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The Everwall Fortext

Five friends of Spike found Twilight in the Everfree Forest.

"This is where you ran off to?" asked hat pony as five forms with Twilight.

"Weeeeeeeee! Let's go!" said pink pony.

"Not so fast. Listen. I appreciate the offer, but Spike chose you girls for a reason." said Twilight.

"No can do sugarcube. We sure ain't lettin any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone." said hat pony, who was about to get movin with the rest of the group but

"I'm staying here, and you girls have a place in Ponyville. If I let you come with me The Princess will banish me to Celestia knows where for foalnapping five greatest friends of Ponyville, Equestria, and Spike, not only hurting them but also Moon Dancer and her friends and Celestia, enough to destroy all friendship and harmony leaving Equestria in chaos at best yet most likely bringing Equestria to its destruction. The Princess sent me from Canterlot to make friends. I am her student and I'll do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria does not depend on me stealing friends from anyone. And I will not steal anyone's friendship for those dusty old books of prophecy, history, royalty, and fanfictions of them!" said Twilight.

"Friendship ain't gonna go wacko over us commin with ya." said hat pony in honest disbelief.

"No baby should ever have to lose his friends." said Twilight. Twilight breaks down in a manner all too clear to Theoden or any parent who lost their child. Then she breaks down in her loneliness, a loneliness much greater and deeper than pink pony knew.


"Uuuhh...what just happened and why is she even more lonely after not being new in Ponyville anymore?" asked baffled pink pony. No one of the five knew. Then nature pegasus gasped. "Was Twilight there when I first met Spike?" asked nature pegasus. She recalled the way Spike brushed off that tree, talking to it as if it was some pony. "Yeah and I threw a great ginormous super-duper spectacular welcome party and invited everyone in Ponyville just for her! She has lots and lots of friends!" said pink pony. Did Spike brush off Twilight, who was hiding behind that tree in absolute silence? Speaking of Spike and Pink's party, "Was Spike with Twilight in that party?" asked nature pegasus. "Huh? Spike is always with Twilight." said pink pony. Nature pegasus, sky pegasus, Miss White, and hat pony knew Spike was not with Twilight in the welcome party. Now they know what's going on. Nature pegasus felt like she became one of those childhood bullies that bullied her for continuously failing to fly. "Ah hate to tell ya this Pinkie, but Spike was not near her at all. If anythin', he was near other ponies." said hat pony. "Spike's in the party and everyone in the party is always with each other!" said pink pony. "It didn' work that way Pinkie." said hat pony. "Especially when she saw us with Spike." said nature pegasus.
"Parties make everybody feel better!" said the jumping pink pony. "Spike is certainly the party that makes her feel better, and it's not like he's in her party when she needs him the most in your party for her." said nature pegasus. Pink pony gives off her look of confusion as she has no idea what in Equestria is nature pegasus talking about. "Spike was everything to her, darling. They're from Canterlot. I can only imagine what she must have been feeling when singing that song." cried Miss White. "After meetin Fluttershy here she came in ma farm. Once me an' ma family offered her a sample she kept eatin an' eatin until she ate everyth'n! After stayin for brunch she gone lookin for Spike. Now I don' rightly know why I'm not the first person she meets but I'm not quest'ning it." said hat pony. "Hold it! What do you mean they're from Canterlot?! We already knew that!" said sky pegasus. "Dear, when I informed us that knowledge a few days ago, I expected we know what is Canterlot. We thought they speak the same language as we do." said Miss White."They don't think our language." said nature pegasus. "Well we certainly still don't know their language, nor do we really know what they did in Canterlot, only what Spike told Fluttershy about it." said Miss White. "Ugh, can we just cut the egghead stuff?" asked sky pegasus the lost patience. "Please don't cut Twilight." asked nature pegasus nicely. "Ok I get it, she's an egghead, but that is not what I meant." said sky pegasus. Although the word egghead is a dirty word to Miss White, she knows getting into someone's privacy is a dirty thing to do, and only recently had she ever heard of Twi's habits anyway, so Miss White reasons the word egghead could get the five somewhere. "I'm afraid by cutting that, we cut into it whether it's a pony, fancy words, or habit, especially in your choice of meaning of the word." said Miss White, leaving sky pegasus wondering if some sort of egghead disease plagued ponies and gave them egghead syndrome unawares. "You see, having a habit of reading books for too long makes one think reading books all day is the real world and outside a fantastical dream,
but that habit alone is not enough to bring one to her condition. One must have some sort of job that has no such thing as reality regardless of habit or lack thereof. Finally, the sooner one is given this job the more exponentially effective the results will be, as late fillyhood is early enough to give significant results. Early fillyhood is early enough to make ways to figure out the context of wherever one is in continuously necessary for one's entire lifetime, and removing it brings loneliness for the rest of that lifetime. Most of all, neither reading books nor a habit is necessary for this to bring one to her condition." said Miss White. "Ya got it in plain Rarity? I'm not getting this doo'hicky." said hat pony. "I just brainstormed my way into Twilight's mind, darlin'. Tl;dl all is doo'hicky to Twilight all her life so Spike is the one givin them plain to her, from word of mouth to location and distance. So if Spike was with Twilight, she would have been able to understand the party the way Pinkie did despite our mistakes before then because that is what Twilight understood of the party and Spike being with her is Spike understanding it the same way therefore Twilight was right to understand the party that way and there was no need to understand it any other way. But Spike was not with her, telling Twilight she was wrong to understand the party the way Pinkie did. So she looks for Spike to find out how was she supposed to understand the party which depends on who he is with. She finds Spike is with us. And yes, Pinkie Pie is with us, but so is I, Rarity, along with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. So by being with all five of us, Spike told Twilight to understand the party the way we did, not just Pinkie Pie, and furthermore not in her context, but ours. Therefore, she turned to her time with us before the party to find out how she was ment to understand the party. However, she takes Spike's moral compass into account every step of the way. She figured she was doing okay enough until "meeting" Fluttershy, when Spike called for Twilight and got Fluttershy's attention and proved Twilight was wrong to think Spike got himself into trouble. This proof is made by Fluttershy's excitement over a baby dragon. She then thinks what was Spike doing with Fluttershy after that. There was not much to think about simply. Spike is a social person. Of course he told the city everything. They know of her mistakes in Ponyville and Canterlot. The party was definitely not for her. If anything, the party was made just for Spike. From all of this, as in stl;sdl, she found out she was wrong to think she did okay at any part of her life and wrong in her attempts to know anything let alone make sense of reality. All her life she believed she was saving Equestria, until the party happened. Now she believes she sent Equestria to its destruction." said Miss White wall of text. "That's a generous ammount of words you got there. It doesn't make anythin' plain." said hat pony.

"It's just that..." said Twilight. She quickly transformed into Midnight Sparkle, yet it's still Twilight Sparkle.
"This happens to be the great power that hatched Spike, the same power I've been raised to control completely.
I even got it to be my friend." said Twilight.

"What in tarnation are y'all trying to say?!" asked hat pony.

"That surge, years ago, I messed up.
Even with all my studying, I lost it.
And a school was lost in the explosion.
All those kids nearby too.
All of my past years, I've lived a lie." said Twilight.

"Lied?" asked hat pony.

None of the books predicted anything.
So many dead.
All because of my mistakes.
All I thought about was hiding from the crime, shielding myself from the public outcry.
I wanted people to be sorry for me, for my weakness.
I faked predicting prophecies because I couldn't bear to face being wrong.
This is no doomed Equestria.
There has never been Nightmare Moon or any sort of prophecy.
I lived my lie so well I haven't even answered to myself for my sins.
It was supposed to be a shield, and it's become a shroud instead.
I've killed my soul by playing the hero.
Instead of protecting me, it's made my life even more tartarus." said Twilight.

"What good can that do to all of those victims?" asked hat pony.

"I know! I'm worst pony." said Twilight.

"Hey, Twilight..." said sad pink pony, who finally understood the loneliness of the long distance Twilight.

"Celestia forgive me, Equestria was fine without my fantasies!" cried Twilight.

A bright flash of light has flashed.
Twilight and the five now float above the ground.
The elements formed into their true forms.
The elements are unleashed and targeted Twilight.
A scream can be heard in Ponyville if someone was not sleeping.