• Published 6th Nov 2018
  • 4,261 Views, 41 Comments

Nightwaker - Lets Do This

Sequel to Twilight Runs Away. No longer a powerless blank-flank, Twilight Sparkle faces the return of Nightmare Moon... with Twilight having no idea what her magic might do next!

  • ...

Part II -- The Rule of Night

The ride back to Canterlot on the Golden Chariot was long, chilly, and silent. Twilight sat with her head lowered in shame. Spike crouched close beside her, trying to hide behind her.

And next to her sat the deepest, darkest nightmare any pony could have ever imagined: the Mare in the Moon, Nightmare Moon, alive and unquestionably real... and in total command of Equestria, by unassailable royal decree.

And it's all my fault, Twilight thought. I made this happen!

Twilight shivered whenever she felt those glaring green eyes looking her way. Nightmare Moon, for her part, seemed mildly amused.

"Strange as it may seem, young Twilight," she said breezily, "we appear to be stuck with one another. Thou are all alone because of us. And we find ourselves unfamiliar with the world to which we have returned. So perforce, we make you a bargain. Help us find our way here, settle smoothly back into our role as ruler of this land. And in return, thou shall want for nothing -- we shall see to it!"

Twilight shut her eyes tightly, silent and unmoving.

Nightmare Moon smiled. "Take thy time. No rush!"

The Chariot had followed a high arc through the sky, toward the peak of Canterlot Mountain, and now began its descent over the brightly-lit royal city. Nightmare Moon's eyes widened. Her jaws gaped in avid amazement.

"So this is Canterlot? Well, Celestia has certainly done herself proud! Then again, she did have a thousand years to do it."

She chuckled to herself evilly.

"We could have had a place like this in a day!"

Then the Chariot swung around and angled towards the royal palace. And Nightmare Moon suddenly drew back, a guardedly uncertain look on her face.

"Hmmm..." She looked to her companions. "Twilight, we would see a little more of this, our new home, before we take up our rightful place at its head. And it occurs to us that we have not had a hearty repast in a thousand years. Can thou recommend a place for us to dine?"

"Well, there's always Pony Joe's..." Twilight clapped a forehoof to her mouth in horror. When will I learn to keep my big mouth shut?

Nightmare Moon examined her reaction for a moment, smiling. Then she leaned forwards. "Flyers! We would dine at this... Pony Joe's! Take us there at once!"

The lead flyers stared at each other, in startled confusion.

Nightmare Moon's eyes narrowed. Then they blazed, coldly furious.


A searing bolt from her horn struck the flank of the rightmost lead pony, who yelped in pain and nearly lost control, then righted himself. With renewed urgency, the flyers coordinated a turn and swung round to line up with Diamond Avenue.

And brought the Chariot to a smooth halt right in front of the diner, with its cheerful sign: Pony Joe's 24Hr Coffee and Donuts.

A few minutes later, Nightmare Moon was seated on a comfortable chair pulled up to the counter of the shop, with Twilight and Spike seated on stools to her right. On a plate before her was a lonely, inoffensive donut, with strawberry icing and sprinkles.

She glared at it suspiciously. Her gaze snapped up.


Pony Joe, in his baker's uniform and folded paper hat, stood before her, wide-eyed and shivering. As a colt, he had always believed his parents when they told him that Nightmare Moon was just a story, that she wasn't actually real. And here she was, glaring at him across the counter with deadly intensity, her horn shimmering with power.

Her long forehoof jabbed at the plate.

"Dost thou think us blind? Think we see not that this... object is incomplete? Dost thou think to cheat us of what is rightfully ours?"

Pony Joe's teeth chattered. He looked ready to pass out from fear. His lips moved in something that might have been a prayer.

And then Nightmare Moon suddenly threw her head back in a long, braying laugh. "Oh, the look on thy face! It is priceless!" She pounded the countertop with an armored hoof, denting it severely and making the plates and napkin holders dance.

Then she gave Pony Joe a grin that could almost have been called genial, if it had fewer fangs. She waved a hoof. "Begone about thy work! Make more of these delightful confections!" Taking the donut up in her magic, she took a massive bite from it and chewed with satisfaction, then ventured to try the coffee from the mug beside her.

Her gaze shifted toward Twilight, who was staring up at her in amazement.

"Thou find it strange we can be so affable? Why should we not be? We have what we have always sought: our freedom from the Moon, Celestia imprisoned in the Sun in our stead, and our dominion -- which was always rightfully ours -- returned to us without a struggle! We can well afford to be indulgent, and we appreciate a good joke as much as the next pony."

Twilight kept staring.

Nightmare Moon sighed. "Understand us well, Twilight, we desire but one thing: acknowledgement, recognition, for ourselves and our glorious Night! Given that, all the rest can go hang. Thou can please thyselves, for all we care. Now, are thou not hungry?"

Twilight's own gaze fell morosely to the small muffin set on a plate in front of her. She wasn't sure she wanted it any more. She gently pushed it to the right, in front of Spike.

Who pushed it right back, looking up at her sadly.

Nightmare Moon regarded both of them for a long moment.

"We are cognizant," she finally said, "that this is not the outcome for which thou might have wished. Yet we are indebted to thee for our release. And despite what Celestia may have told thee, we do not neglect those who come to our aid... whether wittingly or otherwise."

She tilted her head, with a smirk. "We hazard a guess thou were intended to be Celestia's personal student?"

Twilight nodded sadly.

"Very well, then! We shall make thee our Acolyte, if it please thee: first amongst our Lunar Court, with authority to act in our name. And we shall provide thee with thy lessons, as is fitting for one of thy station."

She leaned closer, frowning in mock seriousness. "That is, if thou are good, and eat all thy vegetables!"

At Twilight's surprised look, Nightmare Moon laughed broadly. "Oh, Twilight!" She shook her head. "When we make a very weak joke thou are permitted to roll thy eyes at us!"

Twilight's eyes went wide in shock. And then she lowered her head and began to sob quietly.

She heard Nightmare Moon draw an annoyed, hissing breath. "Twilight!" the mare thundered. "Sit up straight! And look at us! We grow weary of this simpering, downcast attitude! We meant what we said: thou are Acolyte of our Lunar Court! Thou shall henceforth stand tall in our presence, head high and proud, as befits thy place at our side!"

Twilight reluctantly straightened up, and gazed up at Nightmare Moon, her eyes still brimming.

"Better!" The dark mare's voice softened. "And in return, we promise thee, thou shall have thy every wish. Thou has but to ask!"

She smiled, serenely confident, at the broken-spirited pony before her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Afterward, they headed for the palace on hoof, to see more of the city. Nightmare Moon strolled proudly up Diamond Avenue, Twilight and Spike at her heels, the two nightmare ponies following close behind, and the royal guards spread out around her, announcing her arrival to the startled nobles and socialites of the city.

"Way for the ruler of Equestria, by royal decree! Way for Nightmare Moon!"

They mounted the steps of the palace, and then upwards through the building to the main Audience Hall. When the tall double-doors swept open and Nightmare Moon stepped inside, she paused, drawing a satisfied breath.

"This should do nicely," she remarked, looking around. "Though the decor is a little warm for our taste. And that is easily corrected..."

A toss of her horn, and an immense wave of transfiguration swept across the room. In place of the rectilinear, candlelit hall with the Golden Throne at its end, the room became circular, with a roaring bonfire in its center, and a massive, cliff-like dais at the far side. The ceiling became a great ribbed hemisphere of glass, like an observatory or planetarium, through which the starry night was clearly visible.

Nightmare Moon circled around the bonfire, and mounted the ramp to the dais. Here there was a raised platform with comfortable cushions, with smaller seating platforms to either side of it. And before them, set in the stone of the dais, was a large metal disk.

Nightmare Moon crossed to this, motioning with a forehoof for Twilight and Spike to take a seat on one of the small side platforms. The two nightmares followed up the ramp and took up station to the left and right on the dais.

Then Nightmare Moon turned and faced the waiting guards and nobles, plus the other curious onlookers who had trailed in after her. Her armored shoe lifted, and then struck the metal disk with a thundering metallic crash. Once. Twice. Thrice.

Doomsday itself might have sounded timid and unassertive by comparison.


As a first order of business, Celestia's final proclamation was read out by the Chief Steward, and its authenticity grudgingly assented to by the chosen experts among the nobles... with one exception.

"Well, I'm not having any of this!" said a self-important voice. "The Princess cannot simply abandon her position and the succession like this! It's unheard of..."

Prince Blueblood's voice faltered, as he realized a gap was opening around him, other ponies trying very hard not to look like they knew him.

"And thou are?" Nightmare Moon asked, indulgently.

"I," Blueblood began, "am the nephew of Princess Celestia, and..."

He got no further. Nightmare Moon's braying laughter filled the chamber, drowning him out entirely.

"Celestia's nephew!" she shrieked, amused beyond words. Then in an instant her expression became darkly threatening, her eyes gleaming with rage.

"What is that to us, thou blond-maned worm?" she hissed. "Thou would be well-advised in future not to draw thyself to our attention!"

Blueblood cringed, whimpering, and scuttled back out of sight into the crowd.

"Well," called another voice, stern and bureaucratic, "I for one consider this a most fortuitous change!" A dark-maned unicorn with a sharp goatee trotted forward, and knelt before the throne. "We of the EEA have always valued strong leadership in the establishment of our curricula. And personally, I feel that strength should come right from the top, for the benefit of our students, and the proper defense of Equestria against external influence."

Nightmare Moon raised an eyebrow. "And who are thou?"

"Chancellor Neighsay, of the Equestria Education Association. The EEA..."

He was suddenly enveloped by a cold blue magic field, and hoist into the air by the scruff of his neck like a sack of potatoes. He was swept forward, to dangle eye-to-eye with Nightmare Moon's threatening gaze.

"We do not like sycophants," she snarled. "And we most particularly do not like those who think to blandish us with pomposity and self-serving lies! BEGONE FROM OUR SIGHT!"

With a helpless cry, the Chancellor was flung across the chamber in a flat trajectory, passing close enough to the bonfire that his academic robes caught flame, and then continuing on like a meteor through the doors at the far side, which swept closed with a resounding crash.

"Tell us," Nightmare Moon said, sounding somewhat bored. "Is there anyone of substance in this room who can be presented to us?" She glanced around, but no one spoke, no one moved, no one breathed. "No?"

She lowered her head, her expression dark and intimidating. "Be warned. Thou exist in the shelter of a promise: a promise to show thee mercy. It is unwise to make us reconsider that promise. Unwise indeed!"

After a tense few moments, the normal operations of the Court, such as they were, got underway. Petitioners began cautiously approaching to kneel before the dais.

Nightmare Moon cast a glance at Twilight, who had turned away and was sitting with her head down and her withers hunched.

"Acolyte, thou would like some time to be alone?"

Numbly, Twilight nodded.

"We understand. It has been a long and eventful time for thee. Go and rest. We shall speak again later. When thou feels up to it."

Swiftly, she gave orders for Twilight to be escorted to chambers suitable for the Acolyte of her Majesty's Court.

"Nacht!" she snapped. The nightmare came to attention. "Henceforth, thou shall serve as our Acolyte's personal guard. See she comes to no harm!"

The nightmare lowered his head subserviently, and waited patiently for Twilight and Spike to join him. Then the three of them were escorted from the Audience Hall by the household orderlies the Chief Steward had summoned.

Nightmare Moon settled back on her cloud-like cushions, and wallowed in the wondrous feeling of being free, and in power once again.

If only Celestia was here, she thought. To stand witness to her defeat! she added quickly.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The room Twilight was taken to was located close to Princess Celestia's suite of rooms in the palace. And under other circumstances, it would have taken Twilight's breath away.

It was grandly spacious, with a checkered marble floor and tall arched windows that looked out on a sweeping expanse of starry night sky. Near the windows there was a wide table, with a semicircular couch beneath the windows and comfortable seating on the near side. An elegant red-canopied bed stood to one side, with a teddy bear resting against the pillows. The room's other furnishings were finely made but homey in style: dressers, chests of drawers, and a bookcase chock-full of interesting-looking tomes. On one side of the windows was a door standing ajar, leading to what looked like a dressing room of some kind. On the other side, beyond the bed, a pair of doors let out onto a balcony, looking back towards the formal gardens of the palace.

Nacht followed Twilight and Spike into the room, and spent a few minutes examining it thoroughly from end to end. Then the nightmare nodded in approval, turned to Twilight, bowed his head like a major-domo, and retreated to his post outside the door, drawing it shut behind him.

Twilight simply sat down in the middle of the floor, feeling helpless. After a moment, Spike thunked down beside her to keep her company.

"Spike," she said quietly, "You don't have to hang around with me. In fact you probably shouldn't. I'm not going to be very popular around here from now on. There's no reason you have to be a part of that."

"Hey, I'm still your assistant, right?" He crossed his arms. "You're not getting rid of me that easy! We're in this together." He sighed. "I just wish there was something I could do to help!"

"Join the club." Twilight nodded.

"Hey, now that nobody's looking, I could try sending a message to Princess Celestia!"

She stared at him, hopefully. "Do you think it would work? Nightmare Moon said she was imprisoned in the Sun."

"Never know 'til you try! Quick, go open one of those windows so there's an exit!"

While she hurried to do that, Spike ran to the room's desk, found paper and quill, brought them back and sat scribbling industriously for few moments. Then he attached ribbon and seal, and held the scroll up, glancing at her.

"Here's hopin'!"

In a burst of green fire-breath, the scroll charred into a thin stream of smoke, which leapt into the air...

... and circled them for a brief while, going nowhere.

"Uh oh," Spike said. "That's not good."

"It can't get to her?"

"Worse. It's coming back!"

The smoke suddenly leapt back down at him. Spike looked seriously ill, then belched flame, and caught the scroll as it rematerialized. He smacked his chest with a claw, retching. "Yech! Return-to-sender is the worst, ya know?"

Twilight looked downcast, though she didn't forget to put a grateful hoof on his shoulder. "Thanks for trying, Spike!"

"Hey, no problem! At least now I don't have to wonder anymore."

"Maybe we should try contacting someone else," Twilight said. "Like my parents. Or maybe my brother... I wonder if he's back from Ponyville yet?"

"Uh..." Spike was staring, wide-eyed. "I'd say there's a good chance of that." He pointed.

She followed his gaze. And saw, standing outside on the balcony, Shining Armor looking in at them and waving a hoof. He motioned quickly for silence, then gestured toward the door's latch. Twilight nodded, then got up and crossed over to unlock the doors with her hooves, not trusting her magic. Then she stepped out onto the balcony.

"Shiny!" she said, hugging him. "How'd you get up here?"

"A couple pegasi from my squad gave me a lift. How you doing, Sis?"

"You gotta ask? I feel like Public Enemy Number One! Shiny, you've gotta believe me... I didn't want for any of this to happen!"

"I know, Sis! And I've never doubted you, not for a second! I wish we had more time, but I've got to get moving. Celestia gave me orders to take the Princess Cadenza to a safe hiding place."

"Princess who?"

"Oh come on, you know! Cadance? Your old foal-sitter?"

"Omigosh! Cadance!" Despite everything that had happened, Twilight managed a smile. "I guess you two finally found an excuse to elope, huh?"

"What? Twily... it's not... I mean..." He stumbled to a halt, looking embarrassed. "How long have you known?"

"Seriously? Like how long have I not known?"

"Yeah, well... Mom and Dad are coming with us for their own safety, so it's strictly professional. We'll try to get word to you if we can, but..." He winced. "It's best right now if nobody knows where we're going."

"Wow. And I understand, Shiny! Hey, how come you're doing this and not that Captain you work for?"

"Use your head, Sis! How's it going to look if the Captain of the Guard suddenly goes missing? Whereas who's going to notice a lowly Lieutenant, more or less?" He shook his head. "Celestia's certainly kept me busy these past couple of days. I think she knew this was coming. I just wish she'd felt able to trust us with the whole story!"

"What would you have done if you knew?"

He shrugged. "Probably try to stop it. And make a mess of things." He looked at Twilight sadly. "You could always come with us, you know. We could hide out, all of us together."

Twilight grimaced. "I really want to, but... well, if I somehow caused this situation, then I have to stay here and try to fix it. On top of that, for some reason Nightmare Moon seems to think I'm important enough to set one of her personal guards to watch me... so I can't exactly just go missing myself!"

"Okay," Shiny said, "but take care of yourself, huh? And if you need help, there's a group of guards here that are still secretly loyal to Princess Celestia. They'll help if you need them. Just ask for me by name, and they'll find you."

"Thanks! And you take care too, Big Brother! Say Hi to Cadance for me!"

"You bet, Sis!" He hugged her again. Then he looked up and waved a hoof. A pair of pegasi guards descended swiftly and grabbed onto him.

"You keep out of the cookies while I'm gone!" he called as they flew away.

"Try and make me!" she called up sadly, then watched until he'd disappeared around a corner of the palace.

She looked around, at the empty balcony, and the dark night sky beyond. Then she trotted back inside and shut the doors. She suddenly felt very much alone, even with Spike for company. Everyone she knew was gone. Her brother, her parents, Cadance, Princess Celestia.

And even her new friends, as well.

She crossed over to the couch by the windows and climbed up on it. In the distance, down in the valley below, she could just see Ponyville, still lit up against the Night.

She thought back to the party, to being with all her friends... to how happy she'd been, for just that one evening.

It was all perfect! And then my magic...

She jumped down off the couch, ran across and threw herself on the bed, burying her snout under the pillows. And just lay there, unwilling to move, unwilling even to think any longer.

Spike unhappily clambered up onto the bed and sat down beside her. He rested a claw on her shoulder.

"Twilight..." he said.

"Spike!" she shouted, muffled by the pillows. "I'm never using my magic again. Not ever!"

The only sound thereafter, for a long while, was Twilight crying herself to sleep.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When Twilight finally awoke, it was still dark out. She went into the bath adjoining the dressing room and splashed water on her face, then desultorily combed her mane and tail, trying to at least make herself presentable.

As she trotted back into the main room, Spike entered through the front door.

"Twilight! Good thing you're up. Nightmare Moon wants us!"

"What for? To sit by her side again and watch her destroy everything that ever mattered to me?"

"No!" Spike said. "She invited us to join her for breakfast!"

Twilight blinked, surprised. And realized she must have slept for longer than she'd thought, because she was definitely hungry. She followed Spike out into the corridor, where Nacht smoothly fell in behind them. The three of them proceeded to the main Audience Hall, and across it to an open balcony on the far side. A broad table had been set with a variety of breakfast dishes, gleaming under the stasis spells that kept them warm and fresh.

Nightmare Moon herself stood by the balcony railing, looking up at the starry expanse of the Night.

"Welcome, Acolyte," she said calmly, without turning around. "Thou slept well. We ensured thy sleep was untroubled."

Twilight tensed. It wasn't a question -- it was a statement. Well, she is Nightmare Moon. Why am I so surprised?

"Thou are just in time." Nightmare Moon looked round with a smile. "The petitioners keep clamoring for more light to work by. And now that thou have arisen, it seems an appropriate moment to indulge them."

She's going to raise the Sun? Twilight thought hopefully as she trotted closer. Maybe things won't be all bad.

But then Nightmare Moon simply lifted a forehoof and pointed it at the Moon. Her horn sang with power. And the Moon steadily brightened, like a lampwick being turned up, until it was painful to look at.

A pale, cold blue light spread across the landscape, like dusk or early morning, even though everything was lit up like broad daylight. The sky became midnight blue in color, the brighter stars still clearly visible.

"There! A simple adjustment of albedo," Nightmare Moon said. "So much easier than having to raise and lower it. Our Night can continue uninterrupted, and the world shall have the light it needs... but only such as we deem it worthy of!"

She swept around to the table. "Now, let us see what the kitchens have provided. We anticipated thou might be hungry."

They sat down at the table, and ate in silence for a time. And Nightmare Moon became increasingly restive, staring at Twilight.

"Child, what are thou doing?"

Twilight had been trying to use her tableware with her mouth and hooves, and it wasn't going very well. She hadn't done it since she was a foal and was woefully out of practice. Her greatest accomplishment so far was scoring a bullseye in the sugar bowl with her fork.

"Thou has a horn -- use it!" Nightmare Moon's own horn shone, and a biscuit leapt from the basket, dropping heavily onto Twilight's head. Another followed it. Then another sped straight at her face. Twilight dodged, but was struck by the one following it. More followed, and then a flying battalion of toast attacked her from all sides. It was followed by the butter tray, and then some of the smaller dish covers. Twilight put up her hooves to ward off the larger projectiles, but she was buffeted from every side mercilessly.

And then she saw the steaming teapot lift from the table, and sweep majestically toward her.

"URRRIIIHHHH!" Her horn blazed. Her magic lashed out, full strength.

The teapot whistled past Nightmare Moon's head, missing by scant inches, and vanished over the horizon.

Nightmare Moon didn't even blink. "Excellent, Acolyte!" she said. "Though we really must work on thy aim under pressure."

Twilight's face thunked onto the tablecloth in defeat. She gave a muffled groan.

"Thou cannot deny thy magic," Nightmare Moon advised. "If it pains thee, learn to use it properly. And we shall teach thee, if thou are of a mind to learn."

Twilight hauled herself up. Then, grudgingly, she began using her magic to work the silverware. And felt like a traitor with every bite.

Nightmare Moon continued to watch her with an evaluating gaze. After Twilight had gotten outside of a decent amount of pancakes and haybacon, the mare spoke again. "We hear tell from our staff," she said, "that thou single-hoofedly organized the town library in Ponyville."

That at least got a response from Twilight. "It was more like a few shelves," she said. "And I had tons of help from Spike."

Spike gratefully smiled up at her. Then his smile disappeared as he looked at Nightmare Moon.

"Thou likes reading?" Nightmare Moon asked gently.

"You could say that," Twilight admitted. Under the mare's inquisitive gaze, she sighed and went on. "It's how I learn best. I've never really liked lectures. There were always so many questions I couldn't ask. It was easier to just find the answers I wanted."

"Commendable," Nightmare Moon said. "Then I think I know exactly how we should begin. Come, Twilight!"

She rose, and Twilight and Spike followed. They passed through the Audience Hall, into the corridors beyond. And after only a few turns, Twilight had a pretty good idea where they were heading.

The berobed, grey-flanked orderly staffing the main desk of the Canterlot Archives was surprised when a lavender face appeared on the other side of it. But not very surprised. He had seen her often enough before.

"Oh. You again." He sighed. "Our policy has not changed, young lady. Unless you have a topic to research, we..."

The words dried up as he realized who was standing a short distance beyond her. The glowing dragon-like eyes seemed to peer into the depths of his very soul, uncovering all his secrets and arranging them in order to use against him.

"Our Acolyte," Nightmare Moon said flatly, "will inspect the Archives."

"Of course," he stammered. The orderly swallowed, and bowed tensely. He came around in front of the desk and stood facing Twilight obsequiously. "Can I be of any assistance, er... Acolyte?"

Nightmare Moon glared at him, her horn flaring.

"Yes. Thou can get out of her way!"

The orderly backed away in terror, bowing profusely. Though she felt bad for him, Twilight couldn't help but smile a little at his discomfort, thinking of all the times he'd coldly rebuffed her.

With Nightmare Moon following, Twilight trotted into the main hall of the Archives. And then she stood for a while in awe at the sheer number of books all around her. For a moment she forgot all her other troubles. She was in a library, and as always it was immensely reassuring. There were so many ideas here, just waiting for her. And she wanted to read them all!

Nightmare Moon allowed her to bask in delight for a long moment. "Go ahead, Twilight," she prodded. "Wander around, browse as thy will! And take thy time. As it happens, we have a small matter of our own to research. We shall await thee here."

"Oh! Is it anything I can help with?"

"A minor matter," Nightmare Moon assured her. "Nothing of consequence. Off with thee!"

Twilight didn't need prompting. She was off like a shot, and Spike had to scramble to keep up with her. The normally staid quiet of the Archives was occasionally broken by a distant squeal of delight as she came across something new. It made it quite easy to keep track of where Twilight was.

And Nightmare Moon turned to her own question. Her horn sang, and a tall swathe of gleaming magic began swiftly running along the wall of shelves on one side of the room, veering into naves and side rooms, and returning from them to continue on around the entirety of the Hall.

It was not possible to read books for content in this fashion, but a simple keyword search presented no difficulty. Mare in the Moon... Nightmare Moon... And, most importantly, the Elements of Harmony...

And the search came up empty.

Nightmare Moon snorted in annoyance. There was not a single book in the entire Archives mentioning either her or the Elements that had imprisoned her. "So..." she muttered to herself. "Celestia thinks that she can expunge our name from history, does she? We shall have to do the same to her in return."

She drew a comfortable seating cushion over to a table, on which several books lay open, with bookmarks and attached sticky-notes.

We have always wanted to construct a Forbidden Books list, she thought. How shall we begin? Well, we can get rid of all books on the Sun Princess and her reign. That should clear half the shelves in this place at least, make plenty of room for our own history. And obviously, those simpering romance novels Celestia was so fond of, those can go as well!

She smiled, getting into it. And wooly-headed academic texts, full of obfuscatory blathering. And flat-earther tracts... and pseudoscience of every sort... we shall tolerate no lies in our domain! They shall have the cold, unstinting truth, as sharp and exact as our Night! And if they fear the truth, we shall torment them with it, relentlessly, inescapably... until they SCREAM FOR MERCY!

She suddenly drew back, wide-eyed. The book lying on the table that she'd been glaring at with such ferocity... it had caught fire. Nightmare Moon gently huffed at it, extinguishing the flames. Then glancing about, she casually swept a forehoof, batting the ruined volume off the table and into a wastebasket sitting on the floor.

Then she got back to serious plotting and scheming. The Archives occasionally rang with a bitter, harsh, braying laugh, as the Queen of the Night made her plans...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Twilight left the Archives in high spirits, the side pockets of her carryall loaded with books. Together with Spike, and followed a few paces back by Nacht, she trotted happily through the corridors of the Palace, heading for her room.

And then, little by little, the good feeling ebbed away. She began to notice that ponies they passed, whether nobles, officials, or household staff, were all eyeing her with a mixture of nervousness and suspicion. More than once she caught someone glaring at her in outright hatred.

Her steps slowed, her shoulders hunched. And when she finally reached the royal residence wing, she made a long, hurried dash for her room and slammed the door, nearly catching Spike with it.

She shrugged off the carryall and dumped it on the floor. And stared at it, feeling guilty. She'd let herself get carried away, wasted a perfect opportunity to find out more about Nightmare Moon and the Elements of Harmony, wasted it on finding a bunch of books just to read!

Angrily, she kicked the carryall, spilling its contents across the floor, then trotted over to press her forehead against the side of the bed, eyes shut in self-recrimination.

Spike stared after her sadly. And then, reasoning that he might as well earn his keep as her assistant, he began collecting the scattered books and making room for them on a handy bookshelf. Sooner or later, Twilight might want them, so they might as well be ready for her.

There was a rap at the door.

"Oh! Who is it?" Twilight called dispiritedly, not looking around.

"Uh... hey, Twilight! Is it all right if I come in and visit for a spell?"

"Applejack?" Twilight swung round and ran to the door, all but yanking it off its hinges getting it open with her hooves.

The farm pony blinked in surprise, then trotted inside. "Howdy, y'all! Hey, there, Spike!"

"Hi, A.J.!" Spike said, coming over to join them with a smile on his face.

Twilight shut the door, and then the two of them stared at each other. "A.J.," Twilight finally said. "I'm sorry... for all of this! I'd never want anything like this to happen. I'm... I'm just so sorry!"

"Hey, now! Don't fret so, hon! I believe you!"

"You do?"

"Surely! Ya think we weren't payin' attention, all last night? I know the kinda pony you are, and this ain't it, no way! I mean, if y'all were really on Nightmare Moon's side, ya coulda just out and said you're with her when she showed up. If you keep insisting that you're not, it must be for a reason. And my money says, it's because you're tellin' the truth!" She looked uncomfortable. "'Course, uh... I'd stay off the streets of Ponyville for a stretch, if ya know what I mean..."

Twilight nodded sadly. "I wish I could go back there, though. If nothing else, to apologize to everypony!" Glancing at the door, she moved away from it into the room and lowered her voice. "But also because there were some books at the Library that I really need to consult again. About Nightmare Moon, and how she was defeated before. I wandered all around the Canterlot Archives this morning and I don't remember seeing a single reference here." Of course, I might have if I'd really been looking, she added, mentally kicking herself.

"Wayall..." Applejack looked thoughtful. "I could always hop back on the train and go have a look for ya. 'Course, I'm afraid I really wouldn't know much about what we're lookin' for!"

"You're right. I need to go look myself. Hmmm... my brother Shiny mentioned there are guards here who'd be willing to lend a hoof. Maybe they could help me sneak out of here tonight, and get back there?"

"How 'bout they help both of us sneak outta here tonight?" Applejack suggested. "That'll save me a return ticket. And besides, y'all look like you could use some company right now. No offense, Spike!"

"Hey, none taken!" Spike replied eagerly. "It's great to see ya!"

"Thanks, A.J.!" Twilight said. "And I promise... if there's a way for us to defeat Nightmare Moon, I'm not going to rest until I find it!"

"Well, all righty, then! So, uh... what time you reckon night happens now, anyway?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Later in the Lunar day, getting on towards what they guessed was evening, Applejack trotted casually up the corridor towards Twilight's room with a loaded carryall and a large bedroll on her back.

She nodded pleasantly to Nacht. "Evenin' y'all! Just bringin' in some supplies for the sleep-over!"

The nightmare simply stared at her for a long moment, and Applejack felt increasingly nervous facing the stolid, emotionless gaze of his glowing eyes.

Then he swung round and opened the door for her.

"Thank ya kindly!" She trotted on in, and dumped her load on the floor. "I found the chocolate squares, Twi, but I couldn't find no marshmallows. May have ta skip the s'mores. What else does that book say we have to do?"

She heard the door click shut behind her. With a glance to be sure, she unrolled the bedroll, revealing a length of rope and other useful gear. "I chatted with one of the guards, and mentioned your brother's name like you said. And they're in on helping us get back to Ponyville. All we have to do is get down to the grounds and circle round to the guard post. They said it's too risky now to send pegasi up here to fetch us. They might be noticed."

As she was speaking, the light coming through the windows abruptly dimmed, as if a stormcloud had passed overhead. They peered out through the balcony door at the bottomless, starry sky.

"Hoo wee! Night sure falls powerful fast these days!"

Twilight crossed to the balcony railing, and A.J. joined her. Together they regarded the multistory drop to the gardens below. "Okay, so how do we get down there?" Twilight said.

"Hmmm... I could always lower you down, then shimmy down the rope myself. Or I could go first, then lower you down from the ground."

"What about your levitation spell, Twi?" Spike suggested.

Twilight shook her head. "I'm not sure I want to risk it. I still need a lot more practice!"

"No time like the present, hon," Applejack said. "And it could be a useful backup if'n we needed it. Why don't y'all give it a try?"

"All right. But let me try it on something replaceable first!"

Twilight looked around. Spotting a small decorative plant nearby, she gently fired up her horn, and applied the spell to it. The plant didn't move. Annoyed, she applied a bit more power, and then a lot more.


And then she realized she was still mentally calibrating the field for holding a book in front of her. Without thinking, she shifted the field to the shape of the plant.

They all stared up at the sky.

"Woah..." Spike breathed.

Twilight winced. "You think it's ever coming back down?"

"Not sure, hon! But look at it this way: we accomplished one thing tonight. We put a potted plant into orbit."

They went with A.J.'s original plan, lowering Twilight in a makeshift sling like a prize hog. Then A.J. came sliding down the rope, Spike clinging to her shoulders.

Keeping watch for patrols, they crept through the palace gardens, finally reaching the guardpost near the hedge maze. And they nearly collided with a gold-armored pony stepping out through the door.

"Uh, good evening, sir!" Twilight said, nervously. "I'm looking for my brother... Shining Armor?"

The gray-maned guard smiled down at her. "Yes, ma'am. We were told to expect you. Come with me, Miss Sparkle." He took them around the corner to a landing zone, and opened the door of a patrol carriage for them. They stepped inside.

And found Shining Armor waiting for them. "Hey, Twily! Did you miss me?"

"Shiny! What are you doing here?"

"Well, you did ask for me, right?"

"Yeah, but... what happened to getting Cadance to safety?"

"Already done. And just to be safe, even I don't know where she's hiding. Now, tell me more about this plan of yours, will ya?"

The flight back to Ponyville was uneventful. The carriage soon bumped to a halt in the Square, and the door was opened for them.

The Square was empty and quiet, only a few lights lit here and there to fend off the dominating gloom of the eternal Night. The Sun Ceremony platform was still standing nearby. Scattered around its base were flowers, candles, and other mementoes left by the town's inhabitants.

Maybe one day there'll be an official monument here, a life-size statue of her as she was when last seen, Twilight thought gloomily. Then she gritted her teeth. Not if I have anything to say about it!

Glancing around, they quickly hurried across the Square, around the Town Hall, and across to the Library. When they pushed through the Library door, the lights were off inside, and Twilight didn't want to risk turning them on. Instead, she ignited her horn, and quickly cast a luminance spell...

It was like standing inside a lightning flash that never ended. The room was filled with glaring, actinic light.

Twilight quickly doused her horn. "Um... that's not gonna work!"

"Here, let me!" Shining Armor said. His horn lit up with a gentle candle-like glow, perfect to see by. "Just so you know I'm not a one-trick pony!"

"Never said you were, Shiny!" Then she trotted hurriedly around the room, determined to make the most of whatever time she had.

"Elements, Elements," she muttered, reading titles as quickly as she could.

"Maybe upstairs in your room?" Spike asked, anxiously checking the lower shelves while she reared up to check the upper ones.

"No, Spike! It was somewhere down here, I'm sure of it. A book about the Elements of Harmony..."

"Oh, yeah?" snarled a scratchy voice behind her. "And just what are these Elements of Harmony!"

Twilight turned, and then drew back nervously, finding herself nose to nose with Rainbow Dash. The cyan pegasus was hovering in the air at eye level and glaring at her in suspicion.

"And how'd you know she was Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy? Woah!"

She was yanked down out of the air by Applejack. "Just simmer down, there, Sally. She ain't no spy! But she sure knows what's goin' on... don't you, Twilight?"

Looking past Rainbow and Applejack, Twilight saw the rest of her friends gathered around, looking at her with caution, uncertainty... and also hope?

"I'm so sorry for what's happened, everypony." she said. "I honestly don't know if I'm the cause of this or not, but that's not important right now. Either way, I want to put it right and get Celestia back. And I think I know how to do that."

The ponies looked at each other, seeming to come to some sort of agreement. "Well, then," Rarity said at last, "don't keep us in suspense, dahling!"

Applejack nodded. "Yeah, lay it on us, sugarcube!"

"Oooh, yes please!" said Fluttershy, excitedly.

Twilight sighed. "I don't have a lot to go on. I pieced together the legend of Nightmare Moon from the books I was reading upstairs, just before everything went haywire. And I think I know what we need to stop her: some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony. The problem is, I don't know what they are, or where to find them. I don't even know what they do! I thought I'd seen a book about them here somewhere, but..."

Pinkie Pie spoke up from across the room. "Elements of Harmony, a reference guide!" She pointed a hoof.

"What!" Twilight raced over and stared at the book on the shelf. "How did you find it?"

Pinkie bounced merrily away. "It was under E-eee!"

The book was in the non-fiction section she and Spike had organized the day before. Twilight facehoofed. She'd been so busy sorting the books that she hadn't paid enough attention to which books she was sorting.

Using her magic, she drew the book from the shelf and paged through it, skimming the text as fast as she dared. Even so, it was several tense minutes before she found the part they needed. "Okay, here we go. There are six Elements of Harmony: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty, and Magic. The location of the sixth is a mystery, but the last known location of the remaining five elements was the ancient Castle of the Two Sisters. It is presently located in what is now... the Everfree Forest!"

"We can't go in there, not at night!" Applejack said. "Even in broad daylight it's not safe! That place ain't natural. Folks say it don't work like the rest of Equestria. It's cursed somehow!"

"C-c-cursed?" Fluttershy asked meekly, huddling into herself. "Oooh!"

"Cursed or no," Rainbow said, "if we need those Element things to get back our Princess, then we have to go in there and get them!"

"We may not have to," Shining Armor said. "From what my squadmates have told me, one of the first things Nightmare Moon did was send a group of her nightmares out to a castle ruins located in the Everfree Forest, to collect something."

"Then she must have the Elements already," Twilight said. "Somewhere in the palace. Assuming she hasn't just destroyed them. Oh, great!"

"Wayall," Applejack said, "assuming she hasn't, we'll just have to go back with you and help hunt them down. Right, gals?"

"Go to Canterlot! Oh my word, YES! ... Ahem, we're all with you, my dear!" said Rarity. "I'll admit what happened at the Ceremony caught us all a little off guard, but if you've got a plan, we want to help. All of us!"

"Yes, indeedy! I'm in!" Pinkie bounded excitedly. "Right, Fluttershy?"

"Oh! Um. Yes... yes, I think we should!"

They all looked at Rainbow. She was hovering with her forehooves crossed, giving Twilight a suspicious stare. Then Rainbow looked around at the others and shrugged.

"Eh... I still think you might be a spy! But if we're really aiming to take out Nightmare Moon and get back Celestia, then I want in on the smackdown!"

Twilight looked around at her friends gratefully. Finally things seemed to be looking up.

And then she stared worriedly at her brother. "Shiny, did you just say Nightmare moon sent a group of nightmares to the castle? As far as I know she only has two. And one of them's been guarding me for most of the day."

Applejack happened to glance out through the window beside her. And then she froze. "Uh, Twi? Ya might want to come see this!"

They looked out through the window, and up at the night sky. Lit by the cold white gleam of the Moon they saw well over a hundred gleaming-eyed, dragon-winged shapes rapidly approaching the Square.

"Eeep!" Fluttershy looked around for a handy table and hid under it.

"Ya know," Rainbow said, staring. "That would be pretty awesome, if it wasn't also seriously freaking me out!"

Shiny thought fast. "Twilight!" he snapped, "Get out the back way, circle around to the guard chariot. They'll sneak you back to the palace."

"What? You're not planning some kind of stupid last stand are you, Shiny?"

He swung round, gave her a tensely serious look. "Sis, you can't be seen here! None of you can! Right now you're the only ace we have. You need to find these Elements. And we need to convince Nightmare Moon you had nothing to do with this!"


"Don't argue, just go!" He pointed a hoof. Then, without a further word, he hauled open the door and raced out, slamming it shut behind him.

"Shiny!" Twilight made to go after him, but Applejack stopped her.

"Your brother's real brave, Twi... and he's also plumb right. We gotta go!"

Twilight groaned, but then turned and led the way towards the back of the Library, with Rarity casting a luminance spell for them to see by. After opening two wrong doors they finally found the back entrance. Twilight gratefully hauled it open.

And found herself blinking in the light from a lantern held in the forehoof of a pony outside... a pony wearing black armor, with glowing eyes.

It was Nacht.

He and Twilight eyed each other in silence for a moment.

"Uhh..." Twilight smiled weakly. "Couldn't sleep? Wanted to find a book to read? And you know how you just get to wandering around at night..." Her voice ran down in the face of Nacht's impassive stare.

Behind them she could hear other nightmares approaching from inside. They were surrounded.

Rainbow crossed her forehooves resentfully. "Well that helped loads. You know, next time we need a better escape plan. Or at least a better excuse!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

They were escorted, gently but firmly, back out to the Square again.

There was no sign of Shining Armor, but there was a chariot waiting for them... and it wasn't Celestia's. It was midnight blue in color, long and sleek and knife-edged, with dragon wings and a red velvet interior. Heavy chains bound it to the traces, in which a team of sturdy nightmare ponies were already hitched, dragon wings spread in readiness.

Twilight tried to get the others to stay behind, but they were having none of it, and the nightmares surrounding them didn't seem open to discussion. In the end they somehow all managed to cram aboard the chariot, though Rainbow finally hopped into the air and hovered overhead to make room for the others.

And then the dark chariot swept up into the sky. The nightmare flyers made astonishingly quick work of the trip back to the palace, and soon they were landing on the upper platform. From there the party was herded down the corridor, and then leftwards into the Audience Hall.

Where Nightmare Moon sat waiting for them on her cushioned throne, eyes gleaming and fangs bared. And around her on either side were at least two dozen of the nightmares, forming a living wall at the edge of the dais.

Twilight came to a halt on the carpet in front of the dais, looking up worriedly at the Queen of the Night. She expected punishment, imprisonment, torture, just about anything --

-- anything, that is, except the welcoming tone in Nightmare Moon's voice.

"Ah, Acolyte! We trust thy excursion this evening was an eventful one? But really, Twilight! There was absolutely no need for thee to sneak out. Had thou but expressed a desire to visit that dear little town, we would have gladly given thee the use of our chariot."

"Yeah, I bet you would," Applejack muttered, then leaned closer to whisper to Twilight. "She sounds awful confident. Wonder why that is!"

Nightmare Moon glanced at Applejack, then looked to Twilight again. "As we said before, thou has but to ask! And we encourage thee, Acolyte," she went on, "to establish thy own circle of intimates here at our Court. These friends of thine, for example... they are more than welcome to stay here with thee, as guests of the Lunar Court, if thou wishes it."

With an indulgent smile, Nightmare Moon gestured a long black forehoof toward Twilight's cushion on the dais beside her. When Twilight hesitantly ascended the ramp a few steps, she could see that five smaller seats had been added in a semicircle behind it. Twilight continued up the ramp and crossed over to sit down, accompanied by Spike and the other ponies, who uncertainly found places for themselves on the available seats.

Then Nightmare Moon settled back on her own throne, for all the world as if nothing unusual had happened. "Thou are Acolyte of our Court, as we said," she went on. "And, perhaps, even our heir apparent? After all, we have plans beyond Equestria. At such time, we shall require somepony to rule here in our name."

She gave Twilight an evil smile.

"But let us first see if you are truly up to the task!"

Her gaze swept forward. "Bring them in!"

Through the main doors came the group of guard ponies who had helped them escape and travel to Ponyville. They were shackled together, and Twilight saw Shining Armor among them. He avoided eye contact with her as the group was led forward to stand before the dais.

"Thou appear for judgement before our Lunar Court," Nightmare Moon declared flatly. "Thou are guilty of conspiracy against our Court, and of high treason in absconding with our Acolyte."

"They were only helping me!" Twilight objected.

"Immaterial," Nightmare Moon replied coldly. "They are sworn to defend the Throne. They should know better. And we shall leave it to thee to teach them!"

She returned her gaze to the waiting prisoners. "Our Acolyte shall pronounce sentence upon thee!"

Twilight stared up at her, in shock. What is going on here? What's her game?

Whatever it was, she had to do something to save the guards standing before her, something Nightmare Moon wouldn't object to. And she was afraid she could only think of one thing.

Unwillingly, Twilight got up, steeling herself as she stepped forward to the top of the ramp. She risked a glance at her brother, who met her gaze without reacting -- and nodded minutely.

I'm so sorry, Shiny! she thought. I have to play along with her until I see what she's up to!

"Ahem! It is our judgement..." She took a steadying breath, and tried to sound forceful and confident, "... as Acolyte of the Lunar Court, that the accused shall be taken from here, and immediately cast into the deepest dungeon. And they shall be well treated!" she added quickly. She glanced at Nightmare Moon and went on. "... so that for the rest of their natural lives they may ponder well the folly of challenging the Court of the Night!"

She heard her friends gasp in shock, but she forced herself to remain standing proudly, her head high.

A clerk of the Court nervously advanced towards the ramp. "Forgive me... um, Acolyte! But... we have no dungeons."

Twilight felt tense enough to burst in tears.

"Then build some! Do I have to explain everything!" Gasping, she swung round, returned to her seat, and threw herself down on it, feeling horrible.

Nightmare Moon gazed at her for a long moment, an eyebrow raised. Then she turned back toward the clerk. "Thou heard the sentence. Let it be carried out!"

Twilight didn't want to look up, as she heard the guards being led away. She especially didn't want to see Shiny being led off in chains.

Then she noticed Nightmare Moon leaning toward her. "Thou are really going to have to develop a backbone, Acolyte," the mare said. "Sometimes it is necessary to be cruel, in order to be truly kind!" She leered in amused satisfaction.

Twilight gritted her teeth.

Somehow, she thought grimly, I am going to bring you down, Nightmare Moon. I don't care how... I'm going to make you pay for this!

To Be Continued...

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, its characters and indicia are the property of Hasbro.
No infringement is intended. This story is a work of fan fiction, written by fans for fans of the series.