• Published 20th Nov 2018
  • 1,415 Views, 31 Comments

Deterioration: An Applejack Story - CapNTilfy

Applejack continues to struggle with a past trauma, and an unlikely group comes to her aid. Final book of "Not Just Any Other Old Day".

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Having returned home, Applejack took a deep breath, then sighed. The smell of Sweet Apple Acres always puts my mind at ease. crack She winced. "What in the-" Applejack looked around, as though she were expecting someone to be nearby. She shrugged, then saw Apple Bloom run out of the house to greet her.

"Heya, sis," Apple Bloom said with a huge smile.

"Howdy, sugarcube," Applejack said, returning the smile.

Apple Bloom hugged her older sister, then broke it with the same smile. "Why'd you kill mom and dad," she asked.

Applejack blanched. "Wh-What?" She blinked, and Apple Bloom was gone. Applejack took off her hat and fanned herself with it. "M-Maybe I should take it easy today," she thought aloud. She walked up to her house and entered. "I'm home," she called out. She went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of apple cider. She closed it, and saw Granny Smith just standing there. "Hey, Granny," Applejack said uneasily.

Granny Smith frowned at her granddaughter. "What d'you think you're doin' here," she asked in a menacing tone.

Applejack began to sweat. "W-What are you talkin' about, Granny? I live here!"

Granny scoffed. "Hmph. Why should you live here if'n you're the reason my son can't," she asked as she became angrier with each word.

Applejack nearly fell to the floor. "B-B-But it was an accident," she stuttered.

Granny folded her arms and scowled. "Is that what you tell yourself every night before you go to bed," she asked angrily. "Does it make you feel better about yourself?" Applejack shook her head. "Do you think shakin' your head will make me feel sorry for ya?" Granny said as she began to tear up. "You gotta lot of nerve, Applejack," She said as she shook her finger at her. "Comin' round here, acting like the victim when you get called out. I should disown you for what you've done."

Applejack began to tear up. "I...I..." she struggled to come up with words.

"Oh, and now you're giving me the crocodile tears," Granny said as she threw her hands up in exasperation. "Every goddamn time I bring your parents, it's the same song and dance with you," she shouted. She slowly ambled over to Applejack until she was nose-to-nose with her. "You're lucky I promised your parents that I'd take care of you," she said, seething with fury. "If it weren't for that, I'd have kicked you to the curb the moment you killed them."

Applejack's knees buckled and she fell to the floor. She looked up, and Granny was gone. She grit her teeth and got up off of the kitchen floor. Calm down, Applejack. Calm down, she thought. They aren't real, it's just your imagination. She took a deep breath, then exhaled. She wiped the tears from her eyes, then walked into the living room.

Big Mac was sitting at the couch with a warm smile, then he turned to look at Applejack. His expression changed from a warm smile to a cold stare, sending a chill down Applejack's spine. He slowly got up off of the couch, then walked over to her. "Why did you have to come in here, woman," he asked quietly. "I felt at peace for the first time in years, and you waltz in and take my happiness away, like you always have for this family!"

Applejack blinked in confusion. "Wh-What are you talking about, Big Mac?"

Big Mac snarled. "Don't play dumb with me, woman," he shouted. "Ma and Pa's last request was that you stay here, even though we all know you're responsible for their deaths!" Applejack opened her mouth, but Big Mac continued. "Don't you dare say it was an accident," he said as tears began to fall from his eyes. "The only accident around here," he said, then pointed an accusing finger, "is you!"

Applejack sniffled as she felt tears fall from her face again. "I...I..."

Big Mac took a deep breath, then sighed heavily. "You know what," he said in a surprisingly calm tone. "I don't want to hear it, woman."

Applejack put her arms on her hips. "Why are you callin' me 'woman'," she asked. "You know my name!"

Big Mac's calm completely vanished. "Because that's all you are to me. A woman," he snapped, his tone colder than the expression on his face. "You ain't Applejack," he said, poking her with his finger. "And you sure as hell ain't my sister. You lost that right a long time ago." He spat on the ground, then walked away, leaving Applejack in an emotional state on the living room floor.

crack crack

Applejack winced, then heard three sets of footsteps close in on her. Big Mac, Granny Smith and Apple Bloom entered the living room and walked toward her. "S-S-Stay back," she said as she held out her arms. Her family stood still in confusion. "I can't hardly take it no more," she shouted as tears fell from her eyes. "I killed Ma and Pa, I admit it!"

Granny, Big Mac and Apple Bloom exchanged glances of concern. "Applejack," Granny said. "It was an-"

"It was not a fucking accident," Applejack bellowed. "I'm the accident," she said, pointing to herself. "If it weren't for me, Ma and Pa would still be alive!" she broke down, sobbing where she sat.

crack crack

Applejack winced again as she felt pangs from each crack. She growled in frustration and punched the floor.


"Why," Applejack whispered. "Why did I kill them," she sniffled. "They were my parents...and I killed them." Her voice quavered as she punched the floor again. Big Mac began to walk over to her. "Don't come any closer," she nearly shrieked.

"Applejack," Apple Bloom said, tears flowing from her eyes. "Please. Let us help you." She sniffled.

"You're scarin' us, child," Granny said with a quaver in her voice. "Y'all ain't well."

"Please, Applejack. We're here for you. We love you," Big Mac said as his voice broke.

crack crack crack crack CRACK

Applejack shrieked in pain, then passed out.