• Published 19th Aug 2019
  • 10,906 Views, 502 Comments

Spits Fire - CommanderApplejack

Ever wonder how Spitfire got her name and what secrets she hides?

  • ...


Spitfire walked down the stairs in the main hall with Scootaloo laying on her back, heading for the door that she knew lead into the library. Rainbow hadn't come up to join them so Spitfire assumed she was still down with Twilight for some reason. Taking the stairs down she found Rainbow and Twilight sitting with a file of documents in front of them, the two ponies looking at her... no Scootaloo, with pity in their eyes.

"Missed you up in the shower Rainbow, didn't run off with Princess Twilight here while I was upstairs now, did you?" Spitfire smirked to take the attention off Scootaloo as she felt the filly shrink away on her back.

"Well, yes- I mean, no! I Uhh, not like that! we just..." Rainbow blushed and stammered, Twilight levitating the file of paper in front of her.

"What Dash means to say is that after she explained some things I teleported her to the town hall so we could find some files," Twilight explained, pulling out a newspaper from the file. "Though I've made it clear to Ponyvillians that I want to be treated normally, they still very happily help their local princess plough through bureaucracy to get what she needs."

Reading the headline of the local newspaper made Spitfire swallow a lump that instantly grew in her throat. It was about Scootaloo's parents and how they had come to die.

"That no-one took a better look at Scootaloo's situation here... I don't even have the words," Twilight said. "I'm going to have to contact autho-"

"And then what?" Spitfire snapped, cutting off Twilight mid sentence. "They're just going to take her away aren't they?" Spitfire took half a step back and her knees bent a little as she got ready to either pounce or run if anything were to go in a way she didn't like, fangs poking out over her lips and ears flat against her head.

"Uh, Spits, what's wrong?" Rainbow asked with concern as she took a step forward, Spitfire turned slightly to shield Scootaloo who was still on her back.

"What's wrong? You're going to get Canterlot child services involved and they're going to take Scootaloo away!" Spitfire snarled, her focus squarely on Twilight. Fangs fully beared as she shuffled back towards the exit up to the main hall.

"Captain Spitfire, please stand down. Don't make me-" Twilight tried to get the captain to settle but Spitfire only got more agitated.

"Make you do what?!"

A magic bolt nearly as bright as the sun flew past Rainbow's head at a hoof's distance and impacted Spitfire on the side of her face, her body immediately falling limp. Dash jumped around in shock that Twilight would do such a thing.

"TWI! WHAT THE BUCK?!" she exclaimed in astonishment, looking back over to her marefriend who, along with Scootaloo, was being held in a levitation field so they wouldn't smack into the ground.

"Rainbow, listen to me, Spitfire was no longer acting logically. I can explain," Twilight said, levitating Scootaloo, who still didn't quite understand what in the world was going on, over to Rainbow.

"Well, get to explaining then!" Rainbow said loudly as she held Scootaloo close and shielded her from Twilight while the alicorn floated Spitfire over to a makeshift bed set up in the basement.

"You know Spitfire is part dragon and dragon instinct dictates to them that they have to create a hoard. You remember Spike, right?" Twilight started, Rainbow's glare telling her to continue. "But of course there's a pony part of her too and our kind puts emphasis on herding, the occasional book-pony exception of course, but that's the trend. We put heavy emphasis on grouping up and caring for each other."

"So what? What does that have to do with you KNOCKING OUT MY MAREFRIEND?!" Rainbow fumed, making Twilight cringe back a bit.

"Combine the need to create a hoard with a need to stay close to other ponies and you might start to understand," Twilight simply replied, laying down Spitfire as comfortable as possible. "It's something I found out in my research. I know she considers you part of that 'hoard' but I think we just saw her add Scootaloo to that list too. No doubt the Wonderbolts are also part of it to some degree."

Rainbow's stance softened a bit as she started to understand what just happened. "So do you think she'd..."

"Have either ran or jumped me? Absolutely. I was being a threat to her hoard in her eyes," Twilight answered confidently, Looking down at Scootaloo who was just staring at the unconscious captain with wide eyes. "Are you okay with that, Scootaloo?"

"I-I uhh..." the filly's voice was barely a croak. "Don't know..."

"Don't worry squirt, we'll talk about this after Spitfre wakes up again," Rainbow said, shooting another glare at Twilight. Spitfire stirred again by then, surprising the alicorn.

"How is she already... doesn't matter. Rainbow can you make sure she's calm while she wakes?" Twilight stepped away from the bed and let Rainbow approach.

"As you command, your Royal Highness," Rainbow said mockingly as she jumped up on the bed and took Spitfire's head on her lap, brushing her hair with a hoof.


"Drop it Twilight, not in the mood right now," Rainbow told her as Spitfire groaned and opened her eyes. She looked around in confusion for a bit until she felt Scootaloo nuzzle up to her. Her eyes immediately focussed onto Twilight as she sluggishly grabbed a hold of Scootaloo and held her close.


"Captain, you need to listen to me," Twilight stopped her, Spitfire wanted to rebuff the Princess but stopped as she felt Rainbow place a hoof on her shoulder.

"Give her a chance to explain, Spits."

"Fine," Spitfire huffed.

"Thank you. Now to repeat what I told Rainbow, you just had an encounter with your own instincts. Ones I assume you never really fully felt until now." Twilight sighed, pulling a few parchments out to show to the captain. "Previous hybrids of your kind have shown an extreme tendency for protecting their own, something I identified you were showing too when you thought I was taking Scootaloo away. Faced with the prospect of your mood swinging and attacking me... well, I decided knocking you out was preferable to burns."

Spitfire found enough strength to sit back up, keeping both Rainbow and Scootaloo pulled close, though she paled ever so slightly. "I think I get it... My deepest apologies Princess, I did not mean-"

"You did, but I don't fault you for not clearly not knowing your own instincts," Twilight cut her off. "But that brings us back to the matter of Scootaloo. Something has to be done on that front, that's not a debatable matter, but I'm sure we could make some arrangements you find agreeable."

"I'm... thank you, Princess."

"It's just Twilight for my friends, Spitfire. Now, take your time getting back up because that stun you just shrugged off should have knocked you out for hours," She said sheepishly. "Now I have a lot of ponies to write and some stinging questions to ask them, I know you're sleeping at AJ's but if she doesn't have the space to keep the three of you then feel free to drop in on the castle and take one of my redundant sleeping quarters."

"Of course Pri- Twilight."

"Yeah, thanks I guess. Hope you don't mind if we head up and into town for a bit because that's what we're going to do," Rainbow told her as she helped Spitfire onto her legs. "Come on Scoots, anywhere you want to go?"

"Sugarcube corner?" Scootaloo innocently suggested.

"You've got it squirt," Rainbow chuckled. "Hey Twi, mind if we take one of your scarves for Scoots here?"

"No, go ahead. Feel free to take one yourself too, you can return them later," Twilight smiled. Rainbow nodded and helped Spitfire up the stairs and got a couple of scarves from a closet at the main entrance, giving one to each of them before heading out back into the snow.

"So we don't care if we run into media anymore now?" Rainbow asked as they got onto the main road into town, Spitfire shrugged in reply.

"They can kiss my plot," she said casually, a devious glint in Rainbow's eye as a smirk grew in her lips.

"I thought that was my job."


"Not with the kid around!" Spitfire blushed furiously as she hit Rainbow over the back of her head with a wing, Scootaloo meanwhile snickered at the adult's their antics.

“I'm sure she won't taddle off about our little conversations.” Rainbow stuck out her tongue at Spitfire. “Will you Scoots?”

"Nope," Scootaloo happily squeaked.

"That's not... You're the worst, Rainbow," Spitfire grumbled.

"Yet you still love me," Rainbow rubbed her side against the captain and nuzzled her neck.

"Shut up you silly mare." Spitfire pressed her lips against Rainbow's to silence her. The sound of gagging behind them pulled the two from their moment, Scootaloo acting as if she was about to throw up. "Don't you start little filly, remember who's paying for the sweets around here."

Scootaloo immediately straightened up and gave her best innocent smile. Spitfire opened her mouth to say something only for a snowball to impact the side of her head, swirling around she found Rainbow already making a second but getting hit squarely in the face before she could throw that one too.

"Score!" Scootaloo giggled as she dove behind Spitfire for cover, the captain receiving the snowball meant for the filly making the score 2-0 for Rainbow.

"Oh, you're so on!" Spitfire laughed as she scooped up snow with her wing and flung it towards Rainbow. The three mares continued to exchange fire with each other while running on towards Sugarcube corner, completely covered in snow and laughing as they arrived there.

"I totally won that!" Rainbow laughed as she pushed the door open.

"You sure about that Dash? Scootaloo here got you pretty good a few times," Spitfire laughed back, looking around as a few ponies looked up from their tables at the newcomers.

"Hey Dashie! Whacha doing here?" Pinkie rushed over from the counter.

"Just getting something for the two foals here, mind getting us all hot cocoa with cream Pinks?" Dash asked the pink mare.

"Okiedokie! Take a seat and I'll be right with you!" In a flash she was gone again, disappearing into the kitchen. Rainbow leading them to a table where they sat down and caught their breaths. Pinkie swiftly came back with a tray of drinks and accompanying cupcakes. "Enjoy!"

Without saying anything else the pink pony returned to her post at the counter. Spitfire had half the mind to ask if Pinkie knew about Scootaloo's situation right there but left it to do at another time, preferring to just enjoy the sweets they'd gotten. In the corner of her vision Spitfire noticed a pegasus constantly glancing at her, scribbling things on a notepad constantly while trying to appear as if she wasn't watching them.

Guess that does it for staying out of the eye of the press

Ignoring the pony sitting further down the row Spitfire just peacefully drank her hot drink. Eventually, a grey pegasus foal shyly came walking towards the table.

"Hey Chipcutter, what's up?" Scootaloo smiled as she noticed the colt approach.

"H-Hey Scoots," He swallowed nervously, stammering. "I, uhh, w-wanted to ask if Captain Spitfire could sign m-my journal."

Spitfire smiled down at him and ruffled his hair, getting his journal. "Of course kid, got a pencil for me?"

Chipcutter's eyes went wide as he realized he hadn't. "Oh, uhm, I..."

The captain chuckled and pointed at the reporter sitting further up. "Don't worry, just ask that reporter over there. She has a pencil which she surely won't object lending to you."

The reporter looked as if she'd just been caught with her hoof in a cookie jar as the attention of the entire table she was observing fell upon her. Chipcutter walked over to the pony and asked her for the pencil which she gave him, the filly passing it along to Spitfire to sign his journal for him. After Chipcutter happily ran off with his journal Spitfire held up the pencil for the journalist to come retrieve. The mare approaching the group with red cheeks taking the pencil back.

"Who do you write for?" Spitfire asked after hoofing over the implement.

"The Baltimare Sun," She replied as Spitfire pointed at a chair for her to get and sit down with them. Rainbow just looked on as she let Spitfire do her thing while Scootaloo chomped down on one of the cupcakes.

"Hmm, interesting... and you are?"

"I, uh, am Icy Quill. A pleasure to meet you, ma'am."

"If it's my pleasure is yet to be determined," Spitfire replied, taking a gulp from her cocoa. "Anything interesting on that notepad of yours?"

"Well... nothing important really. I wasn't exactly expecting to run into you here, the just sent me out to ask around to see if anypony around here would say something interesting... there were a few things I would love to talk to you about those," she sheepishly said.

"What about?" Spitfire asked with mild curiosity.

“At first it was about that code red storm, but after that Gawking Unicorn reporter took that picture of you in the castle's balcony... Well, I tried talking to the locals but they don't really seem to want to talk to me after that happened."

That's another point for Ponyville... This town is really trying to make me like them.

"And what exactly did you find out about the storm?" Rainbow asked, leaning forward a bit.

"For one I know you two were both there, I also heard there was a fire where somepony rushed in and saved a filly. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" Icy held her pencil at the ready to write down the response from either Rainbow or Spitfire.

"That was me," Scootaloo spoke up instead.

"Excuse me?"

"That filly in the burning building was me," Scootaloo elaborated, finishing her cupcake. The pencil dropped from Icy's mouth as it fell open. "And the pony that got me out was Spitfire."

"I... give me a moment," Icy swiftly picked up the pencil again and started scribbling down things at lightning speed, maybe even rivalling Twilight for speed. "Captain, can you describe how the events running up to that day played out?"

This sounds like her article might turn out very positive for me... Guess I'll chance it and hope for the best.

Spitfire sighed and started regaling her side of the story, Rainbow and Scootaloo jumped in to add on their parts of the story. Scootaloo had some issues with her part and slid up to Spitfire, hiding under her wing as she recalled the terrifying moment. In the end, their interview turned more into a cordial conversation where Spitfire even explained some of her hybrid features. After talking for a good hour Icy decided she had enough, thanking Spitfire for answering questions and leaving the three alone again.

"I don't think I've ever seen a reporter that genuinely happy," Rainbow said after the pegasus in question had left.

"Yeah, we'll see where that goes but I'm carefully positive," Spitfire agreed, standing up from the table. "Say, Scootaloo, shall we go find your other two friends and see if we can pepper them with snowballs?"

Scootaloo brightened up and nodded, Rainbow smirking as well as the three got up. They paid Pinkie and were off to Carrousel Boutique as that was where Rainbow and Spitfire had split off from Apple Bloom. Rarity helpfully pointed them to Ponyville's park from there after which Scootaloo knew where to point them. After arriving there they found a large group of fillies already engaged in a snowball fight with a smaller one and beating them.

"Oh boy... Bloom and Sweetie might need some help here instead," Scootaloo observed as she noticed her two friends hiding behind a small pile of snow.

"You go ahead, Scoots, hold them off until we come into play with a little air support," Spitfire grinned, looking at Rainbow. Scootaloo threw a salute and ran off to help the losing group while the adults stepped back and made a small pile of snowballs which they could carry and drop from above.

"Strategy?" Rainbow asked as they finished their piles quickly.

"Close formation low altitude approach with a last moment pull up to create the maximum amount of scatter, then disengage and take cover with our allies," Spitfire couldn't help but laugh as she grabbed all the snowballs in her hooves and took off. Rainbow was close on her tail as they approached the group of fillies, the moment they got over the large group they pulled up so the snowballs wouldn't all drop in the same place but drift apart before blanketing a larger area. The look on the children's faces as the two adults loosened their payload was priceless.

Spitfire and Rainbow laughed as they landed behind the opposing team's barricades and formed new snowballs. With the other team slowly getting out of their stupor, and an added taste for revenge, they redoubled their efforts. After a long drawn out snowball fight it eventually died down a bit, only for the factions to come together and pepper the adults in a final barrage.

"We surrender!" Spitfire exclaimed by the end as both she and Dash were completely covered in snow, a cheer going through the crowd of fillies. Slowly the crowd broke up again as they each presumably went home to warm up again, some coming by to say hi to the Wonderbolt. Eventually, The only ones left were Spitfire, Rainbow, Scootaloo, Bloom, and Sweetie.

"Thanks fer the help there, we were really strugglin' before ya came along," Apple Bloom chuckled, Sweetie agreeing with her.

"The original idea was to pepper you two but joining the underdog was too good an opportunity," Spitfire smirked back.

"Maybe next time then," Sweetie giggled. "I should get back to Rarity's, see you girls tomorrow?"

"Sound good ta me," Apple Bloom agreed. Scootaloo looked up at Spitfire to see what she'd say.

"Hey, don't look at me. If you want to go then I'm not stopping you," Spitfire smiled, nudging the filly with a wing.

"See you two tomorrow then!"

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! :twilightsmile:

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