• Published 18th Jul 2019
  • 1,931 Views, 74 Comments

Endgame of Chaos - Azure129

The return of Sombra showed Discord is up to something: and for once it's not villainous or chaotic or even friendly. He's preparing for an ending. But what kind of 'end' exactly?

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Epilogue: Growing Up ('The Last Problem')

Princess Twilight waved goodbye to her dear friends until they would meet next month. It had been a full day; not only had the Council of Friendship convened but Luster Dawn’s journey had started. Twilight was happy and sad all at once—life kept moving forward, all good things came and went and changed. But in a way she was also excited; Luster Dawn’s progress in a few years might mean that she could step down from the throne herself soon and pursue a new path in life: her own retirement.

Twilight sensed a familiar source of magic approaching, and in a flash Discord appeared—and behind him was a familiar statue of three villains. “You sent Luster Dawn to Ponyville, didn’t you, Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight smiled at her old friend and nodded. “Yes, Discord. It’s time.”

“And you’re still planning to have her first big test be reforming these three, right?” Discord flew around the statue.

Twilight nodded. “I think a few decades in stone will have mellowed them. And Luster does like a challenge. Plus I know she’ll have a certain chaotic safety net waiting in the wings in case things get bad.”

“Only for her first few trials, I promise!” Discord grinned and held up his paw. He glanced at the statue again and raised an eyebrow. “This is a tall order though…are you sure?”

Twilight walked down from her throne, still smiling. “My first battle was against Nightmare Moon herself, Discord—a corrupted princess. Luster can handle these three in their state, especially with friends by her side.”

Discord shrugged. “You’re the head honcho.” He flew over to her. “Now then, I just finished substituting at the School of Friendship while Starlight and Sunburst went off for a week to visit Flurry Heart—you know, my charming young protege who I have done an excellent job training in the fine art of being chaotic with pony magic.” He held his head high.

“Yes, I know my niece, Discord,” Twilight tried not to laugh.

“But…” Discord went on, eyes bright, “I hear tell that you want me to fill in here for you for a few days…and not at the School of Magic this time but on the throne. Could it be? Will I finally go down in history as an official—if only temporary—ruler of Equestria?”

“If you wouldn’t mind,” Twilight used her magic to remove her crown and turn it into a simple gold and silver checkerboard one which she placed on Discord’s head. “With my plans for Luster Dawn moving forward now, I could use more than an afternoon with Sunset Shimmer to discuss our plans for the future.” Twilight used her magic to pull aside a tapestry to reveal a mirror. She touched her horn to the mirror—it glowed and then Sunset appeared in the glass.

Some of the orange in her hair had faded to a peach color, but she was still Sunset, wearing orange pants, a white blouse, and a gold jacket. She had a book in hand. “Hey,” she said from behind the glass, her look warm, “I got here first—finally I’m earlier than you for once.”

Twilight laughed. “How did your book signing go?”

“For ‘Tales of Equestria’ Volume Three?” Sunset grinned. “The kids ate it up! I’m booked at a convention next weekend.” She hesitated then asked, “How did things go with Luster?”

Twilight’s gaze warmed. “She’s going to Ponyville. It’s starting.”

Sunset’s eyes glowed. “Great! Twilight, congratulations! Come on, we’ll celebrate at dinner! I mean, if you got him to cover for you—“

“Hello!” Discord popped up right beside Twilight and waved, pointing to his crown. “Yes, I’m covering so you two can scamper off for a few days on two legs instead of four like all the cool kids. Have fun! Sunset, don’t keep her out too late! And Twilight, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”

“Thank you, Discord.” Twilight put a foreleg around him in a hug. He blinked but then rolled his eyes and hugged her back.

She pulled away and walked through the mirror.

Now on the other side, Sunset stood next to the current human version of Twilight—slightly taller than Sunset, a bit younger-looking, but with a touch of pale purple in her long hair at the temples. She wore a long purple dress and a pink sweater. They a tight hug and a warm look but then blushed and glanced away sheepishly when they remembered Discord was still watching them. They waved to the chaos master then walked away from the mirror on their side holding hands.

“So how’s your world’s Twilight doing?” Twilight asked

“Great!” Sunset smiled. “She just celebrated another anniversary as Canterlot High’s Principal. And the rest of the girls are good too—they can’t wait to see you.”

“Have you told them yet that I’m planning to move here permanently in a few years?”

“I was tempted but I thought it’d be better coming from both of us. But we’ll still visit Equestria for all the major pony holidays, right? And for zap apple jam season? I love that stuff.”

“That’s the plan. It’ll be a nice way to retire.” Twilight hugged a little closer to her, and Sunset squeezed her hand as the two ladies disappeared from view in the mirror.

Discord smiled at the sight of them then pulled the tapestry back over the mirror. He glanced around the throne room then snapped his fingers: the statue disappeared and a scroll appeared in the air. Discord wrote a note, then snapped it away. He plopped himself on the throne with a grin. “Three, two, one…”

In a burst of magic Celestia and Luna appeared with big smiles.

“Discord, you’re not serious…” Celestia held back a laugh.

“No, no, look at the grin, Celestia—he is,” Luna pointed out with a smirk.

Discord held his head high, making sure the light caught his little crown. “Oh, I’m sure Twilight just doesn’t like to bother you two with these things in the midst of your retirement. But yes, I am indeed in charge of Equestria as the temporary Princess for the weekend while Twilight galavants off with her future little partner in crime and friendship and more. And you know what that means…”

“Discord,” Celestia’s look went a little dry, “is there any work you have to do first?”

“Not for the rest of the day,” he assured with his eyes narrowed, “And that means—throne room Princess Party!” He snapped—the room was full of balloons and confetti and dust bunnies and cakes and horns that were playing themselves for music. He snapped up another scroll then sent it away. “And I just sent an invite to Cadance, so—“

In a burst of magic Flurry Heart appeared, pulling her mother by the foreleg. “Uncle Discord! We just got your invitation, and we’re so excited! Princess Party!” She rushed over to Discord and pranced in place in front of him.

He flew around her and tousled her hair. “My Flurry Heart, always up for a party!” She laughed then used her magic to teleport and perch herself on his back. “Whoa!” Discord wavered a little—she wasn’t a baby filly anymore—but he could still remain floating for a while with her up there. “Flurry Heart—think fast!” Discord created a cotton candy ‘snowball’ in his hands and tossed it high into the air. Flurry Heart flew up and shot a beam of her magic at it. The hit was perfect, and bits of cotton candy and drops of chocolate milk rained down for all to enjoy. “Excellent shot!” Discord clapped for her.

Flurry Heart flew up, catching some in her mouth, then swallowed and landed back in front of Discord. “Thank you, Uncle Discord! Yummy!” Then her eyes widened and her smile beamed. “Ooo, I like your crown!”

“I’ll be sure to tell your Auntie Twilight!” Discord assured as he tilted the crown on his head.

Cadance laughed and came forward, brushing some of her hair (the yellow streak faded to a pale gold) behind her ear. “Flurry Heart was very excited to get your invitation, Discord, and so was I. Also, it’s wonderful to see you. And you too, Celestia and Luna.”

The three princesses shared a hug then pulled back.

“We’ll all have to get together with Twilight one day too.” They shared a node.

Then Discord teleported into the center of them, hugging them all close with Flurry Heart sitting on his shoulders. “Come on, everypony! Princess for the weekend Discord says Princess Party starts now! Conga line!” He snapped to arrange everyone. He was at the front of the line, Celestia held around his waist, Luna held around hers, then Cadance and finally Flurry Heart. They started to dance across the room.

At that point the throne room door opened: Spike stood there.

The conga line froze for a moment as Spike watched it with wide eyes. Then his look went dry and he grinned a little. “Twilight left already?”

“Yup,” Discord replied.

“Princess Party?”


“Can a Royal Advisor get in on that?”


Discord snapped to make Spike appear behind Flurry Heart in the conga line, and the group danced the afternoon away.

No matter what threats had come against Equestria in all these years, everyone found their ways back to happiness, including Discord himself. He had been raised to be a monster but had grown into a friend. In the midst of a moment as chaotic and free and good as this one, Discord knew this was the ending he and the ones he loved deserved most of all. And he wished an ending like this one for any other creature whom it would help.

Author's Note:

My reaction during the Grogar reveal in the finale:

*Turns out to be Discord*

Me: ........... Well, f*** :moustache:

So here's my attempt to reconcile my previous chapters of this story with the series' ending, and I hope it was enjoyable ^^ I took a few liberties, but I tried to keep everything in line. I hope you enjoyed it!

I could see some negative reactions to the big reveal, but I was just impressed with the show for surprising me like that at the very end XD And then watching Discord try to talk his way out of it was hilarious. I'm really glad he had a major roll in the ending. And I'm glad to know the comics are planning to continue 'season 10' of the show. If you've never read the comics, they're worthwhile, and they have some more freedom regarding storylines. The Discord arcs are exceptionally good :)

Also, since I wasn't really shipping Discord with anyone in this story I couldn't resist putting in another ship. I'm having a lot of fun including some ships lately that I don't normally have a chance to write about :yay:

Please see my blog post for info about my next planned update, and thank you all for reading and for reviewing :heart: Take care!

Comments ( 15 )

Lol thank you!!!! It took so long to work out the plot of this :rainbowlaugh: I'm glad you enjoyed it! ^_^

So glad you updated! Very impressed with how you wrote yourself out of a corner. Can’t wait for MCDE!

Thanks so much, I’m glad you enjoyed it :) And I’m excited for McDE’s ending myself—there are so many ending scenes I wrote out in advance that I’ll finally get to share :twilightsmile:

Hold on, I get that they're in a relationship, but WHY would Twilight give up the throne so soon? I'm sorry, it's just, when Celestia ruled for over a 1000 years, Twilight ruling for only maybe a few decades seems just.... lazy in comparison and makes Celestia's plan to make her her successor seem moot in the end.

However, I know this story isn't about Twilight. The fact you managed to keep to canon was very well done and you did a great job writing Discord. Great story.

I think Twilight could choose to do either option--ruling for however long she wants depending on what feels right for her. But seeing all of her friends moving on with their lives--and considering that she's already prepping Luster Dawn for her own friendship adventure--I imagined Twilight deciding to let a new generation of friends rule while she spends time with her friends in their golden years. But it's all open to interpretation of course :twilightsmile: Otherwise, I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

I knew you would be able to end this story and still make it canon! I really liked how you managed for everything to make sense. And the friendship between Discord and the princesses (and Flurry Heart) is so sweet!

Thank you! I really wanted to give Discord a little extra closure about the whole 'father of monsters' thing, and I could really see him being so good with kids :heart: I just wish we'd gotten to see some of future Flurry Heart so I'd know if I had her personality right lol. And I'm glad I was able to keep this story canon-ish too ^^

Well, I'm impressed. You pulled it off, and even still gave the actual Grogar a presence in the story on top of that! :twilightsmile: I take it that the ominous Grogar scene at the end of "A Better Way to Be (Wed)" ended up being one of Discord's nightmares?

Yeah, dream sequence was the only way I could write off that one lol--and thanks I'm glad you liked it :twilightsmile:


I appreciate your feedback. In terms of keeping the story canon, that was definitely my intention all along no matter how the ending played out unless it was something truly disappointing to me that showed no effort to conclude the season well. But overall I thought the show did a good job of wrapping up the season. While I would have liked to see Discord take on a nobler role too, I also found something to appreciate in the role he did end up playing. In my story, I wanted his sacrifice to be about putting himself through the traumatic experience of playing Grogar when he actually had a really upsetting past with Grogar. The series didn’t end up progressing with the ‘father of monsters’ comment though, so there I think his sacrifice came from messing up as badly as he did, realizing the danger he put his friends in even through his best efforts to help them, and learning that he can’t just go off on his own because his friendships mean his actions really do carry consequences for others.

I don’t think it was the worst or the best way to play out his character—I just saw it as one of the potential ways to play out his character. And I appreciated the sincerity of his remorse when he realized how desperate their situation was.

Discord is a very important character to me as well, and I think by the season nine finale he was still learning to be the best friend he could be. By the series finale, he’s probably learned even more and grown a lot more in maturity as a friend and a person.


Hmmm... so Twilight retiring to be with Sunset...

I think its a bit early for her to planning a retirement. Not when Celestia had 1k+ years...

Thanks for the reviews, I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :twilightsmile: As for the retirement thing, I went that direction because I got the vibe that Twilight was training Luster to be a new princess - maybe not necessarily to replace Twilight but I also liked writing Twilight and Sunset getting together lol.

Writing around that plot twist took so much maneuvering--I had literally tried to plan for every possible conclusion, and that was not even on my radar lol.

twilight and cadence are immortal, they dont age lmao
so why is twilight and cadences hair faded?

I don’t believe it was established either way whether they age at all or not. So I made an interpretation of my own in my story :)

meh, you do you ig xd

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