• Member Since 1st Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago



Chrysalis was many things: a conquerer, a queen, but she most assuredly was not a quitter.

Which would always work out for her... right?

(Gore, Violence, and Dark tags are because the POV character is Chrysalis, but not because of actual events, beyond the mention of a near-miss.)

[Spoilers for The Ending of the End]

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

While I abhor season 9 and the finale in particular, I really liked this fic. You captured canon Chrys pretty much spot on in my opinion.

I am a bit saddened that it ended the same for her. (While I know she does deserve it.)

Fingers crossed you write some more stuff.

Even if, from the sound of it, I got more out of it, I'll definitely admit that S9 had some... pretty faulty episodes (biggest highlights for me being how for some reason it decided Garble of "pillage and burn Equestria" fame should be cast as sympathetic, and the Daring Doubt twist with Ahuizotl), or how it was hard to sympathize with the perspective of Scootaloo's parents, and I thusly appreciated the aged up CMC episode more; the designs were at least visually appealing, and I thought it was cool that Sweetie Belle got a S1 callback in teleportation ala her teacher Twilight (and it furthered something really interesting to me about her being good at magic as far as the show went... even if it certainly could've focused more on it with plotlines)

You captured canon Chrys pretty much spot on in my opinion.

Thanks, I really appreciate it. I think if I'm being honest to myself, I spent years initially upon joining the fandom being torn on liking sympathetic portrayals of her, or the odd unsympathetic portrayal out, but I'd gradually come around to embracing the fact she's actually pretty fun to think of in a less than flattering light (not 100% pure evil... maybe 80%, and the rest is unrelenting pride, as someone else once said), especially when she's one of the most realistic ways that Starlight might hypothetically suffer, as far as anything presented in the show at least.

Fingers crossed you write some more stuff.

One thought that really can't, after years, leave my mind, is the fact Twilight put forth the idea in canon of Flurry Heart being Equestria's last hope if they failed. If Cadance really didn't like Chrysalis and co. before... killing Twilight would be unforgivable, even before you get into the other stuff, and she's already capable of feeling less compassion than Twilight, and I've seen it headcanoned that she was meant to be Luna 2.0 on Celestia's part: more than capable of diplomacy and, but backed by ruthlessness (it's nice how well it aged as a take; I don't think that interpretation ever really had too much reason to doubt; Cadance regularly seemed to look better in action scenes ala "jumped to act first, tried to protect with a shield, but didn't know the Orbs were anti-magic" in the Movie which certainly had its flaws in terms of pacing and plot, lol). Cadance is pretty perseverant in nature.

I think Story's End, for example, which is based on that concept, was well-written for what it was, but it kind of suffered from the fact it skipped to what would be the climax of that story, and furthermore, it kind of raised ideas that would be interesting to explore in their own right, like, for instance:

“Oh, I didn’t kill anypony. I defeated Chrysalis in single combat, took the Bewitching Bell when she offered it in exchange for mercy, then let Starlight Glimmer deal with her as she saw fit.”

“Starlight Glimmer is alive?”

Flurry Heart nodded. “Very much so. Or did you think somepony as evil and vindictive as Chrysalis would be satisfied with only killing her? She kept her imprisoned and forced her to watch as her new horde hunted down everpony she’d ever loved. Her father, Trixie…” She closed her eyes. “Sunburst.” She opened them again and glared at the Empress. “She made her watch while she drained them, drove them insane, and finally murdered them. Now, after all that, do you really think Starlight was in the mood for mercy?”

There's a lot of angst potential in exploring the impact of that sort of thing beyond being dropped in an expositional pre-fight speech, and, as I said in the comments, how growing up with that sort of pressure might impact Flurry Heart.

I've had the thought that it might be interesting if Cadance had the ability to empathize to at least some extent with suffering, since she was Chrysalis' prisoner at one point, for an indeterminate period of time; days, weeks, months?

But yeah, as I said, it felt like it should've been the climax of something significantly longer.

That's quite a lot of text and I'm awful at utilizing the site properly, being on my phone and all so I'll try and give a somewhat coherent response.

So I think that's a weakness with villains that I really hate, monologuing and the like. The longer you draw out your plans the more time you give your foes to foil them.

I do agree that canon Chrys would definitely love to play the long game torture and destroy, (Who wouldn't really? It sounds delightful.) but when you do so there's more a chance someone unstoppable could catch wind and annihilate her and her schemes.

I think sometimes it's just smarter to plunge the knife or shoot the gun. That's why in my story she relished in at least the victory she had attained, one that no matter what happened in the future could not be taken away from her.

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