• Member Since 20th Apr, 2017
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Discord The Narrator

Hey guys! It's me, Discord!



This story is a sequel to A Sparkling Transformation

After having experienced a few "incidents", Jimmy starts thinking about what could be happening with him. No matter what he does, he will always change...

This time, however, he may like his new transformation. That is, of course, if he doesn't change places with certain girl...

Here's another short story requested by my good friend JimmyHook19. He also has some stories involving transformations, si you can check them if you want.:ajsmug:

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 40 )

Perfect Perfect Perfect X3

It is beholden unto us!

Thanks. Just two issues;

1. The bit about Jimmy being the only one to experience this is technically incorrect. Tom Haddington vanished for two months from our world, whilst Apple Bloom in the EqG world.

2. The formatting is a little inconsistent. Sometimes dialogue has coloured text and sometimes it doesn't.

Oh! About that:

1. I didn't plan to make Jimmy's saga interact with Tom's, so they haven't met yet.

2. As for the colors, you told me the downvotes on one of my stories could be because of the dialogues being colored, so Jimmy told me to just have the main character have color.

1. And given Tom and AB swapped places, nobody would have noticed.

2. OK then.

This is the second Sunset TF I've read today.

This one was nice and descriptive, I enjoyed the setting as well.

But it ending so soon does drag the experience down a bit.

Someone stated on Blue's story, that it's similar to a opening hook of a story.

But then just stops.

Just curious, is this just a bunch of one shots?

Or is it planning to converge somewhere down the line?

The dialogue near the end, seems to sort of hint at so.

Nice story though.

You'll see :raritywink:

Btw.... I know you added Blue and Discord to your follower list..... so why not follow yours truly as well, aka the guy who blazes a trail through his transformation lifestyle of course? X3


Sure Jimmy, I'll bite.

It's a series of linked stories, starting with this one;

EA Rare Transformation
Jimmy Hook experiments an earthquake and something else...
Discord The Narrator · 1.2k words  ·  33  6 · 2.1k views

Yep, this is an amount of one-shots belonging to the same universe.:ajsmug:

Also, glad you like this one.:twilightsmile:

Ty, I need to peek in on the rest.

Yikes. Something went wrong with the voting here.

I know.... it's only 2 bits of color text. How is that even a problem? :/

Or maybe the plot's the issue...

Either way.... I just feel best to ignore the negatively side from downvotes and just stay on the positive path for those that enjoy transformations of course X3

OK. Though some variety would help, methinks.

Some might appear in due time :raritywink:

As always, Jimmy was spending time at home. The summer holidays had finished a few weeks ago, but he could still have fun, specially during weekends.

At the moment, though, he was sitting on his bed, pondering about something curious: during the last holidays, he had experienced the same chain of events sometimes. He would find any element, interact with it, and then...

Whatever happened later, he couldn't even remember it. The only thing he knew is that, after grabbing anything he found, he ended up being teleported back home. It felt like nothing had ever changed. And that was the most confusing thing from the whole chain.

A very confusing chain indeed:twilightsmile:.

"I can't be the only one, right? I mean, I know it's really strange, but I can't be the only one," he said.

Out of curiosity, Jimmy had used his computer to check on the Internet for information, just in case something similar could have occurred to anyone else. After a while, he didn't find anything. And that meant he was the only one in that situation.

"Huh... Well, I should have known."

Yeah, kind of:rainbowlaugh:!!!

Trying to make anything else at home proved to be a bit complicated, as Jimmy was feeling afraid about what could he go through if he touched anything.

"Hold on a second. What am I doing? I have no reason to be worried. It's just a rare case with me. I know what I'm gonna do now: go outside and keep living as if it didn't exist," he thought for himself.

After his own motivational speech, he got a few things ready, and put them inside a bagpack. The funfair at his town would stay for another month, so he could go there and have some fun.

"To the funfair!"


Some time later...

The roller coaster finally stopped as people left the attraction wearing happy smiles. There were a few friends talking about one of the loops, and two children feeling excited, even if one of them was looking a bit more pale than usual.

Jimmy got out of the attraction as well, and he looked around, thinking about which attraction would be the next one to visit. And he chose the Haunted Mansion Visit.

The big building had a great design on the outside, although it was obviously better on the inside. People had to enter the mansion and get past all the traps inside until they managed to reach the exit and get out. Like an obstacle race, but traces of both horror and comedy.

"Like old times... Time to survive the mansion's ghosts!" Jimmy said, before walking to the attraction.


Half-an-hour later, Jimmy got outside. The route was difficult not just for Jimmy, but for the rest of people as well. However, everyone had a fun time as ghosts appeared at some moments. They looked scary, but they always ended up doing something that would make people laugh, so the race got better. Jimmy got to the finishing line in third position, and the others gave the three winners a nice applause.

Outside, Jimmy explored other places of the funfair, until he found something behind the ferris wheel. It looked like some kind of bracelet, black-colored, and fitting enough for his wrists.

As he was looking at the bracelet, he remembered something: the dreaded chain of events. He wasn't sure about wearing that "bracelet", as he already knew what would come next.

Eeyup, here it comes:eeyup:.

However, it had happened other times, and so far he hadn't suffered any damage. There was only the thing about him being teleported back home and not remembering anything else.

Jimmy keot pondering about that, as his eyes stayed still, focused on that "bracelet" as he grabbed it. It wasn't shining or doing anything special, but still...

After a minute or two, Jimmy sighed, "You know what? I'm not gonna just leave it here. Whatever may happen, I'll let it happen, no matter what it is."

No longer surprised huh:ajsmug:?

Just then, he started playing with It, making it roll over his arms like it was a ball. As soon as he finally made that strange bracelet surround his waist, the famous chain got to the next step. Jimmy's body started going through a lot of changes, as his male identity disappeared and a female one got created.

Skin turned completely yellow and hair grew longer, brown transforming into red and yellow, the mighty colors of fire. Male attributes became part of the body as the female ones emerged.

First the hair, then the gender attributes:raritydespair:.

Her eyes went cyan, and the glasses she was wearing broke, the glass pieces turning into glitter for a dress which was getting formed from the old clothing she was wearing, as the jacket sleeves got separated and turned to some kind of accessory for the arms. Socks and shoes went taller, covering her legs as they changed into leggings and boots respectively.

And finally, the last three details. A black diadem with a few small spikes got over her hair, as a pair of pony ears replaced the human ones. And the "bracelet" moved on its own, locking itself around some of her hair, which had grown a bit longer.

Then the eyes, next the clothes, and the Pony-Up:yay:!!!

"Wow... The first time I turn into my Friendship Power form and I don't even know where I am..." Sunset said, looking at the funfair.

"Oh... my..." someone muttered, not too far. Sunset turned around, discovering three familiar faces staring at her.

"I guess we went through the similar routes, right?" Twilight asked.


"I'm not sure about that. But I don't understand anything! I mean, what's this place?" Sunset replied, feeling confused.

"Trust me, dear: none of us is able to understand whatever is happening. The only thing we know is the same thing went for us," Rarity said.

"Well... I may have a theory... although I don't think it could be that..." Twilight added.

"What is it, Twilight?" Sunset asked.

"If every single one of us are being teleported together to another world, maybe there's something... or someone causing that?" Twilight explained.

The girls thought about that possible situation as they stood there, waiting for the next girl to appear...

I wonder who it is:ajsmug:.

Okay, I think I kinda understand what happened here. This is not the cases of transformation, but rather the displacement. And whatever caused it has to use someone (in this case Jimmy) as an anchor. This whole situation reeks of chaos.

You nailed it. That's what happens.:ajsmug:

Believe me: I'm known for going through transformations a lot of course throughout my online life X3

Whatever happened later, he couldn't even remember it. The only thing he knew is that, after grabbing anything he found, he ended up being teleported back home. It felt like nothing had ever changed. And that was the most confusing thing from the whole chain.

That explains it. Somewhat. :rainbowwild:

hhmm question or 3
1 in the pinkie story there was a bit involving a person who became apple bloom or something
2 will all this transformation madness end or did it end when jimmy became all of the alternate 6 and sunset
3 will there be a real explanation or is this one of those things where it just endlessly cranks out stories getting less and less quality

1. That's a reference to a character from a story written by some user I know.

2. Only these transformations end here. Unfortunately for Jimmy, he'll most likely turn into every single character.

3. Adding an extra to my second answer, the general backstory is that Jimmy has some curse which makes him move through an endless cycle, repeating the same actions over and over, even if he tries to do nothing. Does he know? Maybe yes, maybe not.

if these stories are still being made
could I suggest something
if so then I idea so crazy it probably won't be done
a crossover type thing
do you know cuphead
and how people make ponified versions
my suggestion
ponified cuphead or mugman
or just not ponified just asking cuz why not
it's weird I don't care much about these but I cant stop reading these it's like one of those
my strange addictions but i don't know
also a bigger suggestion
since there's only so many GOOD mlp and mlp eg and mlp pony life characters
do ponified versions of other things like
I don't know the devil from cuphead

Hmmm... Pony versions of Cuphead/Mugman and the Devil?

I'll probably make that someday.:ajsmug:

wow fast
and okay
also if you do those maybe do the bosses those overworld people elder kettle and the legendary chalice

Oh, there are different options. Either the main characters travel to Equestria somehow, turning into ponies in the process, and they have to go back to their world before the Devil launches an attack there - or maybe he finds a way to visit Equestria, bringing some villains with him, and the brothers along with the ponies try to confront the bad guys.

first of all, are you secretly sonic the hedgehog your that fast
2 I guess I just thought
what would these be like if instead of an eg character or pony
a ponified cuphead character but that could work makes sense in a way
also if you do dr Khal and his robot the robot would be a computer or something

The first time I used that acronym maybe not
I tend to just do things fast I don't use acronyms unless its a really long name

Am I Sonic? Who knows?:ajsmug:

Whenever I make my attempt to write that, I'll think about the options I mentioned. Most likely, I won't add every single Cuphead villain - maybe a few of them, along with the Devil.

well technically the bosses aren't really villains they just didn't want their souls taken away
but okay

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