• Published 15th Jul 2019
  • 16,018 Views, 1,592 Comments

The Centurion Project - TheEighthDayofNight

Elias "Rubrum Aquilae" Bright, the former leader of the Legio I Americana, on the run from his past, finds himself thrown into the conflicts of Equestria.

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Chapter 33: Choices

Elias woke up slowly, which in and of itself was an oddity. He never woke up peacefully, ever. Even his best days led to night terrors, they were simply a fact of life. He went to bed, he woke up a few hours later either screaming his head off or in a cold sweat, it was how things were. Not today though, today he woke up slowly, and in truth, he felt unwilling to leave the warmth of his bed. A knock on his door however, prodded him awake.

With a groan, Elias rubbed at his face, and rolled free from the comfortable bed. He felt a dozen aches in his legs and arms, as well as a significant twinge in his shoulder. Elias tried not to groan in pain as he massaged the overly used muscle. He briefly wondered if Scalpel would be able to fix the ages old injury; magic was a thing after all. Maybe the unicorn could make it like new, then Elias would have to deal with one less ache every time he did anything.

Another insistent knock came from the door.

“I’m coming,” Elias said loudly.

Pushing himself to his feet, Elias worked at his shoulder as he walked stiffly toward the door. With a final grunt of pain, Elias opened it, and was immediately pounced by a certain blue pegasus. Night Flash landed on his chest, and immediately pressed his fuzzy cheek against Elias’ as he snuggled in deep.

“Red, I am so sorry about yesterday! I thought I my mom would be nicer, but she just got so overprotective and I…”

Elias placed a hand over his muzzle, silencing the pegasus instantly. Elias made sure their eyes met, then he silently pulled Night Flash closer and hugged him, softly, yet firmly. The pegasus sighed and returned it, nuzzling Elias’ bare chest. As the pony grew comfortable, Elias kept his voice soft.

“Flash, it’s fine. I’m fine.”

Night Flash sniffled.

“I know Red, I know. I just… I thought she would like you more. When you left… I got scared that you wouldn’t want to see us again.”

Elias glanced to Book Binder, who gave him a sad smile.

“We were nervous Elias. You just seemed so… lost. Beaten. You were trying so hard to make us happy, but it backfired so horribly. I’m sorry Elias, I am so sorry that that happened to you. You put in far too much effort to have it thrown back in your face, and I am so sorry that it all was.”

Elias motioned for her to walk closer. The unicorn hesitated for a moment, then did so. As soon as she was close enough, Elias grabbed her and pulled her into the hug as well. Book Binder sighed happily as she rubbed against both of them, and the three remained in place for a while, simply relishing the physical contact.

The lack of bathing must have gotten to the ponies more sensitive senses however, because Book Binder peeled away from the hug first, smiling at Elias as she closed the door behind them. Night Flash was a bit more reluctant, so Elias scooped him up and carried the pegasus to the bed, setting him on an undisturbed portion. Elias then began rifling through the clothes strewn about the room, searching for a cleanish tunic to wear before he took his morning shower.

“So what are you two doing here?” Elias asked as he took a whiff of one of his red tunics.

It didn’t quite smell bad… Elias mentally shrugged and pulled the tunic over his head while Book Binder answered. She levitated a large white box toward him with a smile on her face.

“We thought we would treat you! Doughnut Joe’s is the best in Canterlot, and what better way to celebrate our engagement than with doughnuts?”

Elias smiled at the offer, but as he came fully awake, the pressure that he had found momentary escape from pressed down on his skull. The decision he had been given was massive, and his discussion with Luna had brought him no closer to reaching an answer. Her argument rang around his skull, chased by the fear of what could happen, of what could repeat. He couldn’t lose everything again, he just couldn’t, he wouldn't. However, Luna seemed like she was telling him the truth, and no matter what he had said to the alicorn, he didn’t want to lose her either. She was a valuable council in his life, and a source of calm from the turbulence of his thoughts. Save for the instances where he ended up in his death bed, she didn’t treat him like a child or a threat, just a person.

Elias’ smile dipped as he thought about that. The relationship between even them had changed, and she didn’t want him to remain a simple guard. She trusted him immensely to offer such a thing to a foreigner, both in species and birthplace. Citizenship be damned, he didn’t know anything about Equestria, not really. He had been outside of Canterlot only two times, and both had him walking about the Everfree.

What he did know was war, and that was what Luna was counting on. She, and by extension her sister, knew as well as he did that the ponies would be drastically under prepared for real fighting. The wedding was more than evidence of that. Even if they were infiltrated, the guards should have been able to put up a better fight, yet most were captured within moments of the initial attack. Even if they practiced at a new high for the next seven months, training was only part of the battle. Elias had no idea how they would deal with the logistics of the march, or even if anyone was thinking about those logistics. They needed an expert, and while he was no Caesar or Alexander, he was human, and that made him that expert.

Elias blinked as Night Flash’s hoof touched his arm. The pegasus oozed concern as he scooted closer.

“What’s wrong Red? You know that whatever it is, we’re always going to be here, right?”

Elias sighed and sat down next to him.

“I know. It’s that very fact that worries me.”

He scratched the back of his head, running a hand through his untied hair. Book Binder looked at him with a frown as the box of doughnuts floated over to rest in their miniature kitchen. She sat down in front of him, laying her head on his knee as she stared up with her wide pony eyes.

“Come on Elias, talk to us. What are you trying to hide behind those eyes of yours? Did the dinner get to you that much?”

Elias shook his head.

“No, or at least not really. It certainly didn’t help, don’t get me wrong, but if I hadn’t gone to see the princesses beforehand, I think I could have dealt with it better.”

“What did the princesses want to talk to you about?” Night Flash, leaning against Elias’ shoulder. “You seemed very upset when I found you back here.”

Elias snorted dismissively as he reached up to scratch the pony’s ears, doing his best to ignore the still, largely destroyed room.

“Upset seems like a gross understatement.”

His lame attempt to dodge the question didn’t work as Book Binder and Night Flash watched him with silent, caring eyes. Elias sighed deeply.

“The princesses offered me a job, a promotion if you will.”

“I’d say that’s wonderful news Elias,” Book Binder said, “but it feels like there’s more to it than a simple rank bump.”

Elias nodded.

“They want me to make a legion, from scratch, hence why they offered me a position as a general. It’s for some big march in seven months. They want extra bodies, so each guard force is opening recruiting across Equestria, and they believe they need an extra one.”

Book Binder gasped softly and rubbed his knee.

“Elias I… I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine how that must make you feel.”

The phrasing of her words seemed a bit odd, but Elias decided to ignore it as he nodded silently and pushed himself to his feet. Lifting the mattress, he retrieved the set of journals hidden under it. After letting the mattress drop, Elias stared at the worn covers for a minute, then glanced at the pair of ponies beside him. Taking a deep breath, Elias offered the books to Night Flash and Book Binder.

“If you want to understand, then read these. I’ve kept them hidden from you for long enough. You deserve the whole truth about me.”

Book Binder’s face took on an odd look as she shook her head.

“Elias, we don’t need that. We know those are private, and that you have good reason for keeping it that way.”

She tried to use a bit of magic to push his hand back, but Elias pressed the journals forward.

“No, you’re my friends, and I haven’t been telling you the whole truth. I can’t have our relationships be built on falsehoods. You don’t deserve to be lied to.”

Book Binder looked to Night Flash, who sighed and nodded once. The mare seemed to wither as she rose to her feet. She walked in front of Elias, gently pushing the journals back with her hoof.

“If today is going to be a day of truth, then… we have something to tell you as well.”

Elias noticed tears in her eyes as she looked at him with the saddest expression he had ever seen. He found that he despised that look on her face.

“Elias,” she took another deep breath. “We already read your journals. We know everything that has happened to you. Both of us do.”

Elias blinked at her in shock as his hand fell to his side.

“What?” he asked in disbelief.

The single word cause Book Binder to flinch, but she didn’t look away as the tears climbed down her cheeks.

“When you got sick. We were cleaning your room and we found the journals and we read them. I told you we didn’t because I was scared you would push us away, but we read them. Every word. Every torture, and terrible act, we read through it all.”

The notebooks fell from his limp fingers as shock climbed through his mind, rending apart any coherent thought.

“B-but, then why…?” Elias asked stutteringly. “Why did you decide to be my friends? Why try to be my parents? Why didn’t you do the smart thing and run far far away?” Elias demanded, his voice sounding unintentionally sharp in his ears.

Book Binder whimpered softly.

“Because you aren’t the same now as you were then Elias. The man in the journals isn’t the man we know,” she said, doing her best to maintain eye contact. “You are so much better now. You care about your friends, you do what’s right, you’ve been nothing but kind and honest since you came to Equestria, and when we read the journals, we saw that you were trying to be a better person. Succeeding too!”

She reached out for a moment, then seemed to think better of it as her bottom lip quivered and her hoof retreated.

“Please Elias,” she pleaded. “We just wanted to help you be your true self, the man we know and love! We didn't want you to hurt all alone.”

Night Flash rose from the bed and stood at her side, nuzzling her neck softly. The action broke the dam in her eyes, and Book Binder turned away from Elias, weeping into the pegasus’ fur. Elias had never really seen the expression on Night Flash’s face, but the pegasus looked suddenly tired and so much older, like life had taken an immeasurable toll in only a few moments. His eyes betrayed his exhaustion, covering the usual youthful cheerfulness that Elias usually found.

“We can understand if you’re angry Red,” the blue pegasus said. “If you don’t want to see us again, then so be it. We still love you all the same. Say the word and we’ll go.”

Elias stood in paralyzed silence for a moment. Very little of his mind actually cared that they had read his journals. He had been prepared to let them read the notebooks, what did it matter if they already knew? No, no that wasn’t quite right. It did matter, but not in a negative way. The voice at the back of his mind screamed at him to act. His friends, and potential family were hurting inside because of him, and he was standing like a lump. Elias moved quickly, his face twisting in a false snarl as he scooped the two ponies up, pressing them tight against his chest in a bone crushing hug.

“I don’t recall saying that you two were allowed to go anywhere,” Elias growled. “If you think I’m ever going to let you escape me now, you’re sorely mistaken.”

Book Binder gasped happily and latched her hooves around his neck.

“You mean you don’t care that we lied to you?”

Elias let out a long breath as he plopped down on the bed. Technically speaking, it really bothered him that he had again been lied to, but this was different than what the princesses had done. This was far more to his personal benefit, and it was Book Binder and Night Flash, was he really going to risk driving them away over something that had happened months ago? He stared at the ceiling for a moment before answering.

“You read all of that and decided to be my friends anyway. I couldn’t be angry if I wanted to be. You saw a monster and treated him like any other person.”

He laid his chin on top of her head.

“I couldn’t ask for more from you.”

Book Binder let out a sigh of relief and nuzzled his neck, taking care not to stab him with her horn.

“Thank you Elias, just… thank you.”

Elias matched her sigh with one of his own.

“Can you just promise me one thing?”

Book Binder wiggled free from his grip so that she could stare into his eyes.

“Anything baby boy, just ask.”

Elias felt his bad eye twitch for a moment before he dragged her close again, petting her mane as he rubbed his cheek against hers.

“Please don’t leave me,” he said softly.

Tears sprang from his eyes as a tidal wave of familiar, yet foreign emotions crashed into his battered mind. He felt like an utter child, but he had no idea how to make the sensation stop, so Elias just held on to the ponies in his arms. His grip on the ponies tightened as he kept them as close as possible, as if his hands were the only thing keeping them at his side. Night Flash nuzzled his chin, then grabbed Elias’ head with his hooves, forcing eye contact.

“Red, I want you to listen to me carefully, because I’m only going to say this once. Under no circumstances, ever, will we leave you. You are more than just a friend, and no matter what happens, no matter what paperwork we write, no matter where we are, we are your family. It’s as simple as that. It doesn’t have to be official, and if it will make you more comfortable, we’ll never make it official, but we will always be with you, no matter what happens, alright?”

Elias sniffled meekly as he tried to dry his tears. Night Flash just smiled and rubbed against his wet cheek.

“We’ve got you buddy, forever and always.” The pegasus snorted and wiggled closer, wrapping his wings around the human in a hug. “Besides, I dare you to try and escape our hugs.”

The joke was small, but it caused Elias to smirk. Book Binder then chuckled, followed by Night Flash dropping his serious expression. The three hugged each other as they all laughed. With the mood brightened, Book Binder began trying to blow raspberries on Elias’ neck. He responded by grabbing her with both hands and tickling her belly fur. The mare squealed as she tried to escape his dexterous fingers. Flash quickly came to his fiance's aid, pushing Elias back onto the bed as he tried to pin the offending limb, only to be caught by the other arm. Soon, both ponies were wiggling as they cried out for the human to stop his attack on their soft belly fur.

Once he made them sufficiently red in the face, Elias stopped, letting them both catch their breath. He sat back, chuckling at their antics. When they recovered, they exchanged a lightning fast look and pounced Elias as one, pinning his arms as they nuzzled his sides. The human groaned in play agony at the overly sweet display, but that just made things worse as Flash tried to find his ticklish areas. Elias, with his battle-torn, numb body, had nearly none, and as the pegasus searched desperately, Elias thought he would get away without being tickled. Only his feet were free from nerve damage, and he knew for a fact that the pair of ponies would never guess it.

Until Book Binder made mention of Elias’ unusually bare feet. A trace of fear must have creeped across his face, because the pair grinned at each other, and Elias knew instantly that he was in trouble. Plucking a stray feather from Flash’s wings, Book Binder pinned his legs while Flash held his arms. With her magic, Book Binder began to run the feather up and down the sole of his foot, and it took him seconds to begin laughing uncontrollably. Luckily enough for him, he had enough strength to snatch Night Flash up, resuming his attack on the pegasus' belly fur while he tried to ward Book Binder away from his feet.

Once they were all sufficiently red in the face, they collapsed in a pile on the bed, smiling at each other brightly.

“You two are mean,” Elias said breathlessly. “Ambushing a man in his room like this. The epitome of cruelty.”

Book Binder stuck her tongue out at him.

“Would you prefer if we did this in the cafeteria? What would all of the guard ponies think of the big strong human reduced to a giggling mess because of a feather? Your reputation would be ruined.”

Elias snorted.

“Maybe, but I’d like to see anyone say something to my face.”

Book Binder swatted his chest.

“Hush. You won’t do a thing. My little sweetheart baby boy wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

Night Flash and Elias exchanged a look and a chuckle, causing Book Binder to pout. Her expression melted away as Elias’ fingers found her ears, scratching them gently. The unicorn cooed softly and she snuggled up against his chest.

“Mhm, I wish we could do this everyday,” she said softly.

Elias sighed.

“But alas…”

“I know,” she replied. “Whatever happens, we’re going to be here Elias. Flash is right; no matter what any legal paperwork says, we’re family. Nothing can separate us.”

Elias stared at the ceiling.

“Don’t be so sure,” he said softly, “because I still haven’t made a decision.”

He glanced down at the unicorn and pegasus, and both stared back. Their eyes held nothing but complete understanding and compassion, and while it felt nice to have those eyes directed at him, they didn’t help him make a choice. His eyes drifted back to the ceiling.

“If I go through with taking the princesses' offer, I can’t have a family, I can’t even have friends. At least not you two. I know you’ll volunteer the second I put anything out.”

“Try to stop us,” Night Flash said with a smile.

“I’ve thought about it,” Elias replied, looking down at the pony.

Night Flash cocked his head and the smile dropped.

“Why? Do you not want to have us as fellow guards at least?”

Elias shook his head.

“No. In fact, if I had my way, both of you would be dismissed from the guard right now. I would send you home so that you could be safe, because I am absolutely terrified of what can happen if you don’t stay here.”

He raised a finger.

“And before you say anything, I know that’s not my call. I know you could go over my head, I know that you’re supposed to be protecting me, but let’s be completely honest with each other. No matter what the law says about my age, no matter how much I have enjoyed pretending to be less than I am, I’m the best fighter out of all of us. My killer instinct overpowers anybody’s. I've taken hundreds of lives, and nowadays, I don't even blink when I make the call to go for a killing blow. I’m just better at it, and that means I am better at protecting you two, than you are at protecting me.”

He sat up as the ponies moved off his chest. Elias stared at his hands as he rubbed at the wealth of callouses decorating his fingers.

“Frankly, I’m better at everything when it comes to war. I'm human, it means I'm better at dealing death than anything. My mind is wired for war, especially given what I've been through. It’s why the princesses are right, as much as I hate to admit it. They do need me, Equestria needs me, and I hate the fact that it does. I don’t want to be needed. Not as a killer at least. I just… I don’t know what to do.”

He looked to Book Binder.

“So what do you think I should do? Should I stay as a regular guard and just fight like anypony else would, or do I,” Elias waved his hand around as he looked for the word, “give in? Give the princesses what they want and do the same thing that got everyone I loved killed the last time I tried it?”

He sighed and leaned against Night Flash. The pony wrapped a wing around his body and rested his head on Elias’ back.

“If I become a general though, the trial parenthood is over. Full stop. The answer will be a definite no, especially if you two volunteer. I won’t put my parents through the kind of hell I’m thinking about for training. I’m going to need to be cruel, distant. General Bright only, not Elias, not Red, not anything. No friends, no parents. I will need to be absolutely alone so that I can focus on making sure as many ponies make it home as possible.”

Book Binder leaned against his other shoulder and exhaled loudly.

“I… can’t give you an easy answer Elias. I would love to have my baby boy be “General Bright”, but I think you’re right. You will have to be cruel, especially to us. We’re going to volunteer, whether you like it or not, but if you see us as your parents, you won’t be hard on us, won’t train us like we need to be trained. Not only will we not get the training we need, but you will be so worried and caught up on our safety that other things will slip by, making things worst. If all that happens, then I feel that what you fear will happen will come to pass. It’s not something any of us want.”

She rubbed his back with her hoof as she met his eyes.

“I just want you to know that whatever happens Elias, we are always going to be friends. I know there will be terrible days, and sometimes, we’ll feel angry at you, but I can see it in your eyes that you want us to adopt you officially, and that will get us through the hard days and make our love for you all the stronger.”

She rubbed his knee.

“It is something you want, right?”

Elias nodded and looked away.

“It’s a terrible time to make up my mind about it, but yes, I think I do. General Bright can’t accept though, and it’s one of the reasons that makes this such a difficult choice.”

Book Binder nuzzled his neck.

“I know baby boy. I will not pressure you to do anything you don’t want, but should you decide to be General Bright, then know that once this “march” is over, I’m foalnapping you and adopting you. No questions, no hesitation. We will have the paper’s signed personally by the princesses, and then I’m taking you home proper like.”

Elias snorted at the thought, then hugged the mare tightly.

“Good to know Book Binder. I’ll keep that in mind.”

He glanced at her and winked with his good eye.

“But you should know better than to threaten me with a reward.”

Book Binder rolled her eyes, then sprang to her feet, waggling her butt as she pounced on him. Night Flash joined in quickly, settling on top of his chest. As both ponies began nuzzling against his body, Elias made sure to catch eye contact as he said;

“I love you.”

Book Binder squeaked, then pounced on his head, rubbing his hair as she rocked him back and forth, humming softly.


Elias knocked on the door to the infirmary as softly as he could. Scalpel was there in an instant, shooing him in. They didn’t speak as they approached the bed where Scarlet Shield was still asleep, completely dead to the world as he snored softly. Elias gave Scalpel a quick scratch behind the ears as he sat down, staring at the sleeping pegasus.

It had taken two days for them to find the pony’s pod, and he had already been trapped in it for almost a month. As a result, the pegasus was one of the last to leave the infirmary as Scalpel made sure that the changeling venom didn’t have any permanent effects. Elias had made sure to visit as regularly as he could once the pod had been found, but he never seemed to catch Scarlet while he was awake. Scalpel claimed that since they had pulled him from the coma, he only woke up for a few minutes each day, and from the gaunt look on Scarlet’s sleeping form, Elias believed him. The pegasus was being fed by an IV, and even though he seemed to be sleeping calmly, his breath would occasionally come in short gasps before settling into a stable rhythm.

Scalpel pulled up a second chair and sat beside Elias, sighing as they watched Scarlet sleep. The unicorn turned to Elias for a moment, then leaned against him.

“I know you’re not here for a checkup Elias, but how are you doing? For what I’ve heard, the last couple of days have not been easy for you.”

Elias snorted.

“News about my little freak out spread that fast huh? Guess I shouldn’t be surprised. The gossip mill loves talking about me.”

Scalpel shrugged.

“I don’t really care what the rumors say, I want to hear your side of it. I know you had a good reason for tearing into the princesses. Otherwise that permanent tattoo on your back would seem a bit pointless.”

Elias snorted dismissively.

“There isn’t much of a story to tell Scalpel. Everyone I loved died the last time I made a legion, and the princesses want another. Badly. Luna even followed me up to the top of the mountain to make sure I didn’t die, and then tried to talk me into it. If nothing else, it shows me that there’s a need, but nobody seems to be thinking about what it will cost.”

Scalpel sighed.

“Then... well, you have to do it, because you are thinking about what it will cost. If you’re the only one who can think like that, then they need you. Simple as that, no matter how much it personally hurts, it’s the truth.”

“I know,” Elias replied blankly. “In my mind, it’s never really been a question of if they need my help, it’s a question of if I have the strength to give it. Everyone seems to think I’ve got it in me, and for some reason, they're already prepped to stand at my side, but I’m not so sure.” He snorted dismissively. “I’ve already got two volunteers if I accept, but what about you Scalpel? Are you going to charge into battle at my side?”

Elias felt a mild sense of relief when Scalpel laughed loudly. The unicorn slapped Elias' back and doubled over, wiping at his eyes as long peals of laughter escaped his chest.

“Buck no!” Scalpel said. “I’m a doctor Elias! My place is here, in the castle, making the pain go away, not out on the battlefield hurting ponies. No, I don’t think I’m going to charge into battle with you. Probably ever.”

Elias couldn’t help but wrap an arm around the pony and pull him close.

“Good. That’s one less friend I have to watch out for then. Makes my job easier. I wish everyone was as inclined to stay behind as you are. Then I would have no doubts whatsoever.”

Scalpel grinned, then started as Scarlet rolled over with a scowl on his face. He rubbed at his eyes with his hooves, then looked to Elias. He looked back to Scalpel, then Elias again. A small smile crept across his face.

“Hey, you finally came to visit. About time.”

Elias’ mirth slipped. About time. About time he noticed that Scarlet was missing. About time he actually checked on his friend, rather than letting his strange behavior slip to the wayside. About time he made sure that his friend was okay. Elias’ eyes flicked to the ground as he let out a deep sigh. Scarlet quickly noticed the change in demeanor and his scowl deepened.

“Oh buck no, I am not hearing this speech again.”

Scarlet scooted to the edge of the bed and grabbed at Elias’ face with his hooves.

“It isn’t your fault Elias, it isn’t anypony’s fault but mine. I shouldn’t have gotten captured, that’s it. The only thing that needs fixed is I need to be a better fighter, so that next time I can beat as many bugs as possible to a pulp. Now get that stupid bucking look off your face and tell me about this legion thing. I only caught the tail end of your conversation.”

Elias slapped his hooves away.

“No, I’m not telling you a thing, and you’re wrong. It’s my fault completely. I noticed when the bug didn't quite act right, but I didn’t push hard enough, didn’t do enough to expose the changeling that took your place. If Night Flash was just a second too slow, that damn bug could have torn his throat out without a thought. That would have been on me, not you.”

Elias gestured to the bed, and the IV’s dangling from Scarlet’s body.

“Besides, you’re injured, or at least sick. You can’t leave that bed until you’re better, so telling you anything more than "get better" is pretty worthless.”

Scarlet looked at him with disbelief clearly written on his face.

“Really? You of all ponies is going to tell me to stay in bed because I got hurt? Really? Buck no. Tell me what this legion is, because I need to get out of here, now. If you don’t tell me, and if you don’t let me in, I’m going to do something stupid like you and climb Canterlot mountain. There isn’t going to be a princess to rescue me, however. Nopony would even come looking.”

“I would,” Elias said softly.

Scarlet drooped for a second, with his ears pinning themselves to the side of his head.

“I know you would Elias, but that’s just it. You couldn’t have known. You can’t detect magic, so you wouldn’t even begin to know what to look for. I got snatched, and replaced. The changeling that did it died, and now I’m going to get better. Let’s both just agree that it’s my fault, and then you can tell me about this legion of yours, because I want to be wherever you are. I need to get stronger, and the more I see and hear, and work with you, the more I know that you are going to make me that way. I won’t take no for an answer.”

Elias cocked his head and stared at the pony.

“Yeah? And what are you going to do if I tell you no? Attack me?”

Scarlet’s eyes narrowed and his hooves drifted toward his IV lines as if to rip them out. He was stopped as Scalpel let out a string of rapid no’s and levitated Elias into the air and onto a separate bed, where he quickly used that cursed rope from his previous visits to restrain the human’s arm. He then got regular straps and threatened Scarlet with them as he glared at the two of them.

“Really? The two most injured ponies from the invasion are going to brawl? For what? To get bucked up some more? Not on my watch!”

Scalpel whirled on Elias.

“And just for the attempt, you are getting a physical evaluation!” he said, jabbing his hoof at Elias. “You weren’t eating before your meeting with the princesses, and from what I can tell you haven’t eaten well since. You’ll be lucky to make it out of here today with your little act.”

Elias rolled his eyes.

“I wouldn’t be so sure Doc. I’m supposed to be eating with Book Binder and Night Flash for dinner. I would love to see you make me late.”

The unicorn grumbled something under his breath, but Elias noticed a small flash of fear in his eyes at the mention of the mare’s name. He knew the power she could bring to bear, and so, the rope disappeared from Elias’ arm as Scalpel relinquished.

“Fine, but I’m still going to give you a once over," Scalpel said. "I noticed some scarring on your hands that wasn’t there before. Scarlet, stay in that bed, or so help me I will find a pony that can cast a paralyzation spell on you.”

The pegasus rolled his eyes, but his hooves drifted away from the IV lines. Settling into his pillow with a huff, he stared at Elias.

“Don’t think this has stopped me Elias. Now tell me about this legion of yours, I’ll take any job you give me, I just need to be involved in some way. Make me polish armor for all I care, just so long as I get better.”

Elias side-eyed the pony as he crossed his arms.

“You assume that I’m going to accept the offer the princesses gave me. I still haven’t decided, still haven’t determined if it’s worth risking my friends.”

Scarlet sighed loudly and rolled his eyes.

“Elias, you’re going to do it. I know that for a fact. It’s just who you are; you see something wrong and you fix it if you know how to. This is something you can most definitely fix. Besides, most of your friends are guards, and if word got out that you were given the opportunity to help the princesses out and turned it down, how many friends do you think you would have left?”

Elias rolled onto his side and glared at Scarlet.

“Are you trying to batter me into accepting by using my friendships as a weapon?”

“Yeah, I am,” Scarlet said with a nod. “I know you’re going to accept eventually, Book Binder and Night Flash both know you’re going to accept eventually, and I would go so far to say that you know you are going to accept eventually, you’re just wasting time doubting yourself. That’s just it though, you’re wasting time. If you just threw away all the doubt and started working, you would have had a few extra days to make sure everything went perfectly, but where are you? In the infirmary getting dressed down by a pony who got thrown into a bush during the RATE. I say this in the nicest way possible Elias; pony the buck up. My friend wouldn’t run away from a challenge like this, and the more you sit and mope around, the more I’m convinced that that eye of yours isn’t just for show.”

Elias felt anger flashed hot in his mind, and despite Scalpel’s protests, he whirled his legs out of the bed and jabbed a finger at Scarlet.

“And what the fuck do you know Scarlet? I accept this little general position; I won’t have any friends. None, zero. I will have to push everypony I know away so that I can do my job right. The eye was earned doing what nobody else could, so don’t you dare accuse me of running away. I run from nothing.”

Scarlet rolled his eyes again.

“Sure, that’s why you’re letting Scalpel fret over you like a mother hen instead of getting out there and kicking flank at your new job.”

“Fine you ungrateful parrot!” Elias shouted. “I’ll do it! I’m going to punish your sorry ass so relentlessly in training that you’ll wish you were never born, let alone joined up with me!”

Scarlet smiled.

“Great! So where do I need to submit my application?”

Elias opened his mouth to reply that he would accept any applications through his assistant, but then realized that he didn’t have an assistant. He changed his answer to say that the application could be dropped off in his office, but then he realized he didn’t have an office either. Finally, his mind realized that he had accepted the position to the point that he was already making a mental checklist of everything he would need to just get his legion started, let alone begin recruiting. Elias sighed mentally at the acceptance, but Scarlet was right, he was wasting time. He needed to make a decision and commit, and he knew which answer he was going to take, no matter what doubts he had. The ponies would die in droves if he didn’t implement basic military reforms to their quite sad military forces.

Elias’ eyes flicked up to Scarlet, who was watching him with a smug smile. Elias sneered at the pegasus.

“Fuck you Scarlet, and wipe that stupid look off your face or I’ll reject whatever application you send me for insubordination. Now get better or you won’t be doing anything with me.”

Scarlet gave him a goofy smile and a salute. Unfortunately for him, the motion was too snappy, and he accidentally tore free one of his IV lines. Scalpel immediately set upon the pegasus, yelling at him as he cleaned up the drip of blood. A bevy of tools floated into the air as he prepared to put in another IV line, and while Scarlet tried to convince the doctor that it wasn’t needed, Elias made his exit. Scarlet’s words had helped, but he still needed to think, to make sure he was choosing the right path.

He quickly made his way to the castle gardens, wandering through the bushes and trees until he found the spot where he had managed to kill the changeling captain by the skin of his teeth. Impressively, it was free of blood or goo, and instead the marble state shined a brilliant white. Elias felt his bad eye twitch as he stared at the statue where he had nearly died from blood loss, then he began to pace.

He intentionally began dragging out bad memories, trying to drive himself into a panic attack. He needed to physically speak with Other-Elias, needed to make sure that his entire brain was set on his choice. If even a little bit of his mind held doubt, then he wouldn’t be able to focus, and he would fail to keep anyone safe. If he held such doubt, he needed to say no, but the more he talked to ponies, the more the reasons seemed to become cemented in his mind. He needed to help them, but he had to be sure of himself first.

Elias’ breaths came in short gasps as he riled himself up, using the images of a field of blood and bodies to bring him to the brink. He used the image of Sarah’s grave to shove him over the edge, and cool calm washed over him as Other-Elias took a seat at the base of the statue.

“This isn’t healthy you know,” the man said calmly.

Elias shrugged and continued to pace as his mind calmed.

“Maybe, but it’s necessary. I needed to talk to you.”

“The fact that you think me someone separate from you is even more concerning Elias, and I really think we should get that checked out.”

Elias felt his anger flash and he whirled on the specter.

“Look I just…! I need to talk this out. This is the only way I know how.”

Other-Elias exhaled loudly and waved him on.

“Then let’s get this done. I think we can both agree that the answer is yes.”

Elias nodded in agreement and re-clasped his hands behind his back.

“Yeah, but I need to know the limit. Do I keep my friends? I’m going to be relentless, but do I still try to maintain our relationships, or do I drive them away until after?”

Other-Elias ran a hand through his hair.

“You want an honest answer? I say ban any friends from joining, period. Make it a condition of your acceptance that Book Binder, Night Flash, and Scarlet are evicted from the guard, permanently.”

He looked to the sky.

“That, or make them stay behind to guard the castle. Whatever keeps them far away from the march.”

“Absolutely not!” Center Elias roared as he stormed into the clearing.

Elias blinked at the second specter, and he stopped pacing to stare at him. He checked behind him to make sure Other-Elias was still by the statue, then he looked back to Center Elias. Elias snorted in disbelief.

“There’s two of you now,” he stated numbly.

Center Elias ignored the comment and instead jabbed a finger at Other-Elias.

“You’re a fucking idiot. We drive them away like that, and not only will we lose all of our friends, but we won’t have anyone we can trust! We need their sharp minds, and we know they will follow our orders to the letter. Besides, leaving them behind will put them in greater danger than if we trained them up. What happens when foreign nations learn about the departure of the princesses and the sum of all the guards? Suddenly the capital of Equestria looks like a juicy target!”

Other-Elias scoffed.

“Please, besides the invasion, nothing ever happens here. It’s as peaceful as it can be, and anyone foolish enough to invade will be destroyed by the princesses as soon as they hear about it. All we’d have to do is make one unicorn with long range teleportation spells stayed behind. They could deliver news of invasion before any forces got near Canterlot, then the princesses would abandon their little portal plan and return swinging. Keeping our friends here would be safer and allow us to focus on our legion.”

Elias looked between the two and chuckled.

“Let me get this straight," Elias said. He jabbed a finger at Other-Elias. "The fucker who said it was a good idea to make the friends in the first place, and has told me to risk everything at every turn is now advising caution, while your paranoid ass,” he said pointing at Center Elias, “is recommending we bring them with us? Am I going crazy here?”

Other-Elias rolled his eyes.

“We’re already crazy, but that’s beside the point. Putting Night Flash and Book Binder anywhere near a battlefield is a mistake. If that’s the limit of the exclusion, then fine, but we need to make sure those two are safe. We cannot lose another Bevin and Sarah. We just can’t.”

“And we won’t,” Center Elias snapped. “That’s why it’s so important that we bring them with us! We train them to be battle-hardened warriors, then keep them at the rear of the field. We will have thousands of other soldiers from the different guard forces around us. We can literally make as big a legion as we want! We can have a cohort around each pony! Hundreds of bodyguards! What could be better? Then we get the added benefit of keeping them close, and using their talents as advisors to make sure we don’t fuck up. We need that voice in our life. Then we don’t alienate them, and after the march, we all go home with fat retirement paychecks, and they can adopt us as planned.”

“Sonofabitch,” Other-Elias muttered as he accepted the logic.

Elias was of another mind, however.

“What do you mean “adopt us as planned”? I told them that if I take this, the adoption thing is done. It was one of my conditions.”

Center Elias snorted and waved his hand dismissively.

“And then Book Binder said she would adopt us without contest. Those were the terms we agreed to, and if you think our will can match hers, you’re sorely mistaken. That mare is a force of nature when it comes to being a mom.”

Other-Elias grunted in agreement. Elias looked between them both with a look of disbelief on his face.

“Seriously? You two are just… okay with that? What happened to caution and keeping everyone at arm’s length?”

Center Elias fixed him with a deadpan look.

“That ship sailed when those two read our journals. Not to mention the fact that you decided to share our life story with Luna. You’re the only one at fault here. If you wanted to keep them at arm’s length, you should have stopped listening to this tool months ago,” he said, gesturing toward Other-Elias.

The man shrugged and nodded in agreement.

“Not untrue. Still, I think we can safely agree that my advice was largely sound.”

Elias sighed and rubbed his face with his hands.

“I hate both of you, mostly because you two, much like everyone else, are right. The fact that it has taken this long to figure that out is concerning and brings back the question if I should do this at all. Am I going to do the job right if I keep getting hung up on the past? Am I of sound enough mind to be playing with the lives of hundreds, including the ponies I love the most?”

Other-Elias grunted as he got to his feet.

“Our past is what gives us the knowledge to do this right, and frankly, its something that nobody in Equestria has. The only thing we need to do to ensure success is have absolute control. No interference, from anyone. Not the other generals, not the princesses, and not our friends. We know what it will take to correct our past mistakes, and I think it’s safe to say that we won’t be as ambitious and idiotic with our tactical decisions like last time, agreed?”

Center Elias nodded, then vanished. Elias let out a long exhale then waved the second specter away.

“Fine, it’s decided then. Now keep quiet in there unless I need help. I need to make solid choices and I don’t need the two of you getting me distracted.”

Elias counted to one hundred before he turned around. Neither specter was there, but a sense of self-confidence seeped through his mind. He could do this, he had to. He ran through the list of things he’d need to do in his mind, but first, he had dinner with two very special ponies.

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