• Member Since 26th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Lets Do This

We're going to build an exact copy of Ponyville... right over there! We've got less than a minute!


"Hold on... What kind of spell again?"
"A Princess of the Day spell. It swaps my alicorn nature onto another pony, making them a Princess in my place for a day."

Twilight is a little fed up as the newly-minted Princess of Friendship Magic. So she uses a spell to give each of her friends a chance to see what it's like being the alicorn Princess of Ponyville in her place. And learns way more than she bargained for in the process.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

Thanks! It's good to know it works for you -- I was a little concerned readers might think I was giving each of them too little time, since any one of their turns as princess could be an entire story in itself, but I did also want to be able to show the contrast between their various reactions, and Twilight's responses, without it turning into a novel. :twilightsmile:

Well, I found this enjoyable. It was just long enough to tell the entire story, which I can appreciate. And once again, I find myself echoing the sentiments of a certain user (she knows who she is.)


This was a lot of fun. It was enjoyable to see a lot of the different ways that the Mane 5 dealt with the role of Princess, and also had some good character moments for Twilight too.

And also, did NOT expect that character to make a comeback in the Pinkie section. But I should have, probably! :rainbowlaugh: Great work with the song number there too, I was bobbing my head a bit reading it, imagining the voices singing XD


This was a lot of fun. It was enjoyable to see a lot of the different ways that the Mane 5 dealt with the role of Princess, and also had some good character moments for Twilight too.

Thanks much for reading! I tend to write Mane 6 stories because I love the interactions between all the characters, but I always wonder whether I'm giving each of them enough time on stage to really shine.

And also, did NOT expect that character to make a comeback in the Pinkie section. But I should have, probably! :rainbowlaugh: Great work with the song number there too, I was bobbing my head a bit reading it, imagining the voices singing XD

Thanks! I happened to be listening to the videos from the relevant episode, and could not get that character out of my head until I added him in! :pinkiehappy:

I would have liked to experiment with a broader range of songs, but in the space available I figured it was better to stick with the one song from the episode that everyone would be most likely to know, and just play off its rhythms. I love patter songs in general, and that episode is a true hoot! :twilightsmile:

"A Princess of the Day spell," Twilight repeated patiently. "It swaps my alicorn nature onto another pony, making them a Princess in my place for a day. It's only an illusion spell so it's not real, and it's only temporary, but it has a reality-shifting component, so to anypony who doesn't see it applied it's as good as the real thing."

"And y'all want us to swap places with ya?" Applejack looked doubtful.

Riiiiiiight...........because casting a spell to swap places for a day is gonna turn out SO wonderfully well.......:facehoof:

So AJ, Rainbow, Rarity, and Fluttershy actually didn't do that badly.......:raritywink:

Pinkie, however................

"Uh, girls?" Twilight said, staring out through the door. "You might want to have a look at this!"

Ponyville Square looked like someone had built a confetti factory, a balloon factory, a streamer factory, a banner factory, a bunting factory, and a party store right in the middle of it, and then detonated all of them in one huge decorating blast. The Town Hall was almost invisible, buried in celebratory bunting.

I don't like where this is headed.........

" Hello, all you smiling ponies! " Pinkie jumped up on a stage in front of the DJ's equipment. She was audible all the way across the Square. And she wasn't using a microphone. " Ponyville's Party Princess is here! Is everypony ready to PAR-TAY! "

Oh no...........

"Raight..." Applejack sighed. "We're doomed!"


I loved this story!!! I laughed so hard all the way through, especially at Princess Pinkie. But now we know:





I loved this story!!! I laughed so hard all the way through, especially at Princess Pinkie. But now we know:

That makes my day! It's wonderful to hear when something I wrote works that well. Thanks! :twilightsmile:

"Pinkie gave me one for every pony in Ponyville!" Derpy said, nodding to the large sack on her back. "She told me to just hand one out to everypony. And you're my first stop of the day! Well, gotta post!"

Sorry this is a little late but Princess Pinkie did tell me EVERY PONY so here are your invitations to the P.P.P.P.P.G. so GOTTA POST :derpytongue2:

Delightful stuff fron start to finish, though you really overplayed the italicization with the party ponies. Still, this almost felt pulled out of the show in terms of both humor and lessons learned, and I mean that in the best way. And the punchline... well, I'm all but obligated to love it. :derpytongue2: Thank you for this.

Such a fun & nice story! Really well done! :heart: :pinkiehappy:

Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it, I had a blast writing it!

Only 22 likes?! :pinkiegasp: This is an outrage! :flutterrage:

Make that 23 likes. :twilightsmile:

I loved the portion with Applejack talking to the Ponyville citizens, that was fun! :pinkiehappy:

"Have you ever thought about living in Canterlot, your Highness?"

"Wayall, I dunno. Be a awful long walk to the barn ever mornin'!"

"This is our daughter, Cookie Crumble! Say hello to the Princess, Cookie!"

"Aww, isn't she the cutest thang! Looks just laik the runt piglet in the litter Betsy had t'other day — darling little dear, and happy as a pig in muck!"

"I know, Pinkie. You want ponies to be happy."

"I want ponies to be happy..." she murmured.

"And you love planning parties for them."

"I love planning parties for them..."

"And it's all a little much for you to handle isn't it?"

Pinkie's lip quivered. "YEEEEESSSSS!!!"

Awwww. Pinkie's so sweet. :pinkiesad2: Just trying so hard for everypony like that. :twilightsmile:

This would make a really fun episode, and I liked Cheese's cameo, as well as your song lyrics. Thanks so much for the read! :raritystarry:

Thanks! I had a lot of fun writing this one, so I'm really glad you enjoyed it so much! Thanks for reading and commenting.

It was a great little romp...

But then...you start to think about it...

The dynamics of each. Dashie discovering too much fame. Rarity understanding the negative is just as important as the positive. Flutts being kind, but wishing to give of herself to her fuzzy friends at least as much as before. AJ remembering her main focus is family...

And Pinkie...

We all thought she was in her perfect element. Only to discover she wasn't happy. She was bringing happiness to everypony else...but there was none left for her...

Enter Twilight Sparkle...who knew, deep inside where she exists, how to balance the scale for each one of her friends...

This is where Estee would balance Twilight with Spike...and I wish that it would have been here.

(Though the thing with the Muffin Queen was great!)

Most excellent story!

Have a review and an upvote. Quite reminiscent of early show seasons, in that it's very much a Ponyville story with all the Mane Six getting a turn in the spotlight. Nice characterisation, though maybe a few too many typos. Also, as I touched on in the review, "bollux up" would definitely not be E-rated over here (UK) given that "bollocks" means "balls" (yes, in that sense)... :rainbowwild:

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