• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2011
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Twilight Sparkle was used to a lot of strange things. So when she pursued the strange unicorn who had stolen her crown through a portal, she thought she could handle whatever came her way. Unfortunately for her, she finds herself involved in a war far greater then she could have imagined. Thankfully, she's got a cute boy to help her survive. Fifth war/EQG 1 mixup.

Cover art: by Alex-kellar

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 149 )

Mmmm, a Fate and MLP crossover, go on....


This could really go anywhere but I swear, if there isn't at least one "Lancer died!" reference in here somewhere...

Oh, and ponies die if they are killed.

This looks promising. You set up several points of interaction between stuff from MLP and the events of the grail war, so things will probably get interesting.

But before he dies, he needs to have a bonding moment with Spike, on account of both of them being dogs. :moustache:

Also, author, I found a couple of possible mistakes. Please tell me if you find this kind of feedback annoying.

I would have to steal my heart (steel)
She and her did share a similar sense of betrayal
(Both people being talked about are subjects of this sentence, so it should be "she and she" if anything, but actually I think "they" or "both of them" make more sense)
beating the other masters and servants will be a peace of cake (piece)
Queen Chrysalis would not be a fool to attack here
(I think the "not" should be dropped or the whole thing rephrased because right now it's kind of saying that attacking is a potentially good idea.)


peace of cake (peace)

Piece, I think.

The Dazzlings are lucky the Mage's Association hasn't noticed then and labeled them as Sealing Designation targets.

Given the Dazzlings ability to control minds and generally keeping a low profile through most of their history, I think that the mages won't be a threat to them until they know what they are dealing with in their entirety. The Dazzlings aren't as weak as their canon counterparts as you've noticed Sunset is still at her peak strength.

So what about time travel?
Time Travel in the Fate world is technically a True Magic. Which makes me wonder, would Twilight technically count as a True Magic user, considering she seemingly approached the 'root' of the MLP world?

I think you did the right thing to include the Dazzlings. They will fit perfectly in the story much like the "Shadow" did.

It all depends on how magic and mana works on the mlp world. The magic in Equestria could be the same kind of magic as the Age of Gods in the Fate universe. In essence due to the abundance of magical energies what is defined as "True Magic" may be different. You don't have to reach the Root to do true magic.

There's that Eroge Protag EX skill I wondered where that was... You know Shirou would make a very good pony he even has his own Special Talent.

Archer is going to be Stupid level confused

Time to see what else confuses Twi.

Yeah Twilight's REALLY not going to like Sakura's home situation...

I'm praying that Sakura gets kidnapped to Equestria and dewormed

I need to watch the source anime, which FATE series is this based on?

This is based on the original Fate Stay Night. You can find Unlimited Blade Works, based on one of the three routes, on Netflix.

Thanks! I'll look it up now!

I'm just going to laugh poor twilight she was not ready for Shirou's cooking.

The main questions I'm having about this is whether the summons are going to be the same in this Grail War. We know Sunset took in Caster instead of the other guy, but will Twilight be summoning in a Servant, or will Shirou still summon in Saber? Is Rin bringing in Archer? So many unknowns and twists that could occur to change the course of events.

this is the best! best part now caster can't summon assassin, going to make Shirou's part in the grail war a little awkward at first

This... will be interesting. So Twi has the infamous Jack the Ripper as her partner? Wonder if/when the killer behavior will show up.

I can't wait to see Archer's reaction to all this.



While I am elated at the fact we see the adorable Assassin here, how did Twilight summon her? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but to get better odds of summoning a desired servant, a catalyst is needed, which Twilight had none. If no catalyst was involved, then the Servant summoned would be one who was compatible to the Summoner and similar in character, which I don't see Twilight and Jack having despite both of them being adorable.

While I'm not complaining about this occurrence, it's just strange to me based on what I know about the Holy Grail. Then again, I could be wrong and the summoning ended up being random.

In all honesty, it's in part because of three reasons.

1. I honestly thought it would be a good bit of character building for both Twilight and Jack. Twilight is honestly someone who would be a good match for Jack as she is strong enough to keep her in check and kind enough to help her no matter what. Jack is a favored servant of mine so I was really sure I could pull this off.

2. I tend to prefer using servants that have had anime adaptations as it's easier to write for them. Jack was the only one of the four Assassins I've seen thus far.

3. While there are a good number of Assassins, and some of them are really interesting and fleshed out enough that it wouldn't be too hard (And a couple would be interesting to see bounce off Twilight), I wasn't sure if there were any Assassins that would be comparable with Twilight. It'd be easier to narrow something down in the Caster class but the Assassin characters? Maybe there are but I would probably have to talk with someone who's more of an overall expert on them to know which ones.

Okay. That makes sense. If the Caster Class was available, it would narrow down a more compatible servant. But Sunset already Caster, so by process of elimination, Twilight had to get Assassin. Not that I’m complaining. I like Jack too. Just wanted to know your reasoning behind summoning her instead of another servant, as I don’t know any in the Assassin Class that would be compatible with Twilight.

But I’m also looking forward to when Illya appears and sics Berserker on them and see her reaction.

I can't wait to see how Saber plays into this. Hopefully this story will have a happier ending for Saber, Caster, Assassin, and all the other spirits; except Gilgamesh.

I just realized, Twilight and Saber could have a rather interesting conversation about their respective positions of royalty. At this point, I'm sure Twilight doubts her ability to be a good princess with all her usual mannerisms, where as Saber regrets her rule, feels she wasn't good enough, and ultimately wishes for someone better to have ruled. Oh so much to look forward too.

Two things:

1. I've been mulling the idea of a Fate/MLP crossover, but I've been beaten to it. Drat! ;)
2. Still putting this on my "to read" list though. I'm interested to see how it starts off!

Seriously, Fate's a heavy universe with a lot of lore and character relationships. But I wish you much success as you build this out! :)


There are multiple Fate/MLP crossover here, not enough for my liking, but there is some.
Nothing prevent you from doing a crossover, even in the "same" setting.
Personally, if you do a crossover, I'll favorite & follow it immediately !

"And we're glad mommy's okay too," Assassin smiled up at her.

Twilight noticed that she talked in third person.

That's first person plural, not third person. Third person is what Trixie does.

That aside, Twi's books thing is real cute. She'll make sure Assassin gets an education ASAP. Very nice of her to not judge the eating people thing either. Gilgamesh and Kirei's bit feels a little more antagonistic than usual. At this rate they might have a schism.

I will change it shortly and yeah, Twilight is the type of gal who would want to make sure any kid of her is as educated as she is. Hopefully Spike can make sure she doesn't turn Assassin into another bookworm. XD As for those two, I always felt that Gil's attention was a fickle thing. While he does 'like' Kirei, if he ever gets bored I could very well see him throwing him to the side. Their relationship isn't exactly built on positivity after all.

If you want to get technical about it twilight could be given the caster class
But really a cutie mark shows them what they're good at and pushes them towards whatever it is, in essence a cutie mark is the origin. when twilight ascended she fixed starswirls spell which when she first used it, messed up her friends cutie marks, causing them to do the wrong things. When she fixed the spell and ascended that place she went to with celestia was described as being outside of time, a place everyone in the nasuverse calls 'the root of the world' or 'the spiral of radix'.

Yeah, Twilight is easily a Caster if I were to make an alternative Holy Grail War. I made Chrysalis one in a Fate Zero remake.

Welp, seems like this fic gonna give me diabetes with jack and twilight.

Wouldn't people notice Twilight's Command Spells?

Ah, well they will. Sakura wouldn't really pay attention to them, Shinji was looking at her face and boobs. Shirou doesn't think they are anything important. Rin just hasn't met and noticed hers yet.

Cute, hope to see more.

Now the librarian thinks Twilight had a teen pregnancy, hilarious. Gil has his eye on Twilight, that can't be good. I can't wait for Saber to be summoned.

I forgot, did Assassin inform Twilight about the war?

Not really. She's been focused on being a good daughter.

Wow, that ending was awkward. And an awful truth is revealed.

So the Princess of Friendship is going to eat with the King of Knights; this oughta be interesting.

Well, I can't see Twilight taking the war very well.

Now we’re getting somewhere. Shouldn’t Saber’s sword be invisible? I can’t wait to see how the Sirens will change things.

Fixed the thing about the sword.

Twilight, you are asking someone literally named after a profession which requires murder NOT to kill. It’s not gonna work.

Saber going to have a aneurysm.

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