• Member Since 5th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Monday


Ameteur writer, light fan of many things, avid Let's Play viewer, Reluctant brony due solely to the rest of the fandom. For what it's worth I ship FluttershyxWaluigi.


An adventure starring a happy-go-lucky pony starting her life by leaving home. Will she find love? Horror? Drama? Comedy? Other tags? I certainly don't know because this is an interactive story.

That's right, you get to suggest things for me to add or incorporate. and I'll add them in any way I can. Maybe you want there to suddenly be a clone? Or perhaps a mishap with a beehive? Anything goes, there is no rules besides the following.

1) I have final say on how I incorporate your suggestion into the story, so it'll happen, but it could be the topic of a conversation instead of actually happening, as an example.

2) Try not to say anything sexual. I know there's tags for that, and if I were another person I wouldn't mind as much, but cartoon pony sex squicks me out and I'd like not to have to write about it.

3) Don't be afraid to be creative, you can suggest events, or world-building, or anything. Don't try to limit yourself into something just because you're afraid other people won't like it.

4) I won't tolerate whining just because I didn't do what you wanted the way you wanted it. The goal here is to have several or more people commenting and suggesting things, if I did things exactly as told, that'd limit it for other people.

I hope we can write something memorable together. Something fun, something cool, something enjoyable. I've never done this sort of thing before, but it's been working out for other people I know and I hope we can have a good time.

My name is Keywii, enjoy your stay!

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 64 )

A story begins! Like I've already said, I love the style of a "letters to" story, and certainly am looking forward to where things go. As for the prompt... why not have this "Friend Forever" get a job in a coffee shop? Good place to meet people and run into all sorts of interesting faces.

The protagonist decides to become an awesome international spy/action hero, but immediately runs into trouble with her self- proclaimed evil mastermind rival and ditches the job.

Maybe she tries to get a job as a mailmare and ends up delivering some mail to some interesting characters?

Let us begin, shall we? Our little protagonist of fun and excitement is ready for a job. I say she wants to work with the newspaper so she has the opportunity to hear as much about the city as she can.

Inevitably this will lead to trouble. But she can use her skill at writing letters for any number of purposes... standard reporter, columnist, it doesn't matter so long as she can see new and interesting things.

-GM, master of mice.

They get a job doing windows

I quite enjoy the concept of interactive stories, but I’m not sure about how this one will go but I see that is has good potential into it, the only thing I feel you should worry about is what some viewers might say. Some but not all.

I think his job should be something simple first, such as a antique dealer.


I appreciate the warning, but don't worry about me, I reserve the right to troll or simply ignore people if they don't play nice. I doubt I'll have to in the end, but consider me officially prepped if the situation arises.

So, our little friend now knows top secret information, huh? Someone must've screwed up. And that totally won't come back later and backfire.

Places: spend enough time at that coffee shop to get to know everyone within as close friends.

Appearance: An earth pony mare of tall, lean build, stands above most others. Soft yellow coat and a bluish mane. Can never settle on a manestyle, changes it all the time.

((On a critique note, I think you're going through all the options a little fast. Give some more time for a few things to develop, let them sink in before whisking them away from readers.))

-GM, master of >()<

1st prompt: She could accidentally find out a secret fetish cult and other weird places on the job.
2nd prompt: Yellow curly hair, magenta coloured eyes

While our protagonist is doing her rounds around the city, she merrily starts cleaning out a creepy alleyway. She finds a large mirror, and takes a second to admire her stunning self. Then she immediately gets ponynapped by zombie pygmies, which tear her soul out of her body and send it through a temporal rift to herself before she entered the alleyway, cursed to forever be an observer in her own life.

Our protagonist, meanwhile, decides not to go down the creepy alleyway, even if the mirror at the end of it looks quite shiny.

Top secret information? Criminey, I love how blissfully ignorant and cheery she is, but she might have some little red blips trained on her forehead now. PROMPT TIME!
First Prompt: Definitely visiting the coffee shop more to get to know people, there's plenty of fun stuff there to work with.
Second Prompt: I'm getting a... standard Pegasus pony mare with an electric yellow coat and... maybe a blue or seafoam green mane and tail color?
BONUS PROMPT: The city's a place full of weird things at times, so how about a possibility of our nameless friend having encounters with a mysterious pony that she can't exactly make out yet always seems to be observing something from a distance. Good food for thought.

I think our little friend here should find friends, s/he (sorry I forgot while writing this comment) seems a little lonely right now so it should be alright to add at least one friend.

Our protagonist may not know it, but she's found herself in the middle of a bunch of competing mad scientist plots to take over the world! She would be the perfect test subject to further Hard Edge's own plans involving hallucinogenic coffee, but she's making it difficult for Hard Edge by just being too cute and innocent.

The usual suggestion: Ray's newest invention needs to explode at some point. What does this explosion cause? drama. Specifics? Eh, who cares.

City: that government guy who wanted everyone to save Equestria has stopped asking around, but ponies still see him around, looking suspicious. He's either up to something or is watching our protagonist closely...

-GM, master of pies.

I think she should find a poster of something interesting. It might be a way of ‘changeling’ something a little bit not a lot but a tiny one

Mad science expo, secret cults, looks like there's all sorts of things going wild in this here town.
PROMPT ANSWER: A week before the Expo... howzabout one of the "Inventions" for said expo goes a bit haywire and our protagonist, as a janitor pony, has to clean up the aftermath?

You know what every story needs? Aliens! That's right, aliens invade and wreak havoc on everything!

Nah, not really. A little green man might appear and wave at our protagonist, and then immediately get tackled by those stuffy military spy-ponies following her around. Weird, but hey, at least her office click-clacker thingy started jumping around and acting like a cute doggy!

For the prompt: Sun Ray, when she hears about Hard Edge's offer to our protagonist, tries to talk her out of accepting it. Hard Edge discovers this, and things escalate into increasingly convoluted attempts by both to gain our protagonist's favor.

This should be fun. This sweet pure cinnamon roll is far too naive...

Mad Science Fun: Sun Ray is a mad scientist, yes, but not an evil one, not even close. That said the machine skeleton she's working on is going to turn out to be one of those crazy AIs... But perhapse not until later. LEt's have our protagonist get to know and like the machine before it turns.

What happens in the week: The other follower is a literal ghost. Now our protagonist is going to get haunted. (I dunno, you asked to be surprised.)

-GM, master of mice.

Next thing you know, there's changelings disguised as everyday objects.

our protagonist meets a paranoid pony that accuses her of being a changeling and physically assaults the protagonist

Who down voted this comment? Who did it? Who are you?

Thanks for concerning about my comment, but people have opinions and I don’t really care what they say.

Expo: Lyra Heartstrings, the conspiracy theorist, has managed to get a hold of a stand and is going on and on about ALIENS and HUMANS. She's completely nuts. But this is a story, so of course, everything she says is actually true, and she has an innate sense for ALIEN PRESENCE. She had no malicious intent. The government people she's sure are following her definitely do.

-GM, master of LYRES.

Our protagonist discovers a camouflaging prosthetic horn at the Expo, and is again mistaken for Sun Ray by the government pony. The real Sun Ray shows up seconds after our protagonist is in hoofcuffs, making the government pony's head explode, and revealing him to have been an advanced robot from the future! Sun Ray steals his parts and runs off laughing maniacally.

Suddenly, our protagonist realizes the multicolored cube-thing is gone. Did that alien run away? Now that she thinks about it, she's not really sure it ever talked...

Her question is answered in the Expo, where it lands on a random cabbage vendor that happens to be around and turns it into a weird-sounding transforming robot! Oh no!

Changeling minions lol

Maybe a chase happens and a few of the Expo’s exhibits get knocked together , as all inside are evacuated as the last one leaves the building has vanished and is now floating around the multiverse.

Changelings, changelings everywhere

That mirror our protagonist found might not have been de-magicked as well as she thought. How else could you explain the rainbow swirls and strange noises? The aliens seem oddly fascinated with it as well...

Chengeling minions turn out to be below Kerbals on the intelligence tier

Whew. All this talk of changelings is making the protagonist tired. She goes to sleep one night, prepared to get rest... and then the bed turns into a changeling! It's a friendly changeling, though... turns out he went rouge and had to replace our protagonist's bed to hide from his changeling brethren. When questioned, he assures our protagonist that his bed was kidnapped very consensually and brought to a quite lovely bed-dungeon.

The robot dog ends up being malfunctioning

Someone has finally given Lyra some attention and an ear.

Lyra has now become a little clingy. This will tax our protagonists upbeat, cheery, like everyone nature.

-GM, master of lyres.

The robot dog has a varied range of tools in it

Prompt: Jack Trip, another earth pony janitor, a nondescript tan and brown one so he doesn't get noticed that often.

Also: Changeling minions start to "fill in" from her radiance of ❤

And suddenly, our protagonist becomes sucked into an alternate dimension! It's dark and wavy everywhere, and totally empty save for a gigantic eldritch worm-thing! Our protagonist gets the sense that the being is exuding pure, unconditional love for her, and then immediately returns to her own dimension, with nopony any the wiser.

Later, our protagonist gets a paper cut. Which heals itself almost immediately! Cool!

Prompt: Secret admirer? That pony who lives above her. This is all I will say.

Additional: One of the changelings goes missing and the others are all upset about it! Changeling Hunt Quest: GO!

-GM, master of LINGS.

A Stalker. Done and done.

Well that was intense

Well this took an unexpected turn, but I actually kinda like it. You had build-up with various characters, establishing them and their quirks, and then bringing them all together for one big event. Good show, Keywii. Jolly good show.

As promised, I'm here to give it a look. Our narrator is very... bouncy. She sounds both like a kid in over her head while at the same time not really able to understand that. And I do mean she for now, since I don't THINK you actually gave the character a name or a gender. Until otherwise noted, I'm going to call say they're a 'she.'

Obviously it's a bit late for me to answer the prompts - at least in a meaningful way. For this one, I'd have to say she'd do something simple. Not service, heavens no. They'd eat her alive. Flower shop might be an exception.

Being able to apply to be, get hired as, AND fired as a spy in the course of a week has to be one of the most Equestrian things I've heard of. If her very temporary bosses were smart I would have to guess that top secret information was a fib, a plant to see if they could actually trust her... which they couldn't.
Sanitation sounds more her speed. She even gets to see the city while she works which meshes with her personality.
Her neighbor sounds... nice? She might be a mad scientist though.

Gonna answer the prompts for... reasons? I guess it's more predictions for me until I catch up.
1: There has got to be some big park in the city. She was either a suburban or rural mare before moving to the city, and even for all that she seems to like the city that little piece of home would be comfortable
2: Gonna agree with everyone else. She HAS to be yellow in some manner.

Sun Ray is going to burn the place down. It won't be on purpose but she will.

Mad scientist and barista Hard Edge almost experiments on innocent nameless narrator. More at 11.

Someone's invention is going to awry. Sun Ray's metal pony is going to achieve rudimentary sentience and expose the spy horse.

This has escalated quickly.
Somehow I thought that I was signing on for a slice of life story, somehow forgetting just who have been answering your prompts.
The expo is run by one of the alien-changelings queen who has been trying to find her lost and scattered people. She thought they were all nerds like her so they'd have to come running to her inventor expo. She will be sorely disappointed.

I don't think we've really 'met' this old mare at the park. What's her name?

There was also apparently a stallion upstairs that Narrator Mare mentioned trying to become friends with that she hasn't talked about yet.

The robot has machine learning maybe? Or it was just programmed to be really smart.
Secret admirer?
The Landlord. Not at first, because of the reasons specified here, but over time the strange and overly friendly nature broke down their barriers. Landlord didn't even realize what had happened. But it's not professional to date a tenant - they tell themselves, so Landlord keeps their distance. No one tells them otherwise and the longing haunts them. (or it would if I'd answered this prompt months ago.)

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