• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 2,140 Views, 53 Comments

Equestria AquaGirls - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms joins forces with Aquaman to search the lost trident of Atlan and dethrone King Orm.

  • ...

The Black Manta

Arthur, Mera and the ninjas were walking through the town’s square of Sicily, with Leo and Mikey cloaked in their human holograms. Leo and Arthur were taking the lead while the others followed. Mera was fascinated how humans in the surface world lived their daily lives.

“You know Arthur, I've read about how you on the Batcomputer, you seem mighty different from what I read when you first met Batman and the League,” Leo told him.

“Well, back then I was, well, not very nice. A few years after finding out about my mother, I made my own way to Atlantis where I proved my birthright and they made me king after King Orvax, Orm's Father. I didn't want it at first but, I don't know it just seemed right. I guess it was the power of the throne, but I started to forget I was ever human and had a father, even calling myself Orin. Eventually, I fell in love with Mera and had our son, who I named him Arthur, even though I didn't know why at the time.”

Twilight asked, “So, you forgot you were part human?”

Arthur admitted, “Pretty much. But I still respected the surface world. But then, I became shocked when my brother survived and challenged me for the throne. As a result, I lost. I was exiled to the surface, leaving my wife and son with him. I went back to living with my dad and cut my hair short, but I never even told him about Mera and his grandson.”

“I'm very sorry to hear that,” Twilight put his hand on his shoulder.

“Let's not worry about it now. Let's just continue to find the Trident.”

They kept walking, but Leo asked another question. “Hey Arthur, I read a report that you lost your left hand the first time you fought Orm. Replaced it with a hook?”

Arthur explained, “After my exile, I was given a robotic hand from S.T.A.R Labs. But then a magical friend and Justice League member, Doctor Fate, used magic to make it more real. Not completely, but good enough.”

Leo said, “Gotta admit, it's hard to tell if it's a fake.”

Mikey exhaled, “Ahh, Italy. The birthplace of pizza.”

“Is that what you always think about, Mikey?” Casey asked.

“Of course. It's because we haven't eaten lunch yet.”

Everyone started hearing their stomach growling.

Arthur called, “Alright, first we eat then we get back to work.”

While the Ninjas were finding some place to eat, they observed Mera looking around until she ran into the flower shop to see some beautiful flowers. The owner gave her a bouquet of roses and Mera sniffed it. Arthur then paid the owner some money and Mera became fascinated with the smell.

Rarity walked up to her and asked, “So, what do you think?”

“Smells beautiful,” Mera answered as she observed how humans eat in the surface world. Seconds later, Mera started eating the roses. The Ninjas were surprised as Arthur came by until Mera offered him the roses. He took it and ate one of the roses, liking the taste as well while Leo and the others tried hard not to laugh.

After that, they walked near the fountain where the little girl is standing. Arthur offered Mera a coin, but she then decided to give it to the little girl. She received the coin from Mera and tossed it into the fountain to make a wish. Unbeknownst to the citizens of Sicily’s town square, Mera used her powers to make little water animals come to life and put on a little fountain show for the child.

After the little show Mera put on, Mikey asked, “Still think the surface world is bad, Mera?”

Mera replied, “Maybe there is some truth to what you said.”

“I'm starting to think you actually like these surface-dwellers,” Arthur smiled.

Mera stated, “It would be wrong to judge a place I've never seen before.”

“I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere,” Arthur informed his wife and walked off to ask some people around the area.

As for Mera, the little girl offered her a storybook as a gift. Mera was honored and received the book from her. “Thank you,” Mera said. She then started reading the pages of it.

Twilight came by and asked, “Ooh, what you got there, Mera?”

“It's a children's book,” Mera showed Twilight the book. As Mera read it, she discovered something very annoying.

Arthur came back and told Mera, “Well, apparently, it's just right up on the hill. A big old castle.”

“And I just learned something very interesting,” Mera showed him the book. “Pinocchio. You risked our lives based on something you read in a children's book?” Mera gave him the book, shoving it.

“Wait, it's a book?” Arthur chuckled. “How about that?” He closed the book and answered, “I got it from the movie.” He called his friends, “Andiamo!”

“Still... It worked. Sometimes the most unorthodox method is the most effective,” Mikey stated.

“Hmm, interesting,” Mera noted and followed alongside Arthur and her allies.

Meanwhile in Atlantis, the Turtle Sub hid behind a field of seaweed and spied on King Orm, King Nereus, Vulko, and their Atlantean guards, entering the castle of the Fishermen Kingdom.

The King of the Fishermen Kingdom greeted them, “King Nereus, I had hoped our people had evolved beyond that ancient notion that war with the surface is inevitable. It is the position of the Fishermen that when the time comes to make ourselves known to the landsmen, it should be to educate them, not destroy them.”

In the Turtle Sub, Donnie looked through the window, “Fascinating. I wish I can enter their kingdom, but I can’t. Right, Raph?”

However, Raph was nowhere to be seen along with Rainbow Dash.

“Where’s Raph and Rainbow?” Donnie asked the girls.

Hiding behind the rocks right near the castle were Rainbow and Raph in their scuba gear, spying on King Orm.

Orm replied, “I admire your lofty aspirations, King Ricou. But I suspect they are but clouds of ink hiding the heart of a coward.”

“How dare you!” King Ricou yelled and swam forward with his guards as they charged up their weapons.

While Vulko panicked, King Orm told him, “Please. I implore you. You're a kingdom of bloated philosophers and flaccid poets whose waters have grown stagnant, and it sickens me.”

King Ricou had enough of Orm and was ready to attack him, but Orm knocked his trident off of Ricou’s hands and killed him right in the chest, in front of his royal family and guards.

The Ninjas gasped in horror as the Fishermen guards charged right at their enemies, but King Nereus shot them with quick speed.

“My king!” Ricou’s wife cried.

King Orm stated, “The king is dead! Long live his heir.”

Raph shouted in anger, “Murderer!”

Orm and his men turned to see Raph and Rainbow charging right at them. Not only that, the Fishermen queen and princess were shocked to see a surface dweller and a mutant in their kingdom.

“You're going to pay for that, fishhead!” Rainbow yelled, arming herself with her spear.

“Agggh!” Raph screamed and attacked Orm, but he deflected their attacks and knocked them down with his trident. After that, his guards used fishing nets to capture them.

King Orm then swam towards the King Ricou’s daughter, “Princess. Prepare your armies, Your Highness. We move against the Brine Kingdom at once.”

The princess and her mother were scared, pressured by Orm’s orders while Vulko looked nervous and couldn't do a thing about it.

Orm then turned his attention to Raph and Rainbow. “As for you two, I admire your bravery, but did you honestly think you'd stand a chance against me?”

Rainbow answered, “Fighting a 120% coward like you... Absolutely.”

Then, the Turtle Sub came out of hiding and launched a diversion by shooting smoke bombs from its turrets. While Orm and his men were blinded along with the Fishermen royal family swimming away, The Ninjas in scuba gear knocked out the guards while Donnie and Fluttershy released their friends from the nets.

“Man, what took you guys so long?” Raph asked.

April angrily ordered, “Don't talk. Turtle Sub. Now.”

“You don't have to tell us twice,” Rainbow replied and swam fast to the Turtle Sub.

After that, the rest of the Ninjas swam back to the Turtle Sub and it swam away from the Fishermen Kingdom.

“Leave them. They're not our concern right now. What matters now is gathering our armies. Right, Vulko?” Orm asked him.

Vulko sighed in a worried tone, “Yes, sire.”

Meanwhile in Sicily, the Rainbooms, Casey, and Mikey were at the sightseeing at the top of the castle while Leo and Twilight helped Mera and Arthur looking for clues from the map.

“What did the recordings say, again?” Leo asked.

Mera translated, “"Journey beyond the edge of the world to the Hidden Sea. Look in the bottle for the charted path. Only in the hands of the true king can he truly see."”

“Look in the bottle for the charted path,” Arthur reciprocated as he went to get the bottle in Mera’s bag and looked through it. “Oh, man.”

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Wow,” Arthur laughed. “That's awesome.”

“Let me see,” Mera insisted and grabbed the bottle from her husband as the Ninjas gathered around. She looked through it, “Wow. But how do you know where to point it?”

“Let me see,” Arthur ordered and Mera handed the bottle to him. “What was the last line?”

Twilight answered, “"Only in the hands of the true king can he truly see."”

Arthur mumbled, “"Only in the hands of the true…",” He then looked at the statues to figure out what the clue meant.

Mikey said, “Cool statues. Who are they?”

“Marcus Agrippa. He was a great general, but he wasn't a king,” Arthur then looked at the next statue, “Neither was Scipio.”

“How do you know all of this stuff?” Rarity asked.

Arthur answered, “It's because of my pops. He made sure I knew my history when I was a kid.”

“That was very clever of him,” Pinkie commented.

“None of these guys are kings, except this guy,” Arthur pointed to the statue at the center. “Romulus. The first king of Rome.”

Twilight gasped, “That's right! He's the key to the map's passage!”

Arthur put the bottle on the hand of the statue, “"Only in the hands of the true king can he truly see."” He looked through the bottle and the light was pointing right at the location of the Hidden Sea.

“What do you see?” Leo asked as Arthur excitingly laughed.

“There it is. That's our heading.”

“What? Let me see,” Mera said as Arthur stepped back and she looked through the bottle. “We did it!”

“We got the location, everyone.” Leo informed his team and everyone celebrated.

“Not bad for an imbicile, huh?” Arthur asked Mera.

Mera replied back, “Not bad at all.”

However, the celebration was cut short as the heroes were knocked off by a blast of an explosion. Then, a black, armored villain with a jet pack and laser eyes of a helmet arrived on the castle along with his squad of Atlantean armored soldiers.

“Loathsomeness waits and dreams in the deep, and decay spreads over the tottering cities of men.”

As the armored villain was ready to charge up, Arthur told Mera, “Get back!”

The armored villain gave Arthur a taste of his optic blast from his helmet, sending him right over the stone wall below the top.

“Arthur!” Mera shouted as she and the Ninjas went to rescue him. However, they were stopped and surrounded by Atlantean guards, led by Captain Murk and another familiar face. Mera ordered, “I order you all to stand down!”

“We cannot do that, Mera.”

“General Brak. Never thought I see you again.” Mera said.

“King Orm released me after your husband was defeated,” General Brak explained. “Perhaps he didn't tell you about it, I guess.”

Captain Murk told her, “As for you and your surface friends, you are all charged with high treason.”

“Fight me, you fight all of us.” Leo insisted as the Ninjas got their weapons ready.

The armored villain then flew up and landed down behind the wall where Arthur was resting and set his sights on him.

After he saw burn marks on his forearms, Arthur asked him, “Who in Neptune's beard are you?”

“Maybe this will jog your memory,” The armored villain pulled out a blade out of his gauntlet.

The two combatants duked it out like they know each other’s moves. Arthur blocked his attacks and got a hold on his arms until the villain headbutted him with his helmet, damaging Arthur. As for Mera and the Ninjas, they attacked the Atlantean squad as well. Leo snatched Murk’s blade and sliced Murk’s hand off with it while Mera took another Atlantean guard down, smashing his helmet and the rest took them down with their ninja weapons.

Leo ordered, “Rainbooms, go help Mera. Casey, Mikey, you're with me. Let's go help Aquaman deal with this new foe of his.”

Pinkie and Mikey cheered, “You got it, Leo!”

The Ninjas spread out as the disguised Turtles and Casey went to help Arthur while the Rainbooms follow Mera as the squad of Atlantean soldiers got up and followed the girls.

“Get them, you fools!” General Brak yelled.

Back to Arthur, he leapt onto the edge of the stoned cliff and took the villain down with a pelé kick to the head while the Turtles and Casey found him.

Mikey called, “We got your back, dude.”

Arthur then noticed the blade with a crest of the manta ray and started to remember who he was dealing with.

“Wait a minute. You're the guy from the sub.”

The villain underneath the armor was none other than David Kane. He replied, “That's right!” He then stabbed Arthur on the shoulder with his blade. “But now I have Atlantean steel.”

“Arthur!” Leo shouted.

David blocked Arthur’s attacks and slashed him on the chest to his back as Arthur retreated. Then he blocked the Turtle’s and Casey’s attacks with his blades and knocked them down with his armor’s strength, tossing them to Arthur’s side.

“You can call me, Black Manta.” He blasted them with his energy beams from his helmet again as Arthur protected the Turtles and Casey with a big rock, but it knocked them off and sent them falling from the castle.

“I was totally gonna suggest Black Shark, but Black Manta sounds better!” Mikey shouted.

“Now is not the time to be calling villain names, Mikey!” Leo fired back.

“Hmph. Party pooper.” Mikey crossed his arms, feeling dissatisfied.

Seconds later, Arthur grabbed Casey to rescue him as the guys crashed on the roof and fell into the house while the female elder was startled, trying to dust her apartment.

“Are you alright, Casey?” Leo asked as he pulled Casey up.

“I'm good. Thanks Arthur,” Casey thanked him.

Then, Black Manta descended down into the house. “You thought you could walk away?”

Casey informed his friends, “I'll get the innocents out of the area. You guys go on ahead.”

“Right,” Leo understood.

While Casey helped the female elder exit the apartment, the disguised Turtles deactivated their disguises and grabbed their ninja weapons again.

“Doesn't matter if you bring all the Dakota City Freaks, you're gonna pay!” Black Manta growled.

Leo stated, “We won't let you take him, dude.”

Black Manta replied, “This is a waste of my time.”

Arthur informed the Turtles, “Try and keep him away from other civilians in the area. I'll handle this shellhead. No offense, Turtles.”

Leo and Mikey nodded.

“None taken. C'mon Mikey, let's leave them be.” Leo ordered.

“Right,” Mikey followed his brither and exited the room.

“I'll gut you like a fish,” Black Manta attacked Arthur with his sword, but he kicked Manta’s sword away, sending it to the roof, but Black Manta continued to attack with his blade gauntlet and Arthur dodged it as he grabbed a table and hit Black Manta with it.

“I thought I told you not to make this a habit,” Arthur told him as he lifted Black Manta up to smash him on the roof and the wall, leaving a couple of holes until the neighbor next door looked through the hole on the wall to see what was going on.

Arthur apologized, “Scusi.”

Black Manta spin side kicked Arthur off the balcony, sending him crashing down on the rooftop until Arthur held onto the edge. He made his way down and confronted Arthur, “You can't run from me, half breed. You owe me blood!”

Arthur questioned him, “How you'd find me?”

“Your lady friend has people who like to keep tabs on her,” Black Manta then rammed Arthur into the roof of the bell tower.

“Hope the girls are having just as much fun as I am,” Arthur mumbled to himself.

Meanwhile, the squad of Atlantean soldiers led by General Brak and Captain Murk were chasing after Mera and the Rainbooms.

“I'm impressed with your ninja skills back there earlier. You gotta teach me some of your moves next time,” Mera suggested.

Rarity replied, “We'll see if we all stay in one piece, darling.”

“Keep firing men!” General Brak ordered as the soldiers continued firing their plasma rifles while Captain Murk fell down on the roof and landed inside the apartment. He scanned the girls’ heat signatures and followed their trail by smashing through every wall that's in his way.

While the Rainbooms and Mera continued dodging the lasers and jumping on rooftops, Arthur jumped at a great distance to dodge Black Manta’s energy beam and crashed onto another rooftop before landing on the ground, groaning in pain. As debris started falling, the giant bell was ready to fall on the little girl until Arthur made the save and pushed the bell aside with his super strength, and the citizens were not harmed as well.

Leo hollered the citizens around the plaza, “Everyone, get to safety! NOW!”

Back to Mera and the Rainbooms, they continued dodging and running on the rooftops while the Atlantean soldiers continued firing lasers at them. Captain Murk bursted through one house to another until he fired his laser rifle above Mera and the Rainbooms. The girls were launched right out of the roof and crash landed in the wine house.

Twilight commented, “What an interesting place to land here. A wine house.”

Rarity got up and looked around the area. She commented in disgust, “Alcohol... Repulsive.”

Back outside, Arthur lifted the heavy debris while Casey pulled an innocent citizen out of the struggle.

“I got you. Let's get inside the church,” Casey said to him, carrying him by the shoulder.

While the heroic men evacuate the citizens to safety, Black Manta arrived and shot Arthur in the back with his harpoon gauntlet, stinging his foe with his laser string.

Arthur screamed in pain as Black Manta told him, “I'll show you the same mercy you showed to my father. And gut you like the fish you are!”

Reluctantly, Arthur grabbed the laser string, pulled Black Manta with his super strength, and knocked him with a clothesline. While Arthur went to get rid of the arrow on his back, Black Manta reached for his Manta knife and pierced Arthur on his left pec.

“Pressure crushing you yet?” Black Manta asked as he continued to pressure on Arthur, screaming in more pain.

Then, Mikey jump kicked Black Manta on the chest followed up by Leo throwing Black Manta by the arm at a distance.

“You okay, Fishman?” Mikey asked.

Arthur replied, grunting from the pain, “I'm fine… And please stop calling me that.”

Meanwhile, Captain Murk grabbed Mera by the neck to choke her, but Rarity made the save by damaging the back of Murk’s helmet using her sickles.

Murk panicked and retreated to the bathroom, choking with fresh air without any water until he found a source for water… the toilet. He took off his helmet and plunged his head into the toilet. “Ahhh,” He sighed in relief.

Rarity reacted in disgust, “Eww! Now that is seriously the seventh most repulsive thing I've ever seen!”

General Brak and two of his men showed up at the wine house and set their sights on the Rainbooms and Mera, targeting their rifles at them.

“We got you on our sights now, ladies. There's no where left for you to run. Give yourself up and we won't harm you.” General Brak said.

Twilight then put her hands behind her back to secretly used her magic powers to open the wine bottle corks by itself.

Then, the wine bottles started to shake automatically as Mera used her magic to control the water in the wine and harden the water to create solid water constructs like spikes.

General Brak said, “Uh-oh.”

Mera unleashed her water spikes and pierced the armors of two Atlantean soldiers except General Brak, who moved out of the way. General Brak crawled his way to safety until…

“Whatcha doin'?”

General Brak got startled at Pinkie’s sudden appearance from behind and stepped back with his rifle at his hands. “Stay back! I'm warning ya!”

Unbeknowst to him were Rarity and Twilight standing right behind him, getting ready to knock him out.

Pinkie advised him, “Here's a piece of advice. Don't fight us. We work together like a well-oiled machine.”

Twilight tapped General Brak on the shoulder to get his attention. He turned around and the duo punched Brak's helmet, making it crack.

Brak was choking and crawled his way to the fountain and took off his helmet to dump his head into the water. “Ahh,” He sighed in relief.

“A part of me feels guilty about that,” Twilight mumbled.

Meanwhile, the Turtles and Casey worked together to defeat Black Manta while Arthur watched. Casey swung his hockey stick at his explosive pucks to hit Black Manta first, Mikey used the magic from his medallion to hit him with his powered-up nunchaku and Leo slashed his armor with his powered-up katanas by the use of the magic from his medallion. Black Manta knelt down as the systems of his suit started to glitch.

Black Manta told them, “You can't defeat me like this.”

Arthur replied as he stood up, “We can and we will.”

Leo ran towards Black Manta and leapt over him to use his katanas and slashed the back of his armor first, then Mikey used his skateboard and hit him with his nunchaku, followed up with Casey tasering him with his homemade taser, and finally, Arthur preformed a jump spinning side kick on Black Manta’s helmet, making his helmet flew off his head and unmasking him.

David was barely conscious after taking damage until Arthur punched him in the face, knocking him out into unconsciousness. After that, Arthur slowly started to faint after taking damage as well as Mera and the Ninjas went to help him.

Mera tend to her husband’s aid, “Arthur, stay with me.”

Arthur told her, “Mera, they're tracking you.”


“They're tracking you,” Arthur repeated his words before he fainted.

Casey wondered, “What does he mean by that?”

Twilight whispered, “I think he's referring to something that Mera had from Atlantis.”

Mera looked around until she noticed her bracelet that Orm gave her earlier and realized that her bracelet was a tracking device. She took it off and smashed the bracelet.

Rarity commented, “Well it's a shame that bracelet went to waste, but necessary for our mission.”

Mera went to check on her husband, making sure he is conscious.

“Arthur? Arthur, stay with me. Arthur, wake up! Arthur.”

Author's Note:
  • The name Orin was what Aquaman was called in the DC animated series, Young Justice.
  • General Brak used to appear in the DC animated series, Justice League
  • Some quotes that Leo and Black Manta were used from Injustice 2.