• Member Since 10th Feb, 2019
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Twilight and her friends have been defeated, Friendship has been forgotten, and the trio of Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow are the undisputed rulers of Equestria...with the exception of the Windigos.

As the war drags on, and tyranny begins to lose it's appeal, the three tyrants begin wonder: Was it really worth it? And if it wasn't, what can we do to make things right?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 39 )


This is definitely worth reading.

You're not the only one whose pissed off by that crap filled finale. I thought Twilight would sacrifice the Magic of Friendship to destroy Grogar's bell to save everyone to stop Grogar but no... the creators decided to flip the viewers and Grogar fans off with Discord and that defeating the villains is utter bullshit!!

No comment on these three since I hated them period. I'm still pissed about the copout with Grogar more than anything else.

Eh, to each their own. At least we can all agree that Discord cockteased us and it sucked.

Kichi #7 · Oct 13th, 2019 · · 1 ·

This should be cannon, instead of the statue thing

Heads up:
Grogar's Bell is indestructible. It even tanked the Super Rainbow Laser without being either turned to stone or destroyed, just switched off. They can't smash it in here.
Also, there was also a possible opening for the villains to win while getting rid of the Windigoes, which was to use the Bell on the Rainbow Laser itself. This fic explored the idea:

Hmm, I will read this fic. However, I must point out that the fact that the rainbow laser didn't destroy the villains (hell, it didn't even turn them to stone like with Discord) tanking the laser doesn't disprove that it can be destroyed.

I enjoyed this alternate take. I propose a sequel where Cozy Glow meets (and possibly falls for) a pony that will be by her side.

Personally, I enjoyed this story. The concept was interesting, and I can tell the writer put a lot of thought and effort behind what was being written. It was impressive, as well as I do enjoy well written alternative endings. This one is definitely one of the better alternative ending stories I’ve read on this site. :twilightsmile:

Also, I just love how you're throwing hate on one of my stories when all three of yours have more dislikes than likes. :trollestia:

I understand my stories were garbage and stopped writing them. Funny that the guy with a fuckin anime avatar is trying to call me out.

I didn't have to read more than 2 sentences to see this story's garbage.

Am I supposed to feel ashamed for liking what I like? Because I don't. I like anime, I like writing, I like this story. Though, in your defense my love for the 98 Godzilla movie and films of similar popularity have taught me that I have bad taste.

So now that you know what to expect from me, avoid me. Cause I'm gonna do what I'll do and I don't give a fuck what you think.

Very nice story. Like the alternate ending

Welcome to a world where being Fidel Coltro eventually becomes Pyrrhic villainy.
On the flip side, a George Stirrup wouldn't be bothered in the least.

.......fuck....I do not understand these references and now feel stupid.

What a nice story. Thank you for write it and rewrite that awful ending. Although the soul fusion and destroying the indestructible bell is odd, I enjoyed it. And adding that little backstory for Cozy more than the show writers did for her. This ending is more satisfying than the actual one, especially for the Legion of Doom.

Awesome fic. Greetings.

That was my aim. Glad you enjoyed it.

Well the magic of friendship is apparently the most powerful thing in the universe in that world.
Nothing as ever withstand its rainbow laser of doom, the fact the bell tanked a TRIPLE beam and just works perfectly fine afterwards is such an achievement on how well made Grogar made his bell. If the magic of friendship can't destroy the bell but just take away the power boost it gave to the trio, then what will?
Though I wished the show touched on what if theres a villain that could outright overpower the rainbow laser? Heck, if they brought back NMM and say her darkness adapted to it and now counters it, it would have been fitting for the first villain(in the show's airing) that fell victim to the beam would get to defeat it.

Haven't read the story yet but felt like commenting anyway.

As for the Discord Grogar issue, Discord's iffy plan really made me furious inside.
I still like Discord but I am just mad at him. Especially how his plan screwed over 3 fav characters of mine (Spike, Luna and Chrysalis) at certain points during the duration of that plan.
Along with disappointed with how the finale handled Luna(Celestia too, yes but I am more focused on Luna..).
Pretty much a nutshell on what I thought about the finale, just really mixed.

Oh yeah, that finale was a mess. And I feel like they only worked in the plot twist because we all already guessed what was gonna happen. (Grogar turns on the Legion who then help the Mane 6 defeat him, and thus reform)

I felt like it did not do the royal sisters enough justice either.

Really all they could do is just distract the trio and can only deal with the trio AFTER they've already been dealt with(as in pretty much kicking someone who's already down and defenseless). And that's just one of the problems I feel with how things been handled..

Apparently why they did this plot twist was the trio had more connection to the Mane 6 for this series finale than a big bad popping up out of blue. Which is iffy.
If they wanted their villain to have some connections, have Grogar be responsible for Nightmare Moon in some way.
Him being responsible for the very first villain the girls had faced, the one who kicked off the show with the book opening on her story.
Like Grogar spoke to Luna as a voice to get her to snap and awaken those dark powers she has as Nightmare Moon. Him having to do that since he couldn't brainwash/corrupt her due to she turns out to be naturally attuned to darkness. Wanting Luna to unleash her dark powers for some plan of his.
The writers could have gone with this to have Grogar have connections to the mane 6 in some way.

Yeah, and the trio having more connections with the Mane 6? No they did not. Chrysalis had a beef with Starlight, Cozy Glow was thwarted by the Young 6, and Tirek's first major rivalry was with Starswirl.

What they should've done is ignored the Bonus Episode in favor of Three Episode finale so we could see all of these rivalries with Grogar pulling the strings and squaring off with the Mane 6.

I felt like the finale wasted a huge opportunity for Luna.
Like they could have had her get some unique heroic moment to make things come full circle.
With how she started off the show as a villain and ending the show as a big hero.
I mean, she kicked off the show with the book opening on her story as NMM and being the first villain the girls fought, she could have gotten something.
But instead.. the finale just had her lose her magic and could only just distract the trio. That's.. not a good send off for her nor Celestia.

Agreed. The show's fatal flaw, as tends to be the case with franchises featuring multiple likeable characters, was giving too much attention to their main cast, and not enough for the rest.


A main issue I have with the show is if you aren't an element bearer, destiny essentially tries to ensure you will fall flat on your face so the real heroes save the day. That's what happening to the sisters after they lost their connection to the Elements, they aren't allowed to save the day directly anymore apparently. Just either getting defeated/captured/lose their magic or end up not getting to be involved in the battle.
Spike's case being he usually gets left out of what the girls are doing or ultimately end up in their shadows due to not being a "chosen one" like them. (At least the finale subverted this issue with him though..)

As for Cozy Glow, she definitely need a backstory. I feel like the writers did not think things through when they came up with her.

Agreed. The best season finale was season 6 purely for the fact that it gave side characters a chance to shine. Season 8 is a close second for the same reason. And the bronze medal goes to season 7 because at least the pillars were helping, even if they weren't the focus.

But this, this is just a poorly executed plot-twist derailing the entire final season, they should've had Sombra as the season finale villain and threw out a second movie to the series finale, so they would more screen time to play around with.

Problem for season 6's finale is the sisters still got shafted by somehow getting captured and also Spike getting robbed big time(HE was the one that befriended Thorax, but instead the writers had Starlight get this finale instead of him.. at least let him be in the rescue group for synchro's sake)

If there was a second movie, I am hoping it didn't do what the first movie did to Luna honestly..

It seriously irritates me when people acknowledge how evil Cozy Glow was, but then object to her being sent to Tartarus then turned to stone because "she's just a child". I'm sorry, but that means nothing by this point. She knew perfectly well the extent of her crimes and had no remorse for it. She deserved what she got just as much as Chrysalis and Tirek

Yeah, my problem with the character is simply that she was badly written. The fact that Tirek, the oldest out of all of them, has more established family ties than the child villain who popped out of nowhere drives me up a fucking wall. Just say that her parents had no control over her, it's not that hard.

Hey man, I read your story on Fanfiction dot net and I say that I like the idea of Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis all ruling different parts of Equestria while figuring out how to get rid of the Wendigos with even Cozy Glow ordering around her slaves to burn books inside the School of Friendship that has been converted to Cozy Castle. Nice detail by the way on Cozy saying that she has some kind of artifact that she plans to use on her allies once she completed her plans even though her team mates respect Cozy enough to leave her alone and do their own thing.

I enjoyed the flow of the story and how the Legion of Doom interacted with the deceased Mane 6 who became spirits and how they worked together with Cozy's plan to finally get rid of the Wendigos. However I didn't like your ending and how the rest of the story progressed. Most of the time I'd be smiling and engaged with what's happening in your story but there are parts I didn't with. You could have the Legion of Doom establishing a Proper Friendship with Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow but you took that away from them just because of the moral in your story when they could have a heroic act and finally discover the good within them, You deprived them of that opportunity as the writer of the events in this alternate universe. You say that you didn't like how the Season 9 Finale end which inspired you to wrote this but your still leaving Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow with evil in their hearts and despicable traits. You could have had a montage of them getting to be better by attending classes in Twilight's School of Friendship with Princess Twilight and her friends guiding them along the way even though its questionable how are they alive now when they are dead or is this still in the past and different from what happened in the future.

You could have them get that happy ending and so much more with Cozy Glow finally reuniting with her family or meeting a new one by adoption Meet The Robinsons Movie Ending style. Have Chrysalis finally reunite with her hive and ask forgiveness by feeling remorseful for her actions followed by having a picnic or eating lunch with Starlight for the first time and have Tirek meet his brother once again in the Centaur Kingdom which could have been an emotional moment. All of this happy endings and closure could have happened but instead it felt like some unknown otherworldly force hardened their hearts like what God did to the Pharaoh when the man was thinking about his actions and considering to change his ways only for God to force him into acting like a despicable tyrant once more. I don't think this is going to last because all of this final act revolves around Discord acting like some kind of Mafia Boss and threatening Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow for their actions even though he's supposed to reform them in the right way and genuinely show kindness like Fluttershy taught him. Instead this all revolves around threats, lies, deceit, blackmail, manipulation, mistrust and god knows what else is needed to make a man the most hated and irredeemable embodiment of evil that's not even deserving of one's pity at this point like you just let them continue being evil after seeing the consequences of evil just for the sake of being evil without being given a hard try of Friendship based on what they are doing 20 years later into the future. Its not long till one of them commits murder and shed innocent blood for the sake of laughing at it or if someone influenced them who is a manipulative sick bastard being much much much worse than them even counting the Chimera in the Everfree as a candidate for that role. Just goes to show that Bad Solutions even if it Fixes a temporary problem is still a Bad Solution.

Overall there were parts of the story that I really like and it shows that I was along for the ride on this whole journey of a story. Its just that I wasn't rocking with the climax and how you ended the story showing how naive the Mane 6 were naive in interacting with Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow with just saying a blind yes instead of helping them become better creatures from within the heart. I like the story and how it goes but I wasn't rocking with the Discord part and the ending because I know that its gonna go back for them in the long run without taking that evil in their hearts. Anyway those are my thoughts about your story man. Good luck in your writing endeavors and have a good one!

A fair point, I was just sick and tired of every single redemption being full conversion. The worst example being the Dragons at the end of Garble's redemption arc.

Garble's redemption was trash in and of itself, but the other generic Dragons were even worse. One second, they're fun of Garble's hobby. The next, Ember chews them out for respecting someone else's idea of fun. And after that...they want to learn more about the hobby? NO! They should've just accepted that it's okay to like different things, and go back to liking different things.

That's what I tried to do. Sorry if that got lost in translation, but the point of ending it the way I did was to try and emphasize that the Legion didn't want to rule Equestria anymore. They still wanted to be bad, but they understood that trying to remove Friendship from Equestria would destroy it.

Yes, they could've done what you suggested and rule the way Twilight would've, but they would rather just bring Twilight back from the dead and fade into the background. That's the idea behind this ending...guess I fumbled the execution. Oops.

except the death of mane6, this looked like something Hasbro would make.

which mean it's predictable and shallow.

Chrysalis formed the rest of the story from there. "Let me guess, they shoved Harmony and Friendship down your throat and forced you to attend Twilight's stupid school, thus motivating you to conquer Equestria just to prove to them that you're better than that."

Well friendship is not gonna hurt you cozy
Somepony else once thought that too
the princess of time herself

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