• Member Since 6th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Autum Breeze

a home-grown australian who embraced being a member of the fandom 2 days before joining. Willingly delved into the fandom whole-heartedly and has never looked back

Comments ( 127 )


I like this. I like this quite a bit!

Sees peni parker and the mature tag. Puts the story in read it later

Reads the description to find no sex between underage characters... Puts it off the read it later list


No lewd that's ok

I have the f. party

Awesome idea you should put a list of Peni and Scarab's powers in the next chapter along with a list of different types of webbing.
Can't wait to see more!

Just because I'm an American grammar/spelling Nazi...:pinkiegasp:

I walk passed the ail of clothing, not paying it much mind.

I walk past the aisle of clothing, not paying it much mind. (if you want 'passed', use "I passed the aisle of clothing, not paying it much mind."

other pony, whom I realize if Tree Hugger,

other pony, whom I realize is Tree Hugger,
There were other "items", but they may have just been an expression of your style.
Still, I'll be following the story.

I like dis, plz more!

But...I'm Peni Parker :pinkiegasp:

Great story, looking forward to more!

Your specific powers are on the third sheet. Feel free to hold onto it for reference if you are too stupid to remember everything without constantly needing a refresher.

Well that's rude :applejackunsure:

“WHAT FUCKING ASSWIPE!” I yell, before tossing the shreds to the ground. “He yanks me from my life without warning, alters my very being without asking if I’m okay with it, changes me into the opposite gender, strands me in Equestria and then expects me to be grateful to him for uprooting my whole life and that I’ll blindly follow him into some stupid ass war?!

......yes :moustache:

I like Peni Parker, she's smart and ADORABLE!!!

mmmmm yes this pleases me, more

Seems legit. Where’s the spider robot though?

Still undergoing repairs after that adventure with Miles.

There's a ton of typos and misspellings, but still not bad. I look forward to more.

Off to a pretty good start. Hopefully there will be some more anime cliches. Keep up the good work.

Congratz, you got featured. 8/15/2019

ohh... a displaced about an obscure character and not OP? tracking

Hunh... color me intrigued. Can't wait to see more

Do you know what the Spider Sense can do? If you think the Spider Sense isn't OP, I think very little can impress you. After all, the Spider Sense is very keen on warning not just about physical dangers, but can even warn about people bluffing, lying, potential hostile intent of people that aren't even aware of you.

In Avengers/Marvel canon, Spider Man is banned from Poker tournament, because his Spider Sense gives him an unfair advantage. The Spider Sense is also responsible for Peter being able to web-swing like he does, as it informs him if the point he is attaching his ebs to is safe for web swinging or not. There's a very good video by Factfiends here that talks about it.

I think Bonberjean meant not OP as in a knife or something can actually hurt the character, where as every other Displaced needs a planet or something dropped on them to do any damage. I admit the Spider Sense is OP in some cases, but there's probably a way around it like magic. It didn't work on many versions of Venom, so there could be a magic equivalent that it doesn't work on. But you do raise a good point and I could also be wrong. OP is just a label and everyone has their own definition. Like, to some people Iron Man is more OP than the Hulk while other people think the opposite it true.

You must be in the old or bad side of the Displaced.

You are both different from the original Peni Parker and her spider, since you are in a world far more devoid of advanced technology than the year 3145.

Still, from what I read about Peni Parker, she is quite a skilled engineer, isn't she? So she might be able to figure some tech out later?

And I don't think you need them to crossover. Since they are not usual Displaced, it is safe to assume they have no mean to commute between dimension. Unless you want Cyborg's help in getting Peni the SP//dr suit.

Moar anime shenanigans plz.

PENI! I jump, almost losing my grip on the wall, before glancing down to see Scarab giving me a firm look. Keep your cool. So events haven’t happened exactly as you expected. Well, we’re not exactly in the same world as the show, are we? The ponies aren’t anthro in the show, so it’s possible a few smaller details are different from the show is all.

umm, actually (i'd love to get on that show), this is inherently untrue. the canon ponies ARE anthro. what you have here are technically closer to humanized. the show's ponies have the ability to talk, forward facing eyes, and are able to move their legs/hooves in ways that would destroy an Earth equine's bones. thus, anthro. your's walk on two legs, i presume have hands/fingers, and a bunch of other stuff. thus, humanoid/humanized.

Everything happened a bit abruptly. But the idea was sounds. Let's see where this led us.

This has just bumped its way to the top of my favorites list! Things just got very interesting with the surprisingly confusing timeline going on here, and I can't wait to see where you take this! Keep up the good work!

Just run up and sock the Dazzlings in the face and smash thier gems. Or just web them up. Break the gems and be done with it all

Interesting...I can't wait to see what happens next and what will await for our little spider in the EQG world.

Will Peni encounter beings from her dimension or will she find beings capable of using the same or similar powers & abilities as her?

“I was going to be moving out in a few weeks. I was finally going to start living outside the family home and now? Now I’m in a fantasy world, half my age and the complete opposite gender.”

Hey, male spiders don't have penises either, an in fact often die during spidersex. Being a Peni-sless Parker isn't the biggest deal in the world right now.

... Because if giant-tiddied anthro ponies are doing naked yoga in the forest, this is probably the kind of world where Twilight would have a spell to temporarily fix that.

Do massive nosebleeds and giant sweatdrops on the back of the head have any significant effect on reducing the venom level?

One look at Peni and Scarab and Pinkie will probably dance around and start singing "SPIDER MONKEY, SPIDER MONKEY, SMALL AND CUTE, AND HAS A SPIDER FLUNKY!!!" :pinkiehappy:

The plot thickens. I wonder how many nosebleeds the sirens will give Peni.

The reason the Spider Sense doesn't pick up Venom, is because Venom used to share a psychic link with Parker, and Venom therefore flies under the radar as "friendly", which the Spider Sense can't see as a threat. This is why Aunt May tends to find out about Peter's secret in different comics and media, as the Spider Sense would otherwise warn Peter that his identity is about to be exposed.

So, the easiest way to circumvent the Spider Sense, is to become friends, and then betray the one with the Spider Sense.

Ah, that makes sense. I wonder if the Changelings could get around the Spider Sense. Or would Scarab know that they're Changelings because he's also a bug.

Is this a Displaced story?

Ravioli, ravioli, don't lewd the Spider loli.

I would love to see this. Lol

I'm liking where this is going. But it also makes me wonder what events in season 5 already took place. Though, I rather not think too hard on the details and make my brain melt in the process

To answer your question, yes it is.

Question, if Scarab bit another pony, would they get Spider powers since he's a radioactive bug?

I mean, since the Spider Sense can warn Peter Parker about a random passerby carrying a weapon, I think it would let Peni detect Changelings as potential danger, unless they become her friends or are disguised as her friends. An important note is that the Spider Sense would still go off, even if the CHangeling looks like a friend, if it they come into range of the Spider Sense, before Peni sees them and mentally assigns them as a friend, since the Spider Sense would otherwise consider them a separate entity to her friends, while Peni seeing them would apply the friend status upon sight.

Thanks for the explanation.

wait so if she runs through normal wouldn't she be altered on the other side? or is naturally human DNA immune. It be funny as hell to see spider guy as a human then her as the spider

Hmmm... a little too soon for a show character to know what’s up for me, but i suppose it works.

Aw, I’m guessing Peni is now that he told spike and Big Mac everything on what he knows.
Peni is going to be treated more of an adult now huh? Kinda wish it wasn’t so soon to reveal everything, but it’s your story.

“Spike’s words suggest Twilight and the others are currently off stopping the pony originally referred to as Pony Hitler, but that’s happening after the CMC have their marks,” I say, my breathing becoming more and more frantic. “They’re not supposed to get them til after that , but the already have them. That’s not how it’s supposed to work. This doesn’t make any sense!”

Unless the timeline is different :ajbemused:

“Who cares?” Mac snorts, charging forward. “They’re trespassing!”

No she isn't, Twilight left all the doors and windows unlocked so clearly she doesn't mind if people enter her castle uninvited :trollestia:

Also... It's a library... In a castle

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