• Published 21st Aug 2018
  • 8,994 Views, 174 Comments

The Would-be World Wreckers Club - Justice3442

Twilight Sparkle invites a bunch of her friends over to a slumber party… No, not that group of friends… The ones who’ve maybe dabbled in some light conquering or wholesale destruction of planets.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Start Me Up

Relieved of the pressure that had been building up inside her, Sunset merrily trotted back into the room only to notice the couch was sadly, unavoidably, full to capacity.

“Sorry, Sunset,” Trixie said with an expression and with a tone that suggested she wasn’t sorry one little bit. “But I’m afraid the couch is quite full up at the moment.”

“Oh, it’s fine,” Sunset said evenly.

“Oh?” Tempest replied in a somewhat disbelieving tone.

Sunset nodded. “Because I’m going to tell my story first anyway, and it’s going to be SO good, that the three of you, especially, you, Trixie, will be so blown away that your stories will seem trite and sad in compare—”

With an indignant shout, Trixie lept from the couch to confront the amber alicorn.“Hold on! Who said you get to go fir—”

With a blinding red light and a ‘BAMF, Sunset was once again in the center of the couch. Wordlessly, she moved her forelegs up and down like a cat clawing at the ground before she laid down on her legs with a smug expression. Neither Starlight or Tempest were able to keep an impressed look from their faces as they glanced over at Sunset.

Though irritation momentarily flashed across her face, Trixie quickly put on a smile that matched Sunset’s. “Lucky for you, the Grrrrrrrreat and Powerful Trixie planned this from the very beginning,” she announced as she motioned to herself.

Sunset couldn’t help but smirk as she rolled her eyes. “Sure, you did, Trixie… Sure you did.”

Tempest’s forehead tightened in confusion. “Beginning of what?”

“Beginning of when Trixie first showed up at Ponyville and met Twilight, is what!” Sunset said.

Tempest’s brow wrinkled further. “That doesn't”—

“Come on!” Sunset said, turning to Trixie. “Give us the juicy deets! I want to know why Twilight got so bent out of shape she rushed off to apologize and leave her idol entertaining a trio of Ponyville goofballs when you and Starlight became besties!”

Starlight cringed. “Your mom told you about that, huh?”

“Actually, it was Twilight,” Sunset clarified, “she kinda gives me the rundown of everything that happens to her, especially when it comes to you and Trixie…”

Starlight swallowed. “Great, now I get to be doubly self-conscious about my behavior.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it!” Sunset said with a dismissive wave of a forehoof. “I wouldn’t expect you to change your behavior because of this!” She frowned. “I mean, I really don’t.”

“Excuse you!” Trixie said in an irritated tone. “Just which pony do you think has the stage right now?!”

“Alright, alright,” Sunset said as she held her forehooves in front of her defensively, “Just re—”

Trixie put her face so close to Sunset, the alicorn could feel the show mare’s hot breath, “I’m the one running this show at the moment, Princess!” Trixie said, spitting out the title.

Sunset’s face impulsively tightened at the tone Trixie took at ‘Princess’, but Trixie wasn’t about to let her get a word in edgewise as she took a few steps back and began to address all ponies present. “This is not a time of relaxation!” Trixie smiled and pointed at all the ponies on the couch. “Not for me and especially not for any of you!” Trixie waved a forehoof in a wide, sweeping arc. “Now pay attention as the Grrrrrrrreat and Powerful Trixie recounts an epic tale of her rise to glory in Ponyville and her tragic fall from grace!”

“Well, get on with it then!” Sunset said irritably.

“Sunset,” Starlight said, “stop heckling and let Trixie do her thing, alright?”

“But I wasn’t…!” Sighing to herself, Sunset let out a groan. “Alright…”

Trixie couldn’t help but smirk. “How fortunate that you mention hecklers, my lovely assistant, for you see it was heckling that played a part in how Trixie was first wronged when she arrived at Ponyville!”

“Wronged?” Sunset said in a disbelieving tone. “Oh, this outta be good…”

Tempest raised a forehoof to her lips. “Shhh!” she hissed out.

“I was just…!” Sighing to herself. Sunset rested her chin on her forehooves as she put on a sullen expression.

“When I arrived at Ponyville all those many moons ago, it was simply another stop in a long line of towns hungry for entertainment!” As Trixie narrated, colors sprung forth from the cherry-blossom pink aura of her horn and began to take on basic illusions. They quickly took the form of a light-blue pony in a cape and hat trotting with a wagon behind her, past little towns and villages made of simple shapes, until it arrived in front of a crowd of small, simply drawn ponies.

Tempest examined the display carefully for a moment. “Does Ponyville have an extensive triplet and quadruplet population I’m unaware off?”

“Magicking up pony designs is hard, okay!”

“Okay, but you copied the exact expressions on all the identical ponies as well. You clearly just stuck them behind a line of unique ponies and hoped we wouldn’t notice.”

Trixie’s head began to shake with frustration. “You’re just jealous because you can’t use magic!”

Anger flashed across Tempest’s face. “I don’t see what that has to do with you being a lazy animator.”

Sunset chimed in, “So, I’m the only pony who’s not allowed to make comments?”

“Both of you shut up and let Trixie talk!” Starlight snapped. She narrowed her eyes threateningly. “Or do I have to break out Twilight’s notes and flashcards about being a polite audience member?”

Tempest and Sunset both cringed.

“It worries me that I don’t even have to question if those really exist,” Sunset quipped.

“Agreed,” Tempest added.

Trixie cleared her throat and continued, “But little did I know that Ponyville would be a town utterly unlike the others! Ponyville would prove to be full of jerks and idiots!” The faces on the crowd of ponies changed to a mixture of devious expressions or the looks of ponies with not a lot going on behind their eyes.

Sunset perked up. “Okay! Suddenly I’m invested again!”

“Trixie put on a show to amaze, but instead the stuck-up jerk Elements of Harmony ponies just had to challenge Trixie even as she dazzled the village masses!” Trixie quickly changed her display to have six simply drawn ponies, each one representing the Element of Harmony Bearers.

“I’m heavily invested!” Sunset added excitedly as she stood up and began to excitedly trot in place on the couch.

“One by one, these ponies stepped up to attempt to upstage the Trixie! And one by one, I smote their ruin in front of their peers and neighbors.”

The trio of ponies on the couch couldn’t help but let out a good-natured guffaw.

“Alright,” Tempest said, “I really must find reasons to use ‘smote their ruin’ in casual conversation.”

“While Trixie had successfully enamored the hearts of much of her audience, it seemed several had hearts made of stone.” Trixie illustrated Applejack stepping onto the stage with her own magical light-up avatar. “That obnoxiously proud pony Applejack”—

Sunset and Tempest shared a snicker.

— Trixie met the snicker with a dirty look, but continued unabated “was the first to challenge Trixie with the country pony’s lasso tricks, and the first to fall! This was done vis-a-vie Trixie’s superior hypnosis and telekinesis skills! While I cleverly mesmerized the apple pony with the rhythmic swaying of her very own rope, I tied all four of her legs together with the other end and stuck an apple in her mouth just to get my point across!” Trixie stated, displaying all of this with her magic.

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “So… you upstaged her skillful use of the lasso by distracting her and tying her up?”

“Flashcards! Notes!” Starlight hissed out in a warning tone.

“Alright, already!” Sunset snapped back.

“Next, the biggest of braggarts Rainbow Dash—”

Sunset let out a partially suppressed giggle snort while Tempest let out a short and derisive laugh. Both her met with a slight glare as Trixie powered on.

“—flew up to challenge Trixie!” Trixie once again had ‘herself’ confronted by one of the representations of the other ponies. This time she made a display of the Rainbow Dash pony flying and looping in the air. “Even I must admit, she put on an impressive aerial show with stunts, punching holes in the clouds themselves and even a landing that ended in her creating her own mini-rainbow!” Trixie gave a begrudging smile as the micro-2D rainbow Dash stood smugly under its own rainbow. “The mare certainly has showmanship.”

Tempest tilted her head slightly. “So, what’d you do?”

“Trixie wrapped her up in her own rainbow and spun her like a whirling dervish until she was nearly sick!” Trixie once again displayed with her magic.

Sunset and Starlight exchanged glanced.

“… Okay, but how?!” Sunset exclaimed.

“Yeah, that doesn’t seem physically possible!” Starlight chimed in.

Trixie grinned. “Anything is possible if you believe in yourself!”

“That’s the opposite of an answer!” Sunset snarled.

“Oh, also I summoned a small storm cloud and zapped her.” Trixie created a small black puffball and a tiny lightning bolt to shock her own animated Rainbow Dash.

Sunset’s forehead tightened. “Okay… how did you not pass through my mom’s school with flying colors? … No pun intended.”

“Trixie doesn’t want to talk about that!” she cried angrily. Her expression softened once more and she continued. “Next to step up on stage was that incredibly haughty pony—”

Sunset interrupted, “Okay, for the record- I’m being nice, and reserving my laughter.”

“Same,” Tempest said.

Trixie grit her teeth. “—incredibly haughty pony, Rarity!” Trixie took a deep breath and continued telling her story in an even tone as she had ‘Rarity’ step onto the stage. “She was skilled enough to create a dress on stage using naught but one of my curtains!” Trixie wrapped the Rarity avatar in a purple outline. A split-second later, the pony was wearing a blue and gold dress. She frowned. “I’ve yet to be compensated for that and how she got gold and blue from a purple curtain, Trixie is still uncertain!”

The ponies on the couch flashed Trixie a confused look.

“If she can do that, why does she spend so much time making dresses?” Starlight pondered aloud.

“Yeah,” Sunset agreed. “Was everyone just hyper-competent this day for some reason?!”

Trixie sighed. “The important thing is that Trixie once again proved she was superior in every way!”

Tempest cocked her head. “Don’t tell me you made a dress, too?”

“No!” Trixie crowed. The Trixie avatar’s horn flashed cherry-blossom pink and ‘Rarity’s’ hair suddenly flashed and changed. “I turned her hair ugly and green so she ran off!” The mock-Rarity’s hair now a disheveled green mess, she began crying as she galloped away.

Tempest raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t so much prove you were better than anypony, you just embarrassed them publicly,” she said in her characteristically blunt tone.

Before Trixie could say anything, Sunset came to her defense, “It’s a pretty tried and true method, honestly,” She said. “I mean, just stay away from dumping buckets of blood on somepony if they’re a strong psychokinetic…” Sunset thought for a moment. “It’s a good thing no pony has dumped a bucket of blood on me.”

Turning to Sunset with a perplexed look, Tempest asked, “What exactly goes on in that world of yours?”

Sunset smirked. “Lots and lots of twisted and weird stuff… You might be better off not knowing.”

“I’m just trying to figure out how Trixie pulled of mane magic!” Starlight quipped. “It’s just so difficult! Nearly impossible.”

Sunset pursed her lips. “So, you can bend time to your will, but it’s hair that trips you up?”

Starlight threw her forehooves into the air. “Hey, I don’t write the rules of reality! I just bend them to my whims when I can!”

“… Fair enough,” Sunset replied.

Starlight turned back to Trixie, “Really… how is it you weren’t a top student at Celesti—”

So, Trixie proved herself the superior pony to all and everypony in Ponyville not Twilight and her friends decided they loved me forever!” Trixie created an image of the townsponies throwing her up into the air and cheering.

“Wait,” Starlight said. “What happened to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie? I mean, I could see Fluttershy wandering away because she hates crowds, but Pinkie Pie loves your shows…”

“I don’t know where they disappeared to!” Trixie announced theatrically. “Perhaps they somehow simultaneously got sore throats that rendered then unable to speak and went to lay down.”

“…Riiiiight, so when did the town turn on you.?” Tempest quipped as she leaned her head on her hoof.

Trixie sighed as the image abruptly changed to that of a blue celestial bear. “Well, one of my stories was how about I single-hoofedly dispatched an Ursa Major!”

Tempest’s head shot straight up.

With an embarrassed smile, Trixie continued, “This was a slight fabrication as I had never actually seen one before…” A red ‘X’ appeared over the creature.

Frowning heavily, Tempest lowered her chin onto the couch cushion with a slight glare.

Trixie continued, “Local dullards Snips and Snails” —

“Can confirm,” Sunset quipped.

— “lured one of the giant beats straight to Ponyville to see Trixie in action!” Trixie again animated this complete with Snips and Snails luring the bear directly to an image of herself standing resolutely.

“That’s an Ursa Minor…” Tempest said irritably. Her face tightened further. “Believe me. I know.”

“Minor details!” Trixie insisted.

“It’s pretty major, actually,” Tempest said.

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Look, the important thing is that before Trixie could once again prove her superiority over ponies and all beasts, that great upstart Twilight showed up!” Trixie ‘teleported’ in the caricature of Twilight, which was wearing an uncharacteristically smug look. Twilight’s horn glowed magenta as Trixie animated a simple wind blowing through growing reeds and cattails. The bear’s expression turned sleepy as Twilight gleefully pulled apart a water tower, floated it through a barn where it was filled with milk, then floated it to the bear. Both bear and impromptu bottle where taken up in a magenta glow as the sleepy bear drank and was drifted off into a giant cave. “Using trickery and property destruction, Twilight simply lured the creature back to sleep and sent it home!”

The left corner of Sunset’s mouth twitched. “Sounds clever enough. Why? What would you have done—” Sunset coughed “—if you weren’t so rudely interrupted.”

Trixie scoffed. “The Grrrrrreat and Powerful Trixie would have tamed the beast and made it a personal mount, of course!” She said, creating an image of herself with her forelegs stretched in the air as she gleefully rode the massive bear.

Sunset blinked a few times. “Okay, I’m not sure you could have pulled it off, but yeah… That would have been way cooler.”

Trixie lowered her head and her ears dropped. “Sadly, with Twilight upstaging me, I knew it was time to exit stage right and leave the town which had gone from adoring Trixie to denouncing her in a mere matter of minutes!” Trixie added a sorrowful sigh to punctuate her feeling of injustice.

“Wow, that’s, uh, actually kinda sad,” Starlight said.

“Yeah,” Sunset agreed. “I mean… You didn’t lure the Ursa Minor to Ponyville yourself and I’d say you could have been nicer to Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity, but given they decided to heckle and interrupt your show…” Sunset looked at Starlight in mild disbelief. “I think Trixie was in the right here…”

“She lied about defeating an Ursa Major, though,” Tempest deadpanned mercilessly.

Sunset gave Tempest a smug smirk. “You do understand what the word ‘show’ means, right?” Sunset motioned to the blank TV screen. “I mean, I thought you were smart enough to figure that wasn’t a documentary we just watched.”

If the many, many eyes on Tempest’s pajamas could glare with her, she’d happily let them. “Okay,” she growled out, “but we’re supposed to share stories of our wrong-doing. If Trixie actually didn’t commit a wrong, then that story doesn’t count.”

Sunset thought about that for a moment. “Well, we’re not exactly keeping score, since my victory is assured”

— Clearly unamused, Starlight raised an eyebrow, “I created several horrible alternative timelines with impressive death tolls, but okay.” —

“but you have a point,” Sunset replied to Tempest, ignoring Starlight.

Trixie smirked. “Does she, tho—”

“Is it your dream to die onstage?” Tempest threatened as a few errant sparks crackled from her broken horn.

A slightly worried expression on her face, Trixie cleared her throat. “That was just the Grrrrrrreat and Entertaining Prologue!” Trixie cackled. With a cherry-blossom glow of her horn, an image of a silver, triangular emblem with a large diamond shaped ruby set in it appeared. Above this, the shape of a horned ponies’ head and spread wings in dark-grey and red were added as the entire thing began to glow a menacing crimson. Despite being a mere image, the item itself felt foreboding and malicious.

Trixie’s eyes began to glow with a crimson aura that wafted from her eyes like colored smoke as she grinned malevolently.

“The main story is about revenge!

Comments ( 88 )

I'm just wondering whether Tempest's PJs actually blink. And if they do, is it in unison?

You know, I never did like Boast Busters, it just never sat well with me. In particular, because I can appreciate how difficult good illusion magic can be. Trixie is a much more capable mage than those three ever gave her credit for.

“Sorry, Sunset,” Trixie said with an expression and with a tone that suggested she wasn’t sorry one little bit. “But I’m afraid the couch is quite full up at the moment.”

Surprising nobody.

With a blinding red light, a ‘BAMF, Sunset was once again in the center of the couch. Wordlessly, she moved her forelegs up and down like a cat clawing at the ground before she laid down on her legs with a smug expression. Neither Starlight or Tempest were able to keep an impressed look from their faces as they glanced over at Sunset.

You clever bitch.

“Wronged?” Sunset said in a disbelieving tone. “Oh, this outta be good…”


Anger flashed across Tempest’s face. “I don’t see what that has to do with you being a lazy animator.”


“Alright,” Tempest said, “I really must find reasons to use ‘smote their ruin’ in casual conversation.”


“That obnoxiously proud pony Applejack”—

View must be great from that glass house of yours.

“Yeah, that doesn’t seem physically possible!” Starlight chimed in.


“Trixie doesn’t want to talk about that!” she cried angrily

Oh, OK.

Before Trixie could say anything, Sunset came to her defense, “It’s a pretty tried and true method, honestly,” She said. “I mean, just stay away from dumping buckets of blood on somepony if they’re a strong psychokinetic…” Sunset thought for a moment. “It’s a good thing no pony has dumped a bucket of blood on me.”

Ah, I understood that reference.

Starlight threw her forehooves into the air. “Hey, I don’t write the rules of reality! I just bend them to my whims when I can!”


“Minor details!” Trixie insisted.

“It’s pretty major, actually,” Tempest said.

No, that was an Ursa Minor. But, yes, you're lucky to be alive.

“Yeah,” Sunset agreed. “I mean… You didn’t lure the Ursa Minor to Ponyville yourself and I’d say you could have been nicer to Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity, but given they decided to heckle and interrupt your show…” Sunset looked at Starlight in mild disbelief. “I think Trixie was in the right here…”

Yeah, kinda.

“She lied about defeating an Ursa Major, though,” Tempest deadpanned mercilessly.

She's a SHOWMARE. An illusionist. A storyteller. That's the POINT.

“Is it your dream to die onstage?” Tempest threatened as a few errant sparks crackled from her broken horn.

It is mine. I'd go out remembered.

Trixie’s eyes began to glow with a crimson aura that wafted from her eyes like colored smoke as she grinned malevolently.

“The main story is about revenge!

Oh boy.

I have to admit, Trixie really didn't do that much wrong in her first appearance. Though, I would have expected her to be at least a little grateful to Twilight for literally saving her ass.

That being said, I still think Starlight's got this contest in the bag. Those alternate timelines? Especially the one where literally everything is dead? There's a high probability those still exist within the multiverse. That's a heck of a body count.

Honestly, I always thought Trixie got a raw deal too. The problem is she so damned full of herself it's hard to feel sorry for her. I mean yes, she was dealing with hecklers, but she didn't show them up in their own talents, she just made them look bad. But we'll ignore that, because in canon none of the three who were embarrassed really seemed to care about it afterwards. Tit for tat, a wrong for a wrong. The only 'crime' she committed was inspiring two idiots to call her bluff and show them how she bested an Ursa, and then running off in the aftermath. And the thing is, I firmly believe if Trixie had stayed to help clean up, Ponyville would have helped her in kind to get her cart fixed, and probably have wanted her to stay for more shows. She is largely the architect of her own destruction.

Better question: Are they watching you when they don't blink?

Another thing to think about is that she's likely one of the hardest working characters in the show.


She pulls that sodding thing everywhere, and ponies don't have paved roads. Heh, physically speaking, she's probably the strongest one in the room, aside from Tempest.

Trixie will never escape the hecklers. It's a curse.

Seriously, treating Trixie like she can't do real magic is silly. She's quite good. Now she just has confidence issues. Poor Trixie. And now I'm wondering what she did to get herself expelled...

The mane magic wasn't actually anything of the sort. It was a packet of alchemical hair dye she keeps on hand for just such an emergency. Obviously. :derpytongue2:

No, they're looking out for weeping angels.

Actually, that inspiration bit isn't even her fault. It's Spike's. Snips and Snails would have never gotten the idea to bring an Ursa into town for Trixie to defeat if Spike hadn't said "I'll believe it when I see it" while denouncing Trixie.

You're kidding, right? I hope to God you are.

He's not. Spike actually told them that he wouldn't believe Trixie unless an Ursa Major walked up the road and she vanquished it. Snips and Snails are too dumb to think up that idea themselves.


This clip right here. Spike even says, "Unless an Ursa Major comes waltzing up the street for Trixie to vanquish".

She still told the tall tale to begin with. Spike would have had nothing to scoff at otherwise. Really, now that I think about it, Trixie could have avoided a lot of problems if she'd just warned of the extreme danger of messing with Ursas.

“… Okay, but how?!” Sunset exclaimed.

“Yeah, that doesn’t seem physically possible!” Starlight chimed in.

Trixie grinned. “Anything is possible if you believe in yourself!”

Oh that's easy. A rainbow is made up of the spectrum of light refracted from water droplets. Clearly, all Trixie did was momentarily place a relative spatial freeze upon the droplets, rendering them essentially a partial solid, and use them like a belt to spin Dashie around.

Wait... this is Trixie... how DID she do that?! :rainbowhuh:

Sunset thought for a moment. “It’s a good thing no pony has dumped a bucket of blood on me.”

Alondro suddenly has the need for a bucket of pig blood.


Trixie scoffed. “The Grrrrrreat and Powerful Trixie would have tamed the beast and made it a personal mount, of course!”

Yeah, I'll bet she'd have made it a personal 'mount'.

“Both of you shut up and let Trixie talk!” Starlight snapped. She narrowed her eyes threateningly. “Or do I have to break out Twilight’s notes and flashcards about being a polite audience member?”

... you are a cruel mare Starlight :derpytongue2:

That doesn't make her responsible for what Snips and Snails did. She was putting on a show. Exaggeration and hyperbole is expected of a show.

9353171 There's something far more horrifying... the Meeping Angels.


They come from that dreadful puppet dimension Discord opened! THE FOOL! HE MEDDLED IN THINGS HE OUGHT NOT HAVE MEDDLED!! NOW WE'RE ALL DOOMED TO FELT AND POLYESTER DEVASTATION!! :fluttershbad:

I never said putting on a show was the problem. Unintended or not, she still was partially responsible for a calamity hitting the town. If she'd never come along with her show, no space bear, after show, space bear. You don't have to be fully responsible when an accident occurs, you still don't run off. Trixie just assumed the worst of Ponyville rather than staying to help clean up and asking ponies to help her in kind. If she did anything wrong, that was it.

Yeah! How come everybody blames Twilight for Trixie getting screwed over? It was Snips and Snails' fault. What was Twilight supposed to do, let the ursa kill everyone so Trixie didn't lose face?

9353235 Because when one is a drooling fanboy, the capacity for rational thought is the inverse curve of the amount of fandom obsession.

This is also the reason people hate Celestia for banishing Luna/NMM, despite the latter clearly attempting to murder her sister over petty jealousy and her own insecurities and plunge the world into darkness.

Alas, drooling fanboys are everywhere, and hence one finds the figuratively brain-dead in every single area of interest. :trollestia:

Oh my god that ponified star bear is adorable!

You're both not entirely correct. Without Spike explicitly saying to Snips and Snails that "unless an Ursa walks up the road and Trixie vanquishes it, I don't believe her", neither of those two idiots would have even thought about finding an Ursa for her to vanquish.

9353252 Someone indirectly suggesting a stupid plan to a moron does not implicate that person in the moron's attempt to implement said plan.

It's the moron's fault for being that much of a moron.

I do keep meaning to write a story about the discrepancy between Trixie's abilities in "Boast Busters" and, say, "All Bottled Up." Suffice to say, I have a hypothesis there.

Also, a Great and Entertaining Prologue indeed.

meanwhile, twi is just waiting for the group therapy session to end to continue with the movie-thon.

Yeah, see the problem with that argument is exactly why we stopped trying to make smoking cigarettes look cool in movies and tv. Children are easily influenced, and not just stupid children. Tell them you did a cool thing once and yeah, they might want you to repeat it so they can see it too. Yes, Snips and Snails were the ones doing it, but as pointed out, if there had been no tales of awesome space bear slaying, there would have been no little idiots trying to find a space bear so they could watch it be slain. No, Trixie is not responsible, but she did instigate the chain of events that lead to a kaiju attack.

He was responding to my comment on how Spike was the one that gave Snips and Snails the idea to bring the Ursa to town.

Do you honestly believe that Snips and Snails are smart enough to think of bringing an Ursa to town without someone giving that idea? If Spike hadn't nay-sayed Trixie's abilities, Snips wouldn't have wanted to bring the Ursa to have Trixie prove herself. It would have just stayed at hero worship without Spike.

I just love this Sunset. Also, yeah, that episode is mainly about children being stupid and someone else being made to take the fall for them. No nice deed from the elements, that's for sure.

Oh hey its back.

“Alright,” Tempest said, “I really must find reasons to use ‘smote their ruin’ in casual conversation.”


“I mean, just stay away from dumping buckets of blood on somepony if they’re a strong psychokinetic…” Sunset thought for a moment. “It’s a good thing no pony has dumped a bucket of blood on me.”


Trixie did, in fact, bring this on herself. If she can't handle hecklers she shouldn't be in show business. Likewise, being an arrogant blowhard isn't just her stage persona, it's the persona she uses all the time unless something has kicked her in the feels so hard she has to be real. So no one can even claim it's 'just to spice up the act'. And comparing her to the others to try and make it seem like she wasn't as bad as she was is evasion and misdirection.

If she's just going to pull up, unannounced, into the middle of an unfamiliar town, and do a performance that I can only assume was not licensed or cleared with the mayor's office prior, then perhaps not acting like she's the queen of the world come to grace the insignificant and unwashed hick masses while causing bodily harm/disfiguration to the otherwise upstanding pillars of their small-town society to buff her own ego would have been the more intelligent thing to do.

The fact she still sees herself as blameless in all ways, and Twilight as some sort of smug demon out to ruin her instead of as the pony who saved her life, shows no sign of character growth and self-improvement. She did, after all, spend all that time trying to find a way to get revenge on ponies that she stirred up - intention be damned, it was still all a reaction to how she handled things. Especially since no one asked her to do her show and she wasn't likely there in any official capacity. For that matter, why are there not laws about casting magic on ponies without their consent? Hypnotizing Applejack, altering Rarity's mane? She didn't even try to do better than they could do, which was the point of the whole thing, she just toyed with them and attacked them while they were displaying their talents.

I mean, if we say we can't blame Trixie for being a braggadocious liar on stage because she's a showmare, how are we going to blame Applejack for speaking up against said lies when she's The Element of Honesty.

God knows if I show up in a small town I'm not going to disrupt going-ons acting like an ass or I might get shot. Just because it's not right if I get shot doesn't mean it can't happen and that I didn't bear some responsibility for making bad decisions in a place I have no knowledge of.

Wait, so let me get this straight, you're blaming Spike for the Ursa attack?

Wait, do you also believe that what happened was, in some way or form, Spike's fault. Because there are two people in the comments who believe that the Ursa attack was entirely Spike's fault. I'm so confused.

“Both of you shut up and let Trixie talk!” Starlight snapped. She narrowed her eyes threateningly. “Or do I have to break out Twilight’s notes and flashcards about being a polite audience member?”

Tempest and Sunset both cringed.

“It worries me that I don’t even have to question if those really exist,” Sunset quipped.

“Agreed,” Tempest added.

This exchange made me laugh out loud and get funny looks. It was worth it, though!
"Slight of Hoof."

Trixie was a traveling showmare. This wasn't her first rodeo. She was used to dealing with hecklers. She dealt with the Elements pretty well. It would have all been Ok, but Spike did give Snips and Snails the idea about finding an Ursa. The townsponies should have rightly been mad at those two, and NOT Trixie. And that was why she was mad at the town and Twilight. She lost her home and business because of those two. The fact that Twilight took care of the Ursa, just made it worse. Showmares and storytellers don't expect to encounter the real deal, whether it be heroes OR monsters. They just entertain bored townsponies giving them a bit of a break from their usual day. Little did she know that everypony is crazy in Ponyville. I blame the influence of The Everfree Forrest.

I might note that this occurs some one to three hundred years in the past, culturally speaking. There would have been no particular issue with a busker setting up her wagon in an unoccupied spot in the market square, that's what the place is for.

For that matter, before those three got their egos bent so far out of line, the rest of the crowd appeared to be enjoying the show. Personally, I like a good bit of swagger in an entertainer, it sets the stage. And if while putting on a show, some loudmouth climbs up on stage with their unsolicited opinions and tries to ruin their livelihood? Well I'd say that the entertainer in question is entitled to make running them off into part of the show.

Besides, Trixie's Talent is Flair, showmareship. She couldn't be unassuming if she tried.

Before Trixie could say anything, Sunset came to her defense, “It’s a pretty tried and true method, honestly,” She said. “I mean, just stay away from dumping buckets of blood on somepony if they’re a strong psychokinetic…” Sunset thought for a moment. “It’s a good thing no pony has dumped a bucket of blood on me.”

*Canterlot if this occurred*

No. Snips and Snails are at fault for the Ursa attack, though they would not have made it happen without Spike's words. That in no way makes Spike responsible for their actions, though.

4th wall breaking, Trixie chewing the scenery, more 4th wall breaking, Tempest having some childhood trauma relapses, Sunset with the genius plan to get her spot back plus couch-kneading, and Glimmy with the threat of flash cards. This whole chapter is gold.

Eh, Trixie's not any larger an asshole than say Rainbow Dash... Up until her return and bizarre fixation with revenge on Twilight of all people. But it's unclear how much of that was her and how much was the amulet, since we don't know exactly what her original plans were and she'd been wearing it for a while by the time she showed up in Ponyville.

I also don't know why you'd assume there were legal issues with her show being set up, there's zero evidence for it and several hecklers who definitely would have pointed it out if that was a problem.


The townsponies should have rightly been mad at those two, and NOT Trixie.

Lemme stop you right there. Best as I can tell, the town was never mad at Trixie, Trixie just assumed they would be and fled the scene, after which the town was mad about her fleeing if anything.
After that, they were quite rightfully mad at her when she came back using a corrupted artifact and enslaved them. Ponies don't like being slaves.

That and when the Ursa actually does show up, Trixie had the opportunity to flee but instead tries to contain the monster, distracting it long enough for Ships and Snails to escape, though Trixie loses her house in the process. She was a hero in that episode!

Well the only ponies Trixie ever managed to have an extended conversation with were either bent on running her out on a rail, or failed their applications for village idiots due to over-qualification.

I don't fault her for getting a somewhat, warped, impression of the town.

After the space bear was put to sleep, nopony was pulling out pitch forks. She just fled.

She even walks right up to Twilight and makes one final boast before she runs off. The only pony to even react is Dash, who gets upset that she's running, and Twilight just says to let her go. Trixie had nothing to fear, she apparently just decided to book it because she didn't feel like staying to deal with the aftermath.

9353272 People made this argument as to why the Three Stooges were dangerous... because modern children were clearly far more retarded than the ones who grew up on it in the 30's and 40's AND DID NOT HIT EACH OTHER WITH MALLETS.

Face it. Humans are getting dumber as a species.

I blame the lack of predators. Gotta thin that herd! :trixieshiftright:

9353293 If you have a child that acts upon every stupid idea they've ever heard... then the child is stupid. It's not the fault of the idea. It's the fault of the child AND by reflection their garbage-tier parents for not teaching them the basics of common sense.

Come to think of it... we've never seen Snips and Snails' parents... so obviously they're either orphans or have dead-beat parents who just toss them out oft the house every day while they shoot up and pimp dey hos. (Alondro knows how this fandom thinks...) :trollestia:

“I’m just trying to figure out how Trixie pulled of mane magic!” Starlight quipped. “It’s just so difficult! Nearly impossible.”


Technically magic and alchemy are the same thing. And it was said in the episode where Rares goes almost bald that both potions and magic can alter manes like what Trixie did. So ... that's some skill.

Seriously? If you can't handle hecklers you shouldn't be in show business ? You really don't know anything do you? Here let me educate you.

[That's 1 of 5 of comedian's destroying hecklers].

This Playlist is Steve Hofstetter, he makes a career of pretty much utterly wrecking hecklers. It's great.


What she did to the hecklers is what anyone in show biz does. Utterly destroy / humiliate them, and get the crowd cheering for the hecklers getting wrecked.

It was the Mane 6 who are at fault, and to a bit yes, even Spike. For interupting an Pay-by-Donation show. Since she doesn't charge in advance, they were interupting her livlihood, and everything you wrote ... just makes me want to reach through the screen and smack you with a newspaper for it.

I mean seriously, if they never had started shit, and didn't heckle her. She wouldn't have pwned them. And wouldn't have used the Ursa Major story. And it would've ended just like all her other shows. But as you see. A show person deals with hecklers, just like Trixie would if they had access to magic (aka humiliation, making fun of them, and turning them into examples for the entertainment of the crowd).

I mean seriously What she did (especially for a show that they didn't pay to see, and could've left) was par-for-the-course.


Okay. So here's the Sitch.

Rares start off by calling her out on her boasting. Then Spike's comment gets the ball rolling on what'd spiral to Trixie getting heckled by AJ, Dashie, and Rares.

AJ and Dash should've known better since they are show ponies. And Rares was just being a twat.

Then Spike later on basically says "unless we see her actually do it I won't believe it." And because Equestria has horrible parenting, Snips and Snails act on Spike's comment and cause all the problems. For which Trixie is blamed for. And instead of taking responsibility for their actions, they heap all the blame on Trixie, which leads to her going evil with the Alicorn Amulet.

Does that help explain the situation?

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