• Member Since 5th Feb, 2019
  • offline last seen Mar 21st, 2022



A large corporation in Manehattan hires you to fulfill the Diversity and Inclusion goals and reach the target numbers on the key metrics such as the absence of gender and racial bias. They specialize in customized spell solutions, distributed enchantment systems and cloud mana storage: three things that you, a human, didn't know even exist.

To their surprise, you are not entirely useless.

This is an RGRE (Reversed Gender Roles Equestria) story. You were warned.

Huge thanks to Vayne Hellslinger and SirReal for helping me to make this stuff more readable.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 386 )

Now there is RGRE, and then there is RGRE.
Tone it back a peg eh?
Less of an 11, more of a 9 maybe?

I like this story so far, continue it please, or else... I will taze you!!

PFFFFFFFF 9? try bringing it up to 12 why dont you! XD

Story is good, looks to me like a really good read. more

Oh and try to not write in the HUGE long paragraphs like in this first chapter, having long paragraph after long paragraph makes a reader feel like reading it is a boring task. you don't want that. but story is still good

:facehoof: you know the novelty RGRE in a story is lost when the Male MC is just as if not more worthless then the males in the story. The author has made it very, very, very, very, very, very clear how worthless this pathetic little human is compared to the ubermensch that is the ponies.

Now that you think about it, you are not even sure what had that interview achieved, apart from making it obvious to everyone that you are a living avatar of "uselessness as a concept." You were trying to advertise yourself as a handyman (a term you had to explain to the interviewers) and/or janitor, with a desire to learn more and acquire new skills beneficial for the job. After just a few minutes, it became very clear that not only you have absolutely no idea how to replace a light bulb, you are also unsure what basic principles it works on around here, and how useful your intuition about electricity is going to be when you apply it to the magical and semi-magical equipment in Equestria.

When I read "handyman" I had to go back and check to see if this story was T rated and with no sex tag to make sure that that mare wasn't hiring him for those purposes lol

> ubermensch ponies
Well, it's not inaccurate. Fine manipulation in a sterile environment is pretty much a unicorn monopoly. Anon can't manipulate weather formations, and earth ponies are generally stronger. Add to that the fact that Anon is still acclimatizing to essentially alien technology, and he pretty much has to be pushing a broom and fetching coffee to have something to do.
All of this doesn't really detract from the uniqueness of his point of view. If anything, a genuinely (if temporarily) useless Anon is more of a novelty than an ultra-capable Anon. This Anon still has a drive to legitimately contribute, and might be able to use and go against stallion stereotypes to get things done. I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

Absolutely true, doesn't help that all ponies instant know what they are best at and what kind of job the should have when they get a cutie mark. For us it's so hard to tell what we want to do, though if I was in his place I would probably go insane from lack of electronics and probably take up woodcarving and blacksmithing just to replicate things from games/books/shows.

I would agree with you however the majority of HiEs the Male human MC is it barely functional adult. Normally they are a submissive and cowardly man child that all they did back on Earth was live with their parents and play video games and if they had a job usually it was with computers. Now I'm not saying that's what's happening in this story all I'm saying is that all we know about the MC is his excessive whining about how worthless he is and that just makes him look pathetic and within the framework of a RGRE that's not interesting it's just more of the same.

Interesting start. Quality RGRE is in short supply, and it looks like you're fairly well committed to delivering on the concept rather than going only half-in like most RGRE fics.

Looking forward to seeing how this goes.

Well... I'm surprised! I thought this would be another low quality anon fic. But your writing style is actually very gripping and makes the story shine.

I hope to see more from you.

I keep typing a lot, but I'm keeping it simple:
I like this, and write the story as you feel it should go. Also, I extra like the character introspection at the end of the chapter.


This is MLP. I'm fine with humans not being as good as ponies, that should be the norm here instead of that weird human-worshiping cult we had here for a couple years who'd only write or read stories about humans killing ponies and the glory of the nuclear bomb used against the Princesses and whatnot.

What I'm not okay with "Reversed Gender Roles" meaning that males are worthless fops and females are sexist, controlling demigods. That's Outdated Reversed Gender-stereotypes Equestria. Or ORG-E for short. I demand this new category be recognized!

Alright, so far so decent. I like the premise, now you just need a proofreader, because a lot of minor mistakes made it through. Other than that, it seems to be coming along neatly.

A bit unsubtle, especially the newspaper excerpt, but this could be fun.

Wish I had a job like that, also that pr pony looks like she might be fun to tease.

Hee, i like this a lot so far. Too often reverse gender roles end up being a pity party with cruel storylines and with a lot of spite. This feels like it might have a nice tune to it, might be much more mature take on the genre.

I'm quite curious on how will this proceed. Please, do continue soon!

The majority of stallions, however, are just fussy and whimsical weaklings with vague ambitions and hedonistic lifestyles.

Whether it's something genetic or a consequence of the lifestyle, stallions sort of suck.

Ladies and gentlemen, RGRE in a nutshell. Don't think about it too deeply.

I am really liking this MC's motive. And individual that is part of an extremely small minority who wants to be useful to others despite their circumstance. Ill add this to tracking for sure.

A RGRE with an Anon that isn't either A, Worthless or B, Good at everything and anything from the get go? O.o Now you have my interest XD

While the absurdity of the stallions if I'm to make an assumption based on this first chapter is a bit insane... I'm honestly gonna chalk that up to being more in the line of you poking fun at it o.o And I'm really interested in seeing if Anon gets stuck doing intern stuff or if he's got previous skills that he can actually adapt to this new job XD He's just got to learn all this new alien stuff first :3

Ah, but this pathetic little human you speak of doesn't want to be useless, quite the opposite, really. So he isn't pathetic or little, he is quite up standing. A true friend who will be with you to the end.

I like that Anon is striving to become more than he already is.:twilightsmile:

As a fellow guy, I am rooting for this guy. I feel that any guy worth his salt as a male would feel uncomfortable at best in this environment. This also means that he has a lot of potential, if he is smart about it.

How entertaining. I shall observe with interest.

The compulsion to do something, is strong, even choosing to be lazy takes effort.

Any man would be driven mad, perhaps suicidal, if they're told or realize themselves, that anything they could do, is outshined by a mare with a mcguffin stamp on her ass. Even stallions would be better but they'd rather be pampered :T


[observes an unexpectedly-huge pile of comments]
Welp, looks like now I have to.

By the way, I deeply apologize to everyone for various mistakes. Believe it or not, I care about them a lot more than it looks like, my English just sort of... sucks (working on it). If anyone feels generous and doesn't mind spending a moment to send me a PM about the most unforgivable atrocities against the language, I would greatly appreciate that.

I feel like the problems of some of these rgre stories could be solved with him saying "back in my dimension, the mare equivalents for my species are the males" or some similar lie.

Currently, the most glaring atrocity here is that there aren't enough words on the screen. Fix this immediately! :twilightangry2:

Feels like a delicious literary appetizer that promises good things to come in the main course.

I think you missed the sarcasm I was pushing in that statement.

Soooooo your mindset is

Ponies being shity to humans: I'm okay with this 👍

Ponies being shity to each other: whoa now pump the brakes thats not right

I don't know if I should consider that thought process disturbing or you just have a fetish.


"Sooooooo" my mindset is, "There's nothing wrong with ponies being better than humans in pony fiction." Full stop.

Ponies being crap to ANYONE else, other ponies or not, should only be plot mechanics. Why is this person such a jerk? Are they an antagonist? Are they a problem that needs to be solved? How is it going to be solved?

YOU need to stop putting words in other peoples' mouths, apparently.

That would make sense, although her badge says that she is the "Director of Pony Resource Department," which doesn't sound like an entry-level position. You find yourself wondering if this title makes her a PR instead of an HR, and how do ponies call their other PRs instead to avoid the confusion.

I imagine they're called HR, for Herd Relations.

I'm not trying to put words in anyone's mouth, but reading your last post I still revert back to my last post.

I'll assume that you see the irony in saying "There's nothing wrong with ponies being better than humans" and "Ponies being crap to ANYONE else, other ponies or not" in the same statement thus proving my point.


Being higher-placed, better-equipped, more competent, or physically/mentally superior to someone else does not entail that one is treating that person poorly. I'm hoping you've just been making some kind of extremely far left field mistake in understanding and not trying to put piecemeal my opinion into some narrative that feeds back into justifying your outrage.

It seem rather obvious that you are just deliberately flame-baiting at this point, i see no way you could honestly interpenetrate his answer that way unless you are really bad at English or delibiratly picking a fight just for the sake of it. :facehoof:

I think what's got me wrapped around the axle is the words were using specifically the word "better", for example specifically I might be better than you at fixing a car but when we zoom out that does not make me better than you. Thinking you're better than someone inherently I think as a moral wrong. So in the statement "There's nothing wrong with ponies being better than humans" I look at as a moral wrong, because it's looking at sentient species as better because species.


Okay, so it was a far left field misunderstanding. That's fine. But no, I'm specifically against the 'because species, I am an arrogant prick'. I even pointed out I was against that when I mentioned the violent human-worshiping cult we had here for a time. No, that is just straight up garbage and I'm against that kind of mess.

My lighthearted point was that I'm okay with ponies being the folks with the upper hand in stories we have here in our pony fandom specifically because this is our pony fandom, and not the fandom where it's only acceptable to have humans bombing ponies and dozens of users attack you for not being okay with that becoming a common theme.

But this whole 'Fuck this human slave monster' kind of deal that people seem to be praising, I'm against.

oh I love this intro, I'm even more excited if the blurb describing the story is accurate. If you don't mind me asking, how often do you think you'll update? I'll read it no matter but I'd like to know just how patient I should be.

I aim to publish a new chapter every 3-4 days, but I'm too inexperienced to be confident about this estimate. If some IRL nonsense forces me to delay a new chapter, there is nothing I'll be able to do about that.

Not planning to abandon the fanfic for weeks, though, if that's what you are worrying about. I'm having a huge amount of fun writing this stuff, and I'm pleasantly shocked to receive such a positive feedback already. I hope I won't let you down.

It takes a bit more context, which you hinted at. There's nothing whatsoever wrong with saying X population is better at action Y than Z population. It's quite a different statement to say that X population is thus better than Z population because of action Y.

It's a false equivalence in that the first argument is mainly predicated on the relative competence of selected populations' actions, whereas the latter is an outright profession of values as they express through divergent moral/ideological epistemologies. One falsely ascribes the more effective population as one similarly efficacious in being the most moral.

Looks interesting... think I will stick around for a bit more. 🔖

excellent! I hope you enjoy writing this at least as much as I am enjoying reading it.

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