• Published 30th Oct 2019
  • 3,710 Views, 257 Comments

A Deer Named John - Teapot Tales - Tael_Spinner

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MA2-C3: Searching the City of Dreamers


Keeping the rust-tipped tail of the steel-grey pegasus ahead of me, I swept across the rooftops of the expansive city. Tip left, tip right to avoid a spire. Rust Feather kept us at a slow pace; her eye always on the magical dome and what lay beyond. I rolled my eyes then smirked to myself.

While Rust Feather was busy staring at the smoky form of Sombra, which was now behind us, I flew in closer. With a swish of my tail and spread of my wings, I rolled up and over the armoured pegasus. The feel of the wind on my scales, the buffeting against my wings as I rolled down beside Rust and began the slip beneath to finish the roll was so refreshing. My mouth cracked open and I let out a giggle at the freedom of it all.

A flick of long tail-hairs slapped across my nose. I shook my head, my whole body wobbling in the air as I tried to steady myself from the sudden strike. Once relatively balanced and looking forward, I spotted a quick glare from Rust Feather before her attention returned to our flight path.

She nodded sharply then peeled off. I followed her, swinging down before flaring my wings and landing just short of the edge of a rooftop near the dome. I hadn’t even settled my wings on my back when the pegasus turned and started growling at me.

“Do you think this is a game?” Rust snapped. I opened my mouth to reply before she stomped up to me. She pressed her puffed out chest against my diaphragm and glowered up at me. “Don’t answer!”

She thrust out a hoof, pointing at the scene beyond the dome. There were ponies and other creatures, all wearing the helmets of Sombra, trudging in the snow. Some were following the edge of the dome while others were actively hitting it with their hooves, their claws, anything they could as they tried to break through.

“You volunteered for this. They didn’t. If you want to help them, stop messing around!”

Before I could respond, Rust turned her back. With another irritated flick of her tail, she went back to observing what was happening on the other side of the dome. I stared at her for a moment then shook my head.

It wasn’t that I was ignoring the situation. I gazed up at the sky. Through the dome I glimpsed the huge scarred-yellow dragon as it circled above. At its wing was the humanoid red dragon. Always together. And, if not for John, I would be with them. Listening to the whispers of the helmet, the orders of Sombra.


The dark unicorn still loomed large; his smoky form towering like a monster above the dome. While his eyes scanned the actions of his helmeted followers, I could swear I spotted a hungry glint in them whenever his attention returned to the city.

Sombra’s huge eye turned and caught mine. I flinched then froze, my breath catching in my throat. Staring deep into the void the eye resembled, a hoarse whisper brushed at my ears but I couldn’t make out any words. But the tone was unmistakable; Sombra was trying to force his will on me again. Without the helmet, however, his instructions couldn’t manifest.

Doing my best to break what hold he was willing on me, I clenched my jaw and wrenched my gaze from his. I didn’t realise how much effort it had taken until I found myself staggering back a few steps, my chest heaving from the exertion. Glancing up but taking care not to look directly into Sombra’s eye again, I could tell he still had his focus on me. The weight on my mind was still just as heavy.

To prove to myself, as well as Sombra, that I was still free of his control, I did the first thing which popped into my head. I turned around and smacked my butt. Daring the unicorn of darkness and smoke to try and get me. Sombra snarled then opened wide, biting at the shield like he had when it was first expanding and pushing him from the city.

Something snatched my wrist then whirled me around. I suddenly came face to face with Rust Feather glaring at me from beneath her helmet. Her eyes were wild, a mix of fear and anger. I doubt she would have admitted to the first part.

“Are you crazy?” she hissed. I opened my mouth but she cut me off by tugging on my arm after each following word. “Don’t. Anger. The. Dangerous. Unicorn.”


The shout of a pegasus and the swoop of wings caught our ears but Rust Feather’s eyes remained fixed with mine. A bunch of hooves clattered on the rooftop, one set rushing toward us.


I glanced to the side. A male pegasus, alabaster in coat and wearing the gilded armour of the guard, approached. His eyes were just as wild as Rust’s had been only moments before.

Rust let out an annoyed breath and turned to face the pegasus. “Windjammer, I’m busy dealing with a dragon who thinks games are more important than safety right now.”

“We have a problem,” the pegasus, Windjammer, pressed on; his barrel heaving from what must have been a rushed flight.

“What? Trouble with your own tag-along civilian?”

It was then I noticed Comet Streak still standing where he had likely landed with Windjammer, at the edge of the rooftop. His attention, however, was on the street below. His ears twitched and turned, his eyes darting about as well.

“Did you hear the scream?” Windjammer asked.

When Rust Feather looked like she was about to ask further, I caught something muttered under Comet’s breath. “Wo sind sie?”

Windjammer rushed on, drowning out anything else Comet said. “We were on patrol over the northern quarter. Nothing to report. No barrier breaches. Then we heard a scream. It was short, like it was cut off. I know Steadfast and Unyielding were checking the streets in the area, but we can’t find them.”

Rust only thought for a second or two, her expression still serious but more focused than when thinking about the looming threat from outside of the dome. “The captain needs to know.”

Windjammer nodded then looked to Comet Streak. “Anything more?”

Comet Streak held out a hoof and squinted his eyes while concentrating, turning an ear to focus better. Then, he shook his head.

“Right.” Windjammer spread his wings. “Back to the castle.”

Comet Streak spread his wings as well. The two took to the sky and Rust Feather’s tail flicked past my nose as she followed them both into the air.

“With me, civilian,” she ordered.

I glanced at the looming form of Sombra but quickly looked away, feeling his gaze settle on me again. I shuddered as a chill raced up my spine. With a flap of my wings, I launched myself after the others, bringing up the rear. Windjammer took the lead while Rust and Comet turned to surveying the streets below.

Although I had no idea who I was looking for, I followed their lead. My tail flicked and I glanced at Rust then shook my head. Feeling the wind on my scales, I took another moment to revel in the freedom my wings granted.

* * *

Sweeping in beneath the castle with the others in the lead, I spotted Shining Armor standing with John and Spears. Probably deep in conversation. Rust Feather soon had us flying straight toward them as we passed other members of the guard having improved the fortifications around the open plaza while we were on patrol.

As we got nearer, I noticed the two gryphons. Ekks was busy working to repair the damaged strap of her satchel. Drake was nearby, adjusting the chinstrap of the helmet she’d been given. It wasn’t a perfect fit, it being made for a pegasus, but she was determined to make it work.

Landing at a run, both Rust Feather and Windjammer rushed to make their reports to Shining Armor, leaving Comet Streak and myself to stand back a little. While the flight had been short, it had done nothing to ease the tension I could feel radiating from the two pegasi guards. Their urgency quickly ending the conversation between Shining, John and Spears.

Other members of the guard looked our way, concern etched on their muzzles, even as they went about their tasks. There was so much worry among the ponies, whether or not they were members of the guard, it gave a tense atmosphere to the plaza. One which I tried to shrug off with a shake of my wings before focusing on the report of Rust Feather and Windjammer.

I wasn’t exactly sure if Comet and I were even needed to add anything, not that I knew much more than what had been said on the rooftop. Even so, I listened in. There wasn’t much more to it than what Windjammer had already said, other than the full names of the missing guards; two unicorns by the names of Steadfast Ward and Unyielding Stance. Rust also gave her report on the movements outside the barrier before finishing with a comment I don’t doubt was aimed at me.

“Be less dangerous if we weren’t having to foalsit some civilians.”

My tail lashed in annoyance but I kept my mouth shut.

“Not everypony in war wears armour, Corporal,” said Shining Armor. “We’re spread too thin to not accept help.”

He then turned and faced both Comet Streak and myself. “Anything to report?”

Considering how against my presence Rust Feather was, I simply rolled my eyes then looked to my friend. Comet Streak’s gaze appeared both focused yet elsewhere at the same time. It was an expression I had only ever seen him sporting when a big test was looming in school.

“Frustrated,” he eventually replied. “The two soldiers. I was sure… I could hear them before we landed.”

Comet Streak shook his head. “But, when we did land, the street was empty. Only the mist remained.”

Shining Armor frowned then turned his head, gazing into the streets across the plaza in the direction Windjammer had indicated in his report. He remained still, his expression fixed, likely in deep thought. Only the shimmer of magic on his horn gave any clue to him not having suddenly frozen in place.

Facing us again, he said, “Grab some food but be quick, Corporals. We will have an air and ground search the moment more patrols return.”

“Sir!” Rust Feather and Windjammer saluted before hurrying away.

Shining Armor glanced at Comet Streak then turned his attention fully onto me and John. “Is your group ready?”

While John replied for us both, most likely a yes, my attention shifted quickly to where Shield Breaker was listening intently to Ochre. Jackie stood nearby, a frown pulling at the corners of his mouth as he appeared to be looking at something in the sky beyond the safety of the castle above.

Princess Cadance, who had been talking with the pegasus she had carried during the run through the streets, stepped up beside our yak friend, offering a reassuring smile and words I didn’t catch. Jackie’s voice, however, was deep enough to reach my ears even if it sounded far softer than usual. It wasn’t quite like the one I remembered from the human world, but, still, it remained closer to the voice of the girl Jackie had previously been. A sudden thought niggled at me, bringing a frown to my scaly lips. The same thought which caused me to miss part of Jackie’s response but it slipped away when I heard Jackie speak.

“…ness. If we try to talk with the crystal ponies and they see Sombra looming over the city, won’t they just hide in their houses?”

Cadance’s expression shifted, a momentary glint of worry in her eyes. Her lips drew pensively together as her attention followed Jackie’s to the sky and the magical dome above. Then, with a small, graceful nod, her gaze grew resolute and the ever-present glow of magic surrounding her horn shone brighter.

The deep magenta hue of the dome slowly disappeared, as did the sight of Sombra and his enslaved followers as the sky itself began to appear. First in blotches but steadily growing and knitting together until all that could be seen above the city would easily be mistaken for the calmest of sunny days.

When it was done, the glow of Cadance’s horn eased, returning to its previous intensity. She let out a soft, shuddering breath; a wing extending ever so slightly as if to catch her balance.

I wasn’t the only one staring at her. In fact, I was pretty sure all eyes were on Cadance even as Shining Armor trotted toward her, a question ready to leave his lips.

Cadance, however, cut him off with a soft smile, saying, “We’re here to help the ponies of this city, not remind them of the one who imprisoned them. His image shouldn’t be the first thing they see after he made them sleep while the world moved on without them.”

Shining Armor quickly caught her meaning. Stopping in front of her, he leaned forward and they rested their necks against each other. Unlike the dragonlands, it was a sign of affection I’d frequently seen among couples in Ponyville in the past few months.

Looking to Jackie, I caught the hint of a smile peeking out from his coarse fringe. His attention still appeared centered on the sky.

“Lieutenant,” Shining Armor’s voice pulled me back to the discussion we had barely started. But only for a moment as a harsher voice caught my ear.

“–but you’re going after the teapot! Why can’t I go with you?”

I spotted Richard as he stomped a hoof in front of the two gryphons.

Drake spread her wings while Ekks finally re-slung her repaired satchel across her body before giving it a quick reassuring pat.

“We cover more ground a lot faster than you can,” Drake stated rather bluntly. Ignoring the simmering response of the earth pony in front of her, she looked to Ekks and asked, “Ready?”

Ekks gave a short nod then spread her wings, taking to the air just ahead of her fellow gryphon. As the two flew away, Richard ground his teeth together and kicked a stone away, clearly frustrated.


My attention snapped to John, who, like Spears and Shining Armor, was staring at me as if waiting for me to respond. “Equestria to Cremator.”

I shook my head then clapped my hands together. “Right. Are we ready to go?”

I glanced around at the rest of the ponies and other creatures who were to join us, the scales of my brow pinching together as my enthusiasm waned. “What about Boo? Isn’t she going with us?”

Shining Armor tensed his cheek.

“Still on reconnaissance,” Spears explained. “She’ll join us in the field.”

“Now that Sombra is here, we need to move quickly,” Shining Armor stated. His gaze shot to Spears who snapped to attention. “Lieutenant, your group has its mission. Seek your goal, but keep the civilians amongst your numbers safe. You will be assisted by Privates Brass Hooves and Sturdy Lance. Take Blaster and his companions for extra security.”

He saluted Spears with a hoof; Spears returning it in kind.

I said nothing. My attention shifting to my friends and the others joining our group as they finished their preparations. Then I looked in the direction I had last seen Boo fly before we parted ways on our earlier missions. My tail twitched when I saw nothing but buildings and the calm sunny sky projected on the magical dome.

With a pang of worry tightening inside of me, I followed John as she called and led me to where the others were waiting.

* * *

Gliding in, I flared my wings and landed softly beside John. Well, as softly as claws can be when they suddenly grip cobblestone.

“Any progress?” I asked.

John simply tilted her head toward the nearest house. Richard and Spears stood in front of the door, which was only open enough for somepony to peak out. I didn’t catch what was said but couldn’t help but snort-scoff a giggle as the door to the house suddenly slammed shut, barely missing their noses. Both stallions stared at where the pony had been moments before while John jabbed me in the side with an elbow.

“That well, huh?” I mused, pursing my scaly lips.

Looking at John, I grinned but all she did was shake her head. Taking the silent hint, I turned back in time to hear Richard yell, “Yeah, well, not like we’re trying to help you ponies or anything!”

He quickly turned and trotted back toward the street where John and I were waiting.

Spears let out a groan of frustration, uttered a quick apology to the pony potentially still behind the door, then stomped after Richard.

“What was that?” Spears demanded when he had finally caught up with Richard in front of where John and I were standing.

Richard simply shrugged. “Exactly what you were doing, only faster.”

And it was going to be one of those times with Richard. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my chest to watch on, but kept the rolled-up parchment I held from being crushed.

Spears’ gaze hardened. “They’ve just awoken from the strongest magical torpor currently known, one used on them by mad the King who enslaved them. You don’t need to be so aggressive with them.”

Richard snorted then smirked, puffing out his chest. “Of course, you’d know about being aggressive with others. After all, you handled John in such a kindly manner back at Farrier’s Rest.”

John hissed softly beside me.

Yep. He was definitely going for the throat on this one.

Seeing his verbal barbs dig in deeper, Richard stepped closer to Spears, almost causing their noses to touch as he smugly suggested, “Why don’t you arrest them for not answering your questions?”

Richard’s smirk couldn’t be bigger as he leaned back but remained focused on Spears. A flicker of a question dawned on Spears’ face but it was quickly swept away as he scrunched his snout and a hint of controlled anger gripped his voice.

“First of all, that was a very different situation. Second, I was reprimanded for how I dealt with some of the incidents in Farrier’s Rest.” The anger in Spears’ voice tempered with a twinge of pain while his cheek rose in a slight grimace. “Something I still regret.”

I stole a quick glance at John but her face was unreadable.

The strength of Spears’ tone returned just as quickly with his next declaration, pulling my attention back to the argument, “Third, I have been working to improve my conduct regarding similar circumstances. This being a good chance to do so.”

“You sound like a guidance councillor,” Richard shot back then gestured broadly with a hoof to the houses lining the street. “Not that any of this matters. We’re just wasting time. We need what these ponies know about Sombra or we’ll never find clues to where he might be keeping the teapot.”

I rolled my eyes again. Back to his preferred rant. Of course. The sigh I caught from John made me feel she thought the same way.

Apparently, from the irritated snort through his nostrils, Spears did as well. With a short shake of his head and, doing his best to momentarily ignore Richard, Spears called my name.

I blinked. I didn’t realise he had noticed my return but I quickly stepped forward with the rolled-up parchment and presented it to him as if it were a royal decree, even slightly bending a knee.

Taking it in his magic, Spears quickly unrolled and read the contents. Pulling a quill from his armour using his magic, he quickly jotted something down then rolled it up again.

“Take this to Ochre,” he instructed, floating the parchment to me while his gaze returned to Richard.

Wrapping my claws around it, I stretched my wings and glanced at John. I swear her eyes were pleading with me to take her too, but this was a job for one with wings. Just as Richard launched into yet another tirade, I hurled myself skyward.

In seconds I was out of range for Richard’s complaints and well on my way across the rooftops, looking for Ochre’s group. I spotted the third group, the one lead by a unicorn called Brass Hooves, who was knocking on doors just like Spears had only with three cloaked ponies behind him. I smirked to myself at the weirdness of it all. Nothing like creepy ponies in cloaks and armour doorknocking for help in finding the unicorn who ruled you with a magical iron hoof to make a great first impression. Nothing at all.

I shook my head and flew on, catching a glimpse of Sturdy Lance as he stayed aloft, watching all three groups as he caught thermals. When I noticed him look my way, I flipped onto my back, saluted with a claw and continued in the direction he had been looking last.

I rolled back onto my stomach in time to see Comet Streak leap into the air from the next street over. Banking toward him, I nodded at him but didn’t get anything in response as he shot up higher toward Sturdy Lance. I shrugged, urgent message, I guess.

Swooping in low, I flared my wings and landed with a stroll to approach Ochre who stood back, watching as Jackie and Shield Breaker did their best to talk to a rather bewildered looking earth pony.

“Drakaina,” Ochre greeted without looking in my direction. I wasn’t even sure he had seen me from beneath the floppy brim of his well-worn hat.

“From Spears,” I said, holding the parchment out only to have it plucked away by magic. While the grizzled unicorn read, my attention drifted to Jackie and Shield Breaker. The earth pony they had been talking at drowsily apologised for not knowing anything, listlessly went back inside and softly closed the door.

Well, at least that was a better response than I had seen anyone else get so far; especially Richard. Neither of the former mid-teen humans seemed ruffled at the rejection as they just went on talking while wandering back to the street.

“I thought this would go a little easier than it did in the show,” said Shield Breaker.

“Well, not everything has been going exactly how the show did,” said Jackie. “Maybe things here are different too?”

Shield Breaker’s attention and voice suddenly piqued. “Like the cloaked trio?”

“Yes!” Jackie blurted. “I’m telling you, I don’t think they’re ponies.”

“All three of them?” Although he sounded surprised, Shield Breaker kept his tone just as hushed as Jackie.

Jackie dropped his head but nodded to the next street over; the one I had seen Brass Hooves’ group investigating. “Blaster’s friends. They’ve got split hooves.”

“So do you,” Shield Breaker shot back a little smugly.

I swear I saw Jackie’s eyes roll under that shaggy fringe. “Not like I had a choice in that regard.”

“And Blaster’s hooves look normal,” Shield Breaker continued. “Clearly not a unicorn and looks too slim for most earth ponies. Pretty sure he’s a pegasus.”

“Then what about the other two?” Jackie pondered.

Shield Breaker shrugged. “Small yaks?”

Jackie turned what was likely a withering glare on his friend. I smirked to myself. Well, it would have been withering, if not for his ever-obscuring fringe.

“Then, what else has split hooves?” Shield Breaker asked still just as enthusiastically caught up in the moment as Jackie. “Other than your sister.”

Jackie snorted but did his best to shake it off. “Deer, obviously. Buffalo, minotaurs… Tirek?”

“Tirek’s a centaur,” Shield Breaker countered.

“I know, was just thinking aloud,” Jackie clarified.

“Anyway,” Shield Breaker said, looking to push the discussion in another direction. “What about the one with the thing across their back under their cloak?”

I blinked several times at that and stared at the unicorn while, oddly, Jackie gave voice to my thought. “The… what?”

“One of them has something like a rod or a staff across their back,” Shield Breaker explained, doing his best to mime the shape with his hooves. “Makes their cloak look weird. Lifts it up enough to show off the fluffy fur on the backs of their front legs.”

My attention snapped to the rolled-up parchment as it suddenly floated in front of my face, wrapped in an ochre-coloured– I mentally cursed at the colour sense part of my brain. Wrapped in a yellowish-orange magical aura.

“Take this to Private Brass Hooves,” Ochre mumbled.

Glancing at him, it was clear the old unicorn was focused on Jackie and Shield Breaker, who were now talking about the different types of weapons which were used or could be used by the Guard. Likely Ochre was assessing Shield Breaker in some way.

“Right,” I said, taking to the air again.

Ignoring Sturdy Lance again, I flew directly to deliver the message. It didn’t take long to arrive as the armoured unicorn had only moved two houses down with her group. Spotting Comet Streak approaching Brass Hooves, a flicker of movement caught the corner of my eye.

Turning to look, I spotted a brown pegasus, a familiar pale streak of blue in her mane and tail, flapping her way toward where I had last seen Spears, Richard and John. Boo. I felt squeal try to escape my throat and my heartbeat suddenly skyrocketed. Coming alive at seeing Boo safe and sound, I flapped my wings harder before making a hard landing on one knee. Shaking it off, I stood up, grinning and handed the parchment to the unicorn mare, Brass Hooves.

While waiting, I took a moment to glance at the cloaked Guard members. Blaster, the one who spoke the most, had his head uncovered, but still wore his goggles­– I arched an eyebrow. Even though the dome of magic now shielded against the glare of the snowscape beyond the city.

Pushing aside that thought, I eyed his companions. The other two remained fully cloaked and, by the quick look of things… Yes, they did have fluffier fur on the backs of their forelegs. Whatever was special about that in Shield Breaker’s opinion. The one with the strange rod on their back beneath their cloak sounded like they were growling or grimacing in pain. The longer I looked, the deeper their growl became. Leaning closer, I could swear they were uttering a name.

Their head suddenly snapped in my direction.

“No.” The word hissed through their clenched teeth.

I jerked my head back at the glimpse beneath their hood, a scar dug deeply across their snout. I saw little more before the other one stepped between us, whispering something I couldn’t hear. I remained frozen even as the two walked away, leaving me still stunned by what I had momentarily seen.

Were those deep purple scales on their nose? On a pony?

Stepping away from the strange trio, with roiling emotions of creepiness and joy swirling through me, I did my best to settle a fresh grin on my face as I turned my attention to Comet Streak. Opening my mouth to comment, my grin quickly fell. Comet Streak’s eyes were fixed on the ground in front of him, his snout scrunched as he muttered the same thing over and over. “Ich weiß, dass ich sie gehört habe.”

I frowned to myself. He was still fixated on not finding the ponies he heard earlier? Listening to him repeat the phrase again and again, I slipped in beside my friend, quickly wrapped an arm around Comet’s shoulders then held him in a strong hug. I felt his body stiffen but his words immediately stopped when I whispered into his ear, “Ich glaube dir.”

Our moment was short-lived as Brass Hooves passed us our parchments and ordered us to visit the other groups; Comet Streak to Ochre and myself to Spears by way of Sturdy Lance.

In the air again, I deviated as told, keeping the overseeing pegasus up to date on what was being passed on the parchments. He said nothing and wrote nothing down. I simply waited for him to finish reading, admittedly shaking a little impatiently to get moving. Soon, I would be heading back to Spears. And Boo had been headed that way earlier. I grinned widely at the thought. Boo was probably there and I was going to give her the biggest hug–

The moment Sturdy Lance gave me the all clear, I twirled backward, diving away before tucking in my wings to shoot for my goal. My wings flapped only enough to keep me from plummeting while I rocketed across the sky. I spotted Boo beside John and I was pretty sure she noticed me. So, it wasn’t going to be a surprise hug, but she was still getting one!

In my excitement, I may have overshot a little and had to double back. Flipping over, I caught a glimpse of what may have been a pony a few streets north but they weren’t there when I took a second glance. Trick of the shadows maybe?

Landing quickly, I swear I was vibrating in anticipation as I handed the parchment to Spears again. I barely even noticed Richard had stopped his rant in the time I was away, but he was still right in front of Spears. My eyes darted between Spears and where John and Boo were, waiting for the hope of Spears not having to send me out immediately.

I could hear some of what John and Boo were talking about. Something about going out of their way for others but also wearing a mask like she does. Whatever that was about. John declaring that she wasn’t dating me, that was weird. Me and John? Nah. The waiting dragged on. Oh, come on! I was wriggling my fingers and even my toes as my annoyance continued to grow with how long Spears was taking to read and make any decisions he needed.

And now Boo was talking about the Lieutenant. Speaking of, I puffed out my chest and did my best to lock eyes with Spears, hoping to convey just how much I needed to leave his presence. Thankfully, he finally seemed to catch my impatience and, without sending me out immediately on another flight, dismissed me. I gave the fastest salute I could before escaping his sight with a giggle.

“…military specialist in infiltration and observation,” Boo said as I approached from behind John. No point in sneaking up on Boo after all. “I’ve seen you sneaking some glances his way. Not to mention the dreamy look you get when watching him for a while.”

“I don’t–” John spluttered, her voice quickly growing louder.

Oh, goodie! She seemed to be teasing John like I had been. Even if her tone was a lot more neutral. I slowed my pace to an anxious crawl, deciding this was definitely something I wanted to hear.

“Your emotions are more mixed. Compared to the Lieutenant, you’re a soft warm glow.” After a few seconds of silence, Boo shrugged and said, “Changeling, remember. Reading emotions are kind of my thing.”

John frowned, muttering more to herself than Boo as her head drooped. “But… I can’t be falling in love.”

“Guy. Girl. Other. Any can fall in love.”

Darn right they do! I swear I caught a flicker of Boo’s eyes in my direction as I crept ever closer.

“I get that but I’m a guy back as a human.”

Boo shrugged again. “So was Cremator and she’s testing the waters with me.”

“Yes, and she was always more gender fluid than most people I know, among other things. I wasn’t.” John, looking at the ground as I slunk up beside her, shook her head. “I’m not.”

I reached out and wrapped an arm around John’s shoulders, pulling her into a comforting hug even as she jumped the moment we touched. “Doesn’t mean you can’t give it a try. And the word you’re looking for is pan.”

Recovering quickly, John shot me a glare as I slipped away from her. Her eyes firmly fixed on me with a slight scowl. “This isn’t something to joke about!”

“I’m not,” I said, quickly sliding up beside Boo. I smiled widely at her and said, “I really really want to hug you. Can I?”

Boo gave a soft smile and simply nodded.

It was all I needed as I stepped right in and wrapped my arms around her in what was probably a fiercer hug than I had intended. I was just so glad to see her safe, what with the Guard members still missing and all. I felt a hoof wrap around me as Boo returned the hug and, after a few more moments, John’s voice broke through to me again.

“How can you not be joking?” she demanded. “Don’t you remember Amber Smyth? After all, you’ve made it so I can never forget that incident.”

“Because it was funny,” I said as I broke the hug with Boo to face John. “You tripped, not just on your tongue, but the basketballs as well.”

The glare John fixed on me could have burned through steel.

“And,” I said, pressing on, “unlike with her, I can see Spears is actually interested. You look like you enjoy spending time together.”

John’s scowl didn’t ease.

I shrugged. “Just trying to give some advice.”

Grinning, I stretched out my wings, adding, “Maybe be your wing-girl?”

John’s response was lost before she could fully scrunch her snout as a shout rang out from further down the street. Every pony, deer, changeling and dragon turned in search of the source.

“Help!” A panicked mare called as she dashed into view at the next junction of streets. She frantically looked to her left. Seeing no one, she called again, “We need help!”

By the time she had turned her head to the right and finally seen our group, Spears was charging forward with the rest of us not far behind. Except for Richard who said something as we hurried ahead but I didn’t catch his words before hearing his hooves striking the cobblestones in an attempt to catch up.

The mare in question had only taken a step or two toward us before realising we were all running to her; Boo and myself taking to the air seemingly out of instinct. The mare then glanced back the way she had come, trotting on the spot a little as she seemed to anxiously try and figure out if she should wait or hurry back ahead of us to whatever she needed help with.

Spears barked out an order to inform Sturdy Lance and bring in the other groups. While my brain was still processing it, Boo shot away to fulfill it. I hardly had a chance to look to her beyond my shoulder and she was on her way, only a glimpse of the streak in her tail left for my eyes to catch.

Snapping back into focus, I flared my wings, bringing up my feet and spreading my toes for landing as we quickly reached the unicorn. I didn’t even touch down as a few words passed from the new mare to Spears and back in rapid succession only punctuated by panic and heavy breaths from sudden exertion.

“What’s wrong?”

“Injured soldiers!”

Spears attention turned laser focused. “Where?”

The mare’s response was to turn and run in the direction she had come from. With little else to go on, we all turned and gave chase. With instruction from Spears, I flew a little higher but kept every pony and deer in sight, staying above the rooftops so that Boo could direct the others to us as we left the last place she had known us to be located.

It was a good thing we did as it was another three blocks and a turn toward the edge of the city before we finally came upon the scene. The unicorn mare had been true to her word and her panic justified. Three ponies, each wearing armour of the Guard, lay on the street, their faces grimacing with pain.

Needing to stay within view for the groups Boo had rushed to inform, I could do little more than watch as the unicorn mare, Spears and John all moved in to assess the downed ponies. Richard stood a few paces back. Thankfully, Richard barely spoke as he watched on, much like myself, so I could hear most of what was said above a whisper. Even while I lazily circled, catching small thermals to stay aloft with minimum wing effort.

John’s shoulder and flank brushed against Spears’ side as she moved to try and assist. Nothing was said, but I swore I saw a look pass between them. I definitely noticed a shudder ripple through Spears which ended with him standing a little taller.

The horns of Spears and the unicorn mare started to glow as they checked for any visible injuries. For their part, I couldn’t hear the injured ponies make a sound but they remained prone on the cobblestone street. I kept a close eye on the unicorn mare as she tended to the earth pony among the fallen trio.

As her cloak settled wildly around her, covering her cutie mark, that frustrating part of my brain assessed her features. In shape and size, her horn was just like any other unicorn mare I had seen. Around her neck hung an onyx amulet with a deep crimson ruby at its core. Her mane and tail were pale in tone, an arctic blue, while the fur of her coat was a greyish heliotrope. I clenched my jaw and snarled inwardly. Just stop it already!

“I had just stepped out of my house,” said the unicorn mare, thankfully interrupting my thoughts as she recounted the events leading up to her getting the attention of us, at Spears’ insistence. “The first one approached me, staggering. Looked like he was struggling to stand. I caught him with my magic as he started to fall. It was when I eased him to the ground that I saw the others. Already laying down.”

“Do you know what did this?” Spears pressed. “Did you see anything else?”

“I’m sorry,” the unicorn mare said, shaking her head. “My head is still foggy. I only woke up recently. I don’t even remember falling asleep. I was hiding from the fighting in the streets with the King’s soldiers. I only stepped outside to see if it had stopped because it was so quiet.”

“King’s soldiers?” Spears wondered, loud enough for me to hear.

“Of course,” the mare replied. “There was a lot of fighting.”

She looked at the strongly built earth pony she had previously been examining and shook her head again. “He wasn’t one of them.”

Looking to the other two fallen Guard members, a pair of unicorns, she added, “None of them could have been. I’ve never seen this armour before. Definitely not the King’s.”

Another turn of her head. Back to Spears. “Theirs is like yours.”

She paused a little, her words only now hesitating at the strangers she had hurriedly called into her presence. Using her magic to pull her cloak more around her as if to protect herself, she asked, “Who are you?”

“Lieutenant Spears of the Royal Guard,” Spears replied. “In service to their Highnesses Princess Celestia and Princess Luna of Canterlot. I and others are here investigating the strange reappearance of the Crystal Empire.”

“Reappearance?” The mare sounded absolutely confused. “Sorry? You mean, the city–”

She tapped a hoof on the cobblestones. “This city… disappeared?”

Spears took a single step forward. “Ma’am, I know this may be hard to believe but…”

As Spears trailed off into a difficult explanation as to what he meant, I caught sight of Sturdy Lance arriving, but not in the air as I expected. Instead, I spotted him forcing Blaster and his companions forward on hoof.

There was an interesting moment of apprehension from the mare as apparently dragons and deer weren’t exactly regular sights in the Crystal Empire of her time. It wasn’t exactly helped by Blaster’s companions still being almost entirely covered by their cloaks.

The unicorn pressed a hoof between her eyes and slowly shook her head. “I was not prepared for today.”

John approached the unicorn and gently rested her neck against hers, the equivalent of a light hug especially for those stuck on all fours. The unicorn didn’t resist.

“Maybe it was the miasma,” Spears wondered aloud, his eyes still on the fallen Guards. He frowned to himself. “Could be thicker in other parts of the city.”

“Well, at least that ends the other search,” Brass Hooves declared once she approached Spears. All attention turned to her while her gaze remained similarly fixed on the three fallen ponies. “Steadfast Ward and Unyielding Stance. And that…”

She peered down on the earth pony before glancing back to Sturdy Lance. “Any word if Tower Shield is missing? This kind of looks like him.”

“Not sure,” Sturdy Lance replied. “Haven’t received any message from the castle encampment about it.”

Glancing at Spears, I noted his quill and parchment floating in his magical aura as he made a few notes. I sighed then circled lower, readying myself for the inevitable flight at the Lieutenant’s command.

Looking up from the parchment, his eyes scanned the rest of us and our surroundings. “Likely best move. Get the injured back to the camp for assistance.”

As Spears rolled up the parchment and put away his quill, I flapped my wings to hover as I approached him, but Spears never passed the parchment to me. Instead, the magic carried it over to Sturdy Lance. “Take this quickly to Captain Armor. Best he knows immediately. We’ll prepare and start moving the injured behind you.”

“Lieutenant,” Sturdy Lance saluted before lurching skyward and darting off toward the middle of the city.

I continued to hover, watching Sturdy Lance fly away, a little confused after being used as a messenger service for so long already. A smile broke across my face when I spotted Boo flying toward us with Ochre’s group not far behind her on the street. Instead of landing, I flapped over to them. My feet hit the ground and I fell into step beside Comet Streak.

“Good news,” I said, hurrying a little ahead of my bat pony friend then turning to walk backwards so I could face him. “It looks like we’ve found the missing members of the Guard.”

Comet Streak’s ears perked up a little and he arched an eyebrow in question as he raised his head to stare at me. Probably trying to gauge if I was making a dark joke or not.

“We actually found three,” I continued, looking over my shoulder to the group surrounding the three on the ground. “One of the Guard even identified them. She’s a little iffy on the earth pony’s name though.”

And Comet Streak suddenly picked up his pace, trotting past me to see for himself.

“Hmm,” Ochre said with a heavy sigh next to me. “Some good news at least.”

Looking to the others, I added, “We also met a local but I didn’t catch her name.”

As we neared the larger group, I could hear Spears continuing his interrogation of the unicorn in question.

The local unicorn’s attention moved to their surroundings. “The buildings look just like they did yesterday. Only there are a lot less ponies in armour fighting each other in the streets now. Something I’m very grateful for. King Sombra’s soldiers were fighting back but losing numbers. I did my best to hide. Then I guess I fell asleep and I woke up a short time ago.”

“Anything before then?” Spears tried to press.

“Before the fighting?” Brass Hooves added. “Possible troop movements?”

The local unicorn gave a flat look. “I’ve been studying medicine while interning at the mortuary as I was told it would help toward my accreditation. All it has actually done is had me travelling back and forth to the Halls of the Dead. Not that I could do much of that in the past few weeks as the soldiers kept cutting off access to more and more parts of the catacombs every other day.”

Spears and Brass Hooves exchanged a long knowing look. Feeling Spears would soon ask us questions, I did my best to slip my way past and between others toward where John was standing.

“And you know the entrances to these catacombs?” Spears asked.

The unicorn nodded. “Of course. I use them all the time. The nearest one is about four blocks from here.”

“Private,” Spears said, looking to Brass Hooves again. “Remain here and watch over the injured until Sturdy Lance returns with assistance.”

Brass Hooves saluted but asked, “What of the civilians with us?”

“They are more capable than you think,” said Spears. Turning to the cloaked trio, he barked, “Specialist Blaster.”

I stepped past the Leopard Appaloosan, eyeing him as he stiffly straightened.

“You and your team will accompany us as we search the catacombs. Your primary role, protect the civilians.”

Stopping next to John, I caught a twitch from Blaster’s cheek before he spoke through his clenched jaw. “Protect civilians.”

The local turned to him and said, “You will do well.”

Blaster nodded stiffly. “Do… well.”

Turning to John, Spears did his best to smile but the focus of his pending mission stole away much of the kindness. “Are you and your friends ready to assist? We don’t know what we could find.”

I shrugged then rested my hands on the back of my head. Grinning, I said, “Not like we’ve known before. Doesn’t stop us from trying.”

John stepped closer to Spears and gave a hopeful smile. “It could be what we’re looking for. Better to take the chance.”

Spears nodded. He closed his eyes and took a calming breath. Drawing himself up to his full height, he addressed the group as a whole. “With the missing Guards now found, the mission the civilians among us came to perform can now begin. We will be entering the catacombs of the city, unicorns, prepare your light spells. Myself, the Specialists of the Guard, and Ochre of the Hunter’s Association will be on guard against the possibility of Sombra’s soldiers. Be prepared for anything.”

Without a word of objection, Spears turned to the local unicorn mare, whose name I soon learned he had picked up while I met up with Ochre’s group, and said, “Lead the way, Radiant Hope.”

Author's Note:

So many apologies for how long this has taken. So many thank yous for those who have stuck around and even found this story in the time I've been struggling with this chapter. Countless thank yous to those who have given me support through it all.

“Wo sind sie?” - "Where are they?"
"Ich weiß, dass ich sie gehört habe.” - "I know I heard them."
“Ich glaube dir.” - "I believe you."

Guest characters appearing in this chapter:

Drake - ThatOneGriffin
Ekks - Bronyxy
Blaster - Bernard
Searing - Scroll

Comments ( 8 )

Well, this is a surprise. I can't remember much about what's going on, but I liked the little talk about giving romance a try regardless of what gender they are. It's a silly concept, anyway. We're all people, love doesn't know such dumb restrictions. Maybe they should explain to John the difference between romance and sexuality, too.

Anyway, onto my favorite topic, language... :trollestia:

When Rust Feather looked like she was about to ask further, I caught something muttered under Comet’s breath. “Wo sind Sie?”

You're actually using the formal you instead of they here. 'Sie' capitalized and 'sie' written in lowercase are two different things.

Comet Streak’s eyes were fixed on the ground in front of him, his snout scrunched as he muttered the same thing over and over. “Ich weiß, dass ich sie gehört habe.”

Here, you're doing it right, which makes me believe you didn't check whether you did it right and just translated it on the off chance it would be correct. I'm not sure if I offered to help translate whenever you need it, but you can ask me if you're unsure. I know my way around the German language pretty well... kinda have to if you want to make sense of Goethe's Faust I. :rainbowlaugh:

Still very rusty but still trying my best. I also missed translating that one. Will fix. Thank you.

There was more dialogue to the discussion about giving romance a chance. A lot of what Cremator was overhearing was originally written as dialogue with a bit more to it but changing it sped the scene up and brought out more of Cremator's personality. Unfortunately, that extra dialogue no longer exists.


I had a longer time thinking about this while getting dinner. I will stick with the fix made at your suggestion but there is a slight story to why it would have been the way it was. That chapter was written before things went crazy for me and was re-written a few times even before then.

If I remember correctly, both were correct in the original writings. On the rooftop, Comet Streak was talking about "you", a single pony in this case, and not both missing ponies at the time. Later, he was actually talking about both of them so "they" would be correct. Reason I like the fix is that it removes the confusion from it.

Again, thank you.

Picked up this story last night, haven't gotten caught up to recent yet but saw the last update before this one and thought it wasn't going to, woke up to the update this morning. Guess I got to catch up.

nice to see this one finally out. Part of me could feel the rewrites as I read on, but I did not see them. This actually looked very well edited. If you had handed me the original document for correction, then I did not spot a single mistake in English. German is another story. One which I do not tell or speak. I wouldn't have been able to help you with the one mistake someone else pointed out here.

While reading this chapter, for some reason, I kept thinking about Smoulder in mlp.


It's probably because Cremator seems to have a very similar attitude. Maybe even more true to Smoulder's character. I suspect Creamator is as giddy as Smoulder wishes she could openly be, but dragon society taught her to be cautious about being too open with her feelings.

One thing in here that also amused me was watching Shield Breaker and Jackie try to guess what the race of two of the cloaked figures were and they did get some clues, but their reliance on the show may have backfired in this case if the show they saw didn't advance to season 8 yet.

Another thing I like to discuss is I like the inclusion of discussing possible romantic interests between Cremator, Boo and John. Maybe it was also a good thing not to get too into it. While I like that exploration of their character and the reminder that those cards are on the table, something might have felt a bit off if they continued discussing it while tense situation was still exploding around them. Imagine how weird and off putting it would seem if during the middle of a school shooting, which is happening in the immediate vicinity, one casually looks to another and asks innocently, "So who do you have a crush on?" There is a time and a place for these little moments and others which are more ... questionable at best.

Still, I like it anyway. Even in a real war, trained solders are likely encouraged to find their own ways to relieve stress, lest feelings cloud their judgement more during a more critical moment. Levity is important when it is safe to pursue it. It also makes an entertaining read for those who have any ounce of romantic interest in their body so hats off to ya for that. Gender dysphoria here simply puts an extra twist on it. If John had always been a girl and little else was different about that conversation, can you see how that conversation could appear a little more ordinary?

Cremator's base design is a mix of my easy going self and my exuberance. She genuinely just wants others to be safe and happy. Any similarities to show Smolder are purely coincidental as my ability to watch the show at the same time as airing in the USA fell away late in season five. As such, everything was so spoiled for me, even now I find it difficult to sit down and watch the later seasons without fandom judgements I've already absorbed leaking in. Sucks but I can't help it.

Regarding the timing of things airing in the show, I was checking carefully to make sure the air dates were correct to line things up for the approximate point when Jackie and Jacob (Shield Breaker) last saw an episode before the convention at the start of the story. Even though they don't have knowledge of the comics, I even included the timing of the relevant issue's release date in that list. Just another small part of the headache this chapter became.

Timing the talk between John and Boo was difficult but it needed to be done and this was just the latest it could happen. I think it was meant to be in the previous chapter but never worked as it needed them alone or at least without Cremator or Jackie present. The notes also stated that John would be the one to bring up the topic, which sort of did happen in the original dialogue, but, even in that version, Cremator missed the very start as the original dialogue was written after breaking the scene up for the message relay.

One idea that I was toying with for a while but sort of left out was that the parchment was meant to be for magical use only, which was why only unicorns were writing on it and Sturdy Lance only read it. Instead of using quills, they would magic the words onto the parchment which Cremator would need to have seen happen at least the first time. It just became an unnecessary extra thing I would have had to explain, so the remnants are there, just not finalised.

One of the biggest headaches of this chapter was the part where Cremator and Comet Streak are flying messages between the groups. In the original notes, that whole sequence took place on the same street with the groups only a few houses apart while there was a core group in the middle of the street. It did not work. It just wasn't active enough and took months to solve. The spark of having them fly messages in relay was one of those eureka moments. Another frustration was wrangling this many characters in some kind of coherent and logistical way (not such a problem going forward, it was just unavoidable here). This saw the biggest amounts of chopping and moving small scenes around (the arrival of the other two groups at the downed Guards scene) which is where I would solve a couple of problems then cause more for myself due to timing issues let alone continuity errors in the final edit.

Overall, while it caused me a lot of pain, I don't actually hate this chapter. I am very glad to see the end of it though.


Cremator's base design is a mix of my easy going self and my exuberance.

Okay, so ... Cremator is based off some aspect of you and yet you struggled with this chapter partially because of this dragon? Well then. That says a lot about you too then. Sounds like you are having a challenge reconnecting with your easy going side. I do have some ideas why. That's sad but, you know. Life. Gotta leave room to account for that factor.

As such, everything was so spoiled for me, even now I find it difficult to sit down and watch the later seasons without fandom judgements I've already absorbed leaking in. Sucks but I can't help it.

I could almost refer to my comment above and repeat it for this one. Sad, sad panda.


Doesn't have to be, though. You can finish it (assuming it finally aired in your country by now) and form your own opinions. You might agree with the crowd or you might now. I've swung both ways myself about various details in comparison to the crowd. Seen lots of first time reactors to the show. Many of them agreed with each other and almost said the exact same thing at certain moments but in other times their opinions can vary widely. Your's can do.

Timing the talk between John and Boo was difficult but it needed to be done

I agree. It is an interesting subject so some touch on it was welcome. From Cremator's perspective you even touched on Spear's feelings based on the reaction that Cremator saw. Part of me dwelled on what John would have thought if he/she seen Spear shudder to at their brief physical contact. A disturbed reaction is likely a given for John but if there's any part of that character to be at least a little flattered too then I'd be a bit giddy too to notice it.

the spark of having them fly messages in relay was one of those eureka moments.

Seems a little weird that thought didn't occur to your sooner because yeah. The reason for this solution makes a lot of sense. If they were literally standing right next to each other then why would they need a messenger unless there was some personal issues between these two groups?

That said, is it possible for Cremator to just fire breath the message to the intended recipient like Spike? I say it's possible, but I'm leaning on no. I suspect Spike is a little unique on that regard. Likely that ability was some kind of mishap that sparked during Twilight's cutie mark awaking. Might also be why he was born without wings. Ever since then, he desperately needed to drink a Red Bull.

I write with my emotions. It is the only way it works for me after a lot of experimentation. Unfortunately, a family member deciding to repeatedly verbally and mentally abuse me over the past two years in order for them to try and control all I do has made it really difficult to connect with that side of myself, especially Cremator. John, as a character, is a lot easier to write in this aspect because of the parts of me she borrows. I did try to change the point of view character for this chapter several times to speed things up but it never worked. None of the other characters were able to carry it the way it needed to happen. If the main character I need isn't talking when I need them, what I end up producing is stilted and fights me at every step.

Repeatedly having to drag myself out of the mental and emotional hole said family member has kept slamming me into while performing my daily responsibilities took a lot out of me emotionally and it has been hard to connect with the characters as a result. Watching and caring 24/7 for another family member whose mind (mental capacity and who they were) is being stripped away by Parkinson's every day (dramatically so in the past 12 months alone) is a heavily contributing factor. With all its related emergencies, coupled with my ASD, which makes it difficult and overwhelming to understand people and this world, more frequently than not, I am exhausted. It got a lot darker than just exhausted about a month ago, but I am still here and the story is still going which is proof I didn't take that final step. Writing is my release as well as my hope for something more. My stories here are often a test for elements I am considering working with in my original works.

As for the seasons themselves, I have my hands on all but the final season, which either never released here or I missed its physical release. I just don't have the time to watch it uninterrupted now and give them the focus I feel they, like any show or movie I watch, deserve. To me they are entertainment, characters I love, and also a learning experience in writing. In fact, I stepped into watching gen 4 because I needed examples of how to write aimed at a certain age range I was trying to write a piece for at the time. I stayed because I fell in love with the world and the characters (and there were some fun people in the fandom), more for their slice of life adventures than the super stakes ones (I know, ironic).

John and the romance part. John doesn't realise she has been having such an affect on Spears only that she is having some level of feelings for him. This little conversation helps jolt her a little regarding it. Sometimes outsiders looking in help. John's driving force in Equestria is to help those around her, who she cares about and feels responsible for, be safe while trying to find solutions to the problem of being both transformed and stuck in another world. This includes trying to keep Jackie and Shield Breaker grounded when, even now, they still see a high level of the cartoon all around them causing them to not always consider the consequences. Spears admires this about her along with her determination to make things right. He has also been becoming emotionally attached to her, he just doesn't know where that stands with her or himself. He has to figure it out just like John does. The direct focus part John gets from me and isn't always a good thing. As for the brushing incident: accident or deliberate? We'll see.

Cremator doesn't have fire messaging ability, so, unfortunately, not an option.

Regarding the solution being the relay of messages, a combination of above clouding my mind and hitting my head against the metaphorical wall of ideas to try and make them work. What sparked and why did it take so long? Don't know. It happens. Not the first time it has happened to me and won't be the last. An example from a story not published though I keep trying to and failing at (it is an original story so not for here). There was a timing issue in the planning stages, a big one. It needed to have an example for the plot as well as the main characters and it revolved around the birth of children. If, as originally planned, both children were theirs, it would have dragged the story out due to needing nearly two years of time passing when there are already time jumps in that story. It took forever for me to realise the first birth could happen to their friend and be the example needed allowing them to be almost simultaneous. Why? I just couldn't see it until something sparked. Either I overheard something, read something, my mind was clear enough, I'm not sure, but it got my brain to turn just that tiny bit it needed to make the leap to a solution. Same in this case.

Comment posted by Planeswalker deleted Oct 26th, 2023
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