• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Wanderer D

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When Adora woke up in her oversized room in Bright Moon Castle early that morning, she got up from her cot, walked past the massive bed she had been given (and never used) and decided to take a shower in the waterfall. Because really, what else would you need a waterfall inside your room for? Really?

However, just as she got ready, she noticed the scroll on the floor...

Sunny in cover by: Jacky-Bunny

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 219 )

Open admission: I was waiting for this one, because these are two fandoms which seem destined to... get along.

Let's see how many seconds that lasts.

...Starlight Shimmer?

In all honestly, this looks like it could be a fun one.



But this story seems Interesting so far..... I'll keep watch

Glimmer slowly sat up, burped, and looked around. Next to her, an equally disheveled Starlight Shimmer was trying to shake Bow awake

Starlight Shimmer? does that mean it's 'Sunset Glimmer' now? I think things are a little mixed about...

Wanderer D

9345262 9345270 Sorry, channeled my internal Sea Hawk. Fixed! Thanks for pointing it out!

Thought that was a typo.

Been waiting for someone to write the first one. Here goes!

Second this...

And thank you, Wanderer. Favorite line so far:
"Oh my, you must excuse me. Vegeta has just met Sasuke."

Touch the blob. It will make you happy!

But don't touch this one: (┛ಠ_ಠ)┛彡┻━┻

It will just confuse.

Having seen the advertisements from Netflix, I should have foreseen a crossover fic coming.


I find the lack of the Romance tag and Pony Sunset. But then again I'm dirty, dirty shipper. Will accept "they are involved with Trixie/Sci-Twi/Twilight" as explanation, even if I'd rather they got hitched with the new girls :rainbowwild:
Does Sunset at least have permanent pony ears and tail like the cover image? :pinkiehappy:

AW YEAAAAAH. Adora has a new steed. Mare... whatevssss

Glimmer slowly sat up, burped, and looked around. Next to her, an equally disheveled Starlight Glimmer was trying to shake Bow awake with her hoof, while Sunset and Adora snored in each other's arms.

Adora: "Ugh, what did I do last night?"
Glimmer: "I have a better question: Who did I do last night?"

you know what the funnest thing is! I just started watching the serie today.

You caught the Reboot's characters very well. Speaking of reboot... Hexadecimal would have been fun too

Who is Adora? And Bow? And Glimmer? Is this some sort of anime?

It's She-Ra ...its an 80's show that got rebooted on netflix

No She-ra was all western animated, she is the twin sister of 80 action cartoon icon He-Man. Well the "real" She-ra is SIN(She-ra in Name) is a mediocre reboot that threw out half the lore and managed set the net on fire because Netflix played the gender card when it's trailer got bad reviews and it's design astectic was panned.

Yet its sitting at a 100% on rotten tomatoes

Depends on which one is more cooperative, I guess.

None of the critics are unbiased and more than half the audience reviews are blatantly fake. You can't trust rotten tomato's anymore it's to easy to floor with fake negative and fake positive reviews now. It's mediocre in my opinion and won't make any impact on pop culture aside from being another bland reboot.

If her and Sunset aren't eventually a couple it's a crime

The words "for science!" were repeated by different individuals across the cavern, almost as if they were part of a cult of some sort.


I've seen the new "She-Ra" cartoon, so I approve of this crossover. :)

So... For some reason when all the guys in the background chimed in Sci-twi's "for science!" I am imagining that at less Linksano is somewhere in the background.

Are you going to get new powers out of this?"


"Former Super-Villain Ball?!" Glimmer half-demanded, half-asked.

Can't help but wonder if this is somehow Pinkie Pie's doing.

Alora took a deep breath and rubbed her forehead. "I'm not going to win this, am I?"


"Right." Adora interrupted. "Look, I was about to head out, so why don't you two run, get your things, and meet me here in ten?"

So, does she punch the rabbit the moment they leave?

Adora had cleared the center of her excessively big room, figuring that—since it was ridiculously, unnecessarily and decidedly uncomfortably big—she might as well actually use the extra space to limit the amount of possible destruction that could come out of using a scroll of dubious magical origins in a way that it wasn't intended to be used.

Or not.

It was like nothing they had ever seen before. It had a face that looked like a mixture of a goat and a horse, mismatched eyes, horns, appendages, and a twisted smile with one large fang showing... and it was wearing a tuxedo.

You would be around.

"And in a castle?" Glimmer added, looking down from the wall-sized window that overlooked a vast ocean and a small beach. "This doesn't look like a castle."

When dealing with reality warpers, suspend the way you think of physics. They're a suggestion at best.

There were creatures of all shapes and forms. A green, muscular guy with a turban on his head was talking to an incredibly attractive young man in golden armor. A short man with spiky black hair and a serious expression was talking to another young man who had some sort of symbol scarred into his forehead and a large gourd of some sort on his back.

I only recognize Vegeta here.

The trio made their way around a talking dinosaur that turned into a robot—with serrated teeth—who was currently trying to show off his moves to another attractive-looking young man in some sort of silk-like robe.

Grimlock counts as an ex villain?

"Nope!" Discord said, appearing right next to them, and startling the group from Etherea more than the horses and humans. "The first time was an accident, the second mind control through an evil amulet. When she had the ability to join the dark side, she helped Starlight, myself and Thorax stop Queen Chrysalis."

That, is fair. First time wasn't even her, just two idiot kids.

"Oh my, you must excuse me. Vegeta has just met Sasuke."

So, volatile temper, vs volatile temper. This is bound to go well.

"Oh, I'm her alternate reality counterpart," Sci-Twi said. "But while Twilight does magic, I invent mechanical things, for SCIENCE!"

One of the best reasons.

Glimmer slowly sat up, burped, and looked around. Next to her, an equally disheveled Starlight Glimmer was trying to shake Bow awake with her hoof, while Sunset and Adora snored in each other's arms.


Almost reluctantly, the last four days and nights came back to her and her eyes widened with worry as each memory slowly but surely fit together to build up a very bad situation. "Oh no."


I'm not sorry for the story.

Nor should you be.

Been waiting for a New She-Ra crossover, but this is even better than I could have hoped.


FOR SCIENCE! (Potato based, preferably)

Also, shouldn't SciTwi technically count as a former villain? She had the whole 'reformation scene' complete with magical girl transformations.

Indeed the new She-Ra is awesome! I love Adora, and Catra, and I've been roaming the internet for some good fanfiction. Perfect to find some Pony crossover in my favorite site and from one of my favorite writers. This is so cute. :rainbowkiss:

If you ever write some She-Ra only fanfiction, let us know where, please. :twilightsmile:

i love the new she-ra its amazing thoe you should probably do a bit more to introduce none fans to them

and do write more of them meeting and talking wtih other characters who are there

also cus discord is throwing the party catra should still show up i know she is not reformed but its discord he would want the chaos (plus every one there could snark on the fact adora and catra are clearly in love with each other)

still loved it good job


Why has it taken this long pony fandom?

Seriously, I finished the first season of She-Ra and said "why is there not pony of this yet?"

However, given that we are getting this from Wanderer D, of all people, it means totally worth any wait in the quality department.

I know, right!

I think I am most fascinated by the implication that Piccolo and/or Vegeta chose to bring Vegeta or Piccalo, and that Gaara and/or Sasuke chose to bring Sasuke and/or Gaara (and if that wasn't the case, who did they bring?)

(And what, no Fate Tesstatossa...?)

I didn't recognise everyone, but I'm sure someone will have a go. (Aside from the aformentioned, I got Dinobot and Venom.).


I wasn't the only one, then...!

I'd like to think the new Hordak is enough of a pragmatist to go along with Cozy Glow's brand of villainy if if works as advertised.

Just saying....

This story is a gold mine of potential for interesting interactions with the other former villains. Would love to see our main characters mingle around with them, the possibilities are truly endless.

I know it sounds like a massive task, but is it possible to get a list of the villains (former) that appeared on this chapter? I´m already seeing some high-tiers walking around. This is great.

Speaking of the new She-Ra show, I actually quite enjoyed it. Out of all the rebooted characters I liked Catra and shockingly Hordak. They actually made him a reasonable overlord in this one instead of a screaming lunatic.

There has been at least 1 other crossover story before this. On this site.

They went past the sabertooth talking to the strange four armed blue creature and weaved through the crew of Discord Butlers that were in the process of offering snacks to the guests until they saw them.

...I want to say that the sabertooth is Diego from Ice Age.

This is good enough that i would want to see more. You also did a great job of keeping everyone in character as well

You forgot to invite the most badass ex-villain of all...Anakin Skywalker aka DARTH VADER!!!

That new show sucked pretty hard. It promoted most of the social ills that saw a lot of people come to counseling in the first place. You do not solve problems by coddling. You treat problems.

Wouldn't Piccolo be considered an ex-villain too, though? I mean he was the major antagonist in that Live Action DBZ movie. Although, at that point, I'd just invite the entire cast as ex-villains. /dead joke

(And I know... he was a villain in the original DB show and manga, too)

But having also watched the DBZ abridged... Oh dear. I wonder, which version showed up? The manga, the show, or the abridged? Because the abridged would be hilarious and hilariously inappropriate. But... that's kinda away from the point of the story...

Did the ending imply four days of drunken debauchery that will require a sex tag? Cuz it kinda seems that way. If your mind lives in the gutter.

Honestly, I think they took the coddling to 11 to show how bad it was. In the end they almost lost because of it, and only when they worked together, we've all seen this ending before. I think they were mocking the extreme coddling. At least, that's what I got out of it.

Figures that it would be Discord.

The words "for science!" were repeated by different individuals across the cavern, almost as if they were part of a cult of some sort.

For science!

"It's not that strange," Adora said with a shrug. "The Horde did that when they were sending invitations to a large number of people."

"Wait, you said the Horde didn't have parties. What did they invite people to?"
"Let's just say that Shadow Weaver really loosens up after she gets a few drinks in her."

In any case, this should be all sorts of hilarious. Looking forward to the madness. (Though I'm honestly amazed that Vegeta didn't collapse the ballcave before Discord could intervene.)

Huh. Never expected you were a fan of this show as well Wanderer.


There were creatures of all shapes and forms. A green, muscular guy with a turban on his head was talking to an incredibly attractive young man in golden armor. A short man with spiky black hair and a serious expression was talking to another young man who had some sort of symbol scarred into his forehead and a large gourd of some sort on his back.

I only recognize Vegeta here.

A green, muscular guy with a turban on his head
incredibly attractive young man in golden armor
gigamesh ?
A short man with spiky black hair and a serious expression was talking
another young man who had some sort of symbol scarred into his forehead and a large gourd of some sort on his back
gaara ¬¬

frank stein and medusa of soul-eater ?

As much as I love this idea, I have to ask can Adora really be considered a former villain? True she was working for the bad guys but she was raised by them to believe that what they were doing was right and as soon as she saw the reality of what they were, she jumped ship without hesitation. In all honesty Trixie is more of a former villain because mind control or not it was still a desire for revenge that put her in that situation.

That minor criticism aside, I love what you have so far.

I really like this entire idea, and i'm eager to see where you go with this.

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