• Member Since 15th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I'm a proud brony who reads stuff for a living. I also write darkfics & family-friendly stuff every-so-often. All I can say is, if you plan to read any of my content, happy horrors ;)


This story is a sequel to The Survey

In 1981, MLP G1 was created, but it also marked the creation of another being. Neither living or human. Untraceable and responsible for countless deaths, and disappearances. The doctor.

Fourth installment of "the Survey" series. The series will be concluded in the fifth and final installment, coming whenever I decide how I want to end this story series XD

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Read the prequels first! You will be completely lost if you don't!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Prequel?... oh, my ittle bird :3
The survey series, or something else? Was too clear what this is a prequel to ^^’

More a fic explaining what was hidden from sight in the previous three installments. I'd consider this sequel, seeing in the end, it moves forward in the story

Hey Sparrow! :twilightsmile:

Hope you don't mind me asking this, but do you have any advice for writing dark MLP fanfics? I'm working on a sequel for my Seeking Safety fanfic, but so far all I have for the plot is that someone is jealous of the protagonist and is seeking revenge on them.

What do you think?

First things first, take your time and don't rush, even if it takes a long time to get it all right. I'd recommend doing some brainstorming and doing a what a call "a skeleton" of the story and how you want it to play out.

Second, before posting, get a second opinion from someone you trust, if you don't feel confident that story hit right.

Hey Sparrow. Hope you don't mind but I have another question to ask.

Outside of the MLP fandom, I'm currently working on another fanfic I think you'd be interested in. It's based on the Dead Space game trilogy. If you'd like to know more, you can read about it in my Journal posts on DeviantArt. My DA username is JohnlockFanGirl.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Read the prequels first! You will be completely lost if you don't!

Dont tell me what to do youre not my real mom

oh dang, I read the other three stories, and I feel like I recognize the name Josh barston...who was he again?

part 5 coming soon?...

So, if I'm understanding this correctly, certain people who take the survey end up becoming the "family" (the mane 6 who appear throughout the survey, depending on rhe answers given)...what I don't understand, is: why the implication of all the "extras"? Why not just take 6 people, and be done? and, what about when this survey first started, and there was nobody to serve as this "family" of the mane 6 that appear in the survey? Was the survey different back then, so the ponies did not interact with the person taking the survey?

Let me see if I can explain it all off the top of my head.

The Survey took place near the start of the MLP G4 popularity spike, which is when the antagonist decided to show its ugly face to the world, but not in the form of "the Doctor" persona, but more in the form of a figure in the shadows, using the survey as a catalyst to do what it was created to do.

Some victims of the survey didn't become part of the "family" because it was still experimenting with its tactics, and it preferred having victims live than die. The fate of the unnamed victim in The Survey proves that the antagonists action weren't always the same.

Next, The Box; aka the fic that dove deeper into the tactics, as much as brought the true nature of the entity to light. The second installment took place long past the events of The Survey, meaning the entity had grown more, and, as a certain nightmare in Creation hinted, had gone about a whole new tactic in its destiny and design.

I can't say much without spoiling what I plan for the finale, but let's just say that a huge twist that involves the entire plot of The Box happens

Next, Welcome to the Family. The fic that revealed the antagonist as a whole. This took place not long after the events of the Box and was meant to show that the antagonist had decided its tactics had become more powerful and could extend past its home in the cybernetic world that it called its home.

As told at the end, it's clear there's no way to escape the entity, as much as what happens to you when you join the family. It's reasoning to continue to abduct people as victims is something yet to be revealed in the finale.

I have no idea when it's coming out, but it's going to be the longest installment.

You scared me with this. Great job. I've finally broken. After watching countless horror movies and reading countless horror stories, and having a nightmare, this was the final straw.

But I love this and can't wait for the 5th installment!

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