• Published 3rd Dec 2018
  • 13,262 Views, 547 Comments

Admin Abuse - blackhotmetal

What do you do if you are the Admin of a world of ponies? Use your power on a whim obviously, or don't I guess.

  • ...

Chapter 7 (Edited)

"What am I supposed to do now?" Dante looked around the room as if searching for the answer. Those three just took off and left me in their house, he thought. I don't know if I am supposed to stay in bed here or leave. He took a moment to consider both ideas. I don't exactly want to be rude to their hospitality, so I'll stay in the house and wait for them to come back. With his decision made, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. He noted that not only did no pain reappear, but he also didn't get vertigo from the quick ascent. Wow that golden apple sure did the trick! he thought. Just then he heard a loud commotion outside the room that sounded like pots and pans.

A heavenly smell drifted past his nose, waking up his still unsated appetite. Is that apple pie? he thought. He stepped out of the room, having to duck his head to get through the door frame, and into a hallway that ended in a staircase. He followed them down and found himself in a living room. The entire building so far had seemed about a foot shorter than what he was used to. The smell was coming from just beyond a pair of old western style saloon doors. After quietly making his way over to them, he put a hand on each door and poked his head through.

Inside was a kitchen. It had an old wood burning stove and oven, kitchen counters, cabinets, and even a sink. "Very rustic," Dante said out loud.

"EEH? WHAZZAT BIG MAC?" a loud and somewhat senile sounding voice called from inside the kitchen.

"Um, I'm not-" Dante started to say, but was cut off.

"Git in here and help granny with the dough, you!" the voice demanded.

"But-" Dante started again.

"No buts. Git over here!"

Seeing no other choice, Dante made his way into the kitchen. Surely the woman would notice he was not the pony she was looking for.

Meanwhile, above Ponyville…

Luna was pulled from her thoughts as her chariot broke through the cloud layer bringing the small town of Ponyville into view. She let her eyes wander across the town. In the corner of her vision a large black object was lying on the ground near the town hall. She turned her head to get a better look and was surprised to see that rather than an object, it looked more like a burnt patch of grass. She followed the trail as it got wider and saw that a great patch of forest had been leveled and charred. What in Equestria happened here? she thought. She nervously returned her gaze to the town and searched it for anything out of the ordinary or signs of destruction.

Nothing. She saw no signs of distress on any of the streets. No frantic running, no mayhem, no wails of terror. Due to the lack of "imminent danger" in the atmosphere, she let herself relax and bounce around thoughts of how the line of char could have been made.

Luna saw her intended landing spot near Twilight’s castle and sat up in a more regal and presentable way. Even though her sister told her that the royal fanfare was unnecessary, she was still a princess after all. The chariot bounced once and landed. Luna disembarked and trotted up to the front door. She raised one hoof and knocked.

There was a long pause. Should I knock again? Luna wondered. She raised her hoof again and prepared another strike. As she did the door swung inward to show a nervous looking pegasus. "Ah, Fluttershy, greetings! Is Twilight home perchance?" Luna asked.

"Oh, hello Princess. Um... Yes Twilight is inside," Fluttershy managed to respond, her demeanor loosening after realizing that it was someone she knew at the door rather than a stranger. "Please come in," Fluttershy stepped aside and motioned inward with a hoof.

Luna nodded and stepped inside. "Did Twilight receive our sister's letter preceding our arrival?" she asked.

"Yes, she did. She is in the throne room right now," Fluttershy responded.

"Lead the way, dear Fluttershy," Luna said. Fluttershy nodded and made her way through the maze-like castle with Luna following shortly behind.

A soft knock on the door informed Twilight that Fluttershy had returned from getting whomever was at the door. She was looking around for something to make it seem she was "acting natural." Spike was off in Manehattan, for the day, at some sort of Comic-Whatever so Twilight had nopony to talk her down. Fluttershy stepped into the room. Twilight's head snapped to the door and she hurriedly demanded, "Who was at the door?"

"Princess Luna," Fluttershy squeaked as she shuffled her way to her throne. Luna entered the room on cue.

"Greetings, dear Twilight. It has been too long," Luna greeted her fellow Princess. "I believe you know why I am here?" she asked.

"Um... Celestia sent me a letter about some sort of magical disturbance, is that correct?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, that is correct Twilight. By the way, before we go any further, may I ask what happened to the forest outside of Ponyville?" Twilight winced at the question. "Whilst I was flying in, I noticed that there was a line of scorched earth-" Luna was cut off as Twilight's guilt exploded.

"It was me! I am so sorry I was surprised and the other ponies said it was-"

"Twilight," Luna interjected.

"Yes?" Twilight asked tentatively.

"Was anypony hurt?"

"Not too badly."

Luna pressed a hoof against her temple and sighed, "Twilight would you start from the beginning?"

Twilight took a deep breath, "Okay. The girls and I were out for lunch when Roseluck and Lily came running down the road screaming that they had seen a monster. When I asked them about it they said it was really, really big and scary, and that it was in front of the town hall. The girls and I started heading that way to check out the situation when a bunch of other ponies ran by screaming that a monster was going to eat Mayor Mare..." she trailed off. Luna motioned for her to continue. "When we got to the town hall I was a bit tense so I may have gone overboard on the door. Rainbow Dash rushed in ahead of the rest of us and got hurt when she ran into something."

“And that something was the monster?” Luna asked. “What does it look like?”

“Well, it walked on two legs and had hands like a minotaur…”


"Since when were ya' so mouthy, Big Mac," Granny shouted.

"I'm telling you, for the hundredth time, I'm not Big Mac," Dante shouted back while dusting flour off his hands onto the tiny apron he had found hanging in the kitchen. "OK, the pies are in."

"Did ya' preheat the oven?" Granny squinted accusingly.

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, now git. No sweets before supper," Granny warned.

"Mhmmm..." Dante hummed as he removed the apron to put it back on the hook he had found it.

With that done, he returned to wandering the house, eyeing all of the family photos and various knickknacks. His restless mind began flooding with thoughts about his curious new abilities. His first reaction was to reach into his pocket to check his inventory. His fingers brushed against one of his sticks. Nothing to do? Testing time. A devilish grin spread across his face.

Dante quickly made his way to the front porch looking for room and stuff to hit with his sticks. Upon stepping outside he selected his Knockback Ten stick and a fist sized rock. He tossed the rock and swung with all his might towards the orchard fields. The rock, on contact with the bat, went careening at breakneck speeds leaving an audible whoosh of air. It impacted with one of the swells, shaking the earth. The apple tree on it was uprooted, the whole thing blown down to its side.

"Oh, crap."

Right Down the Road

"Wow! Look at that!" Sweetie Belle said, pointing a hoof to a large cloud of dust and clods of grass soaring high into the air.

Author's Note:

Edited by the wonderfully amazing fellow who still decided to edit this chapter after all this time: Doggyshakespeare
Yes it did take forever.
Yes I will write more.
Yes i really do appreciate you reading this!