• Published 7th Jul 2019
  • 1,373 Views, 25 Comments

Silly Stories of the Student Six - Level Dasher

A collection of short stories about the Young Six for Super Trampoline's Feghoot Festival.

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In the Park (Contest Entry 1)

“It’s nice to see them getting along with someone else their own age. My brother and sister have been a bit wary with creatures other than changelings.”

“I get that. My little sis just doesn’t really care; she sees somepony that could be a friend, she just hops right to it.”

Sandbar chuckled as he sat next to Ocellus in Ponyville’s park. Various creatures had come for Friends and Family Day, including the pony’s and changeling’s parents and siblings. One pony filly and a pair of little changelings were running after each other and rolling around as they all laughed together.

“Little pony and changelings very cute,” Yona said from beside Sandbar. She sighed and shook her head as she added, “Yona miss young yak friends in Yakyakistan.”

“Well that was a mouthful,” Sandbar said, shaking his tongue.

When Ocellus turned back to the grass in front of them after looking away for only a moment, the three children were gone. She gasped as she started, “Oh no! Where’d they—”

“Don’t freak, they’re right over there,” Sandbar chuckled, pointing to a playground not far away. The little building consisted of a wooden step bridge, a pair of intertwining slides, and webbed netting to climb to the midway platform. “See? They’re by the slides.”

Ocellus tilted her head at the middle platform where her siblings stood. “How come there’s a line for the other one?”

True to her observation, her siblings and Sandbar’s sister all went down their slide, and were immediately able to go down again. Three more foals still stood behind the other, waiting to go down.

“Oh, you can’t see it from here, but the other one has a transparent bottom. You can look at the ground as you go down. That’s… that’s why the other kids are toppling over their heads when they get to the bottom,” he chuckled, holding back a snort.

Yona cocked a brow. “That not hurt?”

Sandbar shook his head. “Nah, I think that’s part of why they do it, actually.” After looking back at the other downward slide where his sister had just exited, he turned to Ocellus and added, “Looks like our sibs just like having one to themselves.”

“It looks like they’re going a little slower, though,” Ocellus responded, tilting her head again.

“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Sandbar said. “There are maintenance ponies that wipe down the whole thing after the park closes, but I don’t think they give as much attention to that slide as opposed to the one the other foals are on. It’s probably still got some tree sap or something on it.”

Yona scowled. “That not fair. Both slides should be clean.”

“Oh don’t worry, they’re both clean,” Sandbar told her. “It’s just that the glass is cleaner on the other slide.”