• Published 20th Jun 2019
  • 12,239 Views, 1,467 Comments

Pregnant Noses Know - Irrespective

Princess Celestia and Prince Bean enjoy the ups and downs of pregnancy.

  • ...

14. - Sick Day

The Castle of The Two Sisters was not a place that any pony went to willingly, and that fact was doubly true for Princess Luna. There were too many foul memories of betrayal there, to say nothing of the life she had lived with her own dear husband and child.

Yet now she stood at the old rostrum that had once been the very center of her Kingdom, looking down upon the ruin with a calm, impassive stare. She was expecting company, and her guests were never late.

Hooffalls began to thunder down a distant hallway, and Luna’s expression turned grim. It was time for justice to be served, and she would ensure that it would be poured out in full measure and without mercy.

A small orb of blue smoke materialized behind her, and she refused to look at the creature. “Greetings, Tantabus. I am ready. Do your worst!”

The tantabus wasted no time. It surged to life, with thick black tendrils that lashed out and surrounded the lunar princess in a sphere of pure pitch. Dark magics flooded the hall as Luna cried out in painful agony, but she deserved neither mercy nor relief.

Luna felt the evil pour into her body, corrupting her mind and corroding her soul back to the monster that she had once been. Despite the exquisite pains, a cackle of wicked delight rose from her chest as her teeth deformed and twisted into fangs. This was a power she had loved and nurtured for over a thousand years, fueled by jealousy and hate and strengthened by sisterly affronts and cold rejection.

The ponies of Equestria were fools to believe that she could ever fully turn away from this dark power. It was her, and the all-consuming hatred would never be sated. Her sister’s precious ponies wanted a princess, but they would have a Queen, dark but beautiful, as terrible as the tempestuous sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! Her glorious night would last forever, and all would love her and despair!


The corrupted Queen fired a bolt of magic at her infuriating sister. “Greetings, Celestia! I have been expecting you!”

Celestia parried the shot with her own magic. “What is this madness, Luna?!”

“Madness? You think me mad, do you?” she sneered. “Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all basked in your precious light? There can only be one princess in Equestria, and that princess will be me!”

Another bolt of death magic flared out, rending and tearing at the wall, then the ceiling as it tracted Celestia’s flight to dodge the destruction. Celestia was only able to stay ahead of the devastation by inches, but she refused to counter the magic with her own.

Celestia was so predictable. It was going to be a pleasure to watch her break.

“Luna, I will not fight you!” Celestia proclaimed, her wings flaring as she faced the demon head on. “You must lower the moon! It is your duty!”

“Luna? I am Nightmare Moon!” the twisted Luna replied. “I have but one royal duty now: to destroy you!”

Another beam of death struck, but Celestia teleported away from the danger, reappearing on the far end of the hall. “Oh, dear Sister. You leave me no choice but to use… these!”

Nightmare Moon cackled as Celestia’s magic summoned the mythical Elements of Harmony. “You are a fool! The Elements can not save you now!”

Tears began to streak down Celestia’s cheeks as she positioned the gems in front of her, with the Element of Magic in the center of the circle. “But they are the only thing that can save you.”

Nightmare Moon was done with this infernal charade! With every last bit of magic she could muster, she threw the most powerful magic blast that Equestria would ever see at her horrid sister.

Her heart froze when the blast was met, then slowly driven back by Celestia’s amplified magic. This was impossible! Her sister could not win!

Nightmare Moon screamed out in agony as the Elements of Harmony overpowered her and found their mark. She screamed as the magic carried her up and away, until she had been sealed away in the moon once more.

* * * *

Celestia screamed as she bolted upright in bed. Sweat poured down her face, but it only took a moment for her tears to mingle and flow down her cheeks once more.

“Celly?” Baked Bean’s perfect voice called out in the dark, and a tender hoof touched her shoulder. “What is it? Are you okay?”

“Oh, Bean!” she wailed, her wing reaching out to pull him into her embrace. “It happened again! Luna… she turned into Nightmare Moon, and I… I had to…”

Bean hugged his wife tightly, and his lips caressed her cheek as he gently tried to shush her fears. “It’s okay, Celly. It’s okay. It was just a nightmare, nothing more. It wasn’t real. Luna is still Luna, safe with us here in Canterlot.”

“It was so real,” she whispered with a sob. “It was like I was there, living it all over again.”

“Sister?” Luna’s gentle voice called out, and her cyan eyes betrayed her concern as she entered the bedroom. “I heard a scream. What has happened?”

“Nightmare,” Bean managed through the stranglehold Celestia had on his neck.

“A nightmare? But how?” Luna quickly made her way to Celestia’s side, and with a sweep of a white wing, she found herself within Celestia’s warm embrace. “I am so sorry, Celly! Had I known, I would have banished it before it could afflict you!”

“I know you would have, Lulu,” Celestia said with a sniffle. “Thank you.”

After several long moments filled with warm and comforting hugs, Luna was released from Celestia’s grasp. “What more can I do to help you, Celly?”

“Nothing, dear Lulu,” Celestia said as Bean pecked her cheek. “I am sorry I disturbed your evening. I am fine now, and I will keep my cuddle Bean close for the rest of the night.”

Luna nodded. “Do not hesitate to inform me of any need, Sister. I will be watching your dreams very closely.”

Celestia smiled, but it was a slightly off-centered smile that betrayed an inner embarrassment. “Well, maybe there is one thing you could do for me.”


“Could you, perhaps, run down to the kitchen for me? I think I would feel better if I had a slice of Bean’s rhubarb pie.”

Luna grinned. “With two scoops of pistachio ice cream?”

“Maybe three,” Celestia said.

* * * *

“Truly, Sister, I had no idea,” Luna offered another apology as she followed Celestia out on the balcony. “I have never had a nightmare so close go undetected.”

“It’s fine, Lulu,” Celestia said, her horn lighting to raise the sun. “What truly matters to me is that it was just a dream. I know that it will never be real, and that you will always be here for me.”

Luna laughed lightly as she slid the moon below the horizon. “To say nothing of your devoted husband. Where is he, anyway?”

“Mm ‘ere.” Bean’s mumbled response came with a cough and a shudder. “So cold.”

“Bean?” Celestia quickly put the sun into place, then pulled her pale-looking husband into a hug with a worried frown. “You look terrible.”

“I feel terrible,” he mumbled again. “This hit me out of nowhere. I think I might have caught that feather flu you had a while ago.”

“I doubt that,” Celestia replied, her hoof going to his forehead. “But you are feverish. Let’s get you down to Doctor Horsenpfeffer.”

* * * *

“Feather flu?” Horsenpfeffer scoffed behind her surgical mask, and she tugged her exam gloves on with a snap. “If you do have it, I’m going to write you up in every medical journal there is. Feather flu only affects ponies with feathers.”

Bean mumbled something, but he had no energy to make it coherent. It had taken all that he had just to get back to his bed from the balcony, and even then, Celestia had levitated him most of the way like she was towing a fuzzy balloon.

“I am willing to believe you have the regular flu, however,” the doctor went on, a tongue depressor in hoof. “Say ‘ah.’ There’s been a recent outbreak. What I really want to know is how you missed getting the flu shot. I know I got the Princesses.”

“Don’t remind me,” Luna grumbled, her hoof absentmindedly reaching back to rub her right flank. “The needle you used was as big as my horn, I swear.”

“I’ll use a bigger one next year if I have to track you down again,” Horsenpfeffer threatened. “So, let’s run down the symptoms. Tired and achy? Chills? Cough? Stuffy nose? Sore throat?”

Bean nodded weakly to all of them.

“Say ‘ah’ again.” Horsenpfeffer produced a cotton swab in her magic and stuck it in his mouth. “Hold still for me, I need to swab the back of your throat. I’m gonna gag you just a bit… and done.” She turned as Bean coughed, sticking the swab in a container and capping it tightly. “Okay. Given your symptoms, I am ninety eight point six percent sure that you have the flu. If that swab comes up with something else, I’ll let you know. For now, there’s two main things you need: rest, and fluids. Drink as much water as you can, but throw in some orange juice here and there. Other than that, you just have to ride this thing out. Hopefully you’ll be over it in a couple of days, but it can take upwards of a week to fully recover. The more you rest, the sooner you’ll get better.

“Make sure he eats every now and then, too,” Horsenpfeffer went on, her attention moving to Celestia. “But I doubt he’ll have much of an appetite. With the sore throat, you want to make the meals easy-to-swallow things, like mashed potatoes and applesauce. Warm broth would be good, too.”

“Baby food,” croaked Bean.

“For the big baby,” continued the doctor. “Some chamomile tea might help his sore throat, or you can try some honey lemon. I would tell you to avoid contact, but I might as well go tell the sky to be pink while I’m at it. Just let me know if you feel the onset of any symptoms, so I can quarantine you as soon as possible. That goes for you too, Princess Luna.”

“What is the probability of us becoming ill?” Luna asked, a note of worry in her voice.

“Honestly? Probably pretty low. You’ve had the flu shot, and you alicorns have superpowered immune systems anyway. I doubt there’s much threat to you directly. I would keep others away from him, though. Especially Wysteria, if she happens to stop in. That’s the last thing she needs right now.”

“I am sure Bean will be persuaded to stay here, in bed and away from everypony else,” Celestia said with a soft smile. “Thank you, Doctor.”

“My pleasure. Let me know if you need anything else.”

“Shall I cancel Day Court, Celly?” Luna asked as Horsenpfeffer packed her black bag and left. “Or perhaps I should take your place.”

“I believe we shall cancel it for today,” Celestia said, her smile growing as she pointed to Bean with a hoof. “Though I don’t think there’s much I can do for him while he’s sleeping.”

Luna chuckled. Baked Bean was snoring softly, having curled up into a tight ball, and her magic reached out to tuck the blanket tightly around him. “He reminds me of my Twilight. My heart would break in two whenever she was sick.”

“You used to dote on her so carefully,” Celestia said as they tiphooved to the door. “I suppose this gives me a chance to dote upon him?”

“As if you do not do that already,” Luna countered with a playful huff. “We shall say you are practicing for the inevitable moment when Nilla will catch a cold.”

“My daughter?” Celestia gasped. “Never! I shall incinerate every last germ known to ponykind before I let that happen!”

Luna paused, and one eyebrow made a move towards her mane. “I fear you may be telling the truth.”

“I do not think such a purge would end well for anything larger than the germs,” Celestia said. “Sergeants?”

“Your Highness!” Pokey and Clover snapped a crisp salute.

“Prince Bean has come down with the flu, and he needs to rest. See to it that he’s not disturbed until I return.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Thank you. Luna, would you mind helping me with the petitioners for today? If there are any who are not from Canterlot, we should make arrangements to have them stay, or at least to get a written statement from them.”

Luna nodded and fell into step next to her sister. “Of course. Is Wysteria scheduled to come in today?”

“She is. She wanted to speak with Trixie and update her notes. We should probably have her stay home, shouldn’t we?”

“At least until we are sure that she is not at risk for infection.”

“Very well. I will have Miss Trixie send her a scroll immediately.”

“Why don’t I go find Miss Lulamoon, and you can begin with the petitioners?” Luna suggested. “If yesterday was any indication, there will be a sizable queue already.”

“That may be for the best. I will meet you in the throne room.”

Luna gave her sister a short hug before moving down an adjacent hallway. The news of Celestia’s nightmare was most troublesome, and now that she had a moment, she needed to deal with the issue. The tantabus’ strength was growing stronger, and it was clear that she needed to put tighter controls and stricter regulations upon her creation. While she did not believe it had directly entered Celestia’s dream, the tantabus had obviously tainted it from a distance, and that was unacceptable.

But such controls could be easily placed, and in short order. Once that was completed, she would resume her normal activities, and double check her work that evening, when she had more time to spare.

Her dear sister had already suffered far more than she should have for Luna’s sake. After tonight, Luna would be sure that her self inflicted punishment would only punish her, as it was meant to.

* * * *

“This is going to be a long day, isn’t it?” Sergeant Clover Leaf huffed in a low voice. “I hate just standing around.”

“I’ll take a break in the action,” Sergeant Hokey Pokey replied. “I need a down day to sort out everything.”

“What?” Clover gave Pokey a mischievous grin. “Is your marefriend causing problems?”

“Sergeant Pokey!” Lieutenant Spear Point’s voice boomed as he rounded the corner, his eyes burning with fury.

“That answer your question?” Pokey grumbled.

“Let's have a little chat about your marefriend, shall we?” Lieutenant Point’s voice was frighteningly soft, and he produced a manila folder with his magic. "Do you know what she's been up to lately?"

“Not completely, sir, no. She always changes the subject when I ask.”

“Let me fill you in, then,” Lieutenant Point sarcastically drawled, his magic flipping the folder open. “Here we go. Yesterday, oh nine thirty, Chrysalis leaves your house. Oh nine thirty nine, we received a report from a local newsstand about the theft of thirty three crossword puzzle books. At ten fourteen, a complaint was filed about a run-by fruiting by two pegasi who were across the street from a produce stand. The assailant was described as ‘a svelte grey unicorn who looked like she’d been dipped in candle wax.’”

Clover let out a snicker, but promptly stuffed it back down her throat when Spear Point glared at her. “I’ll make sure to pass along your sympathies for their loss, Sergeant.”

“Sorry, sir.”

“Eleven forty one, a trespassing call came in from the Royal Library. Seems a vagrant green unicorn—it was assumed she was a vagrant, given her overall greasy appearance—was caught moving a sizeable stack of self-help books into the fantasy section, but fled the scene before security could detain her. Twelve twenty, a food cart in the Quarter District reports the theft of four hayburgers, two servings of onion rings, a large soda, and six extra-stuffed mozzarella sticks. Twelve forty one, private security at the east observation deck attempts to detain a greasy blue pegasus for throwing litter off the side of Mount Canter. Thirteen twelve, a report comes in from the owner of The Wooden Spoon regarding an oddly shiny trespasser who was caught putting pepper in their salt shakers and salt in the pepper shakers, and then leaving all of the lids loose. Thirteen fifty five, another newsstand reports the theft of their entire stock of crossword puzzle books. I could go on, but I think you get the drift.

“Pokey, let me lay this out very clearly for you: this can not continue. At the least, dealing with these nuisance reports is a waste of horsepower and resources, and at the worst, your marefriend is probing our defenses so she can figure out how to take us down."

"With crossword puzzle books, sir?" said Pokey.

The good Lieutenant stopped for a moment with his jaw still working, like he was grinding his teeth down to the gumline, then continued in sharp, individual words like the spearpoints of his namesake. "I don't care, and I don't care what the Princesses have said. If this keeps up, I'm going to lock her in the most secure, cold, clammy cell in the deepest section of the dungeons and claim 'unexplained dynamic shifts in battlefield paradigms' if asked. Either you get her under control, or I will. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir. Crystal clear, sir.”

Lieutenant Spear Point snorted, then marched away without further comment. Once the two guards were somewhat sure that he wouldn't make a surprise encore appearance, Clover Leaf let out a low whistle.

“Wow. Did you know she did all that?”

“I knew about the crossword puzzles. She wouldn’t tell me where or how she’d gotten them last night, but she kept giggling and grinning to herself like an idiot, so I figured she’d stolen them and I’d get stuck with the bill.”

“And you just let her get away with it?”

“Had to. Any time I brought up the subject, she’d stick her hooves in her ears and start chanting loudly.” Pokey shook his head and drew in a long breath. “Honestly, I’m ready to throw her in the dungeons myself. It’s infuriating, you know? I want to believe she can behave, but then she pulls a stunt like that, and I just want to throttle her. I don’t know if I can tolerate her acting like this.”

“Oh, c’mon now, Sergeant!” Discord’s unwelcome voice suddenly cut into the conversation, and the draconequus burst in with a blinding flash. “I really thought you and the bug had hit it off! Just think of the cute little ponlings you’ll have! Or would they be Changnies? Pegadrones?”

“Is there any particular reason you’re here, or are you just stopping by to be annoying?” Pokey snapped. “And why are you dressed like that?”

Discord let out a humpf of annoyance, tilted back the bowl-shaped helmet on his head, and tugged on the bottom of his green military-looking dress coat. “Well, I was trying to fit in, but there’s obviously no accounting for taste. Maybe if I give myself a few more meritorious medals for bravery and courage?” Discord examined one of the many medals on his chest before popping it into his mouth. “Oh, where are my manners. Care for a mint?”

“I’ll pass, thanks,” the pegasus sergeant replied dryly.

“Discord, as a duly designated representative of Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia, I order you to cease any and all chaotic activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the next convenient parallel dimension,” Clover said, keeping her tone as professional as possible.

“Oh poo.” Discord pouted. “But I just got here, and those stairs are murder on my dogs.”

“Please don’t clarify that with some morbid visual. I happen to like dogs,” Clover added quickly hoping to cut off the trickster before he once again turned her off to something else she once loved.⁽*⁾

⁽*⁾She still couldn’t stomach chocolate milk, and that had been one of her favorite drinks.

“You guards are just as boring as Celestia sometimes, you know that?” Discord groaned. “Good thing Pokey is here to help make things interesting. In fact, that’s why I’m here! I have a special invitation for you.”

“No, not in a million years, no,” Pokey instantly replied.

“Oh, come now. You haven’t even heard what it is yet.”

“Don’t care. The last time you gave a pony an invitation to anything, Wysteria came back pregnant. With twins! Whatever it is you’re trying to sell, I’m not buying.”

“I thought we already established that Wysteria was going to get knocked up, even if I hadn’t interferred.” Discord huffed and folded his arms tightly. “You try to do something nice for a pony, and look what happens. If I wasn’t reformed, I’d be seriously tempted to stick your wings on your head.”

Pokey glared at Discord for a moment, but then his stance softened. “Fine, fine. What is this invitation of yours?”

Discord’s mood flipped instantly, and he snapped to attention with a devious grin. “That’s more like it! Sergeant, Colonel Discord has been on the lookout for the most elite soldiers to join the newly created Chaos Corps, and you’ve managed to catch his eye. Do you think you have what it takes? Are you ready to fight alongside your Colonel, and give me your five bits, if it comes to that? Will you bring a sack lunch and some orange slices, and serve your country? What say you?!”

“Chaos Corps? Really?” Pokey asked flatly. “Why would any guard want to be a part of something like that?”

“We have dental,” announced Discord, pulling out a chattering set of dentures.

“Pass,” said Pokey.

“But wait, there’s more!” Discord pulled a bedazzled podium from the sky, instantaneously changed into a silver sequined tuxedo, and gestured with his paw to the Royal Carriage that was now in the middle of the hallway on a spinning platform. “Don’t change that channel! I know this offer sounds too good to be true—”

“That’s the understatement of the week,” Clover muttered.

“—but for a limited time, I'll even throw in a doubling of your rank! Call now, Captain, operators are standing by!” Discord snapped his paw and returned everything to normal. “Now then, where did that charming Bean get to? I was going to invite him to come play a game of canasta at my house, but I haven’t seen him all day.”

“The Prince is ill and requires rest. If you wish to talk to the Princesses they are in the throne room,” Pokey said.

“One of them is,” Discord corrected. “The other one is working some dark arcane magics at the moment to keep her little pet at bay.”

“What pet?” Clover asked as Discord started to gift-wrap a box labelled ‘Genuine Shadow Monstrosity Litter Box With Fresh Step Scent.’

“Never you mind. Forget I mentioned it,” Discord replied. “Tell me, what afflicts the poor prince? Scurvy? Lurgi? The plague? The pox? Tennis elbow? Infomercials? I have some handy cures for all of those, you know. I am a licenced doctor in five and a half other dimensions.”

“He’s got the flu,” Pokey said, his hoof on the bridge of his nose. “Celestia doesn’t want him to be disturbed.”

“The flu? How quaint. I remember the flu,” Discord mused. “Nothing at all like Symbalene Blood Burn. Now that is a fun disease! Imagine setting your insides on fire—”

“Is there any chance we could not have this conversation right now?” Baked Bean asked. “I already feel like I’m burning up.”

“Sir!” Clover and Pokey whirled and saluted. “So sorry to disturb you, sir!”

“Wasn’t you,” he murmured with a sniffle, and he pulled the blanket he was wearing tight around his neck. “Had to throw up. Where is Celly?”

“Cancelling Day Court, sir. She wishes to remain with you for the day.”

“She’s got better things to do than fuss over me.” Bean stepped out and began to walk down the hall.

“Where are you going, sir?” Clover called out.

“First, kitchen. Gonna get some broth going. Then gonna tell Celly to hold Day Court.”

“I think it would be better if you stayed in your room, sir,” Pokey said.

“I’m sick, not dead,” he grumbled. “I can handle broth. Just take a minute.”

“You’re also contagious,” Discord added before imprisoning the prince in a giant glass dome. “Sorry, Bean-o, but I’m going to have to agree with Chrissy’s coltfriend on this one. If you get the staff sick, then the ambient chaos that comes with bureaucracy will be affected, and I can’t have that.”

“Discord, let me out.” Bean tried to level the request with some sort of authority, but it came out with a wheeze and a cough, along with a wet noseprint against the inside of his glass prison. “I’m not going to infect anypony.”

“And Celestia is really a changeling in disguise,” Discord shot back. “Not happening, Bean. In fact…”

With a snap, Bean found himself back in his bed, a thermometer in his mouth and an ice pack on his head. For a moment, he tried to wriggle out, but he was forced to give up when the blankets slithered around him and held fast.

“There. Now, you just lay there and think healing thoughts,” Discord ordered. “Pokey and Clover will handle the broth, and Nurse Discord will stay right here to take care of you until Celestia gets done with her day.”

Bean blinked at the sight of Discord in green scrubs, his face obscured by a surgical mask and surgeon’s cap. “You’re seriously going to sit here all day?”

“All day,” Discord confirmed. “It is the mark of a good friend that they are willing to make great sacrifices, enduring the worst of boredom in order to remain at their side during terrible events such as this. I shall be your rock, your faithful companion through thick and even thicker, never leaving your presence until this dastardly disease has been properly vanquished.”

...ten minutes later

“Bean?” Celestia’s voice came at the door with a soft knock. “Are you awake, my love?”

“I am. I thought you were going to Day Court.”

“Day Court has been cancelled for today,” Celestia said. “Trixie is making the final arrangements for the petitioners to meet with me later. Right now, my sole focus is you.”

Bean smiled as his wife pushed in a cart piled high with various sugary treats, a small tea set, and a large pot of what smelled like vegetable broth. She took one look at the cardboard cutout of Discord sitting to the side of the bed with a cardboard teacup, shook her head, and made to respond, only Bean managed to speak up first. “Well, I'm positive you’ve got better things to do, but since Discord got bored and left, I’ll take what you have. I see you are a proponent of the ‘feed a fever, stuff a cold so full that it explodes’ philosophy?”

“I have found it to be an effective battle strategy,” Celestia said with a smile. “And there is some work we can accomplish while I tend to you.”

Bean sat up, wiggled to make room for his beloved on the bed, and hummed as she wrapped a warm wing over him. “Good. I hate to think that you put everything on hold for me.”

Celestia gave his cheek a kiss, and levitated a mug of broth over to them both. There was a tender twinkle in her eye as she gently blew the steam away for a few moments, and she waited until he took the offered mug and enjoyed a small slurp.

“Thank you,” he offered.

“Of course, my love,” she replied in a soft and soothing tone. “You took such good care of me when I was sick, after all. It is only fair that I return the favor.”

“So, what do we need to work on?” he asked with another slurp.

“The main thing I would like to work on is preparations for the Grand Galloping Gala. It is still a few months away, but we need to begin to plan for it now. I have a tentative guest list to review with you, and we will need to make some decisions on the caterers and entertainment.”

“Did you invite my family?”

“All of them are on the list, yes.”

Bean nodded. “I was pretty extra sure you would invite them. What else?”

Celestia’s ears folded back slightly. “We still need to review the list of candidates for Nilla’s tutors. I would also like to discuss the decision we made regarding a governess.”

Bean’s ears flicked, but he wiggled a bit to be closer to his love. “Do you still want one?”

“I would like to propose a compromise,” Celestia said. “While I support your desire to be a part of Nilla’s life, there will be times like these where it would be helpful to have—let’s say an assistant, rather than a governess. We both know that Miss Trixie still wishes to return to her travelling magician act, and I believe she will tender her resignation once the weather becomes favorable for travel again. When she leaves, it will be difficult for Wysteria to accomplish all of her duties and to care for her twins.”

“So, you’d like to find a replacement for Trixie, in essence.”

“More or less,” Celestia confirmed. “But she would not be a secretary, like Trixie has been. I envision a personal assistant, or a ‘go-fer’ if you will. This would be a pony who could take care of our small personal needs when we are busy.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad to me,” he replied with another sip from his mug. “Did you have anypony in mind?”

“Nopony yet, but it would be wise to begin vetting potential candidates.”

Bean hummed, and he rested his pounding head on her soft shoulder. “I think you have a good point. I will acquiesce to my personal pony princess, since you are so convincing.”

Celestia chuckled when his hoof reached up and began to stroke the fluff on her chest. “Excellent. I am glad we were able to come to terms. Here, drink this. It will help soothe your throat.”

Bean tenderly sipped from the teacup that she presented, then took another long drink. “Honey lemon water?”

“A personal favorite of mine,” Celestia said. “I can also have some peppermint tea made, if you would like some.”

“Let’s see what this does for me,” he said. “And thank you.”

It only took a small nudge from Celestia to convince Bean to lay down, her magic taking the broth and tea from him as he did so. He offered a small, contented sigh as her wing began to stroke his back, and he allowed the motions to draw away his aches.

“How do you do it?” he softly asked. “How do you manage to make me feel so wonderful?”

“The answer to that is very simple. All I have to do is love you, just as you love me.”

Bean didn’t reply, and Celestia smiled as his breathing moved to the steady rhythm of sleep. Her dear husband needed as much rest as possible, and she was determined to see him through his illness, even if she had to cancel every appointment she had.

Her hoof continued to trace soft patterns across his cheek, and a peaceful tingle of delight began to flow out from her heart. Despite the lengthy life that she had lived, there were still so many new and wondrous experiences that she was being introduced to because of her precious Bean. She had always loved all of her little ponies, of course, and her every waking moment was filled with tending to their needs to the best of her abilities. But here, for the first time, she was caring for just one of them, one who held her heart in devotion and awe.

It was quite the curious thing. Celestia couldn’t even begin to count how many times she’d offered words of comfort and solace to her little ponies during their trials and tribulations, but there was something distinctly different about her concern now that it was an intimate member of her life. The explanation was simple enough—while she did truly care for all ponies, the love for her Bean was a different type of love, one born from intimacy and time. She knew Baked Bean, in all of the possible definitions that came with that, and that knowledge fundamentally changed her perceptions on the matter.

A round of coughs from Bean broke her concentration, and he groaned once he was done. “Ugh. I hate being sick.”

“The feeling is mutual,” she said.

* * * *

“Sister?” Luna knocked on the solar door, and she hesitantly nudged it open. “May I intrude?”

“Come in, Lulu. Bean is asleep at the moment.”

Luna tiphoofed into the room, a bouquet of lavender floating alongside in her magic. “How is he doing?”

“There hasn’t been much of a change,” Celestia said. “The honey lemon water does seem to be helping his throat, at least.”

“These should help as well.” Luna placed the flowers at the foot of the bed, and she snuck a truffle from the small pile of treats on the table next to her sister. “Will you be cancelling Day Court tomorrow?”

“I wish I could, but I have inconvenienced enough ponies today already. I will attend to my duties tomorrow as scheduled, but I will make sure that there is somepony nearby to take care of his needs.”

Luna nodded, but then glanced at the scroll that was floating before Celestia. “What is that?”

“The tentative guest list for the Grand Galloping Gala. Shall I add you as one of the emcees?”

“I appreciate the offer, but I believe I will decline again. If this Gala is anything like the previous Galas, I will be busy taking care of several new and inventive nightmares.”

“You’re just saying that because I put Discord on the list.” Celestia stuck out her tongue at her sister.

“And why, praytell, did you decide to invite him?”

“He would be there anyway. Besides, I’m hoping he’ll liven things up. Just imagine how boring it will be without him! Bean’s first Gala should be a memorable one.”

“With Discord, it is assured. Shall we draw up succession plans, just in case something happens to you two?”

“Har har,” Celestia said with a smile. “I doubt Discord will do anything too wild, since Fluttershy and Twilight’s other friends will be in attendance.”

“I would urge caution, Sister. Fluttershy and Bean are the only true friends he has at the moment. The other Element Bearers still harbor a fair amount of distrust because of his betrayal. If Fluttershy attends the Gala with another friend, the perceived slight might encourage him to do something rash.”

“I trust him,” Celestia said. “He still has much to learn about friendship, and I think the Gala will provide him with valuable learning opportunity.”

Luna shook her head and chuckled. “I will never fully understand your machinations, but I trust your judgement. You did say he could be reformed, despite my objections. Just be prepared for anything, since this is Discord we speak of.”

“Thank you, Lulu, but everything will be fine. What’s the worst that could happen?”

* * * *

Chrysalis hummed a cheerful tune to herself as her pencil practically flew across the page before her. This crossword stood no chance against her vast and superior intellect, and once she completed this last minor challenge, the book would be vanquished entirely.

It was certainly a good thing that she had liberated so many crosswords. At this rate, she would have a dozen books completed by the end of the week.

A knock interrupted her inevitable triumph, and she snorted in annoyance as she hopped off Pokey’s couch and changed into her grey pony disguise. “This had better be good. I hate it when my crosswords are interrupted.”

She snarled a bit as she ripped the front door open, but then she took a step backward. Those golden googly eyes were familiar from somewhere, and they creeped her out.

“Are you Q. Chris A-Lis?” the pegasus with the weird eyes asked.

“Who’s asking?”

“I have a singing telegram for you!” The pegasus cheerfully said, and she drew in a deep breath. Before she could launch into her song, however, Chrysalis stuffed a hoof in her mouth.

“No singing!” she ordered. “I can’t stand it when you ponies sing. It’s like you go around looking for any excuse to break into a choreographed routine. Just give me the message.”

“But I have to sing it.” The deliverymare pouted. “It’s my job.”

“Tell you what. Here’s five bits to forget the singing, and I’ll tell anypony that asks that you did sing. Fair enough?”

The googly-eyed pegasus nodded, took the bits, and produced a thick envelope from her saddlebags. “I didn’t really want to sing it, anyway. It’s really, really long, and it didn’t make any sense. Here you go!”

Chrysalis snatched the envelope away and slammed the door before prancing back to the couch. The contents were quickly extracted, and she giggled as she read the opening paragraph. “‘How to Molt, by Mandible. Dedicated to my most beloved and generous Queen, who most certainly did not threaten to coat me in royal armor wax and dunk me in a volcano if I didn’t provide this information.’ Ah, Mandible, you delightful little bug! I knew your bizzare crush on me would be useful one day.”

Chrysalis cackled as she looked over the instructions. It would take some time to prepare herself and to perform all of the steps that were outlined, but her mind was filled with possibilities. To think that she was in a lesser, weaker body at the moment, but she could have access to a stronger and more glorious self! She was sure that there was an ultimate form hiding somewhere within her, and that molting would reveal a Chrysalis that would be both invulnerable and invincible.

“Soon, ponies. Soon,” Chrysalis said with a lick of her lips. “You have no idea the doom that awaits you. Once I transform into my new and more powerful body, every last drop of love in Equestria will be mine.”

* * * *