• Published 18th Oct 2019
  • 13,736 Views, 596 Comments

Time Enough For Three - Valtyra

Twilight finds herself wanting to know more about Celestia and Luna. So she ends up time travelling!

  • ...

Arc 2: Chapter 9

Author's Note:

Hey guys. It's me, yah gurl. Back at it again with a new chapter. Don't worry. I'll actually be updating this. I got a new job! So that's fun but it's like 45 hours a week and other responsibilities and stuff. :P

Starlight proceeded down the dimly lit hallway, her destination being as far away from Blueblood as possible. The mere thought of that particular pony still wandering the castle sent shivers down her spine, but she halted and took a slow, steadying breath. As an advisor to the Princess, she knew her focus had to remain fixed on what truly mattered: Twilight. She understood that one therapy session alone wouldn't alleviate Twilight's burdens, but it was a crucial starting point given the time they had.

Lost in her thoughts, Starlight failed to notice one of Celestia's soldiers gently clearing his throat to capture her attention. Her distraction led her to collide headfirst into a well-polished golden rope that cordoned off the hallway. Startled, she let out an un-marelike 'gluck' before stumbling backward.

"Ma'am?" inquired the soldier with a gruff voice. "Miss Glimmer, are you alright?" he continued, extending his polished gold hoof for her to grasp.

Starlight accepted the offered hoof, allowing herself to be pulled back onto her hooves. "Yes, thank you. Lost in my own thoughts it would seem," she replied, her magic smoothing her ruffled mane as she chuckled. "Why is this hallway roped off?"

"This section has been cordoned off due to technical works. My orders are to ensure no one enters," the guard explained, as though he had rehearsed the statement countless times.

Arching an eyebrow, Starlight queried, "Technical works? Is that so?" to which she received a confirming nod. Her gaze shifted from the guard to the further reaches of the hallway. "Very well," she responded with a smile. "Carry on with your duties."

The guard nodded, acknowledging her directive, and resumed his position to the side, retrieving his spear. He stood at attention, his gaze fixed ahead, nearly motionless.

After one final glance down the hallway, Starlight retraced her steps and turned the corner, finding an adjacent area devoid of ponies. She focused her horn's power and within moments, a soft 'pop' signified her teleportation.

With a sudden 'crack,' she reappeared in total darkness. She stumbled over scattered items, landing on the ground with an 'oof' before using her magic to illuminate the area. Once the stars that danced before her vision faded, she took stock of her surroundings. She was inside the royal gardener's shed, where several wooden rakes and various plastic plant pots lay scattered and toppled.

An annoyed huff escaped her lips as she pushed herself up from the ground then ran her magic over her coat to brush off the dirt. Her thoughts were a chaotic jumble, not only due to the abrupt teleportation and subsequent fall but also because she had aimed for the royal gardens themselves. Somehow, a stronger magical force had deflected her course.

Starlight took a step toward the shed's exit, but she swiftly brought a hoof to her stomach as she felt it twist and tighten. There was barely enough time for her to scream, "Ah!" before she vanished once more in a puff of pink mist, causing one last plant pot to tumble over.

Both of the younger princesses remained transfixed by the screen, which had abruptly dissolved as swiftly as it had appeared, leaving Twilight in Notepad's office at the forefront of their thoughts.

"We will protect our Moon, no matter the circumstances," declared the younger Luna, turning toward the older princesses, who nodded in agreement.

"We will, though what we've done was wholly irresponsible. We shouldn't have breached her privacy" sighed Celestia, her gaze now shifting toward Discord, who wore a contemplative expression. "Discord?" she inquired, but he silenced her by placing a lion's paw against her lips, to which she frowned.

Discord's ear twitched as he directed his attention toward a shed situated a considerable distance away within the garden. He squinted, then snapped his talon, conjuring a pink mist above the picnic. The ensuing silence was abruptly shattered by Starlight's startled scream as she landed on the blanket, followed by a groan.

All five mares fixed their gaze on her before turning toward Discord, who shrugged nonchalantly. "Oops."

"Starlight, are you alright?" inquired Older Luna, gently nudging the mare's shoulder. She breathed a sigh of relief when Starlight groaned and lifted her head, only to discover Discord's presence.

"Oh," Starlight grumbled, "I should have expected as much..." she began, but her attention shifted to the side, where a pair of younger princesses lay. Her eyes darted between them before settling on the older pair. "This... Twilight never mentioned anything like this."

"There's much that Twilight may have left out from you," Celestia remarked, her magic gently lifting Starlight and seating her on the grass. "However, she doesn't need criticism from us; she requires our support. I can scarcely imagine the stress she endured. It's no wonder she felt that way."

Discord chimed in, gesturing toward the younger princesses. "You should be taking notes. Things become much more challenging for Twilight, she'll need both of you for support."

"Discord!" Celestia hissed, rising to her full height. "You can't just..."

Discord arched an eyebrow at her tone. "Can't just what?" he questioned, matching her elevated stance and causing others to back away. "Look out for my friend? Perhaps you've forgotten, but I witnessed what transpired back then. Are you genuinely prepared to let her endure that without any support?"

Celestia's resolve quickly wavered as she turned her gaze away, unwilling to delve further into the discussion. "I... need to make arrangements for dinner. I apologize for this," she muttered before departing the garden.

"Sister!" Luna called out, but received no response. She then turned to Discord, her expression troubled. "We will discuss this later," she stated before directing her attention to Starlight. "Please take care of our younger selves and Sunset here. I'll see to calming my Sister."

Starlight appeared taken aback by the abrupt request but nodded in agreement. "Of course, Princess," she replied, offering a reassuring smile to Sunset and the pair of younger princesses. As she observed Discord fade away, her mind whirred with calculations about the potential disruptions to the timeline that could result from this encounter.

"So, uh, I'm Starlight... Twilight's advisor," she introduced herself, her forehead dotted with beads of sweat as she contemplated the intricate web of events unfolding before her.

Sunset stared at Starlight for the longest time then quickly let out a soft chuckle. "You were in one of the newer books they gave me to read," she said, causing the other mare's to turn to her with curiosity. "It said that you and Twilight had fought once?" That quickly caused them to turn to look at Starlight.

That statement clearly had an effect on Starlight as she winced, then flicked her gaze between the others and quickly down to the blanket. She coughed into a hoof and nodded. "We did, at one time, yes. I was a little... unhinged. Thankfully Twilight's was there to help me. Now I'm there to help her," she paused for a second, "in any way possible."

Luna rushed over and pressed a hoof onto Celestia's shoulder, before pulling away when the Princess glanced back at her. The pair had entered one of the main extravagant entrance-ways of the castle and were now in full view of the public. "Sister?" she asked, her tone full of worry. "What's gotten into you?"

Celestia huffed and turned, then grumbled as she lowered her head. "He's just so," she began, taking a second, "Infuriating." Her wings ruffled while she leaned in to gently nuzzle across Luna's neck and cheek. "But..."


"He's right."

Luna blinked at that, genuinely surprised. "Are you well?" she teased, her worry now turning into slight smugness. "You must be delirious, someone grab the doctor!" she laughed, before settling down and shaking her head to the numerous ponies which were now horrified that their Princess might be ill.

"Lu... I'm serious. We both know what happens to Twilight and... I worry that I may be too passive in how things play out." Celestia moved around and wrapped a wing around Luna then guided her towards the exit and balcony which overlooks Canterlot proper. "I trust Twilight more than anything but I've read her reports of what happens when time is messed with. How it just kept getting worse." She stopped in front of the balcony, in a secluded and darkened area, then gestured to Canterlot. "All this. Everything we've worked up for. Do we just trust that it won't fade away if we tell her? Do we trust that she loves us enough to make that choice again despite the outcome?"

There was a tension in the air as Luna stared off into space for what felt like the longest time, then winced as if struck by a memory. "Do not speak of that," she whispered, causing Celestia to tighten the embrace a little more and lean down to kiss her cheek.

"I'm sorry, Lulu..."

Comments ( 10 )

it's alive o.o

Well, you were a bit off it seems :pinkiehappy:

Yis. I'll be trying to update it over time, instead of pushing myself. I think that's what burnt me out the first time

Huh now that's interesting

OMG, I'd almost given up hope.
And then, bang!, Best Story gets a new chapter^^

I can't find words for how happy I am to have a new chapter of this story. Thanks for your work.

Good chapter. I hope things are going well with your new job

Just got around to finally reading this it is great

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