to indicate some level of insecurity. Maud is simply there, flat and without much affect during many interactions. Smiling is rare for her, but that just makes it that much more precious when it happens, and she demonstrates her love for Pinkie in very clear ways. I wouldn't say that there is much distance, and while Pinkie isn't the best litmus for such things, she certainly didn't seem to have any less affection for the rest of her family when they reunited.

It's possible this happened to Cheese, who seems to be a loner a large portion of the time. So I think that he didn't have the same kind of life-changing pivotal moment as Pinkie, or if he did, it was the only one and he never connected well enough to any other pony to grow in himself. Not to mention that he is itinerate, hasn't really established roots, and part of his partying attitude is to gain acceptance and affection in any place he arrives. He learns better than that after his encounter with Pinkie, but still.

So, the point of this portion is to establish a divergence from the primary timeline. This story isn't canon, although they hardly ever are, and as you continue to read it continues to diverge even more. Until the narrative structure changes, and things become confusing.

If Twilight Velvet and Night Light is the name of her parents, then I learned something today. I also learned that the "clones" are indeed their future selves. Filly Twilight would not have wings. Truthfully, she rarely wore her crown either, but that's besides the point. I'm also thinking that this is too much information for their younger selves. If they remembered all of this word-for-word, then Twilight's future might have actually changed. Maybe she would have found friends sooner if she took the advice of her future self to heart at an earlier point. I'm going to hand wave that and just assume that the message survived more on an emotional rather than mental level, which seems to be the primary message of each of them. So far, the common theme of all of these is, "Be brave" and "Everything will be fine". Beyond that, the messages are more specific to each filly. In this case, the message is also, "Forgive yourself" and "Find some friends, darn it". This is a moment that she was scared and lost control, and the writer is saying that some level of assurance was gained during a moment of crisis.

That's nice! All warm and fuzzy. I mean it.

Also, just before reading this specific story, it occurred to me that these stories are being presented in the exact same order that the Cutie Mark Crusaders learned them. Good callback.

Purely by accident :) I'm glad it works out, but it wasn't something I had planned in advance or anything. So I can't take credit.

O-kay. That one is a severe break in the pattern. I'll reserve judgement until I finish the next story, but in the meanwhile . . . poor Rainbow Dash!

Before typing this comment, I read your own, up to the point where you typed ,"and as you continue to read it continues to diverge even more. Until the narrative structure changes, and things become confusing." Well, I think I passed the confusing part in the last chapter, and this one drives up the ante. Now it feels like I'm reading a completely different story. When I got to "Rainbow Dash", I'm abruptly reading a new fanfic with no warning in transition. This chapter seems unfinished, even within mid chapter. I'm assuming that's the case. Its also the first to have what I call a star process (* * *), which other websights erased because they don't have that symbol, which is why I switched to" xoxo". Funny story, I didn't know that meant "Hugs and kisses" at the time. I just picked it at random. Another interesting note, I didn't know fimfiction supported other colors for their text. That's good to know, but not every web site is likely to support that.

Well, you did list your stories as "incomplete" so I guess that just means I have more to look forward to. This took a sharp turn into a dark fic, but that doesn't necessarily mean bad. At this point I'm willing to chuck away everything I know about the show cannon characters and just focus on your characters as if they are brand new characters which sort of resemble the show cannon characters in appearance and maybe even some personality. It's a basis to start with, but I'll see where it goes from there. Stories like this are a new beginning, a chance to learn from a new perspective.

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