• Published 27th Sep 2019
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Dear Princess Sunbutt - 2Merr

Anon takes over Spike’s job of transcribing Twilight’s friendship reports. He does exactly what you’d expect.

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Letter 61

Dear Princess Saintlestia,

Today I didn’t learn not to trust demons, even ones summoned by a friend.

Anon and Ponker Po were doing their normal routine—watching Randy cry and eat ice cream—when Pink Ponk suddenly started shaking and speaking in tongues. Anon, that brave, handsome man, shouted a manly call for assistance, but Party Pop assured him all was k. She said she was talking to her new friends, Scribbles the Skinless and Dave from Accounting, who she had summoned earlier to help bake a special kind of strudel.

Shortly after this, I teleported in with Spike, having heard Anon’s manly voice all the way from the library (he has very powerful and handsome lungs). The demons began speaking to us using Ponki’s mane and tail as mouthpieces. Scribbles introduced himself as an “ambassador to the mortals” while Dave just screamed really loud. I trusted both of them immediately because I wanted to prove I wasn’t racist.

Anon sent Spike away to get stuff, then we followed Pank around, talking to the demons about various things. At one point, Scribbles asked for advice on his plan to overthrow the lower realms. You’d think that would give most people pause, but I am not most people. I am the rarest and most dangerous combination of dumb and purple this universe has ever seen.

Before I could finish detailing the flaws in his plan, Spike returned with a bunch of salt shakers, which he and Anon started emptying onto Ponkers. She laughed because “it tickled” and the demons fled her body, fading back into the aether. Anon then sat me down and explained to me how not to be dumb, but I wasn’t listening because I was too busy moping about not getting to finish my lecture on realm-conquering.

If the demons ever try to wage war on us, I will most likely be a hindrance, if not an outright traitor.

Your angle or yuor devil,

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