• Published 25th Jul 2019
  • 6,048 Views, 582 Comments

Pokémon Red and Purple - Universal Librarian

Sci-Twi and Sunset get transported to the world of Pokémon. The problem? One of them's a Pokémon...

  • ...

Chapter 8 - Warning

Twilight chatted quietly with Elaine as they waited for the Pokémon to be returned. Elaine was growing intensely curious about the two visitors and where they had come from, especially now that an apparently large company had taken an interest in them, but Twilight just didn't know what to tell her.

A little voice in her head, that sounded suspiciously like Applejack, kept prodding her to just tell the truth, but Twilight had no idea how Elaine would react. Being treated like a lunatic wasn't high on Twilight's list of things to do at this moment in time. Then again, having someone around who knew what was going on would probably make getting home a little easier.

As Twilight was mulling over what to tell Elaine she was distracted by the sight of Nurse Joy returning from the back rooms, carrying Sunset in her arms. "All done! She's feeling a little down in the dumps at the moment, but with a little rest and some tlc she should be right as rain in no time."

Twilight couldn't help but wince as the nurse gently placed Sunset on the countertop. She looked miserable. "Uh, Sunset? Are you okay?"

Sunset just grunted and teleported down to the floor. Nurse Joy sighed and dipped her head to Twilight. "I do apologize. I tried to handle her as little as possible since she didn't seem to like it, but for the sake of her health this procedure was absolutely necessary."

"It's okay," Twilight replied, glancing worriedly at Sunset nonetheless.

Nurse Joy smiled and placed a Pokéball on the counter in front of Elaine. "And here is your Bellsprout. You don't need to worry, she's a picture of health!"

"Excellent, thanks!" Elaine slipped the Pokéball into her pocket and turned to Twilight. "Do you reckon we should go and check out the mart like Clive suggested?"

"Oh, okay." Twilight glanced down at Sunset. "Er, what do you think? Are you okay to walk there?"

Sunset looked over at the door, then sat and held her forelegs up in a clear invitation to pick her up while obviously trying not to scowl. Twilight had to bite her lip to stop herself fawning over how adorable Sunset looked with her little legs held out for a cuddle, especially given that that was not going to make the person-turned-Pokémon feel any better about her situation.

Keeping her expression carefully neutral, Twilight bent down, slipped her hands under Sunset's forelegs and picked her up, gently shifting her around until she had Sunset cradled in her arms like a puppy. "Okay. Is this, er, comfy enough for you?" Sunset just rolled her eyes and pointed a hoof at the door. "Alright, let's go!"

Elaine took the lead once again as the group set off. It didn't take long for them to find the Mart, a small store just around the corner from the Pokémon Center.

The store was full of things that Twilight had never seen before. It reminded her strongly of a pet supply store, only one geared towards Pokémon. The shelves were stocked with all sorts of odd toys and tools for looking after various Pokémon, along with bags of feed and medicines for minor ailments.

Before Twilight could start shopping, however, there was something she had to do first. Leaving Elaine to browse, she headed straight to the cashier and told him that she had a package waiting, handing over the details that Clive had given her at the bank.

"Oh, so you're the one getting all of this stuff!" The cashier cried loudly. "I've been wondering what all this was about. Okay, here we go." Twilight blinked in surprise as he pulled a rucksack out from under the counter. "First of all we've got the backpack for you. It's got plenty of pockets and space for all of your Trainer essentials."

Twilight couldn't help but stare mutely as the cashier opened the bag and started pulling things out, lining them up on the counter. "As requested, we've got ten of your standard Pokéballs here. Next we've got two of our basic Potions for starting Trainers." He pulled out a pair of thick white and purple spray bottles and placed them next to the Pokéballs. "We've also got a set of antidotes."

A set of yellow spray bottles joined the rest of the equipment; two with labels depicting a stylized purple skull with a line through it and three with labels depicting a stylized caterpillar with a little stinger on its head. "These first two are general antidotes, but these last three are specialized for neutralizing the poison of the specific Pokémon you'll find in the Viridian Forest."

"Wait, poison?!" Twilight yelped.

"Shimmy?!" Sunset piped up.

The cashier gave her a blank look. "Well, yeah? You know, from the Weedles and Beedrills?"

"Uh…" Twilight looked around for Elaine, but she was busy checking out little clothes for Pikachu.

"You're pretty new to being a trainer, aren't you?" The cashier asked.

Twilight smiled shyly. "Is it that obvious?"

"Heh, don't worry about it, I'm sure the other trainers will help you out." The cashier packed the things back into the backpack and pulled one more small box from beneath the counter. "This is the last item." He pushed the box towards her, and she realized that it was a brand new smartphone. "All of the instructions are included in the box, and the details of your network plan are in this letter." The cashier placed an envelope on top of the phone. "And this completes your order. Was there anything else I could help you with?"

Twilight just stared in shock at the phone, letter, and bagful of goodies sitting in front of her. "Uh… no. I'm good, thanks!" She gently set Sunset on the floor, pulled the backpack on, slipped the letter into a pocket, tucked the phone box under her arm and picked Sunset back up. Thanking the cashier again, Twilight let Elaine know that she would wait outside and hurried out.

Finding a nearby bench, Twilight set Sunset and the backpack down before sitting herself and inspecting the phone's box. "This is crazy, isn't it?"

"Shimmy!" Sunset replied with a fervent nod.

"Ah, that reminds me! Should we get you some chalk first?" Twilight asked. Sunset shook her head and pointed insistently at the phone. "Alright, let's get this set up first."

First of all, Twilight opened the envelope. To her surprise, when she pulled the letter out a second smaller envelope fell out, too. She stared at the two in surprise, then set the smaller envelope aside and unfolded the letter. "Dear, Traveller, please find enclosed a micro-sim for the smartphone we have provided for you. Once you have finished setting up the phone please call the first number in your contacts list immediately. Yours sincerely, L."

Sunset raised an eyebrow curiously. "Shim shimmy shim?"

"That's all there is," Twilight replied, checking the back of the letter just in case.

Setting the letter aside, Twilight turned her attention to the smartphone. After a little difficulty opening the box, largely due to well-applied cellotape, she finally managed to get a look at her new toy. It didn't look like anything special; just a simple black smartphone with a small brand logo at the bottom that she didn't recognize.

Surprisingly, the phone was already charged and switched on without any issues once Twilight had inserted the micro-sim. It ran through several diagnostic and setup routines before finally settling on a home screen with a picture of a galaxy or a nebula in the background. The apps were mostly exactly what Twilight would have expected from a smartphone back home. Ordinarily, she would have spent a while excitedly searching through the few apps that she didn't recognize to see exactly what they did, but first she had a call to make.

"I guess we'd better see who sent all of this and what they want," Twilight said quietly as she brought up the first number in her contacts, rather expectedly named 'L', though she was strangely hesitant to actually call them.

"Shimmy!" Sunset put in, raising a hoof encouragingly.

Twilight smiled and, with a deep breath, pressed the call button. It rang for barely two seconds before being answered. Unfortunately, rather than a person on the other end, a jaunty little tune started playing. "And, I'm on hold. Typical."

"Shim! Shimmy!" Sunset said insistently, pointing a hoof at her ear.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Hang on I'll put it on speakerphone-"

"Do not put it on speakerphone," a deep, heavily distorted voice said sternly, all trace of the jolly hold music gone.

"H-hello?" Twilight said shakily. "I'm Twilight Sparkle and, er, my friend Sunset is here, too. We're the people you sent the phone to?"

"If that is true, then you have already met our mutual acquaintance."

"Mutual acquaintance?" Twilight frowned. "Do you mean Professor Oak?"


Sunset patted Twilight's arm to get her attention, then mimed a series of letters in the air.

"Pink… pink fa… pink fairy?" Twilight said uncertainly. "Oh! You mean the weird Pokémon that apologized to Sunset on Route 1?"

"That seems likely, though Keres is no Fairy type," the voice replied.

"Um, what's with all the secrecy, if you don't mind me asking?" Twilight asked.

"It is necessary to protect all of us. Do you have anyone you can travel with that you can trust?"

Twilight glanced over at the Pokémon mart where Elaine was still shopping. "I think so? We're traveling with one of Professor Oak's friends, a Pokémon trainer named Elaine."

"Good. Do not travel alone under any circumstances. If you need to move between towns and Elaine cannot join you, contact me. I, or one of my associates, will provide an escort for you. I'll stress this again; Do. Not. Travel. Alone."

Twilight couldn't suppress a shiver at the voice's forceful tone. "What do you mean? Are wild Pokémon really that dangerous?"

"It is not the Pokémon that worry me, it is the people that wish to control them. We have spoken too long already. I will make arrangements to meet you in person as soon as possible, but I'm afraid that that will take some time. Once again, do not travel alone, or your very lives may be forfeit. Until next time, Miss Sparkle, Miss Shimmer. Good luck."