• Member Since 24th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Jeweled Pen

Just a girl trying to make it as an freelancer writer. Please check out my stories, both fanfiction and independent works! Any comments are deeply loved and you're all awesome.


This story is a sequel to Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 1: Harmony

Silver Spoon has embraced her role as the Avatar of Discord and Diamond has fallen... or so it seems. Is all hope truly lost? As the world of ponies and spirits begin to mix and ponies rise up to, once again, fight off the power of Discord, more questions arise and the true roles and destiny of the Avatar begins to take hold. Will this be the true end of Harmony, or just the beginning of a new world entirely? The final book in the Avatar series and the culmination of years of work, plotting and scheming awaits.

Image by Silfoe, Amazing work as always.
Special thanks to Angel_Bunny for editing the chapters for me.
Please enjoy!
Full collection:
Avatar the Last Alicorn:
Book 1.
Book 2.
Book 3.
Book 4.

Legend of Diamond Tiara:
Book 1.
Book 2.
Book 3.
Book 4.

Disclaimer: "Avatar: the Last Airbender" and all associated characters, storylines, and materials belong to Nickelodeon and were created by Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino.
My little pony: Friendship is magic and all associated characters, storylines, and materials belong to Hasbro, and was made incredibly awesome by Lauren Faust.

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 27 )

Fiiiine, I'm terrible. Happy now? D: Or was that to the me actually keeping up on the weekly updates? It has only been two weeks, still plenty of time for me to fail terribly.

If it's me being a girl, that's a reveal that got spoiled about 8 seasons ago, over and over. XD

Hope it doesn't change your opinion of them.

Well, here we are, the last season. I made it no secret i wasn't very satisfied with the last book and was keeping my expectations for this one moderate. So how do these first two chapters line up?
So far we've gotten a lot of new status quo establishment and how characters are reacting to it, with plot momentum taking a backseat as the only thing to really happen is the mention of the attack on Vinyl and Octavia's locations. I imagine we will get regular updates on that over the rest of the intro chapters before it kicks something into motion.
As for the charaters, Silver obviously still having doubts over what she's done is pretty predictable if not bad, there really are only two outcomes with minor variations to her at this point. What Gracious Warmth is up to considering we saw her leading the anti-discord group last season is more interesting, as i've always though Sunset would be the best pick for a final villain.
Alicity and Secretary continue to be the best duo in the series and seeing Alicity being proud of his daughter while still committed to stopping her and being frustrating as all get up in the process in both funny and heartwarming. I'm less impressed with Colgate simply because waiting untill the last season to introduce a character isn't the best idea, though if the season is long enough it could still work, she does convay the stress of the situation well. I also have to say that Button and Luna's reunion needs to be shown in some fashion after Luna sat all of last season out.
Overall i'm not the biggest fan of this set up but its perfectly functional, i just hope we get to explore some of the more interesting circumstances of Silver's existance before this is over, even if we've already missed the chance to dedicate a season to it.
Oh and the cover art is great as always

Yup, we're here at last. There's a lot going on, and a lot that will be revealed over the coming story. It's going to be a big one. Some things will be showed up front, others will be shown slowly. All in all, I'm hopeful this story will be good and worth all of your time, and I'm going to try my best to give it the closure the series deserves.

Well I did say we needed more Button and Luna...
This chapter feels like something out of the Star Wars Sequal trilogy; the sweat summer children of the last war having to deal with it turning up again.
This is mostly character work for the main supporting cast, establishing the thoughts they have on Silver’s actions while setting up an action piece for next time. It’s a good use of time. The only other thing we learn is that Diamond has a plan of sorts but is keeping the details scarce.
Good chapter overall.

Early action chapter, good action but not much more then that since the plan went off without a hitch.
The main highlights are a few small character moments like the loyal guards and Tittering at the end. These two chapters work well for showing us what the resistance has been up to and catching us up with another group of leads.

This was not my favorite chapter mostly becasue it felt like a lot of reaffirming stuff we already knew. At least in regards to how our three arc protagonsits feel about Silver. Luna and Celestia do get to show some good leadership points here by keeping things realistic so that's nice. i do like the dynamic the three have but i am worried that we have all three of the best young hero supporting cast right here. The continued different reactions of water nation soilders to Celestia and Luna does remain a nice point of flavor.
The biggest take away from this chapter is that Diamond has something of a long shot plan, and that she was in a funk for a bit. That and the fact that not everyone is thrilled to be betting on such a longshot. Decent chapter but the weakest of the 3 parter.

Moving from three of the series best characters to three, not as the best characters. Acrylic being a worry hound makes sense and i like his interactions with Pinkie. Pinkie is handled much better hear then she ever was in the Avatar series, mostly because the fourth wall and self aware stuff has been considerably toned down. Her as a trickster mentor type is a much better fit for her. I'll be honest when i say Pearl was so much of a background player in Tirek that i forgot her name until she was mentioned in this chapter, she's not a bad character but she really could've used a stronger fondation to work with. Not much else to say on the plot.
What i do want to talk about is the elements, which have been getting not so subtley brought up in this fic (the cover image). I'm almost positive that Diamond, Silver, Button, Acrylic, and Luna are barers, but i'm not sure if Daring is the 6th or not. Either way Button as laugther is a given, Luna as honesty also, but i really hope the twist is that Silver ends up with magic, not Diamond. Kindness honestly fits Diamond a lot more then magic does.

Not much to say on this one given how short it us, catches us up on another group teases the Metal Ochard thing again, etc, its not bad but it was pretty basic.
So True joins the list of traitors, that's fine as there are plenty of reasons oppsoing Silver seems hopeless, but there needs to be consequences fpr doing so, they cannot just be forgiven for this at the end.

Not the biggest fan of this chapter, it was fairly repetitive throughout and I honestly find Prism to be a bit out of character acting this much like his mom.
Only other thing to note is that, unless direct mind control is involved, True cannot get away from this unpunished.

Silver....you didn't have to be the villain, chaos and order are both apart of the natural balance. but you listened to that fool Trixie and now you're alone atop the world.

On to actual commenting..
The previous books in this series have been great, and I look forward to this one.

Hmm imma wait for some more chapters before reading even if its gonna take some years

So, when will you continue this to completion?
I binged Legend of Korra because of this series.
I can't just read what you have and be left hanging.

Actually writing book 8, and the final of the first of the main series in 'No Longer the Hero'. My intention is to return and finish this after that. :)

Oh, right. Just letting you know it has started again. Hoping to get through quite a bit more in this batch.

I am now noticing how low my word counts are compared to my past chapters.

Quality over quantity. While I'd be disappointed in a short, awesome chapter, I'd rather read that than a long, boring one.

Oh, I didn't know you were updating again! What a nice surprise!

Happy to be back, nervous as buck about it. XD

It wouldn't surprise me if Past Discord knew Diamond would be watching from the future.

Well, when you can read the script it allows many possibilities.

16 chapters in and finally some sort of forward momentum.
I like introspection and character development, but the severe lack of any plot momentum has really dragged this story down.
And frankly, retreating back to the plot of the first series saps away narrative interest to begin with.
I really loved the first DT arc, but things have largely been downhill since then, sorry.

18 chapter in and we've only seen one of the two main characters twice, and the other has only been scene once.
I'm sorry, but the pacing in this book has been glacial. Putting aside the fact that the premise is not interesting (we're right back where we starting in the first Avatar Book), nothing that's happened so far has actually advanced the story. All we've gotten is scene dressing and bits of characterization for the side cast. This series has been spinning it's wheels, it's well past time to get to the point.
Silver and Diamond are the emotional core of the story, I like some of these other characters, but they aren't the main appeal.
I know I've said this before, but I really liked the series when Book 1 finished, and seeing the potential slowly waste away has been very disappointing.

Oh, it's over? Dang.

I'd been following your series for years and reading it for even longer than I've had a FiMFiction account, so when I saw yesterday's update in my inbox? Honestly, my first thought was "Yaaassss, new update~ Welcome back (again) queen!"

It was only after I saw the chapter title that I realized it was the end. Felt my stomach drop and everything, and I'm used to seeing fanfics updated sporadically over years or even quietly discontinued.

Well, in any case, thank you for writing this story and sharing it with the world. I'm sad to see it come to a premature end, but at the same time, I'm glad that you've laid this project to rest when it hurt to write new chapters these past few months (years?). Hope you'll still be writing on FiMFic after this, but if not, it's been an honor to be in your audience.

I am sorry. I really did try, but every time I wrote in it, I felt nothing but doubt. I didn't think I really had any fans of it anymore, even, all I'd been hearing was negative feedback on it. I might try and come back to it one day, I just really can't right now.


Trust me, you have nothing to apologize for! Sometimes we outgrow our projects no matter how much we want to keep at it, so there's no shame in stepping away and calling it quits. And as someone who's see waaaaaay too many stories orphaned with vague promises of future updates at best, many of which are (or, if removed, were) hosted on this very site, I'm thankful you at least shared your notes for the rest of the story for closure's sake. It does sting that you weren't getting any positive feedback near the end, but for what it's worth, your crossover series was one of the fanfics that convinced me crossover fics were worth my time. I'll always have a soft spot for The Last Alicorn because of that.

In any case, if you ever decide to come back where you left off or reboot the Last Alicorn series altogether, I'll (hopefully) be here. If not, I hope you find joy and fulfillment in whatever you do now or plan to do, creatively or otherwise.

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