• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 3,451 Views, 572 Comments

Scarlet - Skijarama

Forced to leave her peaceful hometown and flee for her life alongside a mysterious orphan filly named Primrose, New Equestrian war-veteran Scarlet Frost will have to use every resource at her disposal just to stay alive.

  • ...


Scarlet had many ideas about what Hell would ultimately be like when the time came for her to die. She had considered it perhaps an endless abyss of fire and ash that would burn at immortal flesh until the end of time itself, with her only company being the agonized wails of fellow damned souls. She had pondered maybe it would be more personal; that she would be forced to endlessly confront her misdeeds and mistakes over and over until her mind finally snapped.

When Crystal had first been born, she had decided that Hell would consist entirely of being trapped in an empty room with a crying baby that just wouldn’t shut up. Then, when Crystal died, that perception had changed. Hell had become a world where her daughter was no longer alive.

With all of that in mind, she was understandably confused when Hell turned out to be a nice, comfortable bed and a distinct lack of pain. In fact, the extent of her discomfort was a general stiffness that one would associate with lying still for a long time. Plus, she was thirsty and hungry, but that was more of a footnote, really.

Scarlet cracked her eyes open with a quiet, bewildered groan. She was tucked into a very nice bed in a room that appeared to have been chiseled by hoof out of the side of a mountain. A green cluster was attached to the ceiling, providing gentle emerald illumination. Various shelves and compartments were dug into the walls, each one stocked to the point of bursting with medical supplies.

“...Am I alive?” Scarlet asked in a dry rasp. She racked her brain, trying to recall what had happened. Everything up until her point-blank artillery blast was clear, but beyond that it became fuzzy, to say the least. She knew the battle carried on for quite some time, and she knew she had sustained increasingly grievous wounds as the ordeal progressed. She vaguely recalled hearing the voices of Lens and Primrose, but after that… nothing.

Her eyes darted down to her body, hidden beneath the blankets. She went to light up her horn and lift them to get a look at the damage, but stopped when a sharp throb of pain stabbed through her skull. She inhaled sharply through clenched teeth, her eyes screwing shut in pain. She took a few deep breaths. Magic exhaustion. She had felt it enough in the past to recognize the sensation.

Grimacing and groaning, she tried a different approach, lifting the blanket with her hoof instead. To her surprise, the fur on her chest and forelegs was noticeably thinner compared to the rest of her, indicating that it was still growing back after her artillery spell burned it away. The rest of her body was covered in thick bandage wraps with irregular blots of dark crimson.

“...What the hell happened?” she asked after a moment of bewilderment. She allowed the blanket to drop and closed her eyes, trying as hard as she could to pick out any more details. Sadly, her mind refused to yield its secrets, leaving her with more questions than answers. What had happened after she blacked out? Was Silent still on the loose? Were Prim and Lens alright? What about the griffon attack?

So many questions assaulted her mind, each one draining her already limited mental strength more and more. Eventually, it all became too much, and she drifted back into a restless slumber.

She drifted in and out of consciousness for what felt like ages, and each time felt almost like she was repeating her initial awakening; confusion, thoughts, the struggle to remember, and the onslaught of questions that left her emotionally drained until her own exhaustion lulled her back to sleep. Every once in a while, she could have sworn she could hear a two-toned voice saying things when her eyes were closed, but she could never make out the words.

The pattern at last changed after what felt like the millionth time. Scarlet grimaced and slowly opened her eyes to the sight of a vibrant pink changeling mare with ruby-red eyes standing over her. She was humming a little tune to herself as she worked, and Scarlet soon realized that the mare was pulling her bandages away.

“Okay, looking good…” she mumbled to herself. “Bleeding’s stopped, fur’s growing back… Bit of atrophy, but that’s to be expected…”

Scarlet blinked, not quite sure what to do or say in this scenario. A few seconds passed where the changeling turned, drifting the blood-marked bandages into a nearby wooden bin for disposal. That done, she turned back and pulled Scarlet’s blankets up to tuck her in. It was then that the changeling’s gaze met Scarlet’s. She let out a surprised yip, like a startled puppy, and sprang back with a buzz of her wings.

Scarlet blinked again before taking a breath. The changeling took a moment to calm down before offering her a cheerful smile. “Oh! You’re awake!” she said.

Scarlet slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position. She grimaced in pain as she went, her body complaining with a series of aches and pains. “Y-yeah, I… I am,” she acknowledged with a dumbfounded nod. She lifted up a hoof and turned it over a few times, still not entirely sure any of this was real. “Where am I? What happened to me?”

The changeling stepped forward and placed a hoof on Scarlet’s shoulder to gently nudge her back into a lying position. “It’s okay. You’re in the central healing hive. You had a very close call, Miss Frost,” she said. She gave Scarlet a tender smile. “You were severely burned, your muscles had sustained intense damage, and you had been stabbed through the back with a sharpened blade.”

Scarlet’s eyes widened. “Stabbed through the back…?” she asked, a hoof wandering up to feel at her chest. Now that she thought about it, there was a noticeable mark on her chest. It tingled with a distant phantom pain, and she grimaced. “I… don’t really remember that. It all gets fuzzy after a point…”

The changeling shrugged. “That’s to be expected. You were halfway through death’s door when Lady Flurry Heart reached you.”

Scarlet turned to the changeling. “Flurry? Flurry Heart saved me?”

The changeling nodded cheerfully. “She sure did, although she didn’t do it alone. You really have Primrose and Sharp Lens to thank. They lent Flurry as much energy as they could to save you, and they just barely managed to bring you back from the brink. You were still in critical condition for several days, but with some time and a lot of effort, I was able to fix you up.”

Scarlet stared at the changeling for a few seconds before reaching a hoof up to her chest. She lowered her head to hide her face behind her mane, her lips tugging up into a warm smile. “Primrose… Lens… they did all that for me?” she asked if only to hear the words again.

“They did,” the changeling replied with a grin. “You’re a lucky mare, miss Frost. The love those two have for you has been palpable every time they came in to check on you.”

Scarlet took a deep breath and let it out, her smile growing. She should have known. Lens was a stubborn stallion, and Primrose had a heart too big for her little chest. If ever there was someone to break all the rules and save a mare who was beyond even a goddess’ power to save, it would be those two, wouldn’t it?

She lifted her eyes to the changeling again. “What about Silent Edge, or the griffon attack? What happened to them?” she asked.

The changeling shifted on her hooves, an uncomfortable grimace on her face. “A-ah, well… The attack was successfully stopped by Hraesvalgr and Lady Flurry Heart. I’m not sure who this Silent Edge is, but I can only assume that he was defeated as well. We suffered pretty heavy losses, though, and the entrance is having to be completely rebuilt.”

Scarlet let off a quiet sigh. “I see… you have my condolences.”

The changeling shook her head, her smile returning. “Thank you, miss, but we all knew something like that was going to happen someday. It was only a matter of time before Sanctuary was discovered,” she said before her horn lit up with a soft green light. “Now hold still, please.”

Scarlet held still as the changeling ran a few spells over her, no doubt scanning for any leftover damage. After a few minutes, the magic ended, and the changeling beamed. “Well, it looks like you’re ready to be up and about, miss Frost! Just try and take it easy, okay? You’re healed, but your muscles and magic are gonna be pretty weakened after all that misuse. Go slow and steady, and rest when you need to. If anything starts hurting again, come right back and see me right away.”

Scarlet nodded and slowly pulled herself off the bed. As the changeling had said, her muscles were stiff and sore, and she could tell already that she was far from where she had been before. She could tell that her magic was in similar straights, remembering how she hadn’t even been able to lift her bedsheets when she first woke up. Still, weak was better than dead, she supposed. “Thank you,” she said. “What’s your name?”

The changeling held a hoof to her heart and bowed her head. “My name is Scalene. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Frost.”

Scarlet hesitated for a moment before smiling. She mirrored Scalene’s bow with one of her own. “The pleasure is mine, Scalene. I do believe I owe you my life.”

Scalene shot up with a tin blush forming on her already pink cheeks. She gave off a sheepish giggle. “Eheh, no, you don’t. Again, Lens and Primrose, those are the two deserving of your thanks. I’m just a medical drone doing my job!”

Scarlet rolled her eyes. “Yes, and your job was to save my life.”

“W-well, yes, but…”

Scarlet chuckled and gave a shake of her head. “Oh, just take the compliment, damn you,” she said lightly before meeting Scalane’s gaze again. “Now, do you know where Primrose and Lens are? I… I’d like to see them.”

Scalene was quick to compose herself. She cleared her throat and nodded toward the hole in the wall. “Oh, they should be by the entrance of Sanctuary. They came by this morning to tell me where to find them if you woke up. I can show you the way if you’d like?”

Scarlet smiled. “Yes, I’d like that very much.”

Scarlet couldn’t help but wince from time to time as Scalene led her through the streets of Sanctuary, equally due to the onset of tiredness and the unfortunate sights around her. Many buildings had suffered some small amount of damage, with stray bits of rubble and dried bloodstains here and there.

For the most part, however, the locals seemed none the worse for wear. The mood had dropped, yes, but something was counteracting the general air of depression Scarlet would expect to see in the aftermath of a large scale battle. Many of the changelings were actually smiling as they went about their day. Nymphs that went scampering by visibly had a spring to their steps. In general, there was an almost electric buzz of enthusiasm about something that she was, as of yet, unaware of.

“Say, Scalene?” she asked as they stepped into the entrance chamber.

“Yes, Miss Frost?”

Scarlet waved a hoof dismissively. “Oh, just Scarlet is fine,” she corrected before looking around. “But, I’m curious… why is everyone so happy?”

Scalene tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

Scarlet looked over at one set of changelings. They were busy rebuilding a collapsed home, but the looks on their faces were alight with eager excitement. “...I’ve seen more than a few towns in the aftermath of a large scale battle,” Scarlet began, a small ping of guilt forming in her chest. She forced it down for the moment. “Most of the time, the locals would be downcast from the event. Things would be quiet and somber, but here… everyone seems excited.”

Scalene looked around for a moment before a look of comprehension dawned on her face. “Ooooh, that! Well,” she turned back to Scarlet as they reached the tunnel that led outside. “Lady Flurry announced this morning that the lamp is going to be opened today! Her aunt, Twilight Sparkle, and all of her friends are finally coming back to the world!”

Scarlet’s ears perked up, and she looked on to Sanctuary once again. Now it made sense. They had suffered a horrible tragedy, yes, but it was immediately being followed up with the fulfillment of an ancient promise; one that, with any luck, might finally begin to make their lot in this vast, broken world just a little better.

She smiled. “I see… I’m glad, then, that they have something to smile about. It’s hard to find joy so soon after a tragedy like this…”

“Speaking from personal experience?” Scalene deduced quietly.

Scarlet’s smile faded. “...Yes.”

“I won’t ask,” Scalene said with a raised hoof and a gentle smile. “Anyways, Lens and Primrose should be just up the hill to your right when you step outside. I think you know the way from here, yes?”

“Yes, I do. Thank you,” Scarlet thanked. She gave Scalene a nod before turning to make her way down the tall cavernous tunnel. She saw the light at the end, and for a fraction of a second, she toyed with the notion that maybe this was where she was going to die. She managed to chase away the thought with a short laugh, however. She was alive, and it was time she started acting like it.

She stepped out into the warm light of the afternoon sun, and her muscles began to relax. There wasn’t a cloud in sight, and while the damage to the orchards was still evident, the rest of the valley was the very picture of natural beauty. Flowers were blooming all across the scene, gently wavering in the breeze. A few petals drifted through the air, swirling around before vanishing into the distance.

She turned to the right, spotting a natural trail formed into the mountainside, heading up at a steep angle. Grimacing, she set off, taking it slow and steady so as to not upset her abused muscles any further. She had to stop and rest several times on the way, and the journey took several minutes longer than it would have if she had been at full strength.

But, at long last, she reached the top. The trail widened out into a widened bluff that offered a breathtaking view of the entire valley. She could see all of it from here, from the burned orchards to the sparkling water of the lake, to the very spot where Spike had first brought them in. She paused for a second to soak it in, taking a deep breath.

She lowered her gaze. There were two ponies up ahead, sitting side-by-side in front of a gravestone. Her heart fluttered in her chest, a smile gracing her lips. Sharp Lens and Primrose, in her pony form, were staring down at the grave, speaking to one another in hushed whispers. The stallion had a foreleg draped over the foal’s back.

She stared at them for several seconds, committing the image to memory. How the blue sky stretched on endlessly before them, how the clouds came together to perfectly frame them in the light of the sun, how the drifting petals of the flowers below drifted by. It was awe-inspiring and instilled a sense of peace that Scarlet hadn’t felt in a long, long time.

With a feeling of contentment she hadn’t felt in months, Scarlet slowly approached the filly and stallion. They turned to face her as she drew near, and Primrose’s eyes lit up with joy.

“Scarlet!” she cried out, tearing out of Lens’ embrace and launching herself against Scarlet in a tight hug. Scarlet grunted, falling to her haunches.

Her muscles complained about the sudden impact, but she ignored them and returned the hug, scooping Primrose up and cradling the filly tight against her chest, right over her heart. “Prim… oh, Primrose,” she whispered, tears of joy in her eyes. She leaned back after a second to look down into Prim’s eyes. “Thank the Five… you’re okay,” she whispered, reaching a hoof up to caress her cheek.

Primrose leaned into the touch, humming. “Hmmm… so are you,” she whispered quietly, her own eyes shimmering. “I was so worried about you… I thought you were gonna die…”

“What, and leave you all alone with him?” Scarlet asked, shooting Lens a teasing look. “Ha! Not a chance.”

Lens pouted, and Scarlet couldn’t help but notice the distinct lack of his glasses. “Scarlet, do you have to?”

“Lens, after everything we have been through recently, you will let me have this.”

The stallion groaned, then shrugged his shoulders. “Meh. Fair enough,” he relented before drawing closer. He joined Scarlet and Prim in their group hug, resting his forehead against hers. “It’s good to have you back…”

Scarlet smiled. With only a moment of hesitation, she leaned over and pressed her lips against his in a tender kiss. She heard him inhale sharply through his nose from the sudden movement, but he was quick to gather himself and return the kiss with just as much passion and energy. When she pulled back, she snickered at the intense blush that was now covering his face. “Oh, I’m glad to hear it.”

Primrose gave off an adoring coo at the display of affection. She snuggled closer to Scarlet, burying her face in the unicorn’s chest fur.

Scarlet held her closer, taking a moment to cherish the warmth the filly offered her. Another breeze washed by from the edge of the cliff, drawing her attention to the grave. Her heart sank when she saw the epitaph chiseled delicately into the stone’s surface.

Here lies Sclera,

Beloved Mother.

May her legacy shine on forevermore.

Scarlet looked down at Primrose, and she knew from the foal’s pained expression that she could feel Scarlet’s own dropping mood. Her ears lowered, and she gave off a quiet sigh. Without a word, she leaned down to plant a small kiss on Primrose’s head. “I’m sorry about your mother,” she whispered. “I truly am…”

Primrose was quiet for a few seconds. She looked back to the gravestone and shook her head. “It’s alright… I miss her, but… I’ll live,” she said, managing a tiny smile. “Besides, she’s not really gone. She’s right here… she can watch over all of us from here. And... She wouldn’t want me to stay sad… s-so I won’t. I’ll sm-mile and smell the roses, like you taught me to.”

Scarlet’s smile slowly returned. She reached down and gently pet Prim on the back of the head. “That’s my girl…” she whispered. She lifted her gaze to the gravestone one more time. She closed her eyes.

After a few seconds, she smiled softly and returned her attention to the two ponies she had in her hooves. The trio fell into a companionable silence after that, embracing each other and allowing the cool mountain air to wash over them. Birds sang far off in the distance, lending their aimless melody to the already serene atmosphere.

Primrose suddenly held Scarlet tighter, and when she spoke, her voice was low and timid. A reflection of the shy whisper she had first used in Scarlet’s cellar all those days ago. “...I don’t want you to go.”

Scarlet blinked in surprise. “Huh? What do you mean?”

Lens caught her attention with a small sigh. “I… I told her about your plan to continue to Lover’s Shade,” he said after a moment. “I just thought she’d want to know…”

“Please don’t leave us,” Primrose asked quietly, her lips trembling. “I want you to stay. Please stay…”

Scarlet stared down at her for several long seconds, her heart twisting in her chest. She turned to Lens, then looked up at the sky, her mind waging a miniature war with itself. She did still want to go to Lover’s Shade, get word to her mother about everything that had happened… but it was a long journey to make alone, especially in her condition.

“...My place is with my family,” she said, the war in her mind raging harder for a few seconds before one side finally won out over the other. She looked back down to the pony and changeling before her, seeing the disappointment in their eyes. She hesitated for a second before reaching out to lift Prim’s chin so they were eye-to-eye.

“...But luckily for me, my family is right here.”

It was like someone flicked a switch. Primrose’s eyes widened, and she let out an elated squeal before throwing herself against Scarlet—again—and hugged her tight. “Thank you, Scarlet!” Prim cried out, burying her face into Scarlet’s shoulder. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Scarlet returned the embrace and let out a small laugh. She looked past the happily cheering foal and met Lens’ gaze. He appeared surprised, but after a moment, he smiled back at her and drew closer. “Thanks, Scarlet… so what happens now?” he asked quietly.

Before Scarlet could answer, Spike’s roar pierced the air from the mountain, long and loud. As soon as it did, a wave of blue magic came rushing out of the cave, washing over Scarlet and the entire valley behind her, carrying with it an odd sense of calm. A moment later, the nearby orchard, where drones had been working to clean things up, began to cry out and cheer, birds flying into the air to dance in the sky.

“It’s open,” Primrose whispered quietly, her eyes going distant. Her smile grew smaller but no less sincere. “The lamp’s finally open…”

Scarlet looked back towards the cave entrance. Twilight Sparkle and her friends had been released, then, had they? If so, the days ahead were sure to be more than a little interesting. The world was going to start changing soon, she could feel it.

“But that’s not a story for us to get involved in,” she decided after a moment. She met Lens’ gaze one more time. “What happens now, Lens, Prim… is we three settle down here, and finally live that quiet, simple life we’ve been wanting.”

Lens leaned into her side at that, draping a foreleg over her shoulders. “Heh… I think I like that plan.”

“Me, too!” Primrose chirped, snuggling up between the two ponies.

Scarlet smiled at the two of them before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. “A simple life…” she whispered before falling quiet and allowing the warmth of her new family to finally melt the ice that had long encased her heart.

She lifted her eyes to the gravestone. “I will take care of her in your stead,” she thought, hoping that wherever Sclera’s spirit was, it could hear her vow. “I swear it on my life. I will protect her and love her as if she were my own. I will make sure your sacrifice will never be in vain, Sclera. As one mother to another, you have my word…”

It was a strange thing. As she ended that thought, Scarlet could have sworn the winds on that cliffside turned and shifted, as if in response to her words. It was probably just her imagination, but she couldn’t help but think that the wind was saying something...

“Thank you.”

Comments ( 42 )

You bastard, leaving it off like that!


Her niece, Twilight Sparkle, and all of her friends

Nyx was in there too?!

I think it is the hallmark of a well crafted story, where the audience can see that the "story" is over yet still scream "MORE!"


And so Scarlet finally gets the happy ending she deserves. After the war, after Crystal, after everything...she finally has a family again. She can travel to Lover's Shade to visit her mother some time in the future.
Well, Nyx would be Flurry's cousin, not niece.

Lamp opened
Hopefully get to hear twilights thoughts

And it’s over
Well fuck hopefully get a sequel to this to see what happens with twilight and friends


Her niece, Twilight Sparkle, and all of her friends

Nyx was in there too?!


Well, Nyx would be Flurry's cousin, not niece.

Ah shit, that was a typo. Fix'd.

.........(tears landing on desk).........

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!! :heart::heart::heart:

Bravo! Loved it!

And so we reach the end of Scarlet's road. All in all, I very much enjoyed this journey, and want to thank you for taking us on it.

This is an incredible story and the last chapters pulled the full gambit and... You done good. Really good.

Good story, and I’d love to see a sequel.

It's nice to see that Scarlet finally got her happy ending and that Prim will have at least one mother to cherish her.

I will say that I'm a bit curious how their everyday life in sanctuary would proceed. It has to be quite a bit different than the pony capital. Especially since the changelings can feel your frustration with work or school or your sadness at something tragic happening in your life.

All in all, this was a fantastic read that had me enraptured from start to finish. Very well done Skijarama. :eeyup:

The vast and emotional journey depicted, was one I could not find myself putting down. From vivid fight scenes to dire circumstances throughout, to well made and thorough characters and their back-stories. The way you tied it all to an extent of the canon, and how you describe the way changelings as well.

I am very glad that I’ve read it. I haven’t enjoyed a story as much as I did this one for awhile, and I look forward to the next story you have planned.
Bravo, my friend.

a amazing story.
i am supper stoked the the mane six are free knowing that there is a tiny chance of a sequel at some point in time.
or we can hope.

And so this story ends...

This has been one hell of a story, and I enjoyed every single chapter.

A great story. Original, gripping, suspenseful, and overall a joy to read. Thanks for creating this!

I'm not usually caught up by fanfics, but damn this was good. If you ever write a book let me know!

Hell of a journey, glad I got to come along for the ride

A lovely story, thank you for sharing.

Absolutely awesome story.

Ok, I have now spent the last two days on this incredible roller coaster, and I am both upset at myself for waiting so long to start reading what I knew would be an incredible story and happy that I seem to have chosen the perfect time to start. The action was tense, every line of world building left me wanting to know more, to understand this strange new Equestria and how it came to be, and yet by the end left me feeling like I understood enough to be content, even if I desperately want to see more stories set in this world. I don't like trying to pick favorite scenes or moments, its way to hard when everything is increadible, but one thing that realy stood out to me was the reocuring reminder to just "stop and smell the roses" for a while, every single one of those scenes was both heartwarming in it adorability and heartwreanching in the knowledge that it was at best a brief respite, I also could not get the lyrics of this song

out of my head when I read that line. I also find it extremely fitting for this ending. They have certainly earned their break.

Glad you enjoyed it. It was definitely a joy to work on, and my editors and I do have a few ideas floating around for more things we can do with this world... ;)

Magnificent story. Kept me up for some late nights. Well done!

Oh my gosh, guy. That's a doozy of a story. I read this far, far later into the night than what I should have because I had such a hard time putting it down. I guessed the dragon was Spike pretty early on, but you totally surprised me with why he was there. Also, that lamp. Was not expecting it to include who it did.

Seriously, though, your characters are definitely the best part of this story, followed, of course, by super cool worldbuilding. They were just so on-point with such good development, I loved them. The dynamic between Scarlet and Lens was super cute and fun, and Primrose has gotta be one of my favorite fillies ever. Mandatory cry/ hug combo for her, because wowza. All around though mate, seriously good job.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I know I had a blast writing it. Keep your eyes open in the future. There may be more things in this world coming up in the future... ;)

Powered through the story in two days, and loved it. I don't.know why I put it off as long as I did, but I am glad to have read it now.

Wow. This is going into my favourites

Hah, nice. She's a fun character.

Great story btw, it's sad that it doesn't have more views.

Well, in his prime, he would have had a pegasi's agility on his side (though his old gear would have helped). But here he was a stumbling mess who probably would have died of his injuries without serious medical attention anyway. Half his body with first degree burns is serious for shock, infection and a whole world of hurt.

Scalene shot up with a tin blush forming on her already pink cheeks. She gave off a sheepish giggle. “Eheh, no, you don’t. Again, Lens and Primrose, those are the two deserving of your thanks. I’m just a medical drone doing my job!”

Scarlet rolled her eyes. “Yes, and your job was to save my life.”

“W-well, yes, but…”

Scarlet chuckled and gave a shake of her head. “Oh, just take the compliment, damn you,”

She's come a long way to have such a casual interaction with a changeling she just met. :rainbowlaugh:

“Thank you.”


I've finally finished this thing! And now...

Looks at the sequel.

I will get around to you! But first I want to dabble with... Um... Let me just check my notes.

17 unread chapters. 37 stories on Read Later.


Hopefully, it doesn't turn invalid again. But when I see an angry ponies with powerful magic, I see this.

“A simple life…”

Blinks... Checks the story's front page.

See's sequal

I highly doubt that's going to happen...:raritywink:

Wow...that's similar to me. I found this story months ago and only read to chapter 3 as I wasn't hooked. I found this story again and now that I go through it, I was hooked on chapter 4. Kinda cruel of fate I was only one chapter off from being hooked and could have read this story oh so long ago.

Anyways, what a lovely end to this journey... With this done, I'm going to go to the sequel to hopefully find answers I've been having the last few chapters. I would write a fairly large comment on what my opinion is, but I'm half asleep and was reading half asleep so things might be a bit foggy. Though to put my opinion in a few words, "I'd rate this 9 out of 10"


I found this story months ago and only read to chapter 3 as I wasn't hooked.

Yeah, it does have kind of a slow start, I confess. Story 2 also has something of a slow start - much slower, actually - but in its defense, the world and characters have been established already in that one, so I can afford to take a more leisurely pace with it.

Eh true enough, I've found other stories where the same thing had happened. Of the sequel has a slower start, it's fine. I'm actually trying to avoid it for as long as possible for new chapters to come out... I do that a lot now that I'm thinking back. Anyways, a slow start or not I at least know(kind of) what to expect in the sequel.

Anyways, just wanted to say, whether you still on break from finishing the audio reading of Scarlet or not, you did an amazing job. I've seen so many fimfiction stories that are likely never to be updated for one reason or another and when it comes to audio readings on youtube, the best I could find would be mostly one-shots. In fact, you're the only person I've ever found on youtube to do a reading of a story that I'd consider to be quite long.

Any it only took you seven months. There are some other stories I know that are much shorter, started years ago, less than 4 chapters in, and not complete. I personally don't know if I could pull off something as large as you have with as much dedication.

Anyways, I'm going to go dive into another one of your fanfic readings for now.

Well, my readings are literally my job. They are how I make basically all of my money. I kinda gotta be dedicated. :)

A city to the southeast on the celestial seaboard. I first heard it mentioned in FOE:PH but I'm fairly certain it is on the map as well. The key feature about the area was that the pegasi couldn't really control the weather there to it was cloudy and rainy nay constantly.

Im looking at the last official map of Equestria and surrounding lands right now and I ain't seeing a Hoofington. I feel like that was a FO:E specific creation. And even if Hoofington is a real place, it sure as hell ain't Swanrun. Swanrun is an entire kingdom away from the Equestria we saw in the show.

Alright, I was simply spit balling that's all

This is without doubt one of the very best stories I have ever read.
The storyline and the character development are excellent and the way you keep the pace all the way through makes it hard to put down.
I don't want to give any spoilers, but it's a very good ending too.
Really brilliant work.
Well done!

I have not read the Hunger Games, no.

Coming back to reread this, it truly was a beauty.

Definitely a very moving story. Well written with great character work, I can't believe it took me so long to get to this story.

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