• Published 13th Oct 2020
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The Hunters of Secrets - Arkantos

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Where it all began

The campfire was still burning hot and strong as Black Fall finished her story of how she ended up in Tartarus. “So yeah, that’s how it happened.” She poked at the fire with a dead stick.

Cold Blood was looking at her in a different light and it wasn’t long before Black Fall asked, “What was your life like before you became a Werepony?”

Cold Blood’s eyes widened at her question, but he quickly realized there was no way out of it. He decided to tell her something about his past life since she had shared something personal with him, even if she probably shouldn’t have. But, strangely, it made sense to tell her something about himself that he would regret.

The Butcher said, pleadingly, “Come on, I want to know more about you. You don’t really talk at all. And with where we’re at right now, we have plenty of time to talk.”

He exhaled and mentally prepared himself for the embarrassment that he knew he would feel before speaking. “I wasn’t always like this.” He pointed one of his claws at himself.

With a confused look, Black Fall asked, “Like what?”

“Like this. A big and intimidating muscular creature with claws and teeth and an everlasting need to feast on anything.” He then mentally prepared for his partner’s reaction as he continued. “In fact, I was the librarian in a town on a mountain and-”

Black Fall gave him a funny look, clearly trying to hold back laughter. “So, if I’m hearing you correctly, you were a bookworm?”

The Werepony looked at the Butcher without humor and replied, “Oh hardy harr harr, at least my way of living wasn’t killing monsters from night to night. Now may I continue?”

Controlling her laughter, Black Fall got up off the ground and sat down on the log. “Yes,” she said, “please continue. Sorry.”

Clearing his throat again, Cold Blood continued. “The town was known as Rockypillar. It was built to be a mining outpost, but then the three nearby pony tribes began to get along and eventually it became a town. Every time somepony new came to live in the town, the townsponies would collect five rocks and add them to a large pillar to commemorate the new arrival. It was a peaceful way of life, and as the librarian, I got to learn about all sorts of new things, about culture and adventure. I was truly happy with my life.”


It was a time when the rule of Equestria was shared by the three pony tribes: Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasus. And it was about three years after the Windigos attempted to freeze them all and blanket the land with endless winter. There was nothing but peace in Equestria, but that was about to change.

A hoodie pony was traveling to a small town known as Rockypillar with evil intentions. The pony was still a couple of miles away and she figured she would arrive in town around noon. She said to herself as she hiked up the mountain, “Soon the world will be ruled by the monsters of the night.”

The sun had just risen and Cold Blood, who was then known as Cold Snap, was beginning his normal morning routine. He took a shower, brushed his teeth, and put on some deodorant, which had a fresh breeze scent.

Cold Snap was a light green earth pony with a blue mane and tail. His eyes were yellow. When Cold Snap finished getting himself ready, he went to his kitchen and began making breakfast, pancakes with oats. An hour went by before Cold Snap finished his breakfast and put his dishes near the sink. He turned around and, grabbing his saddlebags, walked out of the house, closing the door behind him.

Cold Snap looked at the town square clock tower and, realizing the time, started galloping to his destination. Yesterday, somepony new decided to move into their little town, which meant it was time for the traditional Rockypillar stack up. The tradition was started when an earth pony, a Pegasus, and a unicorn set up the main buildings of the town. Ever since that day, the ponies in the town have been keeping the tradition alive. The rock pillar represents the foundations of where that pony plans to live. Some of the townsponies call this tradition the stacking of the pillar, and essentially, everypony important gathers around to help stack up the pillar. They collect a bunch of random rocks found on some random place on the mountain, and whenever a newcomer arrives in town they add more rocks to the ever-growing pillar.

Cold Snap turned up just in time to hear the town mayor say, “We, the citizens of Rockypillar, now welcome a newcomer to our fair town.” The mayor paused for a moment before gesturing towards a mare. “Say hello to newcomer Golden Blood.”

The pony called Golden Blood picked up her rock and said, “It is an honor to live among you. I hope we get really acquainted with one another.” As she spoke, she placed the first rock.

After her, the town mayor said, “Here’s to a bright future. It will be nice to have a new face in town. We can’t wait to see what you bring to this community.” And the mayor placed her rock.

Catching his breath, Cold Snap stepped up next. As the librarian, he was involved in every town tradition. “May knowledge strengthen your resolve. And if you ever need to escape this world, there are plenty of books in the library that will suit your needs.” He placed a rock.

A muscular Pegasus named Swift Wind came forward. He represented the town’s law-enforcement and weather control. He said loudly, “Well, if you help out every now and then, either with weather control or law enforcement, you would be considered a friend in my book.” He placed his rock at the top of the pillar, then flew upward, calling, “Sorry, I can’t stay. The weather isn’t going to control itself. Thanks for understanding! Goodbye!”

The final rock was placed by the richest pony in Rockypillar. Her name was Shadow Well. She said, “Just stay off of my lawn. And stop by for tea now and then. Now, let’s go to the party!”

The gathered ponies started walking to town hall, leaving the mayor and Cold Snap looking at each other. “You’re late,” the Mayor said.

Cold Snap replied, “I know, I’m sorry. It’s just that, I guess I enjoyed my sleep too much.”

“Well, fair enough. There’ve been plenty of times that I’ve been late. For now, let’s just get to the party. I need to get wasted by alcoholic cider and I don’t care what happens afterward.”

“I’m afraid I won’t be joining you. There are books that need to be returned and organized, and I’m expecting a delivery to come very soon.”

The Mayor gave Cold Snap an incredulous look before saying, “If you continue down this path, you will end up sad and alone with your dusty old books.” With that, the Mayor made her way to the party, which was already in full swing for the newcomer.

Cold Snap made his way to the town library to go about his daily tasks as a librarian. He walked through the town square where several open stalls stood, full of different kinds of edibles and materials that ponies would usually have on sale for day to day activities. But every now or then, some ponies would come through the town to see the view or to enjoy a vacation day. On those days, the ponies behind the open stalls would take advantage of the visiting ponies by displaying baked goods or some kind of hoof-crafted merchandise. But visiting ponies didn’t stop the local foals from playing hide-and-seek in the town square. The games played by the young ponies only added to the small town atmosphere.

Rockypillar was a peaceful town. There were rumors that sooner or later a war would break out, and if that were to happen again, it could cause several ancient horse-like snow spirits known as Windigos to reappear and blanket Equestria with an endless winter. If that were to happen, then several of the town’s council members, those deep within the town itself, had discussed how to prepare for that sort of bleak future.. But no one gave the rumors any real thought, and they blissfully went about their days. Someponies, like Cold Snap, still worried sometimes what could happen if the three pony tribes began to cause misery to each other by simply disagreeing with one another. It could happen very quickly. It could happen today. Cold Snap shook himself and let the thought go as he walked out of the town square.

Cold Snap approached the library, a building that was reasonably stable for literally being built into a mountain. It was not surprising that the building was once a military bunker, built long ago when ponies couldn’t trust one another.. Nowadays, the building is pretty much used as a library. And if a rock slide were to happen, the ponies could run into the library and be safe.

Cold Snap opened the metal door of the library. He saw nothing but darkness until he flipped the switch on the wall and several lights illuminated the space. The library lights were made with blue crystals, the same crystals used in the lights in the square.

The entire building brightened, revealing shelves upon shelves of books. Cold Snap looked to the left and saw a spiral staircase going down to the next level where more shelves were filled with books. The spiral staircase continued further, through several levels, all filled with book-filled shelves. Cold Snap then looked to the right and saw several tables with candlesticks, which could be used for additional light. Some of the tables had a few books on them. To the south wall was a desk that Cold Snap was familiar with. He walked over to it. When he got to the desk, he opened one of the drawers, on which was written the word ‘Return.’ As he opened it, a magic glow brightened the area momentarily, but quickly faded away, revealing seven books. Cold Snap got to work picking up the books and walking to the shelves to place them back in their proper spots, though some of them belonged on different floors.

Cold Snap had to run up and down the stairs to find the proper places, and all the running left him a little out of breath. When he finished, he felt that he deserved a little break. He made his way to the desk again and opened his favorite book, an exciting adventure story called Warrior of the Sea.

Cold Snap spent the rest of the morning reading his book and was just getting to the good part when he heard a knock on the library’s metal door. He looked up from his desk then put down the book. He went to the door but stopped when whoever was knocking decided to open it and walk in. A unicorn mare who was short of breath came into the library. She had a cloak on which made it hard to see her cutie mark, but her coat was dark brown and her red and blue mane glowed with magic. The weirdest thing was that the colors in her mane seemed to be fighting with each other; fighting, but never truly purging the other color. The mare’s eyes were orange and her horn was bigger than your average unicorn horn.

Back in the present.

Black Fall asked Cold Blood curiously, “Who was she?” She suddenly raised an eyebrow. “Did you have a crush on her?”

Cold Blood, surprised by her questions, replied, “What? No, I wouldn’t go that far. I can’t, really. It’s not my style to have a crush on someone that I just met. And I don’t know her name because I never asked for her name. Which was a mistake. I mean, do you know everypony that comes into your working area?” Black Fall shook her head. Cold Blood smiled a small smile and said, “Now, if you please, I would like to continue my story.

Black Fall rolled her eyes. “Ok, ok, fine!”

Back in the past.

“Do you have any spell books on blood, shadow, or resurrection?” the unicorn asked Cold Snap.

Cold Snap replied, “Well, we carry all sorts of magical books in the library, yeah. I think they would be down on the bottom floor.” Then he raised an eyebrow questioningly at the mare and said, “But I suspect that you have more interest in something else. Could you please tell me what you really want?”

She sighed and said, “I’m looking for an audience with the founding members.”

Cold Snap nodded and said, “I suspected as much.” He pondered for a moment before continuing. “You actually found one of the founding members, for I am one. My name is Cold Snap.”

The mare blinked several times. “You are one of the founding members of this town?”

Cold Snap stared at her coldly. “What? Did you expect an elder mare with tons of wisdom to share or an enforcer of the law?”

“Well, yes, actually. I always thought that to be part of the inner circle you had to be there when the town came to be?”

“Well the reason why I am a founding member is because I was invited. I’m actually the fourth librarian to be invited into the founding members circle. Now that I have answered your question, I would like you to answer mine.”

The unicorn asked, “And what question is that?”

“A serious one. Answer it truthfully. What do you want from the founding members?”

At that, she remembered why she came. “I want to have a meeting set up because I may have a way to get rid of the threat of war so all of Equestria can remain in peace.” Her expression turned sinister for a moment, but quickly turned back again before Cold Snap could see it.

“I can set up a meeting with the founding members, but most of them are off partying tonight. Somepony new is here to stay.”

The mare nodded in understanding before saying, “Ok, I guess I’ll wait until tomorrow to meet with y’all. But could the meeting location be in town hall?”

Cold Snap scratched his mane a little before saying, “That can be done. I just have to tell them what time. When would you like the meeting to occur?”

The unicorn asked, “How about at night?”

“Sounds like a good idea. It’s less likely that the filly will hear the meeting.”

The mare made her way to the door and said, “Well, then, see you tomorrow night.” The hoodie unicorn opened the metal door and walked out.

Later, at home, Cold Snap wasn’t in his bed. He was actually sleeping on his desk where he usually wrote notes. The reason he was sleeping on the desk was because, after he finished working at the library,he stayed up all night writing letters to each of the founding members and placing them somewhere for each member to find. When he finished, he somehow fell asleep on the desk.

Cold Snap remained sleeping until his alarm stone started flashing a bright light at him. As he rubbed his eyes and looked out the window, he saw how high the sun was.It was almost noon. He started to panic and his eyes widened as he yelled, “Oh, for the sake of the three tribes, I’m late!” He quickly took a cold shower, ate a fast breakfast, brushed his teeth, then grabbed his saddlebags and began galloping to the library.

Cold Snap spent the rest of the day returning books and helping ponies check out books. Then the delivery he was expecting yesterday arrived. It was a package containing several new books that the town had ordered from the unicorn society. Five of them were actually spell books. The rest were just regular books, which several ponies came by to check out.

When his workday came to a close, he started making his way to town hall where the hoodie unicorn had asked to have the meeting with the founders of the town.

Two Pegasus guards in purple and gray armor stood near the door, each one carrying a spear and a steely expression. Cold Snap recognized their colors. They were Shadow Well’s private security ponies. They were paid in bits as well as food and shelter. All these ponies had to do was protect Shadow Well. And if Cold Snap had to guess, he’d say there were probably five to ten personal guards in this building right now. Shadow Well was rich, and she was also kind of paranoid.She probably didn’t realize that bringing her personal guard with her to a secret meeting pretty much ruined the meeting’s secrecy.

Cold Snap entered the main room on the second floor and saw two earth pony guards with axes. The guards stepped aside to let Cold Snap by. When he entered the meeting room, he saw that most of the founders of the town were already seated. In the middle seat was the Mayor of Rockypillar. To her left was Shadow Well, and behind her was the captain of her personal guard, a dark blue unicorn with a sword. His name was George. Sitting to the right of the mayor was the unicorn who had asked for the meeting. Cold decided to sit somewhere comfortable, right next to Shadow Well.

The Mayor began by saying, ”I believe one pony is running late.” She took a sip of alcoholic apple cider.

But it wasn’t long before the town hall meeting room doors swung open wide, revealing a muscular Pegasus. Swift Wind apologized, “Sorry for my lateness, the weather has been cold lately.” The other ponies in the room looked at the Pegasus questioningly.

The hoodie unicorn did not concern herself with Swift Wind’s apologies. “Mares and stallions,” she began, “you are aware of why you’re all gathered here and of why I’m here?”

Everypony looked at her before glancing at Cold Snap. The Mayor said, “From what our librarian revealed in his letters, you claim you may have a solution to bring about everlasting peace with zero chance of war ever happening again?”

Shadow Well spoke. “We simply want to know your timeline and the methods you plan to use to get rid of the threat of war. Because if you approach this with a treaty or some sort of movement to bring peace, it surely will not last. History has proven that war cannot be avoided indefinitely. Depending on what eventually causes it, it could be very bad, and where would we be after ten years of war. And a bigger question is, if a war does break out and last years, how do you plan to keep your family and ours safe from it.” The mare received stinkeye glares from the other ponies in the room. “What? I’m just asking the really hard questions. Somepony’s got to.What if this unicorn’s plan were to backfire?”

The unicorn cleared her throat. “First, I know it will work, because I’ve already done it in several other villages.”

When the unicorn said this, the founders looked around at each other. Then the mayor asked, “What do you mean, you already know it will work? We haven’t heard a peep from the other villages. We sent an entire squad of soldiers out to neighboring villages a few weeks back, and they just returned today saying that all of the nearby villages had been destroyed. So please enlighten us. How can you claim to know that it will work?”

“Because despite their past differences, the members of those villages are now working together as one unit, in complete harmony. But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself.”

The unicorn quickly rose from her chair and opened one of the windows. Several Wereponies flooded into the room, black fur on end, red eyes flashing, white fangs gleaming, and muscles rippling. George drew his sword as the founding members moved toward the door. The hoodie unicorn said, “Oh, I forgot to mention that it was them who destroyed their own villages, on my command of course.”

Shadow Well pulled out a hidden dagger and approached the unicorn. “I knew you couldn’t be trusted.”

“Oh, but I can be trusted. You just haven’t had the full experience of being part of the pack.” Then she removed her cloak and spread out two wings. Her horn glowed red and black, and a little bit of green lightning sparked around the now revealed to be Alicorn. The Alicorn fired a spell at Shadow Well. Failing to react in time, Shadow Well was hit by the magic, which sent her sailing towards a bookshelf.

When she got up, a few books landed on top of her. At first, nothing happened. But before long, her coat grew shaggier, her hooves turned into paws, and just like that, Shadow Well became a werepony.

Shadow Well then heard a voice in her head. It was the Ailcorn’s voice commanding her to tackle the remaining ponies in the room. So she did. She tackled George first. Once he was down, another spell was fired by the Alicorn, and George transformed into a werepony too.

The rest of the founding ponies raced out of the room and out into the streets. Cold Snap ran down the street that led out of town. He assumed that Shadow Well’s guards were holding off the Alicorn and the Wereponies long enough for everyone else to get out of town. If he wasn’t in such a panicked state, Cold Snap would have rung the bell in the center of town to warn everypony that monsters were in their town. But, unfortunately, Cold Snap was in a terribly panicked state and had only one thought going through his head: get out of town.

Cold Snap ran to avoid sharing the same fate as Shadow Well and George. He lost track of where the other founding members were and he didn’t care. The only thing he cared about was getting out of there. He passed several buildings that were on fire. He felt sorry for those who couldn’t make it out. Then he saw the townexit. He ran even harder, hurdling through it. However, as soon as he got out of the town, two runes that were carved in the gateway started to glow green. Then several green lightning bolts shot out at him, and suddenly, he disappeared.

The Ailcorn looked down from the roof of town hall and saw all of her hard work paying off, feeling nothing but joy in this chaos and fire. It wasn’t long before a rod she had placed on the rooftop started to gather green lightning, bringing her anypony who had tried to get leave town. As she turned around to see Cold Snap appear out of nowhere, she smiled cruelly.

When he realized where he was, Cold Snap started to run toward the edge of the rooftop. The Alicorn shouted, “Oh, no you don’t!” and she quickly grabbed him in a telekinesis grip and pulled him closer to her.

“Thank you, Cold Snap,” she said, “for making this possible.”

Struggling in the magical grip, Cold Snap yelled, “I didn’t mean for this to happen!” He glared at the dark brown alicorn and asked, “Why? Why did you do this?”

She pondered for a moment before saying, “I don’t know. And truthfully, I really don’t care, because I am in true bliss.”

Cold Snap became fearful when he realized that this immortal alicorn had gone mad. “You don’t care or you’re not really interested in anything?”

The alicorn replied, “It could be both. But enough of that. Why don’t I introduce myself? You have the right to know my name before I turn you into one of my soldiers. I’m Foul Blood, the Alicorn of War. And the Wereponies are my soldiers. They follow me and me alone.”

With that, Foul Blood approached Cold Snap and started to charge her horn with the same spell she had used on Shadow Well. “This might tickle a little,” she said. The spell shot right at Cold Snap, and he too transformed into one of the many Wereponies that now occupied the town.