• Published 7th May 2020
  • 5,584 Views, 83 Comments

We're Done being rejected - White Dragon Emporror

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Pancreas, Eyes, Lungs, Face.

With a flare of her horn Twilight sent a magic bolt at the now named Venom. They quickly dashed to the side and leapt towards the Princess claws poised to attack. Twilight was barely able to dodge the ferocious barrage of slashes that followed. She may have been a prodigy when it came to magic, but she was completely useless in physical confrontations. Abruptly, Venom stopped their assault and leapt back. Only a second later when what looked like a huge wad of cake batter and confetti zoomed by and splatted against a pillar nearby. Twilight turned her head to the side and saw Pinkie Pie with her party cannon aimed at where the duo were standing a moment ago.

”That wasn’t very nice little filly. You shouldn’t launch desert ingredients at people that’s just rude.” Venom Chastised standing straight up crossing their arms and shaking their head in faux disappointment. However, Pinkie being Pinkie took this as guine disapproval and became very sad.

“I’m sorry.” She said bowing her head in shame. Venom just gave a ‘tired’ sigh and shook their head while grinning.

”Aww. We can’t stay mad at you. Just don’t do it again.” They say with a sigh. Pinkie perks up with a smile.

“Okie dokie lokie!” She cheered. Off to the side the other five mares were just staring at the exchange with deadpan stares minus Fluttershy who was still too scared to look at the unknown duo. Twilight groaned in annoyance.

“Pinkie! Now is not the time for this!” The Princess of Friendship shouted. The party pony turned to her friend with a confused look on her face.

“What do you mean?” She ask with a slight tilt of the head. Twilight facepalmed at her friend obliviousness.

“We’re FIGHTING that thing not befriending it!” She exclaimed. The hyper pony just look even more confused. .

“Why not look at them!" She shouted appearing next to the aforementioned pair with her arms in an outstretched position as if presenting them to her friends. "It's so cool looking!"

This caused the pair to pause in a mix of confusion and slight amusement. They understood if a few found their appearance appealing in a strange way. However, they weren't expecting someone to be so open about their opinion. They assumed ponies would either be to scared or to embarrassed to say anything about them.

"Why thank you little fillie that's sweet of you to say." They thanked her with a head pat. Meanwhile, the lavender alicorn that was watching from the side groaned in agitation. Her patience long gone.

"Pinkie, get over here and watch Fluttershy; we'll deal with this." Twilight commanded. The pink mare turned her head to her friend and gave a thumbs up. She then disappeared in a cloud of smoke before appearing next the timid pegasus. Who for some reason was still wrapped in the black cocoon.

Twilight sighed in exasperation. She focused herself on the task at hand. The alicorn glared at the black and white creature in front of her. It stood there nonchalantly with it's ever present jagged grin.

"Alright girls let's try this again. Remember to try to atleast immobilize it." The princess ordered. Her othe three friends nodded in understanding.

Slowly the four mares approached the creature cautiously. They were trying to think of a plan.

Suddenly, Rainbow charged at the pair. Without a hint of surprise Venom leaped up out of her way while sending a tendril to wrap around her leg. They spun in the air thereby slinging the cyan pegasus around; before slamming her against a concrete pillar leaving her dazed. Landing on their feet the duo glanced in the direction of the three remaining mares. Only, to see an angry earthpony charging them. Tsk, they clicked their tongue in disappointment. With a flick of their wrist a strand of black webbing shot at the farm pony and latched onto the front of her shirt.

"Gotcha." Venom jeered yanking her towards them. When she was close enough they grabbed her by the head. Swiftly, they turned around and threw the Element of Honesty at a surprised unicorn that was trying to sneak attack them. After the two ponies collided knocking each other out the pair turned to the last obstacle. "Guess it's just you and us now Princess."

Twilight narrowed her eyes as she started building up magic in her horn. Slowly, Venom and the Princess of Friendship began to circle each other. The symbiotic pair began to to click their metallic claws together. After a mont of sizing each other up; the Element of Magic made the first move with a paralysis spell aimed at the duo's head. Fortunately, Venom ducked under the spell befor dashing at her with a hint of electricity. With a front swipe of their hand they slashed at her stomach; luckily, for the lavender pony she was able to avoid getting cut resulting in only the from of her shirt and part of her lab coat being cut. However, the duo didn't stop their barrage of slashes, not having much of a choice the alicorn unfolded her wings and flew up out of the pairs reach. Taking a few breaths to gain her bearings; glancing down she watched as Venom looked up at her with a gleam of amusement in their eyes. The unknowns spread their arms before shooting two web strands towards the ceiling. The duo began to back up while still holding their webs and prepared to launch themselves at their opponent.

Figuring out the pairs plan, Twilight began to charge up a magical blast. Seeing this, Venom hissed lowly; suddenly, an idea popped into their head. Inhaling deeply, the symbiotic duo launched themselves at the princess. Twilight prepared to launch her spell; however, before she could release it the pair unleashed a large torrent of green flames with a few traces of purple within it. Caught off guard, Twilight quickly converted her original spell to a shield. Unfortunately, her shield wasn't strong enough to prevent her from being hit with force of the surprise attack knocking her back. This caused her to slam against a wall knocking her out.

"Well that's that." They stated landing in a crouch. If anyone was paying attention they would've heard a slight strain in their voice. It was due to Spike inexperience in using his flames in such a high degree. Standing up straight they glanced outside to see it was still early morning. Grinning they shot a web to a nearby building through an opening in the parking garage. Turning their head towards the downed mares and waved at them. "Well it's been fun. Let's do it again" And with that they swung away. If they looked back they would've seen the hyper pink pony waving back at them.

"Well we should get the others back to the castle. Right Flutters?" Pinkie asked turning to her shy friend. Who was sitting on the ground still wrapped in the black web cocoon. Noticing this, the party pony tilted her head to the side. "Um, Shy don't you want to get out of there?" The cream coated pegasus shook her head with a blush causing Pinkie to raise an eyebrow. "Why not?"

"It's cozy."