• Published 11th Nov 2018
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Memoirs of My War - Antiquarian

Years after the end of the Great War, a journalist interviews some of its greatest heroes. Veterans Day Tribute.

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The Mare Who Knows How to Get Things

Interview Excerpt: Foreign Secretary Rarity Belle, former Colonel, Equestrian Army

Have you ever heard the expression, “An army can’t fight on an empty stomach?” Well, it’s much more than empty stomachs that you have to worry about. Ammunition. Armor. Clothes. Fuel. Replacement parts for jeeps, trucks, tanks, SAW Harnesses, machineguns, artillery, and so on and so forth. You don’t really comprehend how much it costs to run a battalion until you have to provide for seventeen. When our M*A*S*H needed plasma for the unending wounded, or Applejack needed phosphorous shells for her tanks, or Rainbow Dash needed fresh spark plugs for her harness, I was the one to acquire them.

And not just the official requisitions, but the more… esoteric requests as well. When Twilight declared Pinkie Pie the 3rd Army’s “Morale Officer,” who do you think created the paperwork necessary to make it official? Me.

How, you ask?

Well, darling, suffice it to say that garments aren’t the only thing I can fabricate.

I’m just thankful that mare never needed my help to acquire her party supplies. How she got them may keep me up at night, but I think I’d sleep even worse if I knew.

It takes a lot of pony charm to keep even a single battalion supplied. As Twilight worked her way up the chain of command, I found myself needing more and more of it. There were never enough bullets to go around, it seemed, and I often had to “scrounge,” as Applejack so coarsely put it, just to keep us in business. Sometimes that meant cutting deals with the other supply officers. Other times it meant manipulating requisition forms to our favor, or calling in markers with other battalions.

And, when none of those worked… let’s just say that I found other options.

But the supplies alone aren’t enough. There are other things that a unit needs to keep running. It needs cooperation from the higher-ups. It needs the support of other units. At times it needs, as distasteful as this is to admit, political and social capital, especially to handle things off the books.

What do I mean by that, you ask? Well, let me give you a purely hypothetical situation. Let’s say that there was a certain superior officer who didn’t like a certain young captain. Let’s call the captain “Twibright Sparkles,” and note that she bears absolutely no similarity to any real-world pony. Now let’s say that this superior office couldn’t command his way out of a sack, had casualty rates that even the Equalists might have been appalled by, and still somehow believed that the sun shined out of his—



Now, darling, if a pony like that were in command and consistently overrode a more competent officer, this Twibright Sparkles for instance, that would be dangerous to the war effort, would it not? It would be nothing less than one’s moral duty to see to it that he could no longer bring death upon our own ponies’ heads, I should think.

So, let us suppose that I might have, in this hypothetical situation, called in some favors, worked a few contacts, scratched a couple backs, and ensured that this officer was reassigned to a desk job counting latrine parts in Canterlot.

Purely hypothetically, of course.

Every pony had a part to play in that war. Twilight was the leader of our Great Crusade. Applejack, her strong right hoof. Rainbow Dash claimed the skies, Pinkie shook the ground, Fluttershy fought the Grim Reaper, and Spike, dear Spike, remained Twilight’s number one assistant. And me? Why, I’m the one who ensured that everypony could do their jobs. The armorer, in a sense. From couturier to armorer; a fitting evolution, wouldn’t you agree?

My role was never as flashy as the others. There’s no glory in being a logistician, after all. But to know that my friends, my soldiers were provided for was all the praise I ever needed.

Author's Note:

“Was she a good supply officer? Was she a good supply officer? Let me tell you something: we ran out of fuel for the SAWs in the middle of the Twin Pines Offensive. Rarity said that there wouldn’t be any through official channels for weeks, but promised to ‘scrounge some up.’ The next day, we have a full shipment of fuel… with Equalist markings on it! To this day she refuses to tell me how she managed it! I can’t stand it! She used magic! I just know she did! Nothing else makes sense!

—Prime Minister Twilight Sparkle, former Field Marshall of Equestria