• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).


Silverstream, the most exciteable hippogriff that Equestria has ever seen. Known as perpetually happy, she is curious about everything and anything that can be found on the surface.
She is far away from home, but the everyday discoveries of things she doesn't know and never heard about down in Seaquestria make living in Ponyville so much more interesting than living below the ocean.
The surface is the perfect place to learn and explore and she could not be happier with her new life..... But one day, Silverstream discovers something so unusual, so peculiar, so unexpected, that she thought she would never have to deal with it:

She is homesick.

Set shortly after the events seen in "School Daze".

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

I don't have time to read much yet, but this is a really cool idea!

*Awaits this story's arrival to the feature box*

This is nice! You do a great job of presenting Silverstream as more than just a flying motormouth: she has feelings and concerns, even though her innate cheeriness tends to hide them. And you also nicely present the team of her friends, coming together to help her. (Yona is official comfort yak!) There are a few minor typos in the middle, but those would be easy to fix and don't detract from the story.
Well done! :twilightsmile:

(P.S. Suggestion: I'd remove the "Sad" tag, because while there is some sadness in the middle, the ending is positive and uplifting. 'Sad' is generally an indication of stories with an unresolvedly sad ending. Don't want potential readers getting the wrong idea, and missing out here!)

Nice story! This is be a really big deal and friendship find solution to a problem)


You do a great job of presenting Silverstream as more than just a flying motormouth: she has feelings and concerns, even though her innate cheeriness tends to hide them.

This is the first deeply insightful and in-depth comment that I have gotten on a story in a long time, the last comment of this sort happened ten months and five stories ago. And it's music to my ears. It really was a long time.....
This was the goal of the story, presenting Silverstream in a condition that does fit to her, because we've seen in the show that she has a vulnerable side, but that one wouldn't expect from her.
Homesickness is perfect for that, as with all of Silverstream's hyperactive excitement for all the new things on the surface, the thought that she could become homesick for Seaquestria is really not one that would come to mind. It was a very lovely way to expand on her personality. :heart:

And you also nicely present the team of her friends, coming together to help her. (Yona is official comfort yak!)

Another goal accomplished. Originally, the idea was that each of her friends, not just Sandbar and Yona, individually contribute something to make her feel better. But finalizing ideas on this story was a tight effort with not much time to do that, so when I had settled on a way to ease Silverstream's homesickness halfway through writing yesterday, I realized that her type of homesickness only allowed for a solution where her other three friends can only engage in a team effort to help, rather than individually. The realization that Gallus, Yona, Smolder and Ocellus likely never experienced homesickness so far contributed more to this.
It makes their reactions on Silverstream's homesickness feel a little short, but I think under the context that most of her friends never had to deal with being homesick, it worked out fine in the end. I'm especially proud of the way I let Yona comfort Silverstream here, giving physical comfort suits Yona so naturally and just flows really well.^^ That side of Yona will definitely come back in future Student Six stories by me once there is an opportunity.^^

There are a few minor typos in the middle, but those would be easy to fix and don't detract from the story.

I proofread it twice with eagle hippogriff eyes and couldn't spot more than those I found. But I'm working on a tight schedule right now, I want to start two multi-chapter fics and put out one more and huge one-shot (so huge, that I will have to split it into several chapters regardless) before Season 9 starts, so it's quite possible that some slipped through the cracks.
This story is important to me, so I might go and hunt them down later once I have the resources for that.^^

Suggestion: I'd remove the "Sad" tag, because while there is some sadness in the middle, the ending is positive and uplifting. 'Sad' is generally an indication of stories with an unresolvedly sad ending.

I haven't closely analyzed the usage of the "Sad" tag in the sad stories that I read, but here, the sadness Silverstream feels is a central plot element and shows a different side of her, which is why I decided to include it. Removing it would mean to stop indicating that central plot element, so I think doing that would have a higher risk of readers getting the wrong idea about the story.
But you made me curious what is the most common way of using this tag here on FIMFiction.net, so I will look at sad stories more closely in the future and see how most authors apply it. :twilightsmile:

Well done! :twilightsmile:

Thanks and thank you for the favourite too! It's highly motivating right now. :heart:


A very big deal for Silverstream and also a very big deal for her friends who want to help her feel better. Thanks for reading, I'm happy you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

Not a problem, glad I could help! It's one of the reasons for my pen-name actually: we're all in this together as fanfiction writers (and readers).

I tend to look for and comment on stories that treat the MLP characters seriously as characters, not just vehicles for bad jokes, because we need more of them here. And this story fits the bill. Keep at it!

Wow, this is great. It's really well-written.

Well this was very hearthwarming

Guess it makes sense that Silverstream would be the most likely of the bunch to be home sick, since she spent so much time underwater and is just getting used to life on the surface. :eeyup:

A very original and interesting story involving Silverstream.

In my opinion Silverstream is like Princess Skystar but more hyper about everything. She’s one of my favorites in Season 8 and her personality is care free. But this fanfic shows a close side of her time on Seaquestria and this is one of the reasons I want to know more about Seaquestria even though Season 9 is the last season.

When her friends find her crying in tears was a good set up to her new room she got at the end. What also makes this believable is the way Sea ponies live differently unlike other creatures do. If only this show continued for couple more seasons, we could get an episode out of this.


It's one of the reasons for my pen-name actually: we're all in this together as fanfiction writers (and readers).

That's very good. Support via feedback is something pony fic writers can always need, possibly even more than ever right now.

I tend to look for and comment on stories that treat the MLP characters seriously as characters, not just vehicles for bad jokes, because we need more of them here. And this story fits the bill. Keep at it!

I'm also highly-interested in stories that show ponies and creatures from all sides and a lot of aspects of their lives, especially when the writers of the show/comics decided against showing us certain aspects of their lives.
I'm not sure whether you will be interested in my next story for Silverstream, too, because it will likely focus on comedy and showcase what I love most about her, her curiosity to discover and examine all of the new things the surface holds for her, but even if this story should not interest you, I have already written a couple of other stories like that.
If you are on the lookout for more stories from me that fit this bill, check out "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!", "Aunt Millie" and "Wish for a Mother". :twilightsmile:

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Thanks! :scootangel: I'm glad both of you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:


She’s one of my favorites in Season 8 and her personality is care free.

I also love this carefree side of her and, most importantly, her deep interest in all things that she didn't have in Seaquestria. It makes her especially adorable.^^

But this fanfic shows a close side of her time on Seaquestria and this is one of the reasons I want to know more about Seaquestria even though Season 9 is the last season.

I am, for the most part, interested in Silverstream's current life at the friendship school, so Silverstream and Student Six fics from me will focus on that for the foreseeable time. But I will eventually write about her life in Seaquestria, too, once I feel I have written enough about her time in the friendship school and that I want to delve into new territory with her.^^

If only this show continued for couple more seasons, we could get an episode out of this.

That is true and I also wish it would. Unlike certain fearmongering scaredy-pants that compare MLP: FiM with completely different and unrelated shows like "The Simpsons" and "Spongebob", that our fandom brought forth, like to claim, I can see that MLP: FiM holds potential for so many more seasons. With a world as massive as Equus (of which we still don't know a rather large part if the most current version of Equestria's/Equus' map we have available right now is any indication, not to mention places we know, but haven't seen in detail yet) and with so many interesting ponies and creatures that live there and can serve as potential characters, all that would have to be done is switching to different mane characters or maybe even to a different place as the main location, and we could easily get another nine seasons without a reduction of quality.
Their entire planet offers enough to turn My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic into a very long, on-going saga similar to "Star Trek" or "Doctor Who".
And I am still hoping for this, because we don't have any confirmation on what Generation 5 is going to be yet. It could easily be a reboot, because each new generation of "My Little Pony" was a reboot so far, but it could also continue with Equestria and with the ponies and creatures we've come to love, since Generation 4 rebooted the franchise because the early generations sucked so much and Lauren Faust wanted to make something really good out of "My Little Pony".
But Generation 4 doesn't suck, it's an outstanding show that surpassed all expectations and because of that, it wouldn't be unlikely if Hasbro wants to ride this success further and lets Generation 5 still be with G4's universe. I am strongly hoping and wishing for that.
However, even if that should happen, then there is still the question who we will see in Generation 5 again and who we won't see again, which makes it an uncertain future for sure. Still a much better one than a reboot, but right now, we don't know if we will see Silverstream again in Generation 5.
And if the worst should happen and Generation 5 does turn out to be a reboot, all we can do is continuing to write for the ponies/creatures we love and to tell about their potential life with our stories. I will always do that; for Silverstream, for my Crusaders and for many others, so, get comfy here on my account, my ride will never end. :scootangel:
Thanks for reading and for the favourite! :twilightsmile:

You are incredible. Silverstream is my favorite of The Young Six, and this was beautifully done. You really are talented, and I commend you for your incredible writing style, your story itself, and your breathtaking emotions in the story. You rock! You totally got a favorite from me! I hope you get on the featured page, because you deserve it! :pinkiehappy:


I'm not sure whether you will be interested in my next story for Silverstream, too, because it will likely focus on comedy and showcase what I love most about her, her curiosity to discover and examine all of the new things the surface holds for her...

Oh don't get me wrong -- two of my favorite authors are Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett, so I definitely love comedy when it's well-written and witty. And Silverstream's innocent/confused responses to things are some of the funniest lines the Young Six get. I'll check out the stories you mentioned -- thanks for the pointers!

Twilight did a step towards the pond and turned around. “This was only possible because of you. You did the right thing for your friend and where there for her when she needed you. I'm very proud to call you my students.” She let her eyes wander over the five creatures and presented each of them with a warm smile. They smiled and grinned back at her, wearing slight blushes in their faces because of the overwhelming praise.

That should be were.

Nice story though.


You are incredible.


I think nopony called me that before after I released a new story/chapter. Thank you for all of this praise! That's almost too much for my little pony author heart.^^ Almost. :trollestia:
And thank you for the favourite too! I'll do my best to keep delivering. More Silverstream stories will come.^^


Glad to hear that. I don't think I'm quite the next Pratchett and Comedy is still mostly new to me, but the idea I have has a lot of potential for many diverse scenarios.
There's only one way of finding out if I can write it good. :rainbowdetermined2:

YES! AWESOME! I can't wait to see what you come up with next! I did a five part (maybe six at some point if the inspiration comes) series with Silverstream and Gallus as a couple, and I also did three fics with Silverstream and Smolder, but those were more geared to specific likings. But if you wanna check them out, feel free! I can't wait to see what you do next!


Oh, I didn't notice these Gallstream fics yet! I'm weeks behind on the new fics here because of catching up with a writing backlog that I want to work through before Season 9 starts.
And I've seen you've written three stories in 2014 and 2015 then nothing for three years and then suddenly so many new ones from Summer of last year onwards, that's a very interesting writing history. It feels good to see a pony author who found a new spark to write after so many years.

It's funny because during that time I was working on fanfiction.net on non-pony fics, and then the ponies came back to me after a while and I've been on here. It's kind of like learning to balance two worlds, you know?


and then the ponies came back to me after a while and I've been on here

Yep, that's what ponies do. They always pull you back when they start missing you. :heart:


I still have to listen to this, but things got in the way the last two weeks. Tomorrow should be the day.

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